The fairy father

Chapter 110 The heroine kisses and comes out safely

Holding the [Wanyun Dawu] jade plaque officially certified by Wanyun Sect, Li Pingan just wanted to find a hole on the ground and lie down in it.


Li Ping'an took Li Dazhi's arm, with a bit of reluctance flashing in his eyes:

"From now on, you should take good care of yourself in the sect. I don't mind if you renew your relationship. It would be nice to have another child. I have investigated Aunt Xiao Yue and I have never talked to anyone before."

Li Dazhi glared: "What? Do you want to rebel against the clan?"

"It's not like betraying the clan."

Li Pingan sighed:

"I can't stay here any longer.

"As long as I show up, a group of old people will definitely come forward to ask. I am not even a Yuanxian now. Really...can't we say publicly that it is Teacher Yun Zhongzi who is preaching?"

"This," Li Dazhi said with a smile, "my master means not to announce it, just to make it known to a small group of people. And now the news is even more serious outside, where are you going?"

"I'll go to Donghaifang Town to avoid the limelight first!"

Li Pingan cheered up.

In fact, it was just a joke, he had important things to do.

It was safe to hide in the sect, but if he wanted to affect his father's future disaster, he had to start from the demonic path.

The Blood Demon Palace is a good handle!

"Dad," Li Ping'an said sternly, "If you want to break through to become an immortal, please tell me in advance. Also, don't go out casually when you become an immortal."

Li Dazhi frowned and said, "Why do you feel like you are hiding something from me?"

"Just listen to me!"

Li Pingan continued to exhort:

"Don't tell anyone about my going out. I will leave a little puppet in the cave. Master will go there with me later. I will take Wen Ling'er with me too.

"Dad usually comes here to help me check out the cave, and he keeps the big formation here open."

"Where's Ning Ning?"

Li Dazhi smiled and said:

"Take Ning Ning with you. Come back and bring me a big fat grandson! Well, of course, granddaughters are the same. I don't make any distinction between men and women!"

The corner of Li Ping'an's mouth twitched a few times and sighed:

"Don't rush me about Ning Ning's affairs. We have already worked very hard.

"In about a year and a half, I will visit Ning Ning's home. Later, I will send you a letter to my father every month, and I will also send one to Ning Ning.

"This is for you."

Li Ping'an took out a storage ring from his sleeve and placed it in his father's palm.

Li Dazhi took a look and found that there were various kinds of practice items inside, as well as some puppets, calligraphy and paintings, and handicrafts. He was immediately happy.

He said: "Your father and I still lack these things?"

"That's different," Li Ping'an said with a smile, "I earned these myself, not what you gave me before. Now that I am serving as the ASEAN patrol envoy, I have started working. I should always give you some meaning."


Li Dazhi held his belly and laughed, put the ring away, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I mean, how long are you planning to go this time?"

"At least half a year, maybe three to five years."

Li Pingan said:

"I will set up a small yard and quietly investigate some demonic matters. I have a case in my mind and am preparing to write a letter to ASEAN.

“It is completely unwise to rely on one person’s strength to fight against the demonic cultivators.

“But taking advantage of ASEAN’s situation is different.”

Li Dazhi waved his hand: "That's your own career. Go ahead and fight for it. Don't worry about me. I'll continue to practice in Wanyun Sect. But there is something that you still have to be mentally prepared for."

"What? Are you going to marry Aunt Xiao so soon?"

"screw you!"

Li Dazhi pretended to kick someone.

Li Pingan jumped away with a smile, and then the smile froze on his face.

Li Dazhi cleared his throat and revealed his Taoist charm.

The pinnacle perfection of a first-grade true immortal!

We are only half a step away from breaking through the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

Li Ping'an:...

This time Teacher Yun Zhongzi used his mouth to preach. Is he the only one in the entire sect who has not broken through?

Li Ping'an sensed a hint of urgency again.

My father’s cultivation level is close to that of an immortal!

A sudden sermon in the cloud disrupted all of Li Ping'an's plans.

My father is close to heaven, but he hasn't even walked out of the mountain gate yet.

To put it bluntly, it was his own fault.

Li Ping'an recalled carefully for a long time, and finally determined that he was just chanting "Don't break through, don't break through" in his heart when he was offering incense to the Sanqing Daozu, but he forgot to recite it when he was offering incense to Teacher Yun Zhongzi.

