The fairy father

Chapter 106 Unexpected Harvest [Third update please vote]

Li Dazhi returned to the mountain. He was not in a hurry to brag to the elders, nor did he rush back to Zhuyun Hall to visit Xiao Yue. Instead, he went straight to Qingsu and Li Ping'an's cave.

As soon as he entered the grand formation at Weiming Peak, his immortal consciousness found 'Li Ping'an' sitting on a recliner and swinging back and forth.

"Peace! Hahahaha! So happy!"

Um? No reply?

Li Dazhi pushed open the door of the cave and took a closer look. There were several black lines hanging on his forehead.

The one on the recliner is just a puppet, and at first glance it does look like a real person.


Wen Ling'er poked her head out from behind the screen in the corner and whispered:

"Little Ancestor Ping An and Teacher Qing Su haven't returned yet!"

"Ah, that's okay!"

Li Dazhi grinned:

"You can send me a message when they come back. I'll go back to Zhuyuntang first!

"Haha! You don't know!"

Wen Ling'er blinked, and her small and exquisite body knelt down behind the screen, leaning forward and blinking. She was about to cooperate and ask what she needed to know.

"Forget it, forget it, it's nothing, I don't understand even if I tell you, just play by yourself."

Li Dazhi waved his hand, then supported his waist and rode on the clouds, humming "啷婷婷婷啷"" in his mouth, and rushed towards Zhuyuntang.

Wen Ling'er chuckled and continued to take out snacks, juice, and the Jade Talisman of Enlightenment.

Don't worry about the world and live leisurely.

She had already thought about it. If she could become an immortal in the future, she would find an opportunity to publish a book to point out a bright road for those casual practitioners with ordinary qualifications and no luck.

The title of the book is "One Hundred Postures to Become an Immortal";

Or it's called "Hong Kong is an Attitude".

Guessing that Li Pingan and Teacher Qingsu would be back soon, Wen Ling'er changed into a pink skirt, picked up the whisk and started cleaning everywhere.

The Wan Yun Sect was extremely lively at this moment.

They dispatched most of their combat power to settle accounts with Guanhaimen. They had the upper hand in every aspect and suffered no losses at all. Except for not being able to fight against Guanhaimen, everything else was considered perfect.

Wan Yunzong increased its power and reputation;

The Great Fortune Immortal scolded everyone in Guanhaimen, but no one could reply.

In the end, it was even more of a coincidence that they 'accidentally encountered' the ASEAN Immortal Official Immortal General who was trying to capture the demon cultivator, and it was revealed that the third elder of Guanhai Sect was actually the leader of the Blood Demon of the Demon Dao Blood Demon Palace!

Even if this matter were placed in the entire Dongzhou, it would be quite explosive.

In the Wanyun Sect, banquets were held in various peaks, and there were many immortal friends, displaying the style of the immortal family.

Li Ping'an and Qing Su spent an extra half day outside.

He went to see Xu Xuntian, discussed the follow-up matters with Xu Xuntian, and took the information on the 'magic path' that Xu Xuntian had previously compiled.

By the way, the immortals of Wan Yun Sect used a large moving formation to and from the trip.

——Compared to that certain sect who finally left with the moving formation, he was much tougher.

As soon as Li Ping'an entered the cave formation, he saw his father and the leader Yun Mo drinking tea in the cave, while Mu Ningning and Wen Ling'er were playing chess in the corner.

Wen Ling'er reacted the fastest and immediately shouted: "Back!"


Mu Ningning remembered that the leader was here and quickly bowed her hands to Qing Su.

"I've met my uncle!"

Qing Su blinked at Mu Ningning and walked to the corner calmly, unwilling to deal with the head master.

Li Ping'an met Li in front and said with a smile: "Master, please drink tea with the leader first. I'll go change my clothes and come out."


Qing Su then walked over to sit next to Li Dazhi.

Li Dazhi stood up to greet him and asked with a smile: "Ren Qingsu, where have you been?"

Qing Su looked at the leader, slightly hesitant.

Li Dazhi winked repeatedly.

——He wanted Qingsu to talk about her and Li Ping'an's 'great achievements' in front of the head.

It's a pity that Qing Su had already received Li Ping'an's advice in advance, so he would naturally keep the matter secret.

