The fairy father

Chapter 154 The eating and drinking fairy refuses the opportunity

Outside the city of Dong'an, there is the sea to the east, and there are thousands of miles of beautiful blue pools.

Music and singing started in the Zuiyue Tower, and distinguished guests came from the Supervisory Office.

Not to mention that Li Pingan was waiting in Zuiyue Tower, Sun Yingying had already arranged a banquet with singing and dancing, but she was the only one who didn't show up, leaving Li Pingan to wait.

Let's say that the trio of the old housekeeper, the noble son, and the little book boy have already visited the Supervisory Office.

"Young Master, look, this Yamen is really good."

The 'old housekeeper' Xuanyuan was amazed, but he saw at a glance the greatest use of this supervisory office.

He said:

"Once this place is built, the city will be under the direct jurisdiction of ASEAN instead of being governed by the sect. Within a certain range outside the city, private fights among individual cultivators will disappear, and the lives of mortals in the city will also be guaranteed.

“Really good.

"Most of the towns we visited are controlled by the large sects themselves. It cannot be said that there are no laws, but there are mixed good and bad, good and evil. The sects only care about the harvest of spiritual stones, and a few sects will promulgate some laws. Rules that protect mortals.

“If this model is promoted, Dongzhou will be able to establish order within a hundred years.

"Sir, what do you think?"

‘Master Feng Ao’ Feng Queen nodded slowly, with a slight smile on her lips.

It was impossible for others to listen to the conversation between the three of them.

Feng Hou pointed at the dozen or so patrol guards wearing black floral patches passing by and said with a smile:

"Butler, look, they are each surrounded by a photo orb. I looked at the patrolling guards everywhere. Most of them are equipped with such photo orbs, and everything they do is recorded.

"This can make ordinary casual cultivators a little more convinced.

"Dali, this matter was also proposed by the person who wrote the New Deal?"


The 'little book boy' could only answer in his immature voice:

"In the Supervision Department, those who go out to enforce the law must be equipped with photo beads.

"Before going out, the original image left by the photo bead must be cleared. After returning, you must write down the law enforcement matters in writing. Remember where you were and what you did. This will be regarded as a case record and stored in the underground case record storehouse.

"If there is a major incident such as murder, arson, or collusion with demons, the shadow beads need to be stored together with the case. The storage also has a time limit. The treasure house is equipped with a large number of storage magic weapons.

"Although doing this is a bit cumbersome, it can prevent unjust, false and wrongful convictions, so that law enforcement personnel can take it into consideration and not act recklessly or use their power to oppress others."

Fenghou continued: "I see there are two stone tablets here. The laws written on the stone tablets are several times more detailed than the ancient military laws used by ASEAN. You are not wasting your time, you have done something."

This was a good word for ASEAN in front of Emperor Xuanyuan.

Unexpectedly, the ‘Little Book Boy’ Old Man Tianli awakened his soul of sincerity and immediately said:

"We dare not take credit. This law is also part of the New Deal. It was formulated in detail by the people who wrote the New Deal based on the situation in Dongzhoufang Town.

“In this law, it focuses on the importance of human life, killing those who kill and punishing those who hurt others, but deliberately ignores the difference between monks and mortals.

"I was still arguing with that guy at the time. Monks can be immortal soldiers and protect the human race. How come their lives are not more important than those of mortals?

"What do you think the guy answered?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi said with a smile: "Dali is not bad, he actually learned to show off his skills."

The 'little book boy' was about to kneel down, but was grabbed by 'Master Feng Ao'.

Old man Tianli said hurriedly:

"Your Majesty, I forgive you. I'm so used to being the deputy leader that I can't change my words for a while.

"That guy said that there are no similarities or differences between mortals and monks in nature, but their own qualifications are different. This body lives between heaven and earth, but it uses the vitality of heaven and earth to nourish itself. What's the difference?

"The higher the cultivation level of a Qi practitioner, the harder it is for him to have children. Mortals reproduce, but parents without cultivation qualifications can give birth to babies with cultivation qualifications.

