On this overseas expedition, at the suggestion of the three coaches, Tezuka, Yukimura, and Yakutsu were also brought with him, so that the oni could arrange for them to play and accumulate experience depending on the situation.

The Neon team began their expedition after meeting Akaji in Canada, and for more than half a month, the neon team competed with a total of 5 countries, and unknowingly accumulated points to bring the neon team to 24th place in the world ranking.

And all three Tezuka also got the opportunity to play and did not lose a single match, which made Oni more and more satisfied with them, but because of this, after five games, Oni and Akaji didn't even have a chance to play.

In addition, those first-year junior high school students are also training hard in the joint dormitory to improve their strength, hoping that they can catch up with their predecessors, but this goal may be very difficult for them.

As time passed, the day of the national tennis competition for junior high school students was approaching, all the first-year players who shared the dormitory returned to their schools, and the second and third grades who trained in the U17 also left one after another to start preparing for the national competition.

Fudofeng Tennis Department, after the latest selection, the personnel selected still have not changed, but there has been a change in the second army, that is, Ishida Tetsu finally entered the second army by relying on the fluctuation ball.

There is also that Yuta Fuji began to practice half-volleys in the joint stay, as if he saw Ryo Shinto's playing style last time and thought it looked very good, so he began to practice by himself, and Akaji did not intervene, he remembered that Yuta in the original book was very good at semi-volleys.

In the week before the start of the competition, Fudohoji Middle School once again welcomed representatives of 23 schools, this time all from all over the country, and now the minister of Shitenhoji Temple is Shiraishi, and Hara Tetsuya recently handed over the ministerial position to Shiraishi, so Shitenhoji this time Shiraishi and Koishikawa are representatives.

In addition, the minister of Makinoto is already served by Monkyo Go, and this year's Myanatoto has completely lost its aura and did not even reach the final of the Kansai Congress, which was Shitenhoji and Nagoya, and finally Shitenhoji won the Kansai Congress.

It is worth mentioning that Shiraishi's description shows that Nagoya will not let those international students play before the national competition, but instead let them play a second team composed of neon natives.

I don't know what the top management of this school thinks, and they really provide those international students. The lottery ceremony soon began, and this time the seed school was not much different from last year, except that the pocket and Maikozaka were replaced by Seigaku and Shitenhoji, and this year's Maikozaka was even more crotch-pulling than last year.

Yamabuki still needs to play the first round of the match, but their opponent is a dragon set middle school, and it is estimated that they can easily win the match, after all, Chishi's current strength has exceeded the period when he appeared in the original book.

Fast forward a week, and the national competition was held in Saitama Prefecture, Kanchu, a city with a long history and many ancient cultural relics, in addition, the location is very convenient, the overall transportation planning is very developed, and there are good developments in industry, culture and art.

On the opening day of the tournament, most tennis enthusiasts came to Saitama Prefecture, and many school students also came here in groups to watch the national competition for junior high school students because of the summer vacation.

Fuji's sister Yumiko also took a few days off to watch the game, because her two younger brothers will be featured in the national competition this year.


first round of the competition ended quickly, basically some dragon set schools were eliminated, and some strong schools either bye or easily defeated their opponents.

In the second round, Fudofeng's opponent is Eagle City Academy, and since Fudofeng's last round was a bye, this round needs to play five matches.

In the doubles one and doubles two of this match, Akaji directly let the four first-year players play, the doubles two are Yuta and Tetsu Ishida, and the doubles one is Fukaji Ibu and Akira Kamio.

Not to mention, since Yuta practiced semi-volleys, his defense ability has skyrocketed, and he can well cover Ishida Tie, who is a little slow to move, and after Ishida Tetsu's fluctuation ball is hit, the opponent basically wants to surrender.

Yumiko was quite busy, and after watching Yuta's match, she hurried to the competition venue of Qingxue, after all, the palms and backs of her hands are meat.

In the end, Fudofeng directly gave Eagle City Academy five big 6-0s, and the other party did not complain or be unwilling, and they were mentally prepared after knowing that their opponent was last year's national champion.