Qing Su said: "We went out and walked around, but there was no chance of taking action."

Li Dazhi pretended to be stunned and asked in surprise: "Didn't you arrange the people from ASEAN?"

"It was the apprentice who found it, not me who arranged it."

Qing Su said:

"The apprentice didn't let me show up, saying that we must keep public and private affairs separate and not let anyone talk about it, so we didn't show up."

Li Dazhi was immediately satisfied and smiled at the leader: "Senior brother, look, I just said that the people from ASEAN came here safely, they are of the third grade."

The leader Yun Mo almost laughed out loud.

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

Li Ping'an hurried over and changed into light blue robes.

He took two chairs from the octagonal table and invited Mu Ningning to sit down together.

There was a hint of emotion on the head's fair and beardless face, and he said earnestly: "Ping'an, what happened today really touched my heart."

"Master, please tell me," Li Pingan said with a smile, "disciple, listen."


Taoist Yunmo's face became a little more melancholy, his eyes became a little distant, and he said slowly:

“That third elder’s death is really not worth it.

"I'm not saying that he shouldn't die, but that his master could have protected him at the cost of losing a little face and at least spared his life.

"But his master didn't say a word after all, which is really sad."

Li Dazhi said: "Brother, the leader, is wrong! This person colluded with the demons and secretly acted as the bloody demon. He killed countless people secretly. He died to eliminate harm for the people!"

Mu Ningning had heard about the incident at Guanhaimen Mountain Gate before, but she did not dare to speak nonsense in front of the head.

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Dad, you didn't understand what the leader meant."

"What do you mean?" Li Dazhi didn't understand.

"Many of the demon cultivators in Dongzhou are vests of immortal sect masters."

Li Pingan sighed:

"The reason why Guanhai Sect can expand so fast is because they have both black and white hands. If they can use the pressure of the big sect, they will directly press over them. If they encounter those with a hard neck, they will use the Blood Demon Palace to kill them.

"Thousands of years ago, our Wan Yun Sect also had a group of seniors with demonic cultivator status.

"Later, it was also because they initiated internal strife within the sect that the fifty-four peaks became thirty-six peaks. The main troublemakers were beheaded by the master, and a group of immortals were expelled from the Wanyun Sect.

“So our Wan Yun Sect is now at peace.

"What the leader means is actually that all major sects are more or less involved in the devil's ways."

The leader Yun Mo nodded with a smile.

Li Dazhi smiled and said: "What do I think it is... This is not difficult to solve. All we need to do is find a tacit agreement. For example, starting from a certain moment, demonic cultivators who do evil will be completely regarded as demonic cultivators. Those who have not committed evil will not be investigated, and those who were involved before this moment will not be investigated until they are dragged out."

Li Ping'an shook his head and said seriously: "Dad, your idea is too compromise. I think that if you want to take action, you have to be ruthless and heavy-handed, without leaving any room for maneuver."

"You are too idealistic."

Li Dazhi said seriously:

"Ping'an, you are now the third-grade patrol envoy of ASEAN, and you are in charge of this matter. You must not go ahead and push it, otherwise you will definitely break your head!

"Old forces and old rules and regulations have huge inertia. If they are implemented smoothly, everything will be fine.

"Just practice well and don't worry about them."

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know this truth, but I still insist on the view that compromise will only lead to endless consequences."

Qing Su, Mu Ningning, and Wen Ling'er on the side all had the same expression at the moment.

You don’t understand, but you can’t let others see that you don’t understand.


The leader decided to take back the control of discourse and said seriously:

"I don't care about the demon cultivators.

“After this incident, whether it’s the unclean people from various sects or those from Ten Thousand Demons and Chaotian Que, they should all be quiet for a while.

"There are two things at the door now that need to be finalized as soon as possible."

Li Dazhi smiled and said: "Ping An, isn't this Elder Xiao Yue injured? He needs to be nursed back to health in the mountain gate for a while. Our magic weapon shop still needs to be maintained. The boss wants you to take Elder Yan Sheng there to stay for a few months. ."

"I come over?"

Li Ping'an stood up, saluted, and said hurriedly:

"Please forgive me for my difficulty in obeying my orders. I have not yet become an immortal and cannot convince the public!"