Teacher Yun Zhongzi misunderstood his meaning and contributed to this great opportunity for the Wanyun Sect immortals.

Pretty good too.

The stronger the sect's power, the more stable its short-range support will be.

This incense incident also proves...

No matter how powerful the Sanqing Taoist is, it has nothing to do with him. Teacher Yun Zhongzi is still reliable!

Li Ping'an's travel plan has been intensively prepared.

——Actually, it was Wen Ling'er who was packing her luggage everywhere.

He went to the coast of the East China Sea, apparently to help Elder Yan Sheng make suggestions, or in other words, to lead Elder Yan Sheng to run the most important economic industry of Wanyun Sect;

In fact, he went to investigate the demonic ways.

Li Ping'an wants to write a letter to ASEAN, so he can't just talk empty talk. He must at least have a deep understanding of the situation at the grassroots level and actually visit various places before he can write this 'report'.

As for how to deal with the Blood Demon Palace and Guanhaimen, Li Ping'an only had some suspicions in his heart, and he had to go to Binfang Town on the East China Sea to make plans.

When he thought that it would take at least half a year before he could meet the priest sister, Li Ping'an felt a little reluctant in his heart.

But Mu Ningning has not been seen for two days in a row, so he must have gained some enlightenment and is in retreat.

Wen Linger packed all kinds of luggage;

Master Qingsu retrieved three Wanyun Return Orders from the Fanshi Palace that had never been put to use;

Li Ping'an was about to go to Caiyun Peak to ask the priest sister for some advice, when a white cloud slowly landed in front of the cave door.

But it was Xiao Yue who arrived.

Qing Su avoided the inner cave, and Wen Ling'er quickly stepped forward to greet her.

Seeing Xiao Yue, Wen Ling'er shouted crisply: "Disciple pays homage to master!"

Xiao Yue smiled softly, raised her hand and rubbed Wen Ling'er's head.

"You have done well here. Please serve Ping An in the future. Don't let yourself be wronged by this."

Wen Ling'er took the storage magic weapon given by her master, her almond-shaped eyes were misted, and her lips kept trembling.

Xiao Yue glanced at Li Ping'an with some embarrassment and said with a smile: "What's wrong? You look so aggrieved, but what trouble have you encountered?"

"Master," Wen Ling'er wiped her tears, "Thank you, Master, for giving me this opportunity."

Li Ping'an smiled and said, "Go and have a rest. Elder Xiao must have something to tell me when he comes to see me."

"Hey, you're busy!"

Wen Ling'er nodded quickly and stepped aside.

Xiao Yue sighed softly, looked at Li Ping'an with a pair of phoenix eyes, and said slowly:

"Peace, I have already told Elder Yan Sheng about the Zhufang Town on the coast of the East China Sea. There are still more than a dozen elite soldiers and generals I have trained there. You don't have to go there."

"Elder Xiao, please come inside."

"No, just let me talk to you at the door," Xiao Yue said with a smile, "You and I should also avoid suspicion... just call me Aunt Xiao and Aunt Yue, there is no need to be so unfamiliar."

Li Ping'an smiled and cupped his hands, and said seriously: "To be honest with Aunt Yue, I went to the coast of the East China Sea to investigate the devil's affairs."


Xiao Yue hummed softly, with a little thought in her beautiful eyes, she said: "No wonder my uncle asked me to see you off, it turned out to be for this reason."

Li Ping'an's eyes lit up: "Aunt Yue knows about this?"

"I can't say I know them well," Xiao Yue sighed, "I have been running the industry for many years, so I have to deal with these demonic cultivators. I do have a few close friends. If you want to know about the demonic cultivators, you can contact them."

After saying that, Xiao Yue took out two jade charms from her sleeves and wrote many messages.

When Li Ping'an took the jade talisman, Xiao Yue couldn't help but chuckle and said:

"When you go to find them, don't get stuck there. It's okay to try new things occasionally. Most young people can't help it. They don't dare to indulge and neglect their cultivation."

Try something new?

Li Pingan understood immediately.

The demonic cultivators introduced by Aunt Qingyue are all in improper places.

That's right, there are many traces of demonic cultivators behind brothels and gambling houses.

Li Ping'an asked: "Aunt Yue, what can I do with these people?"