In this way, this year's national eight finals have all been released, and like last year, they are still those schools, the only difference is that there are more mountain blowers and less lion music.

That's right, this year's Lion Le did not even reach the quarterfinals, and in the original work, next year, Lion Le will even be taken away by Hikachu as the hegemon of Kyushu, but now without wooden hands, whether Hikachu can still rise, no one knows.

Fudomine's opponent tomorrow is Maki no To, and Shitenhoji's luck this year can be described as extremely bad, because they actually directly met Tachikaida, while Yamabuki was against Qingxue, and finally Nagoya was against the Ice Emperor.

However, this list of eight finalists made the audience a little speechless, which is more exaggerated than last year, and the Kanto and Kansai regions directly contracted the national top eight this year.

The next day, the quarterfinals officially began, and when everyone from Fudomine came to the competition venue, they found that Makinoto's people had not yet arrived, so they simply began their preparations.

It wasn't until the game was about to start that Makinoto's crowd arrived in a hurry, not knowing what had happened to them, and Akaji didn't care about it at all.

The singles three-way match soon began, and Makinoto appeared as Hagi, a third-year player, Fudomine directly arranged for the Tibetan rabbit seat to play, and the final result was 6-0, Hagi lost miserably.

And in the doubles match, the two players of Makinoto faced Tachibana and Chitose can be said to have basically no match experience, and they were beaten 6-0 again, and the mon Xiego, who warmed up on the sidelines, had a calm face, not that he didn't care, but there was Akaji sitting not far away, he didn't dare to have an extra expression, and the scene from last year was still lingering in his mind.

In the singles three-match match, Monkyo faced Tezuka, and Akaji still remembers that at the drawing ceremony of the National Congress in the original book, Monkyo Goku made a wild statement, saying that his super tennis could win Tezuka, and Jibe directly said that if Monkyo met Tezuka, it was estimated that it would not last 15 minutes.

When the two met now, the result was exactly the same as Jibe said, and the match ended a little over 14 minutes, and Tezuka only used a few zero-style short balls in the whole process, not even using the field.

Makinoto could only finish this year's national competition with three 6-0s, and even because of Akaji, Mongoku didn't even dare to let go of a cruel word that he would definitely beat you next year.

In the match between Shitenhoji Temple and Likai University, Yukimura actually directly arranged for Kokai to play three singles, and his opponent was Shinobu Kenya, who directly honed Kokai in the national competition, and Yukimura was also quite ruthless. (PS: Kirihara in the first grade has not completely become a kelp head)

After the start of the competition between teenager Akaya

Kirihara, Kirihara can barely cope with Kenya's super fast speed, but it is still a little difficult to make an effective counterattack, However, his strength has also improved significantly under training according to the method provided by Akaji.

From this game, it can be seen that Kirihara's talent is indeed very good, even surpassing some second-year players, such as Shinobu Kenya, who is currently competing with him.

Even though Ken has also been to U17 training, he still can't easily crush Kirihara, it can only be said that he now has the upper hand, but Kirihara is not the one who will easily admit defeat.

When he was struggling to pursue, Kirihara accidentally fell flat, and after getting up, his eyes were instantly bloodshot, a tyrannical emotion surged into his brain, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously showed a cruel smile, and at this moment there was a sudden angry rebuke from the sidelines.

"Akaya Kirihara! Have you practiced calligraphy in vain before? Calm me down, it's so lax! Sanada on the sidelines is now full of anger.

And Kirihara's body trembled unnaturally after hearing Sanada's voice, and then his blood-colored eyes slowly returned to normal, and the huge sense of oppression that had formed a habit hit his heart.

Since Yukimura listened to Akaji's advice, he forbade Kirihara to use the red-eye state, and for this reason, he specially let Sanada take time to stare at him, and Sanada was also real, and directly took out a large number of brush exercise books, allowing Kirihara to hone his mind by practicing calligraphy.

In the end, although Kirihara controlled his emotions, he lost the game, the score was 6-3, but everyone in Lihaida did not care at all, originally this game was to let Kirihara grow, and it didn't matter if he won or lost.