"Look," Li Dazhi spread his hands, "I told you, Ping An will definitely not go."


The leader sighed:

"Okay, I'll go back and see if there's anyone else in the door who is good at business."

"Thank you for your understanding, Master," Li Ping'an said with a smile, "Isn't there one more thing? If this disciple can do it, he will definitely not refuse."

The leader immediately said: "The elders in the sect ask you to give a lecture!"

"Ah this!"

Li Ping'an's forehead was covered with black lines.

The leader looked a little apologetic and said with a wry smile: "I can't help it, your reputation is too great. Everyone knows the name of Dawu Quasi-Immortal, and they all want to take a moment to understand it."

"Master, what can I say? Do you want to talk about weapon refining?"

Li Ping'an hurriedly said:

"Please ask the master to take back his orders. I really don't dare to give lectures to the seniors in the sect!"

The leader picked up the tea and said with a smile: "You have to agree to one of these two things, Ping An? You see, this second thing is not a big deal. As long as you show up and read a scripture, they can't break through." There’s no way to break through.”

Li Ping'an:...

"Disciple Ping Rong, think about it."

"Okay, that's all I have to do," the leader stood up, "I won't delay you two talking."

Li Dazhi stood up to see them off, saying to have something to eat before leaving, and said farewell to the leader.

When he closed the door of the cave, the formation started on its own. Li Dazhi turned around and saw that he couldn't help but feel happy.

Li Ping'an was slumped in the recliner, looking like he was taking in less air and getting more air out.

Mu Ningning watched the excitement and was not afraid of trouble, and said with a smile:

"Senior brother is preaching. I want to listen carefully. Leave me a seat in the corner."

"What am I talking about!"

Li Pingan looked up to the sky and sighed:

"Dad, Master, Ning Ning, come over here and let me show you something."

Li Dazhi walked back with his hands behind his back: "What?"

Qingsu took the advantageous position first, took out her own exclusive recliner, and reached out to take the jade talisman handed over by Li Ping'an.

Li Ping'an said: "It's an overview of the magic path compiled by a friend of mine."

"Friend?" Mu Ningning expressed confusion.

Qing Su said directly: "That's Xu Xuntian, son of Xu Sheng."

Afterwards, Qing Su looked at Li Ping'an with some guilt and asked, "Can you tell Ning Ning?"

Li Ping'an nodded seriously: "Ning Ning is fine, this is my beloved junior sister, but the others are waiting..."

The four of them simultaneously turned to look at Wen Ling'er, who was making tea in the corner.

Wen Ling'er almost cried: "Me! I erased the memory just now! I don't know anything!"

Just joking with her.

After a moment, Li Dazhi shook his head solemnly: "Wan Mo Tian, ​​Bi Hai Pavilion, Chaotian Que, Huan Gu, each of the four major demon organizations has hands and eyes that can reach the sky."

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "But in front of ASEAN, these are just clouds."

"Indeed," Qing Su said, "We saw a secret place for raising troops in ASEAN. Hundreds of thousands of elite immortal soldiers can form large formations to defend against enemies."

Li Ping'an suppressed his smile and said quickly:

“Today it seems that we have won against Guanhaimen, but in fact we have forged a real grudge against Guanhaimen.

"What is certain is that Nan Bo Wang was just a scapegoat. Even if he was indeed the one who arranged the attack on Elder Xiao Yue, he had the tacit approval of the golden immortal within the sect.

"Nanbowang commits suicide, but Guanhaimen gives an explanation to ASEAN.

"I am very suspicious now that the master and deputy master of the Blood Demon Palace are hiding in Guanhaimen. Of course, I have no evidence, I am just speculating on this."

"Why do you say that?"

Li Dazhi whispered:

"Do you doubt the Golden Immortal Patriarch of Guanhaimen who showed up today?"

"Well," Li Ping'an said, "the Jinxian's behavior today was a bit abnormal. Dad, can you recall what he said to the master?"

Li Dazhi touched his chin and thought about it carefully, but he couldn't explain why.

Li Pingan said:

"At that time, he asked the master, is Wan Yun Sect really that clean?

"This sentence is that he is subconsciously defending the entire Guanhaimen. His subtext is that the world is as black as crows. If you really force me, everyone will be infamous together.

