"This is trouble~ I have to notify the medical class again~ I will go to meet Akaji-san first!" Saito walked to the door of the monitoring room with some helplessness, but when he was about to go out, his head hit the door frame and made a "bang" sound, and the other two did not turn their heads, obviously used to it.

"Isn't this the light batting of Byodoin? How could he?! Takuji Ryuuji said with some shock.

"Is that really the case? But that's fine! Kurobe Yukio said softly, and then picked up the walkie-talkie beside him and ordered:

"Inform the people in the medical squad, give these wastes a simple first aid, and then send them down the mountain, they are no longer eligible to stay in the training camp!"

After Akaji hit a light shot, he ignored the wailing sound in front of him and continued to walk forward slowly, which shocked the high school students who were secretly observing on both sides, but fortunately he didn't make a move just now.

It didn't take long for Akaji to see a small square appear in front of him, it seems that this is where the loudspeaker just said, at this time Saito Zhi has covered his head and is standing in the middle of the square, obviously waiting for him, Akaji calmly walked up.

"Hello, Akaji-san! My name is Zhi Saito, I am the spiritual instructor here, welcome to U-17 camp! When Saito saw Akaji, he stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

"Hello! Coach Saito! I remember the Kanto Convention the other day, and it seems that you also came to watch it! Akaji also stretched out his hand and shook the other party, and said in a relaxed tone.

"Oh? Did Akaji-san actually notice? Saito said with some surprise.

"Uh... It's hard not to pay attention to Coach Saito's height, right? By the way, I just solved a few troubles on the way here, it should be fine, right? Akaji suddenly thought of a few waste high school students just now.

"Too! As for what happened just now, don't care at all, just a few wastes, then let's go first, the room has been arranged, Akaji-san can fix it first! Saito said nonchalantly.

In fact, they had originally prepared a small test, but after seeing Akaji hit the ball, they dismissed this idea, which was completely meaningless.

Akaji nodded and followed Saito to the dormitory area, along the way, Saito briefly introduced Akaji to the general rules of the training camp, and at the same time talked about the allocation of the court.

Since Akaji joins U17 halfway, you can choose a court below No. 10 to challenge, the opponent is arranged by the coaching staff, if you win, then you can directly join the corresponding stadium instead of the opponent, if you lose, you can only go to the No. 16 court and start from the bottom and go up.

After arriving in the room, Saito gestures for Akaji to take a break first, and in the afternoon a personal shuffle will be held for Akaji alone to decide on Akaji's initial course.

Akaji nodded, indicating that he understood, and then Saito turned and left, while Akaji began to look around his room.

It was a double room with two beds, the bed on the left was empty, and the bed on the right was neatly stacked with futons, but it looked like it hadn't been moved for a while, and it seemed that his roommate was not in the training camp now.

If Akaji didn't guess wrong, his roommate should have gone to participate in the overseas expedition, as for who it is, Akaji doesn't know, but the one who can go to the expedition tournament is at least the main choice, maybe Akaji really knows it.

Although the World Cup is held every two years, the ranking of individual countries is based on a points system, not by the World Cup competition alone, of course, a good place in the World Cup will increase a lot of points, and each expedition tournament is also a way to earn points.

While Akaji was resting in his room, the news began to spread throughout the training camp that many high school students had heard that a freshman from the first year of Koku had joined today, which made them a little unbelievable.

Some of the first-year high school players are okay, just a little surprised, but those second-year and high-third high school players are not calm, and the Mijin Valley in the previous time has made them very unhappy, but after all, it is already the third year of the country, at most it is more than half a year in advance, plus the power of the ghost, they still reluctantly accepted.

Now it's good, a little ghost of the first country came directly, is this treating their U17 training camp as a children's paradise? You must know that now this is the territory of their senior year, this situation is obviously a bad rule, and those who are in high school and senior have already begun to think about how to fix that little ghost.

This time, even the ghost came forward to stop so many of them, as for the three coaches, they have never paid attention to them, anyway, as long as they do not violate the principle issue, the coach has no way to take them.

This is the current situation of Neon U17 at this time, the first year of high school players and the high two and senior players are divided into two camps, and they look at each other unfavorably, but the high school has Byodoin and Ghost two people, so that the high school sophomore and senior players dare not act rashly.

