The fairy father

Chapter 133 On the eve of the small war, uninvited guests

Half an hour later.

The four of them left the interrogation room in silence, sat down in the study, and remained silent for a long time.

Huo Gunsha confessed all kinds of things he knew, including the dozens of sects that he had ordered to kill, and the sects that had previously had conflicts of interest with Guanhai Sect.

Similarly, Li Ping'an also knew all the details of the Blood Fiend Palace operation, including the contact code and so on.

Several crickets chirped outside the study;

A bit of cool night breeze blew through the gap in the window.

It wasn't until Wen Ling'er came in with the tea that Senior Xu Sheng couldn't help but punch the table beside him.

The immortal power barrier on the table almost collapsed, and Wen Ling'er also shivered in fright.

Xu Sheng said angrily: "I said that my Wei Yuan Sect has never been able to prosper! Good guy! These big sects are all trying to do harm and secretly recruit them together! It's too late to lay out the secular layout in the middle of Dongzhou. People can pick a few who are not good enough. His sect, he directly destroyed his sect, and then took over the Immortal Dynasty that he managed to run with great difficulty! I followed His Majesty the Human Emperor to fight bravely to kill the enemy and expel hundreds of tribes, and ended up protecting this! I am so angry! !”

Yan Sheng took out the dry pipe and lit it, and whispered: "I think back in the past, our Wan Yun Sect also tried to go through this path. However, due to the civil strife in the sect thousands of years ago, those who were contaminated with this way either died or were killed. Expelled.”

Qingsu asked: "Apprentice, are you going to ASEAN to mobilize troops now?"

"The opponent just gathered the power of the Three Blood Demons," Li Ping'an said, "The ASEAN immortal soldiers here are enough to deal with it. I can just go to the military camp and talk to a few generals... Even if we really need to mobilize troops, please ask a few generals for reinforcements. appropriate."

Xu Sheng said: "Shall I go to Wei Yuanzong to recruit a group of heavenly immortals and true immortals?"

"That's not necessary," Li Ping'an said sternly, "Kaiyuan Sect is a weapon refining sect, and it is not appropriate to fight and kill."

"You can't say that."

Xu Sheng smiled and said:

"I, the weapon refiner of Wei Yuanzong, can refine weapons with a small hammer, and destroy demons with a big hammer!

"Ping An, the harm caused by the evil ways in Dongzhou has reached the point where it has to be eradicated. I don't know what disputes there are in ASEAN, but injustice, truth, and justice must not be messed up!

"We, Wei Yuanzong, will never sit idly by and watch!"

The old man used the power of the Golden Immortal.

It actually made Cang Yuezhu's weapon spirit a little impressed.

Li Pingan was silent.

What he was thinking about and planning was bigger than the upcoming battle before him.

Li Ping'an made a rough calculation.

This time they want to eat three groups of blood demons in the Blood Demon Palace in one go. Even if the deputy master of the Blood Demon Palace is unwilling to do so, he should let the rest of the Blood Demon Palace lurk.

In other words, this is the only opportunity in the short term to wipe out the Blood Fiend Palace in one fell swoop.

How to do it?

Li Ping'an sank into the square chair, frowning and thinking.

Seeing this, Qing Su quietly moved to the next room, picked up the chopsticks, and took a small bite of the cold but still delicious steamed fish.

The most indispensable thing in Dong'an City is all kinds of delicious spiritual fish, and Wen Ling'er's cooking skills have also improved quite a lot recently.

Li Ping'an suddenly said: "The goshawk fights the rabbit, especially with all your strength, we are going to do it this time!"

Qing Su frowned and had no choice but to put down the jade chopsticks, stand up and go back to the study next door.

Yan Sheng asked: "How did you get big?"

"Take one day to prepare!"

Li Pingan said quickly:

"Let's split up. I'll go to the military camp and find some generals to discuss how to set a trap for the demon cultivator.

"Elder Yan Sheng first informed my father and asked him to secretly mobilize a sufficient number of immortals to be ready to support Dong'an City at any time. We must mobilize secretly!

"Senior Xu Sheng, we also need to borrow Wei Yuanzong's moving formation, and we will bear the cost of spiritual stones and wear and tear.

"Master, please go find Immortal Wenrou. No matter what, you must let Old Man Tianli know that we are about to capture the Deputy Master of the Blood Fiend Palace. Please make sure Old Man Tianli comes to Dong'an City within three days!"