"The big sect is in the middle of Dongzhou. If you control more immortal dynasties, you can find more immortal seedlings, and continuously create new blood for the sect, so that the sect can stay strong.

"This situation in Dongzhou actually proves that mortals are the foundation of the human race. From the perspective of the entire human race, only if enough mortals maintain normal reproduction can more immortal soldiers be produced continuously."

Xuanyuan Huangdi and Fenghou looked at each other, the former caressed his beard and moaned softly, while the latter nodded slightly.

"Let's go," Xuanyuan Huangdi said, "let's go to the Jie Dou Yamen over there. It seems to be quite lively there... The design here is also very clever. The main Yamen is in the middle, and the four Yamen are arranged on all sides. Not bad, not bad. Young Master, please go ahead."

‘Master Feng Ao’ patted ‘Book Boy’ on the shoulder and walked forward calmly with his hands behind his back.

The 'old housekeeper' put a hand on the 'book boy''s shoulder, squeezed it with a smile, and followed behind.

This book boy, Old Man Tianli, was completely stunned.

No, what do you two mean?

He boasted so much, why didn't he ask who wrote the New Deal?

Old Man Tianli only felt that he was indeed a little confused, and his mind was almost on fire.

Half an hour later.

The noble son, the old housekeeper, and the little book boy left the Yamen of the Supervisory Department of Dong'an City, randomly found a restaurant that looked grand, and asked for a seat on the top floor.

As soon as they reached the top floor, old man Tianli, the 'book boy', looked at the fairy in white who was staring out the window with his chin in his hands, and his heart was shocked.

Isn’t this the master of peace?

The two masters and apprentices were inseparable. Could it be that Ping An had arrived in Dong'an City? Then why haven't we met before?

‘If this is the case, let Ping An meet His Majesty by chance, and then let Ping An offer advice... wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing? ’

Old Man Tianli thought so in his heart, and began to make plans in his heart.

Suddenly he heard the wind and said with a smile: "Look, you two, that fairy over there has ordered a table of food, but I don't know if she can eat it. Why don't we go over and sit with her to prevent her from wasting the corn."

Xuanyuan Huangdi clicked his tongue: "That's right, why did she order so many things by herself?"

Qing Su suddenly glanced at this place and said calmly: "It's troublesome."

Huangdi Xuanyuan and Queen Feng looked at each other and almost laughed.

The 'book boy' was about to shout "Bold" immediately, but was hit in the head by a fist.

The 'Old Butler' smiled and said: "Sir, go and meet this immortal. My reputation in this area is not very good, and it is easy for some rumors to spread."

'Young Master Feng Ao' Feng Hou said: "The housekeeper and the book boy will take their seats here. You can order whatever you want to eat."

After saying this, the handsome young man put his hands behind his back and walked straight to the seat by the window.

Xuanyuan Huangdi pressed Old Man Tianli to sit at a random table and said with a smile: "Dali, please do whatever you want. I'll treat you to this meal."

"Thank you, thank you."

Elder Tianli felt infinite satisfaction in his heart.

It is a supreme honor to be invited to dinner by His Majesty the Yellow Emperor!

Then, old man Tianli also realized that this restaurant should not be chosen randomly. His Majesty and Lord Fenghou should have seen Qingsu here a long time ago and came to look for Qingsu.

The reputation your Majesty mentioned is not very good, it is because of the allusion of "Three Thousand Ascensions of the Yellow Emperor's Queen".

In this case, these two people should be looking for Qingsu for business.

Yes, the chat between the three of them should not have been heard by anyone, but Qingsu just heard the words of the three of them.

It was obvious that His Majesty or Lord Fenghou wanted her to hear this on purpose.

Here, the old butler dressed as Huangdi Xuanyuan is sitting upright, and the little book boy Tianli is busy in front and back, calling the waiters to come over and order food.

A young and clear voice came back from the seat by the window, but it was Fenghou who held her hands in greeting: "Fairy, I wonder if I can share a table with you?"

Qingsu took a mouthful of the fat but not greasy spirit beast meat, swallowed it in small mouthfuls, and said without raising her head: "There is an empty seat next to it."