"Usually it's to inquire about information," Xiao Yue said. "Sometimes if it's inconvenient to do something, you can ask them to help."

"People from Happy Valley?"

"There are two people from Huangu," Xiao Yue looked Li Ping'an up and down, "You are young and know a lot, but don't lead your father astray."

Li Pingan sneered: "Aunt Yue misunderstood, I am a serious Qi practitioner."

"That's right. With a name like Dawu and being so handsome, there will be no shortage of romantic opportunities after he goes out."

Fortunately, Li Ping'an was thick-skinned enough, so he just cupped his hands and said, "Aunt Yue is so complimentary."

Xiao Yue covered her mouth and chuckled, then warned:

"Be careful when you go out and don't do anything aggressive or aggressive.

"I do know the temperaments of you and your father, but Ping An, you have to remember that there are too many injustices in this world that one person cannot handle.

"Fang Town is no better than Zongmen, where fish and dragons are mixed together, and there are both fairies and demons. The sun shines brightly above Fang Town, but there are many shadows below Fang Town.

"Don't look at it. The police themselves are enough."

Li Ping'an also knew that Xiao Yue did not treat him as an outsider, so he would say such "heartbreaking" words.

So he bowed his head and said with a smile: "When Aunt Yue was at the mountain gate, my father asked Aunt Yue to take care of her."

Xiao Yue sighed: "My excuse for recovering from my injuries won't last long. I just hope that if something happens to Donghaifang Town, you can help Elder Yan Sheng solve it nearby, otherwise I won't be able to live in peace."

Li Pingan understood.

Deal done!

For the sake of his old father's second spring, Li Ping'an would definitely work hard.

Xiao Yue gave Li Ping'an a few more words, left a few storage magic weapons and left.

Only a moment after Xiao Yue left, Mu Ningning landed in front of the cave with a heavy heart, and walked in with pretending to be light steps, hands behind her back.

"Senior brother! When are you leaving! My uncle came to see me just now."

Mu Ningning's voice hit his ears, and Li Ping'an was slightly startled.

Good guys, should father and Aunt Yue go separate ways?

Li Pingan was slightly startled when he looked up.

Mu Ningning rarely wears full makeup, but today she focused on dressing up.

Her slender eyebrows and cherry lips are particularly eye-catching, her flawless face has been touched up with blush and powder, the short skirt on her body looks a bit like a gift from Wen Ling'er, and her long arms and slender legs are particularly attractive. eye.

Li Ping'an's eyes lingered on her collarbone, which looked like the calyx of a flower, and he couldn't help but smile:

"Why are you dressed so beautifully?"

Mu Ningning was slightly happy in her heart, but she didn't say anything. She lowered her head to Li Pingan and tugged on Li Pingan's sleeves.

She asked aggrievedly: "Can't I really go with you? I will definitely not cause any trouble for you and just stay with Ling'er."

Li Pingan took the initiative to hold her little hand.

The spiritual consciousness swept over, and the master was in retreat in the inner cave, while Wen Ling'er pretended to meditate in the bedroom.

He pulled slightly hard, and Mu Ningning fell into his arms for the second time.

This time she didn't struggle, she just lowered her head and sighed, leaning her face against his chest.

When two young people fall in love, once they take the initiative to break through a certain boundary, that boundary will quietly disappear.

The pair of young Taoists stood and embraced each other from inside the cave.

Mu Ningning said softly: "Senior brother, you are rarely in the mountains recently, you always go outside."


Li Pingan sighed softly, patted her shoulder, and said in his gentlest voice:

"The sect is peaceful and protected by a large formation. I also want to practice peacefully here, but the trees want to be quiet but the wind is not stopping. I do have some things to deal with now."

"I know, I don't have to pester you that much, senior brother...I..."

Mu Ningning puffed up her lips, hugged Li Ping'an's back, her pretty face flushed slightly.

Although several familiar senior sisters encouraged her for a long time, she could not say such shameful words after all.

Mu Ningning whispered:

“Senior brother, I will also practice in seclusion next, and wait for you to come back before I can go out and walk around again.

"I won't go to the shore of the East China Sea."

Li Ping'an smelled the fragrance of her hair, and finally felt a little soft-hearted, and whispered: "We can come together if we want to."

"I can't help much if I go," Mu Ningning sighed, "Besides, senior brother, I'm a little over the top now."