In the subsequent doubles two, Golden Koharu and Yuji Ichiji were not at all opponents of Fumita Marui and Kuwabara the jackal, even if the IQ was high, it could not make up for the gap in absolute strength, and the final score was 6-1, which was still Marui was disgusted at the beginning and absent-mindedly won a game.

The singles match was Tetsuya Hara vs. Yukimura, and the result was self-evident, and Tetsuya Hara was directly lost in the world of losing his five senses, and did not recover until after the match, and this experience made him palpitate.

In the doubles match, the combination of Renwang and Yanagi has begun to have a tacit understanding, and the opposite is Ishida Silver and Kenjiro Koishikawa, Ishida Gin's fluctuation ball was directly sealed by Renwang, without giving Ishida Silver the slightest chance to play this move, and Yanagi has developed a laser beam, relying on this move to directly score several points.

In the end, the four Tenhoji still lost to Tachikai Dai and fell on the way to the national final four, and the other side of Qingxue also successfully defeated Yamabuki, and the match between the Ice Emperor and Nagoya had some small twists and turns.

Mainly because those international students are too noisy, let our uncle of the traces completely angry, you must know that the days of the traces in the UK, there was a period of time when they were not very good, and the feeling of being looked down upon from the bones he has not forgotten until now.

So Jibu did not spare his hand during the competition, and directly interrupted the opponent's right hand with a waltz, and this Koya was also considered unlucky, and there were international students injured in the competition for two consecutive years, but fortunately there was only one person this year.

When all the competitions are over, this year's national top four are also released, which are Fudomine, Tachikai University, Ice Emperor and Qingxue, everyone looks, well, all schools in the Kanto region, three of which are still in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

The next day, the semifinals of the national competition officially began, and Fudongfeng faced Qingxue, and the Ice Emperor once again faced Lihai University, for two consecutive years, and I don't know if this is good luck or bad.

The singles Sanqinggaku appeared by Takashi Kawamura, and the one who did not move the peak was Yakutsu, although now the trajectory of Yakuzu's fate has been changed by Akaji, but the fate of Takashi Kawamura and Yakutsu was forged long before Akaji intervened.

Yakutsu also got along a little better than in the original book, so the two maintained a good relationship, at least Yakutsu did not show impatience or repulsion towards Takashi Kawamura.

But no amount of good relations could change the outcome of the match, and Yakuzu easily won 6-0 without leaving Takashi Kawamura with the so-called affection, because Akuzu knew that this was the respect for Kawamura Takashi.

In the doubles match of the second team, Seigakukata played against Sadaharu Kan and Kaoru Kaido, who became a doubles combination in advance, and Fudofeng appeared as the veteran duo of Kurato and Mute.

After the start of the game, Akaji obviously saw the changes in Kansadaharu, and his physical fitness was greatly improved, and even the waterfall was developed in advance, catching the Tibetan rabbit and wooden hand by surprise, and directly won a point.

Unfortunately, it worked once, and then both the Tibetan rabbit seat and the wooden hand could easily catch the serve with a speed of more than 210 kilometers per hour, and by the end of the game, Kaido could barely see the path almost entirely thanks to the command of Kansadaharu.

And the match ended quickly, and Sadaharu Kan's data tennis did not help them control the situation, and the score was 6-0, which can be said to be a miserable loss.

The second singles match was played by Fuji and Tezuka, and the two finally officially met again after last year's Kanto Congress, and the strength of both sides has improved a lot compared to the last match.

This time, Buji relied on the evolved Void Ethereal to directly crack the Tezuka realm and thousands of tempers, and at the same time combined with the other five-fold counterattack and Aoi Fuyuki, it was fought back and forth with Tezuka.

Unfortunately, Fuji still had no way to take the zero-style serve, and he tried again to pick up the counterattack, but failed, and the two won and lost each other until Tezuka used it seamlessly.

Under the erosion of the glorious clothing, Fuji's strength was gradually suppressed, and he completely lost the ability to resist, and finally the match ended in Tezuka's victory, with a score of 6-2, which has to be said to be ironic, as at last year's Kanto Conference.