Everyone nodded, got up and left.

Li Ping'an stopped Xu Sheng again and said seriously: "Senior, after you have finished explaining how to move the formation, please go to Tianyuanmen. I would like to ask Patriarch Jinxian of Tianyuanmen to come out and help."

"No problem!" Xu Sheng said with a smile, "The old guy sent me a message before, asking me to put in a few nice words in front of you and let me take you to Tianyuanmen as a guest."

Li Ping'an was a little dumbfounded, but the founder of Wanyun Sect, Jin Xian, was in retreat at the moment. Jin Xian had been in retreat for several years or decades. Unless the sect suffered a catastrophe, he could not act rashly, so he could only bring in some foreign aid.

"It's easy to say," Li Ping'an cupped his hands and said, "Please tell this senior Zhanyuan that I will visit Tianyuanmen from now on!"

"That's it," Xu Sheng waved his hand, "Should I ask him to come to you directly?"

"No," Li Ping'an said, "I would like to ask you to act together with Senior Zhan Yuan. Come here in half a day, take the Fire Rolling Demon with you, and take the Fire Rolling Demon to capture the messenger elder of the Blood Demon Palace! That elder definitely knows everything. Such a secret! There are only a few Fire-rolling Fiends, Blood Fiends, who can take the initiative to contact this messenger elder!"

"Yes, the role of the messenger elder is much greater than that of this Huo Gunsha! Then I will take him to Zhan Yuan right now!"

"Senior, senior, don't worry," Li Ping'an said, "Please leave the Fire Rolling Demon for half a day. I would like to ask Elder Yan Sheng to think about how to disguise the Fire Rolling Demon, and later mobilize the blood demons and underwater demons to use Fire. Gunsha comes forward."

Elder Yan Sheng's eyes lit up, he held his head high and said, "Good!"

Ping An finally arranged some serious life for him.

Always sending messages and delivering messages, he really wasted all his time in the Immortal Realm!

Li Ping'an urged: "That's it, everyone, go quickly!"

Yan Sheng and Xu Sheng transformed into a formation of rainbow light and flew across the courtyard.

Qing Su asked with some worry: "Apprentice, there is no immortal protection around you."

"Master, don't worry," Li Ping'an said with a smile, "I'll go to the military camp and then come back and hide."

"Oh, why can't you become an immortal?"

After saying this, Qingsu turned around and used the transformation and escape techniques.

The good-looking fairy has an unworldly temperament and the fragrance of orchids in the empty valley, but she is used to traveling underground.

Li Ping'an rubbed the tip of his nose and was about to leave when he thought it would be wrong to leave Wen Ling'er here alone.

After all, there is still a blood evil underground.

He summoned Deacon Wei Yanzi, and also asked a Celestial Immortal stationed in the city to be a temporary guard here, and then quietly rushed to the military camp outside the city.

Half a day later.

Senior Xu Sheng appeared together with a gray-haired elder and took away the blood evil spirit.

A stone arch stood in the courtyard next door, and six elders of the Weiyuan Sect sat cross-legged in front and behind the stone arch, ready to trigger the movement formation at any time.

Elder Yan Sheng carefully disguised himself and turned into Zeng Yimu, a fire-rolling evil spirit. He took all Zeng Yimu's belongings and hurried back to the dark workshop.

Regarding Elder Yan Sheng, Li Ping'an is the most difficult to rest assured.

But Li Ping'an had no other choice. Elder Yan Sheng and Huo Gunsha were close in cultivation and body shape, so it was most suitable to pretend to be Huo Gunsha.

Now, Li Ping'an can only say one thing from the bottom of his heart...

Trust the elders.

His trip to the military camp went smoothly. The only thing that made Li Ping'an feel a little unreliable was that several generals did not want to mobilize troops. The generals said that with the strength of their troops here, they can resist thousands of demons.

Everyone just wants to take some credit, which is understandable.

Apart from this, Li Ping'an's entire arrangement was flawless.

Li Pingan also made some preparations in the military camp.

At this moment, the official ASEAN Immortal Soldiers in the Five Hundred Yuan Immortal Realm put on the robes of the Preparatory Immortal Soldiers and adjusted their aura and Taoist charm to the realm of Heaven and Earth Bridge and Harmony of Truth.

