The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 993: Support coming

Li Shuyi, Qiao Rui, and Cecilia, summoned two elite wolves to confront the snake-man on the entire giant ship, and were in a state of anxiety.

In terms of overall strength, this giant ship gathers almost all the elite forces of the Serpent-man tribe, the Potnu tribe, and is led by a strong man of the rare leader class, Scolata, and Her Majesty's Hogg and Fern. Prayer and generals, such as Lax, are chief-level powers, and their hard power far exceeds the configuration of Li Shuyi's three men and two wolves.

But war is not simply a build-up of digital combat effectiveness, it depends on the actual battle situation.

The deck of the ghost ship, the narrow combat area, made the largest number advantage of the Portnu tribe unable to give full play. From beginning to end, snake men who could fight against Li Shuyi and others, but dozens of them, other snake men and slave soldiers They all stared up with arms behind them, using their eyes to assist the allies.

In addition, Li Shuyi's configuration of one field control assist, one melee, and one long-range physical output was just right, forming the effect of 1 + 1 + 1> 3. Qiao Rui's weakness in a large area is a magical skill in teamfights. Li Shuyi stands up to the title of a killer, and after the two passives are stacked, they are in and out of the crowd. There is almost no one.

Even if Li Shuyi was surrounded by the elite snake-man with a halberd warrior, Cecilia's sniper arrow could clear her obstacles.

However, the number of snakemen on this giant ship was too large. Under the scrutiny of the high priest Alberta, one batch was killed and the other was on top.

Scolata is much smarter than Harper, another high priest. He can see that the three of Li Shuyi are very powerful. He will never make an appearance until he consumes most of their strength. Because of his presence, the snake people of the Potnu tribe can always maintain the offensive posture, and will not be defeated by casualties.

Li Shuyi originally wanted to invade Scolata by invincible slashing and implemented a decapitation tactic to kill this big boss, but was prayed by Scolata's prayer students to stop all kinds of range control spells.

An unsuccessful end result is very dangerous, and it is almost impossible to return. Fortunately, Cecilia showed her power and opened the additional skill hunting time of the equipment [Abyss Stalker Suit]. The attack power and movement speed increased by 30%. The arrow array plus the outbreak of blood rose toxin gave Li Shuyi a clear In the blood, Qiao Rui's batting array simultaneously launched an imprisonment to catch up with another snake-man leader who chased after him, and then he took Li Shuyi back.

After eating this boring loss, Li Shuyi did not dare to risk it.

However, the three of Qiao Rui were not nervous, their trust in Bai Xiaowen had penetrated into the bone marrow:

"Hold on ... Once the captain has solved the ship, he will come to support immediately!"

This is the idea that flashed together in the three people's minds.

"Continue to charge! They can't support it for long!" Serpent High Priest Scolata waved his hand and hissed.

In front of him, the bodies of more than a hundred ethnic groups have fallen, and countless slave soldiers who died as artillery forces.

Suddenly, several prayers around him who were constantly casting spell support slowed down.

"What's going on?" Scolata growled dissatisfied, "Hurry up! Our soldiers need your cover!"

"Old, teacher ..." one of the prayer students said bitterly, "I feel that there is a strange spiritual energy that interferes with my thinking ... casting spells not only slows down a lot, but also consumes even more. amazing!"

"Yeah, our mental energy recovery rate can no longer keep up with the exhaustion!" Another prayer student student tried to release a thunder spell, and was a little breathless, "This way, we can't hold it for a few minutes, just Will be completely out of combat ... "

"Strange mental interference ..." Scolata calmed down, surveyed himself, and found the skill interference effect of "Aura of Wisdom".

"It's that human lord! This is his unique halo ability ..." Scolata looked at the ghost ship that was getting closer and closer, and constantly firing at himself. "Damn, what is Harper doing? ? "

"Teacher, I think High Priest Harper has been defeated! Even the giant ship has been captured by the strong man, so ..."

"How is this possible? That's the elite of the entire tribe! That strong human being can only be one person!"

Scolata said so in his mouth, in fact, he also agreed with the students' judgment. He took a deep breath and said, "No longer waiting, I'll go to battle in person, and you will give me cast support regardless of the loss! Be sure to cut off all three of his companions before the human lord comes over!"

Scolata suddenly lifted the black cape of the hood, revealing a strong and explosive muscle. He lifted his hands, two spikes of snake teeth appeared on the palm of his hand, his body suddenly gliding like a snake, and twisted left and right to cut into the battlefield from the gap of the crowd.

Combat skills: Snake!

The passive effect is that the unit collision volume is ignored while moving, and the movement speed is permanently increased by 20%. Actively activating snakes will not only double the speed of the increase, but also have an afterimage effect, giving the enemy's long-range attack a 66.7% chance of "missing."

At this time Scolata did not activate the active special effects of Snake. With his agility of more than 90 points and a permanent increase of 20% movement speed, it is fast enough to enter the battlefield normally.

If we make an analogy, it's like the Sword Swordsman in LOL-Yasuo faces an oncoming row of soldiers, and the operator is a single player for 30 years ...

"Be careful, Big Boss is here." Qiao Rui reminded.

"Seeing the captain's support, he should not be able to bear it," Li Shuyi smashed a snake-man with a halberd, "I am waiting for him!"

"Are you physically strong enough?" Qiao Rui said ~ ~ No problem! "Li Shuyi's face was slightly pale," Sister Qiao, how about you? " "

"It was already difficult to maintain, but the captain's aura of wisdom ... surprisingly easy to use." Qiao Rui smiled. Reduce the mental energy consumption by half, who knows the effect. What's more, it's a big blue consumer like Qiao Rui.

"Okay!" Li Shuyi was completely relieved.

"Be careful!" Suddenly Cecilia called.

In the sky, bright thunder lights illuminate, and a total of seven lightnings follow, the target is Li Shuyi!

Serial Thunderfall!

After releasing this big move, one of the prayer students looked exhausted and completely settled down.

Serial lightning strikes are area damage and cannot be lost by invincible chopping! And the lightning speed is extremely fast, Li Shuyi's invincible chop proficiency at this time is not enough, too late to escape from the range by chopping.

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