"Fairy," Feng Hou smiled, "I have something to discuss with you."

Qing Su frowned slightly, glanced at the young master, and said, "I don't want a Taoist companion, and I don't like talking to others. Please don't pester me."

The corners of Fenghou's mouth twitched slightly.

The old butler over there held the edge of the table with both hands, looked up at the ceiling, and almost laughed.

Old man Tianli:......

It's over, Qing Su is over, Master Fenghou is in the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, and it doesn't take half the strength to crush a heavenly immortal to death.

Feng Hou was not annoyed at all and sat down directly opposite Qing Su.

"Fairy, why don't you ask me what's wrong with me? I already have several wives in my family, and I don't like to find new Taoist companions."

Qing Su pursed her lips slightly, as if blaming this person for losing her interest in eating, she casually took out a token and threw it in front of Feng Hou.

ASEAN fifth grade martial artist.

Old Man Tianli almost slipped under the table.

Fenghou narrowed her eyes and smiled: "This doesn't scare me."

"Then sit down."

Qingsu took back the token, placed a layer of immortal power around herself and the food, lowered her head and continued eating and drinking without any change in rhythm.

Feng Hou wanted to reach out and break her barrier, but felt that such a move was too hasty and a bit offensive, and she was unable to move forward or retreat for a moment.

A waiter came quickly from the side and bowed repeatedly, asking Feng Hou not to disturb the guests' meal.

Feng Hou laughed dumbly, stood up and returned to Huangdi Xuanyuan and Old Man Tianli. A mysterious and illusory Taoist rhyme enveloped the three of them.

Judging from others, the master and servant were discussing among themselves what to eat.

In fact, Huangdi Xuanyuan was already banging the table and laughing. Old Man Tianli had a wry smile on his face. Fenghou raised his head and sighed:

"For more than a hundred thousand years, no one has ever rejected Pindao's kindness... I never thought that there would be a day when I couldn't even give him away."

Old man Tianli said hurriedly: "This innocent person is ignorant and does not know your true identity. Don't be surprised or surprised!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi laughed and said: "Hahaha! This junior! Hahahaha! Where is her apprentice? I really want to meet him!"

Fenghou sighed: "Your Majesty, let's eat first."

"Okay, don't mind Feng You, I just...ah hahaha!"

Old Man Tianli whispered: "Your Majesty, sir, do you two know that this is Qingsu?"

"That's not it?"

Fenghou glared at Old Man Tianli:

"How can we hide the affairs of the human race from His Majesty?

"I made a prediction yesterday. Li Ping'an will return to Dong'an City today. His Majesty just came here to look for him. By the way, he took a look at the Supervisory Department of Dong'an City.

"Don't you think His Majesty has time to hang out here?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi smiled and said: "Our human race has a great luck man, a great enlightenment quasi-immortal who worships under the disciple of Senior Yun Zhongzi. I studied under Guangchengzi, so I should come and see it. If you continue to act, it will be boring to be a gangster. ."

After saying that, he put away the wisp of Tao Yun, and the three of them quickly entered the state.

They ordered a few local signature dishes, ordered two bottles of good wine, and stopped talking to Qing Su.

Old Man Tianli glanced at Qingsu and sighed in his heart.

If this female fairy knew in the future that she had missed the opportunity given by Master Fenghou, she would not know how to regret it.

The three of them ate and drank, and another half hour passed quietly.

Xuanyuan Huangdi smiled and said: "Although there is no good wine or delicacies, the food here is quite delicious."

"You'll get tired of it if you eat too much," Feng Hou shook his head, "It's just about focusing on flavor. The secret of good food ultimately comes down to the ingredients. The rarer the ingredients, the more simple they need to be cooked."

Old Man Tianli nodded beside him: "I have eaten the meat of a million-year-old monster twice in ancient times. It is very strong."

Xuanyuan Huangdi said: "It's strange, isn't it said that Li Pingan is inseparable from his master? His master is here, where did Li Pingan go?"

While the three of them were talking, there was some noise coming from downstairs.

