The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 991: 1 shot into the soul

"Damn beast!"

Harper sighed angrily, and after a brief one-second delay, a powerful momentum spread, and Angry Claw and Bai Xiaowen both fell into a brief state of shock and stiff body.

Intimidating roar!

Harper followed the wave of the barbed sledgehammer and slammed into the neck of the angry claws.

There was a buzzing sound of gold and iron, and the rune armor at the neck of the angry claws blocked him from most of the damage, but the fierce reaction force still made the angry claws flutter and became unstable.

Harper swung the hammer with a hammer, flung out the tail of the snake by inertia, wrapped around the two front legs of the angry claws, slammed the angry claws on the deck, and then raised the sledgehammer with both hands, and charged. After a few seconds, he swooped down again.

Crush the blow!

However, Harper's motion had not been completed, and it seemed as if a sledgehammer had struck his mind, and he fell into a dizzy state.

"Abominable, it's him ..." Harper's eyes stared at Bai Xiaowen reluctantly, and the mysterious lord shrouded in the robe never shot himself from start to finish. He never thought that a shot would be a powerful control skill!

"Well, your show ends here."

Bai Xiaowen clapped his hands and kept the deterrent's mental force field. This special effect, which was originally of no use to the leader-level powerhouse, was greatly increased after Bai Xiaowen's template was temporarily promoted to the lord. A high priest stronger than a rare leader class such as Harper must also succumb to the suppression of the lord template and a spiritual field of up to 127 points!

The angry claws calmed down, roared, and hurled at Harper, who was stiff, with sharp claws.

Bai Xiaowen walked to the angry claws as if walking in a leisure court: "Let you sell some blood, no problem ..."

An angry claw murmured in his throat, but his thoughts were clearly communicated to Bai Xiaowen's mind through the communication of his mind: "Master, it hurts!"

"This is also to give you an extra critical strike bonus, which can increase the probability of maiming with violent tears."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head slightly. "You have a runic armor body. This guy does not pose a fatal threat to you. We must fight fast and we must not delay too much."

During the conversation, Bai Xiaowen's robe cuffs also extended a renju wand, a light of wisdom turned into fire damage and output to Harper.

With Bai Xiaowen's fighting consciousness, even if Harper's skills are instantaneous, he will not let the angry claws lose, not to mention that Harper is limited by the active effect of the wisdom aura, which was originally an instantaneous skill "Intimidating Roar" which took a full second Just released? If he wanted to interrupt, he had already interrupted.

The reason to let Rageclaw eat two skills is to keep its health at 60% ~ 70%, so that it has an extra critical strike rate of 30% to 40%.

Harper's surface magic spell flashed, and he had used the item to release this control! However, at this pause, he had already eaten both angry claws.

The angry claws, bathed in blood, were extremely violent. After two consecutive claws, they bite Harper's arm.

Crit! With a click, Harper's arm bone was bitten, and the entire arm drooped softly.

For such a violent man using a two-handed sledgehammer, it is as simple as losing one arm and losing more than 50% of his strength!

Harper found with some despair that he was powerless against Raging Claws.

Not only is Harper, the snake man on the entire deck is elite, but also has become a clay sculpture, allowing Bai Xiaowen to summon the army of creatures to kill. Under the control of the mental force field, with the exception of one or two snake-man bosses who have control-release items and can release control, others are unable to break out of dizziness.

This is not to say that only the leader can have control items. Some special snake-man elite warriors may have received such "lucid mantras" from various channels. But they tried to get rid of control, just in vain-their template with Bai Xiaowen was too big, even if the sober spell with a priority of 3 points could not get them out of the nightmare.

Before Harper could resist, he was torn into a **** man by the rage's angry claws and fell to the ground.

Today's angry claws are much stronger than they were before awakening.

It is worth mentioning that, as a 10th-level rare leader, Harper also provided 2 points of strength to the angry claws.

After Harper fell, the angry claws were like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, slamming into the snake crowd, biting a bite, and taking a snake-man's life in two or three seconds.

The snake men on the deck were not all on this giant ship, and soon many snake men came from the bilge to reinforce them. Under the orders of two snake-man leaders who were lucky enough to be out of control, the snake people were completely ignored by the summoned creatures and launched an attack on Bai Xiaowen!

Bai Xiaowen glanced at the damage apportioned from the butcher, and accumulated nearly 400 points in the last 40 seconds.

"Enough is enough."

Bai Xiaowen took a deep breath, his body's blood flashed, and his blood anger was activated!

The doubling of the ternary method beads has just tripled, and all three transparent beads emit light, like three stars.

Caoyuliu Ancient Martial Arts-Super Snake!

What is the concept of a 127-point super large snakehead?

The impact of power is secondary. The real evil is the continuous burning of the flames!

When the snakeman and slave warrior first came into contact with the giant snake cricket, they were vaporized directly, and even the bones became fine powder ashes.

The snake man behind me really didn't know if it was good luck or bad luck. Although they withstood the first wave of flames, the flame baptism, which lasted for 5 seconds, made them fall into the flames of hell.

If you let the snake people behind choose, they will most likely choose to be directly vaporized, at least without suffering for such a long time.

Into the soul!


Bai Xiaowen exhaled a long breath. In front of him, a band of ten feet wide and dozens of feet long, black and scorching flames of ashes, hundreds of elite snake soldiers and more slave warriors, all turned into bones ~ ~ This piece of scorching black, there are still ashes from Mars, there are more than twenty silver chests suspended, the scene can be considered quite gorgeous.

However, the characters in the spirit world cannot see this scene.

The numbers of the black soul stone are also beating madly. This super snake has brought Bai Xiaowen nearly 1,000 points of length and soul essence!

"If there are a few more scenes like this ... the length of 10,000 points is not exaggerated," Bai Xiaowen thought to himself.

However, Bai Xiaowen knows that this is difficult, and the Snake Man is not a fool. After seeing such terrible AOE damage skills, how can it let a large number of elites charge and die?

If in a wide terrain, scattered positions, it would be great for Bai Xiaowen to kill at most a dozen or twenty elites in a huge snake.

Bai Xiaowen also did not pin his hopes on the super snake, and the growth of the Black Soul Stone cannot only rely on such "horizontal wealth". He summoned the biological legion to kill the long stream of water, and the accumulated growth points are the right path.

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