On the other side, the match between the Ice Emperor and Tachikai, this time Yukimura did not play, the game was over, the total score was 3-1, except for the match between Jibe and Yanagi Lianji, everyone else lost.

The singles Sanjiro was once again pinched by Maori, and it can be said that Toshiro's greatest ability now is still taught to him by Maoori, and the doubles two Shinto Ryo and Phoenix Chotaro were also completely defeated by Nioh and Yanagi.

As for the doubles one, Himawari and Shinobu were able to fight with Marui and the jackals at the beginning, but as the match continued, Himawari began to gradually lose track of the rhythm, and his style of play was destined to be a big problem with physical fitness, especially in this kind of competition where there is still some gap in strength.

Although Shinobu forcibly delayed the game and wanted Himawari to take the opportunity to recover some strength, Marui and Jackal were not fools, and directly riveted with all their strength to attack, and finally won the match.

After the two games, the final of the national competition was the same as last year, Fudofeng and Lihaida, and the audience was not surprised by this result, but they did not know whether this time, the ministers of the two schools would meet again.

But what happened next completely disappointed the audience's expectations, because Yukimura's illness once again showed signs of recurrence, fortunately, he has been having regular medical examinations, this time, on the eve of the final, Yukimura routinely went to the hospital for a check-up.

After the results of this examination, the doctor found some abnormalities, and Sanada immediately notified Dr. Akaji and Takahashi after learning about it, after all, Dr. Takahashi only came to help Yukimura see a doctor in the face of Akaji, and Sanada would not make a low-level mistake in this kind of problem.

Akaji also paid attention to this after knowing this, and hurried to the hospital where Yukimura was checked, and after sending the examination report to Dr. Takahashi, the other party said that it was okay, the problem was not big, and recently pay more attention to relax the body and mind, don't work too hard, and take a few days of medicine to fully recover.

Under Akaji's questioning, Yukimura told the reason for the matter, it turned out that in the recent period, Yukimura was training his left hand with high intensity, and at the same time, he was constantly developing new moves, and he used his five senses on himself many times, which made the body not resist for a while, and there were signs of relapse.

Since Dr. Takahashi said that it was not a big problem, Akaji was relieved to let Sanada take good care of Yukimura and left, Yukimura himself knows the weight, this does not need to worry about Akaji.

The next day, at the final site of the national competition, Yukimura's name was not included in the list of appearances of Lihai University, which made some spectators a little incomprehensible, but Yukimura still appeared at the scene of the competition, but today he will only sit in the coach's seat and will not appear.

In the singles three-match match, Maori was directly completely suppressed by the Tibetan rabbit, coupled with the baptism of the vortex, Maori tried his best and only got a 6-1 result.

And in the doubles two match, Marui and jackal actually opened the same tone under the great pressure of Tachibana and Chitose, but it was useless, and the No1 doubles in junior high school was not casual.

After the singles three-match match, Sanada directly faced Akaji, and the result can be imagined, Sanada's thunder strike was completely ineffective against Akaji, and Akaji completely suppressed Sanada completely by relying on simple five dimensions, and did not use any over-specification ball skills.

Because of Yukimura's illness, the final of this national competition did not meet the expectations of the audience, but they still enthusiastically cheered for Fudofeng to achieve the national double consecutive championship.

At the same time, in the U-17 training camp, Byodoin finally returned to Neon, but he did not return alone, and behind him was the former member of the French team, the king of destruction - Duke Watanabe!

A few days later, when the middle school students returned to the training camp, Akaji, who learned the news, was not surprised at all, it seems that Duke still joined the neon team, which is a very strong combat force, put in a country that is a little behind, Duke is completely a player.

In addition, the International Tennis Association revealed that next year's world championships may require middle school students to participate, which is said to be a mandatory condition, and all participating countries must abide by it.

This made Mifune's eyes light up instantly, and it saved Akaji from participating in the expedition tournament for the time being, hoping that Akaji would become a hidden trump card for the Neon team.

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