The five hundred preliminary immortal soldiers of the Heaven and Earth Bridge Realm put on the battle armor of the official immortal soldiers.

As long as a large number of demons appear in the East China Sea, two thousand of these three thousand immortal soldiers will rush out, leaving only one thousand reserve immortal soldiers in the camp.

In fact, five hundred official immortal soldiers are lurking here, responsible for outflanking the demons in the Blood Demon Palace and building a retreat.

And Li Ping'an himself was also ready for a fight at this moment.

Although he is not very sure about how to deal with the evil demons of the Blood Demon Palace in the True Immortal Realm, he can also deal with the evil demons in the Yuan Immortal Realm.

One day later.

Li Ping'an, who was sitting behind his desk with his eyes closed and concentrating, suddenly opened his eyes.

Among the four jade talismans placed in front of him, a yellow jade talisman suddenly broke.

Elder Yan Sheng is ready to dispatch the big demons at any time!

Li Pingan took out a homemade half-hour hourglass, and then took out a scripture and began to read it carefully.

This is his personal habit. He likes to read something to keep himself calm when he is nervous.

Half an hour passed almost in the blink of an eye.

Li Ping'an picked up two jade talismans and crushed them at the same time. This was a "you can do it" order to Elder Yan Sheng and Senior Xu Sheng.

He turned to look out the window, and saw that the courtyard was quiet; the two Immortals inside the sect were chatting in the pavilion. They were just here for protection and did not know the specific plans for today.

Three thousand miles to the east, a series of shadows appeared under the calm sea, quietly heading due west.

These big monsters don't know that Dong'an City is guarded by ASEAN immortal soldiers.

They just did what they often did before, quietly going out, landing on the shore, suddenly rushing towards human towns and villages, having a good meal and leaving happily.

The three groups of blood evil spirits lurking near Dong'an City have now received news that the east side has begun to take action.

They didn't doubt anything.

After all, Huo Gunsha is very resourceful, and this operation was personally ordered by the deputy palace master, so there will be no problems.

at the same time.

Inside the Zhuyun Hall of Wanyun Sect.

Hundreds of Wan Yunxian gathered together to drink tea and chat. They also didn't know why Master Dazhi called them here.

Li Dazhi is now the most anxious one in the entire Wanyun Sect.

He paced back and forth in the inner hall with his hands behind his back and his bald head, looking at the dozen peak masters and elders with dazzled eyes.

Xiao Yue said softly: "Uncle, please don't leave, come here and have a rest."

"Why should I rest now?"

Li Dazhi clapped his hands and said anxiously:

"Ping'an hasn't even become an immortal yet, yet he has put up such a big show and wants to fight to the death with the Blood Demon Palace! Where did he get the courage!"

One of the peak masters laughed and said: "Ping'an is not just about being brave. Elder Yan Sheng always praises Ping'an when he has nothing to do. Ping'an is resourceful, civilized, and military."

"I think he just goes too smoothly, and his Taoist heart is swollen!"

Li Dazhi sighed:

"I'm just preparing to hold a joint conference here to call out more fellow Taoists and build more momentum, but he's starting to fish right away.

"You said, it doesn't matter if you only catch one or two fish. This is a thin line with seven or eight hooks! You are not afraid of breaking the line!"

"Uncle Master," Xiao Yue said with a smile, "Elder Yan Sheng's letter said that this matter is 100% certain, and the reinforcements coming from the door are just to prepare for emergencies."

Another peak master said: "When the moving formation is opened, a large amount of spiritual stones will be spent. If it can be saved, it will be great."

"Don't even think about saving these spiritual stones!"

Li Dazhi took out a Lingbao long sword. His slightly fat figure was quite majestic, and his whole person had a bit of murderous aura.

“As soon as there’s a fight over there, we’ll rush over there!

"I'm the one who made the decision this time, don't waste time moving the formation, just open it!

"I'll think of a way to earn more spiritual stones later!"

The peak masters and elders looked at each other and smiled.

Look at Dong'an City again.

Inside Zuiyue Tower, it was a beautiful afternoon scene, and the sound was echoing everywhere.

Sun Yingying resumed her usual disguise, wearing her long tube top dress, holding a palace fan, swaying the fan gently from the window, looking out the window slightly lost in thought.