I have to say that this concept of dignity and inferiority in an orderly manner has been completely distorted by them and brought to the U17 training camp from the middle school, that is, now the Equal Courtyard has not freed its hand, and the ghosts alone cannot completely suppress them.

At this time, in an unmonitored stadium of the training camp, Oni Jujiro and Irie Sota were practicing against each other, and Irie, who always kept a smile, asked:

"Onii, have you heard?" There is a little guy from Kokuichi who joined here today, I think some people can't help it~

" "Hmph! A bunch of ignorant waste! To be able to enter here at this age, you definitely need the consent of the person in the back mountain, how can it be a simple character, they are waiting for bad luck! The ghost said with great disdain.

"It's worthy of being a ghost king~ The analysis is very thorough, since this is the case, let's call the island to make it lively, I really want to see what kind of little guy can recruit the one on the back mountain in advance!" Irie said with a smile.

"Hmm! It just so happens that I can also find an opportunity to teach those wastes a lesson! The ghost thought for a moment and agreed to Irie's suggestion.

At this time, Akaji had already received the bedding and other daily necessities, and changed into the U17 uniform, this uniform was obviously tailored for him, very fit, Akaji looked at the time was almost lunchtime, and then left the room, according to the instructions of the training camp map, and walked to the restaurant.

After arriving at the restaurant, Akaji found that there were already many contestants eating in the restaurant, and he didn't care, and after eating, he found an empty seat and sat down to prepare for the meal.

At this moment, many people in the restaurant looked at Akaji, and their eyes revealed all kinds of emotions, some gloating, some unhappy, some disdainful, and even cruel, in short, with bad intentions.

A yellow hair at the table next to Akaji couldn't help but stand up, took two accomplices, and walked very arrogantly to Akaji, who was eating, and after coming to Akaji, Huang Mao playfully said:

"Little ghost! Are you lost, this is not a place for you to live a home, do you want me to find you a mother?"

The two people on the side immediately laughed, and even some of the people around who were watching the excitement laughed softly, in their opinion, bullying a little ghost of Guoyi is a very interesting thing.

Chiji calmly put down the tableware, raised his head, and the unique coercion of the Heavenly Emperor's Eye emanated, staring at the yellow hair in front of him, and slowly spit out a word:

"Get out!"

That yellow hair immediately wanted to be angry, but for some reason, after seeing Akaji's eyes, it seemed that his soul was frozen, and he couldn't say a word, and his face turned red, like a clown.

After seeing this, the two accomplices behind them wanted to rush up to teach this arrogant little ghost a lesson, and even some people around them were eager to try, but suddenly, the entire restaurant fell silent, because three people slowly walked in at the door.

The person walking in the front, burly, with long fiery red hair was eye-catching, to his left was a boy with curly yellow hair, with a pair of eyes, the baby's face looked about the same age as Akaji, and the last one had short white hair, dark skin, yawning, and looked like he hadn't woken up.

oni jujiro

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Irie Sota


Tadashima is Oni Jujiro, Irie Sota, and Tadashima Shuji, everyone in the restaurant saw the ghost coming, one by one, they lowered their heads, not daring to make a sound, and even the yellow-haired trio just now returned to their places in ashes.

This restaurant is specially prepared for the players of the course 10 and below, and they did not expect that the top ten Oni and Tanishima would actually come here, which is impossible under normal circumstances.

Even Irie Sonata of Stadium 5 should not be in this restaurant, that's right! Irie Sodo is now staying at the No. 5 court, did not enter the main selection, can only be said to be worthy of the actor.

The three of them ignored the reactions of the people around them, and after receiving lunch, they walked straight to Akaji and sat down together, apparently to protect Akaji.

Irie looked at the boy in front of him, and said with some curiosity: "

You are the new Akaji-san who joined today, right?"

"Yes, I don't know what seniors call them?" Akaji said with a smile on his face, of course, he also knew the intentions of the three people in front of him, so he naturally greeted him with a smile.

"My name is Irie Sota, this one next to me is Oni Jujiro, don't look at him like this, in fact, he is a senior one like me~ This one next to you is Shuji Tadashima, who is also a high school!" Irie also smiled and introduced Akaji.

"Irie-senpai! Oni senior! Planting Island senior! Hello, I'm Seijuro Akaji! Akaji also said hello.

