The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 998: Cruel Lord Shien

"Sister Qiao, you take a large army and immediately rush to the altar area in the middle, destroy the snake-man altar as soon as possible, and see if you can rescue some untransformed humans. Note that if you find the incubator of the heart-eater, in If conditions permit, it will be retained without disruption. "

After a pause for a second, Bai Xiaowen continued: "I have discovered the production factory of the magic crystal cannon, which is just to the east of the base. I need to destroy the factory while the snake-man has not responded to see if I can find a branch mission. Three snake-man magic artisans requested. "

Qiao Rui agreed. Soon, the Liberal Regiment had two routes. Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi took a small force to the east. Qiao Rui, Cecilia and others led a large army to the south.

The running speed of the angry claws is very fast. Although they are burdened with two people, they are still unaware that when they encounter a few scattered snake men, they can hand out a claw.

No decent resistance was encountered along the way, not even a snake-man leader appeared.

The journey to the factory went smoothly, but Bai Xiaowen's brow frowned slightly.

Sometimes being too smooth can mean problems.


Bai Xiaowen patted his head.

"What's wrong?" Li Shuyi asked.

"It's so smooth ..." Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "After all, this is the heart of the snake man. Even if the interior is empty, it will never be a leader."

Bai Xiaowen called an elite soldier captain and ordered him to take a team to the factory for investigation. After making proper arrangements, he directly controlled the turning of Angry Claws, and took Li Shuyi, running towards the central altar area.

"Aren't you going to the factory?" Li Shuyi said.

"I feel guilty, and now join the big troops led by Qiao Rui ..." Bai Xiaowen has put away the relaxed attitude at the beginning.

Bai Xiaowen's response was not short.

As Angry Claws approached a small altar near East, Qiao Rui's voice came through the team channel:

"No, it's a trap!"

With Qiao Rui's voice sounding, another loud voice, the thunder generally rang through the sky above the altar area:

"Welcome to my site, human prophet!"

Accompanied by this voice, between the gaps in the buildings of the giant scallop houses, a group of snake-man warriors suddenly emerged, filling the empty streets in an instant. Pieces of weapons flashed cold, like a steel jungle.

The shouting and screaming sounded in the central area of ​​the base. It was obvious that there was an ambush on Qiao Rui's side, and the Free Army led by Qiao Rui was this time an ambush!

Bai Xiaowen exhaled softly and said in the team channel: "Don't be nervous, I'll be right there."


The central altar, before the temple-like building, had a square.

At this point, the square was already in fierce fighting. A group of serpents were elite and rushed under the leadership of the generals, and behind them, a mountain-like dark shadow, holding a giant axe, stood at the foot of the main altar.

The lord, Sheen, in the name of the butcher, even though he did not take any action, the immense force spread unreservedly, casting a deep shadow on everyone in the Freedom Army.

"We were fooled."

"Snake people have long been prepared! Their defenses are loose and tight, and they actually hide so many strong men in the sacrificial area ..."

Pessimism spread in everyone's mind.

Qiao Rui took a deep breath and glanced to the east. She whispered to Cecilia next to her, "Don't worry."

"Well, Dior will be here soon." Cecilia opened her bow and arrow, holding her right arm as a rock.

Butcher's voice sounded again.

"Sad humanity ... now, I give you the last chance to choose. Drop your arms, accept the transformation, and be part of the glorious snake-man race! Otherwise ... die."

The answer to Sheen was a roaring arrow.

Li Xiao broke through the air, his arrows wrapped in powerful kinetic energy, and fired at Sheen's face.

As the lord, Sheen wouldn't be injured by this arrow. He waved a giant axe lightly, and the wide axe face blocked the arrows directly, showing extremely brilliant eyesight and combat skills.

This arrow was shot by Cecilia, and she said when the arrow was blocked: "Ugly reptile, if the cost of survival is to become a disgusting monster like you, I would rather die!"

These words said that the soldiers of the Free Legion had calmed down a little, and their lost eyes restored some glory. Many unscrupulous soldiers have revived the courage to fight desperately-this is why Cecilia is more suitable for the commander than Qiao Rui, she can quickly realize what a commander should do-just now All she has to do is set a benchmark for the soldiers and show an attitude:

Even if we are ambushed, we will never give in!

"Well, it looks like you've made your choice."

Sheen's scarlet bloodshots were exposed in the erected pair of snake pupils, and she widened suddenly: "Then welcome your destiny, be crushed by the great Sheen!"

At this time, an obscure force field surged in, and Sheen, who had just opened his mouth, seemed to realize something.

Aura of Wisdom!

A chuckle rang out at the eastern edge of the square.

"You human traitor, dare to call yourself great? Today is your death!"

Angry Claws Mercedes, carrying Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi entered. Bai Xiaowen's strong field of force completely offset Sheen's terrible momentum, and there was a feeling of court resistance between the two.

Lord vs Lord.

Cruel Aura vs Wisdom Aura!

The soldiers of the Free Legion cheered in unison.

The arrival of Bai Xiaowen undoubtedly gave them a boost of heart strength, as if they had found the backbone of their heart.

Sheen wasn't surprised, and grinned out his thin fangs: "Okay, good! Human prophets ... as long as you kill you, no one can hinder the grand lord's grand goal!"

Taking this opportunity, Bai Xiaowen lost his insight.

[Sheen (Lord 9)]

[Race: Humanoid / Snake Terran]

[Occupation: Cruel Lord]

[Attributes: Strength 77, Dexter 49, Constitution 132, Spirit 40]

[Leadership: Cruel Aura: Passive. Enemies in a large area will continue to stack brutal layers. The closer the distance to Sheen, the faster the stacking speed, and the maximum stacking is 10 layers. All damage caused by Sheen to enemies with a savage layer will receive a bonus based on the sacrifice layer ~ ~ Active activation of the scourge aura will put the surrounding enemies into a coma and empty all scourge effects (duration Based on the number of layers of brutality being cleared). 】

[Special skills :? ? ? 】

[Skill 1: Thunder Shock: Sean shocks the ground, causing physical damage to enemies in a large area around it, and there is a probability that Thunder Shock will stun the enemy for one second. 】

[Skill 2: Heavy Armor: Passive, Sheen doubles the armor value of the area covered by Heavy Armor. Enemy's melee physical attack on heavy armor will cause 30% thorn damage to itself (considered magical damage). 】

[Skill 3: Sweep: Passive, Sheen's normal attack will deal damage to all enemies within the cone, and the first target hit will receive additional damage. 】

[Skill 4: Massacre: Sean tries to end an enemy with 10 layers of cruelty and having less than 40% health. The target must be judged by physical fitness, otherwise it will directly die. After the successful killing, if the victim's template is not lower than the leader level and the level is not lower than level 7, Sheen will restore 20% of the lost health. 】

[Skill 5 :? ? ? 】

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