"His disciple has become one of the eighteen evil spirits in the Blood Evil Palace, which is full of strangeness.

"According to what the Poison Dragon Evil said, the Eighteen Blood Demons don't know each other. This is the rule of the Blood Demon Palace, but the Poison Dragon Evil still knows Nan Bo Wang. Is it possible that Nan Bo Wang actually plays the role of a messenger?"

Qing Su said: "Stop guessing and concentrate on your practice."

Li Pingan smiled and said: "Yes, Master."

Li Dazhi sighed: "Alas, it is a rule in Dongzhou not to kill the Golden Immortal, but it has given rise to so many places of corruption!"

"Dad, how about you also come to serve in ASEAN?"

"I won't go," Li Dazhi said with a smile, "I still have to run Zhuyuntang well. We can't just run away after receiving the favor of Wanyun Sect. That would be too unkind."

"I should go out less often from now on."

"I'm back, you master and disciple, please rest!"

Li Dazhi said goodbye to Qing Su and turned to leave.

Li Pingan stretched and sat back in the recliner. His heartstrings, which had been tense for several days, finally relaxed at this moment.

Seeing that he was a little tired, Mu Ningning took the initiative to move forward and gently pressed his shoulders with a pair of catkins.

"Brother, let me relax for you."

Qing Su clicked her tongue and raised her finger to point to her shoulder. Wen Ling'er trotted over and started to give the cave master a shoulder and back squeeze.

Master's enjoyment.

Li Ping'an added: "Now, Guanhai Sect should have completely hated our Wan Yun Sect."

Qing Su said: "If you are weak against the enemy, there will be enemies everywhere. This is the truth I realized when I was fighting against the monsters."

"Master's teachings, disciples will keep them in mind!"

Li Ping'an grinned, patted Mu Ningning's catkins, closed his eyes and concentrated.

His soul looked up at the ray of light, which was his human bloodline magical power, predicting disaster for his father...

Li Pingan stood up suddenly and turned to look at Qingsu.

Qing Su didn't know why: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, Master, let me slow down."

Li Ping'an raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, took a deep breath, gathered his spiritual consciousness again, and peered into the glow.


Father's disaster picture finally changed!

The obvious change this time is that the mountain of corpses at my father's feet has lost most of its human corpses, and the entire mountain of corpses has dropped by one-third!

In addition, the blood clouds in the sky did not seem to be that dense.

Li Ping'an opened his eyes, his body fell backwards, and he lay directly back in the seat.

Feeling of weakness came over him like a tide, but Li Ping'an couldn't help but laugh.

He got it.

He understands it all!

My father's calamity should not be blamed on the demon clan of Xizhou, but on... the demonic paths hidden in the peaceful atmosphere of Dongzhou!

Yes, those real demon cultivators who do all kinds of evil are closely related to the demon clan!

Just like the Blood Demon Palace, regardless of human race or demon race, all masters who can be used by it will be absorbed into it.

This time, the Guanhai Gate was suppressed, and the Blood Evil Palace was wanted throughout Dongzhou. The disaster that my father would encounter when he became an immortal in the future immediately changed!

Between Guanhaimen and Xuesha Palace, one of them must be the key to this place.

"Ning Ning!"

"I'm here!"

Mu Ningning took Li Ping'an's big hand and said nervously:

"What's wrong, senior brother? Don't be too excited, but there is something wrong with your Taoist heart?"

"He's fine," Qing Su said. "The power of spiritual consciousness is still too much."

Li Ping'an's lips turned white, but he still smiled and said:

"Well, I used some magical powers, and I feel a little sleepy. It's okay.

"Ning Ning, go and ask to see the leader and say, I promise to go to Fang Town on the coast of the East China Sea to stay for a while.

"But the leader please keep this matter secret. No one can know about it except Elder Yan Sheng and Elder Xiao Yue."

"Well, I'll go right away, you just need to rest."

Mu Ningning flew towards the entrance of the cave on her toes. When she left the formation, she heard Li Ping'an's hearty laughter, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Inside the cave, Li Ping'an yawned profusely and began to feel confused.

But there was a bit of a smile on his lips.

This is really...

Lucky hit.

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