To be honest, Shen Ping is now very depressed, as a fan of two-dimensional sports, Shen Ping himself is very envious of the scene of those talented players in the two-dimensional playing the field.

It's a pity that in reality I am a sports waste, I can only watch sports to comfort myself, thinking of idleness, I decided to revisit the basketball of the Prince of Tennis and Kuroko. ...

Who would have thought that looking at the darkness in front of him, and after regaining consciousness, Shen Ping found himself lying in the gentle embrace of a woman, looking at the surrounding scene and the conversation of everyone in the room.

Shen Ping clearly realized that he should have arrived in neon and reborn a newborn baby, but it is not clear what the specific world is.

Seijuro Akaji, Shen Ping's reborn name (after which all Akaji is the protagonist), a name that he is extremely familiar with in his previous life.

The image of the captain of the second middle school can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, as long as people who have seen Kuroko's basketball, they should not forget this incomparably powerful and incomparable former miracle era captain of the middle two, right?

Akaji originally thought that this was just a coincidence, and did not feel that he had entered the world of black and blue, although the family reborn seemed to be very rich, like the chaebol family in the previous life film and television drama, but Akaji only felt that he was transferred and reborn into such a family that could not have been imagined before.

It wasn't until he was 5 years old that an electronic synthesized sound suddenly sounded in his mind: "The template system is officially activated", and Akaji realized that he may have crossed, after all, the system is generally a must for crossers!

After more than a year of exploration, Akaji also roughly understood the main functions of the system, first of all, I don't know if it is the reason for his own name, the first template of awakening is the template of Seijuro Akaji in black and blue, including the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor, ZONE and other abilities.

As the fusion degree of the template slowly increases, he will gradually master it, and as long as his behavior is closer to the original Seijuro Akaji, the faster the fusion degree of the template will increase.

After more than a year of hard work, the current fusion degree has reached 34%, only the last 16% away from the awakening of the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor, and it is very likely that it is due to the system, and his appearance is getting closer and closer to the memory of Seijuro Akaji!

This made Akaji once sure that he should have crossed into the black and blue world, and it is very likely that he lost the original Akaji Seijuro, and it seems that in the future, he will join Teiguo Middle School in the middle school period and become the captain of the miracle era.

Therefore, Akaji has been paying attention to things related to basketball since he awakened the system, but slowly Akaji always feels a little discordant.

The world does not seem to be very enthusiastic about basketball, although there are basketball clubs in various middle schools, and summer games and winter cups have always been held, but people's attention to the game is not high, which is very inconsistent with the theorem of two-dimensional sports!

You know, in a sports fan, mainstream sports are always the most concerned content in this world, and it is also the most violent development project in this world, but basketball in this world does not have such a trend at all, and even compared with the world of Akaji's previous life, it is inferior, which makes Akaji's little head full of question marks, completely unable to understand the current situation.

Until once Akaji overheard a name that the butlers were talking about, he was completely shocked, because this name also made Akaji remember, that is, the samurai: Echizen Nanjiro!

When it comes to the name Nanjiro Echizen, anyone who knows sports is familiar with him, he is the father of the protagonist Echizen Ryoma in the Prince of Tennis, and the man who stands at the apex of the entire tennis scene!

At this moment, Akaji finally understood where the previous sense of violation came from, it turned out that this is not a basketball world of Kuroko at all, this is actually the world of murderous tennis, WTF!

A world that Akaji didn't expect at all, family, who understands! Why does Seijuro Akaji appear in the world of killer tennis?

And the awakening in the system is also Akaji's template, shouldn't it be the awakening what Nanjiro template? However, no one can answer Akaji's question! (Unless Akaji can break the fourth wall and grab the author by the collar and shout, "What a stitch monster you have!") At

this point, Akaji can only accept reality, but thinking of the scene in the original book where playing tennis feels like destroying the world, his body can't help but shiver.

Originally, I thought that black and blue were outrageous enough, after all, the Rainbow Team has superpowers per capita, but compared with killing tennis, it is not at the same level at all!

As soon as I thought of this, Akaji couldn't help but have a headache, and immediately contacted the butler to collect information about Japan's tennis in recent years, and after many investigations, Akaji finally determined that this is indeed the world of the Prince of Tennis, and he is likely to be the same as Tezuka!

That is to say, there are less than 8 years before the start of the plot, which makes Akaji unconsciously have a sense of urgency, after all, since he has come to this world, it would be a pity if he could not compete with the brilliant players in the original work!

Since then, Akaji has completely focused on tennis, and his parents are very supportive when they hear that their only son wants to play tennis, after all, the most popular sport in the world is tennis, and Akaji himself has found the most professional coach to do enlightenment training for him.

Under the subtle transformation of the system, Akaji's physical fitness has been enhanced with the naked eye, so that professional tennis coaches can call them geniuses. After that, Akaji also found some retired professional tennis players to do sparring with the support of his family to further enhance his tennis strength.

After a high-intensity workout, Akaji gave instructions to the system in his head.

"System, show me my current panel data!"

Name: Seijuro Akaji Age: 12 years and 14 days

Strength: 5.5 Speed: 5 Physical strength

: 6 Technique: 6

Spirit: 9 (measurement can't) Sum: 31.5 (normal means can't detect)



Seijuro Akaji


basketball), fusion degree 81%, has awakened the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor, ZONE, the fusion degree of more than 90% will awaken the absolute ball sense

has mastered skills:

1. Eye of the Heavenly Emperor (fusion degree reward, can nullify everything, whether it is defense or attack, can see even the slightest movement of the opponent, including breathing, heartbeat, sweating, muscle contraction to make corresponding countermeasures, can make immediate judgments according to the most subtle moves of the opponent, and even can see the future for a short time, and can also explore the potential ability of the player).

2. Basic tennis (sturdy foundation, perfect textbook-like batting action, can perfectly play its own five dimensions

) 3. Don Wiser serve (through the memory of the past life self-practice development, use strong wrist strength to make the thrown ball cut out from high down, giving the tennis ball a high-speed rotation, the ball hit almost does not bounce up after falling on the opponent's court, but slides forward quickly against the ground)

4. ZONE (fusion reward, A special realm where you can use 100% of your physical fitness and tennis potential

) 5. Light hitting (the newbie gift package rewarded by the system, the area where the racket touches the ball first, the area where the catch does the least damage to the arm, the area where the ball is maximized with the least force, the area where the three coincide is called the super sweet area, and the tennis ball hit out by this area will produce great power, as dazzling as the sun)

Main quest:

1. Join a junior high school tennis club and become a minister, reward skills: absolute command (through the super observation power of the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor, and realistic fake movements, immediately hit the ball in the opposite direction the moment the opponent's center of gravity shifts to the axis foot, causing the opponent to fall)

2. Lead your tennis club to win the national championship, reward skills: mental coercion (already strong mental power oppresses the opponent, players who are not firm will directly lose confidence and give up the game, Facing a determined player can also weaken a certain five dimensions, which has been determined by the difference in mental power between the two sides)

Side missions

: 1. Participate in the Tokyo Junior Tennis Open and achieve the final victory, bonus skills: ultra-wide range defense (the defensive range is extremely expanded, establish a super-large spherical defensive range centered on yourself, and can catch all the tennis balls hitting your own half).

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