"How about your shuffle in the afternoon? Faithful? Ghost asked bluntly.

"Thank you for your concern, I don't think there is any problem, with this waste you can't catch my ball~" Akaji said disdainfully.

"Allah~I'm really confident~" Tanegashima said appreciatively in Kansai accent.

Even the oni nodded, he appreciated Akaji's attitude, he wanted to completely defeat them in the face of waste, but he still had to guard against some guys using dirty means to deal with Akaji.

In fact, don't look at the fierce and evil of the ghost chief, go to hell at every turn, in fact, he is a very gentle person, training hard for the dreams of his younger brothers and sisters in the orphanage, inspiring him to become the first neon tennis player, and he is also caring for his juniors, whether it is Tokugawa or Momogi.

"Then when the shuffle battle in the afternoon is over, Akaji-san can come to us and exchange with us about the current junior high school class~" Irie said with a smile.

"I will, Irie-senpai!" Akaji nodded, originally he planned to contact the ghosts and them, but now they took the initiative to find him.

After that, nothing bad happened in the restaurant, there were ghosts, even if they borrowed the courage of those high school sophomores and juniors, it is estimated that they would not dare to make a second attempt.

Soon the lunch break passed, and Akaji also came to the designated place with a tennis racket, waiting for the shuffle to begin, he had just told the coaching staff that he was going to challenge the No. 10 court, which did not surprise Kurobe and quickly found an opponent for Akaji, a senior in high school.

The three of them also came here with Akaji, and some high school students who heard the news gathered around, all grades, but soon divided into two camps, almost all the first-year players stood on the side of the ghost them, and the second-year and seniors stood on the opposite side.

At this time, Yukio Kurobe's voice sounded again on the radio above the court.

"Let's start Seijuro Akaji's personal shuffle battle, the opponent is Shinji Suzutake from Court 10, please enter as soon as possible!"

Akaji did not hesitate and walked directly onto the field, and the onlookers on the opposite side also walked out of a senior player, it was Akaji's opponent Shinji Suzutake.

At this moment, the referee was also in place, directly announced the names of the players on both sides, and then let the two guess first.

"No need, referee, give the ball to the little devil on the other side, I don't want others to say that I bully the weak!" Suzutake said mockingly.

The referee didn't say anything, and directly gave the serve to Akaji, and then announced the official start of the game.

Akaji stood on the bottom line and prepared to serve, when the players watching the game from the opposite high school junior made a mocking sound.

"Look quickly, the little ghost on the other side is still ready to serve, it is estimated that he will cry and escape later!"

"Huh! If he kneels down and begs for mercy now, maybe Suzu Wuyi is happy to let him go~" "

I really don't understand what the coach is doing, this kind of competition is simply a waste of my time, if it weren't for the pleading appearance of that little ghost, I wouldn't bother to come over."

"Who knows~ Anyway, those coaches are getting more and more useless, it's just waste, actually let a stinky imp from the first country enter the training camp!"

At this moment, Oni Jujiro on the opposite side suddenly let out a loud shout.

"Shut up! Waste! Are you trying to go to hell!

"Hmph! Ghost! You won't be arrogant for long, wait until our Lord will return, there will be you good-looking! A senior shouted at the ghost, but said nothing more, and the others quieted down.

Akaji looked at the situation on the field and thought to himself: It seems to be more serious than I thought, and it is estimated that it will not be long before the training camp will set off a revolution!

Then Akaji didn't think much about it, he threw the tennis ball directly, he didn't intend to waste time, he directly hit a high-speed serve, Suzutake on the opposite side only felt a flash in front of him, and then heard the sound of the tennis ball landing.


The senior players on the opposite side were stunned, what they had just seen! The tennis ball that little devil sent out was so fast, none of them could see it.

"Amazing! The speed of this ball should be more than 225 kilometers! It seems that Akaji-san is really not simple~" Irie said excitedly, as if he had found some peerless treasure, even the ghost was slightly surprised, but his face unconsciously showed a smile, but it was a little scary.

There were no waves in the ensuing match, and Suzutake could no longer touch tennis except his serve, and the whole match actually lasted only 10 minutes before it ended.

"The game is over! Seijuro Akaji wins and is promoted to Course 10, and Shinji Suzutake is demoted to Course 16! Yukio Kurobe's icy voice came from inside the radio.

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