"How did it go?"

"I seem to have no other thoughts except wanting to stay with you."

Mu Ningning whispered:

"I am a Qi practitioner, and cultivation is the foundation. If my Tao realm cannot keep up with yours, there is nothing I can do..."

She didn't know what to say, she lowered her head and leaned into Li Pingan's arms, pressed her forehead against Li Pingan's chest, and rubbed it slightly.

Li Ping'an whispered: "That one is called eternal life, or it can be said that the sea will dry up and the stone will rot. I will help you practice, don't worry."

"Then I will cling to you?"

Mu Ningning whispered:

"Senior brother, aren't we a little too close like this? We haven't worshiped yet or anything, yet we are holding hands and hugging each other like this..."

Where is this?

Li Pingan suppressed the anger in his heart, controlled the heat in his body, and hugged her as gently as possible.

He recalled the time when he first met her. The little chivalrous girl who was full of longing for the future and spoke crisply of her monastic ideals had now grown into the fairy next door, beautiful and intoxicating.

The two should have influenced each other.

But he himself was not much influenced by Mu Ningning, but Mu Ningning continued to transform into the good wife and mother he longed for.

Mu Ningning suddenly stood on tiptoes and looked behind Li Pingan, and said in surprise: "Master, what did you say?"

Li Pingan turned his head subconsciously.

When he turned around, he realized that this was just a little trick by his junior sister, but he did not reject it.

Li Ping'an suddenly felt like he was pecked on the left side of his face.

Just like a dragonfly touching water, two soft lips touched his cheek.

After doing the bad thing, Mu Ningning turned around to run away. She felt that there was a little rabbit in Dao's heart, but before she could get out, a big hand grabbed her left hand and pulled her back a little arrogantly. .

"Senior brother..."

Before Mu Ningning could recover, she was restrained by Li Ping'an.

She covered her chest with her left arm, and her left hand was pressed on her right shoulder. Just when she was about to say something to beg for mercy, Li Ping'an lowered his head and came closer.

Mu Ningning was so flustered that she just closed her eyes.

Without any hesitation, he put his other hand around her waist to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Qingsu opened her eyes while meditating, and then closed them again.

Wen Ling'er opened a slit in her left eye and looked into the cave.

Wen Ling'er's expression remained calm at the moment, but her heart was already roaring like a mountain and a tsunami. She wished she could stop meditating, open a bottle of fairy brew, and watch while drinking.

‘Wow, it really clicked! ’

Wen Ling'er's soul was patting the ground and laughing.

In the main hall, Mu Ningning seemed to wake up suddenly, her eyes widened with peach blossoms, and she bit her red lips gently. She suddenly broke away from Li Ping'an's arms, covered her face and ran away quickly.

Wen Ling'er shouted disappointed.

She clicked her tongue lightly, really wanted to say "That's it"?

Although Wen Ling'er has never found a Taoist companion, she has never seen anything in Fang Town for so many years!

There are often shameless casual cultivators who deliberately remove protective formations when they are in trouble, let alone those places of brothels... She has a lot of knowledge!

Just as Wen Ling'er was thinking about it, Li Ping'an suddenly said, "Wen Ling'er?"

Wen Ling'er trembled.

No, isn't it?

Although she, the little maid, likes to have wild imaginations, and the little Ancestor Ping An is very handsome, she is not that casual! The rightful owner has run away, should she be allowed to continue? She is still a young girl...

Li Ping'an said again: "Go and invite my master. Get ready to go. I'm going to pack up hundreds of millions of magic weapons."

After saying that, Li Ping'an stood up calmly, used his escape technique, and escaped to the many underground halls.

Wen Linger blinked.

Did Ping An Xiaozu feel ashamed just now?

Wen Ling'er's almond-shaped eyes suddenly turned into a funny look.

Underground, Li Ping'an opened the layers of formations, soaked in a clear pool, and breathed out softly.

At the same time, there was a courtyard at the outer gate.

The young Niu Qi looked at the empty bed in his roommate, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

‘Ah, Li Jing, the traitor! I became a disciple first and ran away! ’

Then, Niu Qi's eyes showed a fierce look.

In this case, he no longer needs to be polite to Wan Yun Sect, so he can report to Madam Hu!

Night! seven! add! ticket! Thanks!

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