She sighed quietly and recited a plaintive poem.

"It's true that there are countless extravagant loves in this world, and countless grievances and grievances in the world."

A teasing voice came from the side: "Sister Yingying, are you... having a lover?"

Sun Yingying looked at the beauty who spoke and said with a smile: "I just think these words are good. If I want to be tempted, which male cultivator can bear it?"

Several beauties from Zuiyue Tower said yes one after another.

"Yes, yes!"

"Sister Yingying, we want to go shopping."

"Go ahead," Sun Yingying waved her hand, "Remember to come back before sunset, these casual cultivators in the city are not honest."

"Sister Xie Yingying!"

Several beauties bowed and saluted, laughed and left together.

Sun Yingying continued to stare out the window in a daze, looking at the clouds on the horizon. The clouds unconsciously turned into black clothes...

The tip of her nose twitched slightly, and she suddenly said: "Where does the evil spirit come from?"

At this moment, Granny Yin Lin's voice reached Sun Yingying's ears.

"Yingying, a distinguished guest is here, please come over."

Sun Yingying lowered her head and looked at her feet. Through the layers of restrictions, she seemed to see the source of the evil spirit.

She didn't say much, got up and walked to the wall, pushed open the secret door on the wall and fell straight to the ground.

After a while, Sun Yingying took the tray from a girl, carrying two cups of tea, and appeared at the door of the secret room on the fourth floor underground. With a "squeak" sound, the wooden door opened, and Sun Yingying also saw the guest's face. figure.

The Snake King?

Sun Yingying was in a daze.

Although Happy Valley will sell some information to monsters, this information is limited to the locations of some spiritual veins and spiritual mines, as well as unimportant information about Qi Refiners.

Granny Yin Lin greeted: "Yingying, why don't you come in?"

"Here we come, grandma."

Sun Yingying smiled sweetly, brought tea inside, and the secret room opened up layers of barriers.

This distinguished guest is a tall demon woman.

The woman sat with her head held high, nearly a foot taller than Granny Yin Lin. The double-breasted skirt she wore was quite simple and had the style of ancient times.

Her face and appearance are also extraordinary compared to those of ordinary demon women. Her face with willow-shaped eyebrows and melon seeds is not only not at all coquettish, but also reveals a bit of holiness.

After she removed the skirt, a snake tail with colorful scales also showed her identity.

The king of the Cai Lin clan.

Sun Yingying bowed and saluted, sat next to Granny Yin Lin, and said with a smile: "It's actually King Cailin who came in person. How disrespectful."

King Cai Lin nodded slightly. Although he had a self-made arrogance, he was not arrogant.

"Fellow Taoist, you are very polite. I am here just to buy and sell some news. This mother-in-law said that I need to ask you before I can decide whether to sell this news or not. It doesn't matter if you can't do business today. After all, your Happy Valley is based on the human race. Lord, I understand this."

Sun Yingying asked: "I wonder what news you want?"

King Cai Lin’s pair of phoenix eyes are a little more sharp:

"The whereabouts of Li Ping'an, the illegitimate son of Emperor Xuanyuan Huang."

Sun Yingying was startled for a moment, then looked up at the king of the snake clan, and found that he didn't seem to be making her happy, and she didn't know where to start.

Is this king brainless?

She actually believed such a ridiculous rumor!



The spiritual energy in the secret room fluctuated violently, the city defense formation was fully activated, and thick smoke appeared above the East China Sea!

One hundred thirty or forty giant monsters rushed out of the sea, shouting "Slaughter Dong'an" and rushed towards Dong'an City crazily.

Underground, Sun Yingying frowned and looked at King Cailin, and King Cailin also frowned and looked at Sun Yingying.

"Your Majesty, did you bring this?"

"I have no grudges against ordinary people," King Cai Lin said coldly, "This matter has nothing to do with me."

Another loud shout came from outside the city: "The soldiers will obey the order! Kill the demons! Protect the common people!"

Two immortal generals rose into the sky, and more than two thousand immortal soldiers took off at the same time, swarming towards the East China Sea.

The demon king in the underground secret room didn't know that the chief director of this drama was the human Qi practitioner she was looking for at the moment, Li Ping'an.

I updated three chapters yesterday. I’ll take it slow today and finish the small climax in one go tomorrow~

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