"Fairy Xiao is here!"

"Fairy Xiao is truly a majestic figure."

A ray of fairy light lit up, and a beautiful fairy led two girls up the stairs.

But it was Xiao Yue who came with two named disciples to look for Qingsu.

Xuanyuan Huangdi glanced at her, frowned slightly, and whispered: "Her luck has indeed been improved."

Feng Hou pinched his fingers to calculate and explained: "This person is Xiao Yue, a Taoist companion of the great fortune immortal Li Dazhi. He is in charge of the outer sect of the Wan Yun Sect and is also the person in charge of the Wan Yun Sect in Dong'an City."

Xuanyuan Huangdi nodded slowly: "Sure enough, the theory of great luck is true."

"Your Majesty," Old Man Tianli asked in a low voice, "What is the function of great luck?"

"God's will, everything goes well."

Xuanyuan Huangdi smiled and said:

“Although our human race fought back against Heaven and fought against Heaven in ancient times, times have changed and we should no longer treat Heaven in that way.

"Although you don't have to obey the will of heaven in everything, you should still live in harmony with the way of heaven."

Old Man Tianli was thoughtful.

By the window, Xiao Yue stepped forward to salute: "I have met Elder Qingsu."

Qing Su stood up and returned the gift, then casually arranged a barrier and said softly:

"Sit down and eat."

Xiao Yue was not polite and took a seat next to Qing Su, adding a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

Due to the protection of Qingsu's immortal power barrier, the two of them didn't know that there was a powerful person not far away, and they had no worries when chatting.

Xiao Yue asked: "When did you return to this place? Why can't you find peace? I have sent a letter to Master Dazhi. Uncle Master should be coming over, and Ning Ning will come with him."

Qing Su thought for a moment and said, "He should go to Zuiyue Tower."

"Zuiyue Tower?" Xiao Yue couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle, "Peace is real. With Ning Ning at home, so many fairies in the mountain gate admire him extremely, and he still wants to go to Zuiyue Tower."

Xuanyuan Huangdi next to him also sighed: "You are so young, you don't know the meaning of red and pink skulls."

Qingsu corrected him: "Apprentice is going to do business."

"I was just joking," Xiao Yue said softly, "How have you been in ASEAN for the past six months?"

Old man Tianli became nervous instantly. The 'little book boy' listened with his ears pricked up, begging his grandfather to tell his grandma, and hoping that Qingsu would not say anything wrong.

Qing Su took two bites of the grilled fish and heated up several hot dishes skillfully with her slender fingers.

She said slowly: "It's not bad. I just wander around every day, looking for people to ask for advice on fighting. There's not much to do. My apprentice is quite tired. He has to be locked up in some halls every day and doesn't finish his work. You are not allowed to come out, and occasionally you have to plot against those in ASEAN."


Xiao Yue sighed and said with concern:

"It's hard to worry about Ping An. He's only so young and he has to fight with those elders from ancient times in ASEAN.

"It's also my fault that Wan Yun Sect is not one of the top three sects. Forging Tianmen relied on the support of people in ASEAN to bully us wantonly. Ping An had no choice but to go to ASEAN, thinking about whether he could cut off the connection between ASEAN and Forging Tianmen.

"Well, I have estimated the accounts of the Forging Heaven Clan. Not only can they make hundreds or even thousands of cubic spiritual stones every year from ASEAN, but I don't know how many of the deputy leaders in ASEAN have made a fortune from the Forging Heaven Clan. This has lasted for tens of thousands of years. Well, how can it be cut easily?"

Qing Su thought for a while and said softly: "My apprentice said that he has a new policy, but he can't bring it out now."

"This new policy is indeed good," Xiao Yue looked at the Yamen of the Supervision Department, "It's just that we suffered a bit. The real estate land in Dong'an City was our own, but now it is managed by ASEAN. I want to increase the rent. Please ask for three trials and four trials."

Qing Su said:

"It's not this new deal. The apprentice said that he had already prepared the supervisory system.

“He also has a bigger new deal, but the time is not right now.

"What he means is that ASEAN is too chaotic, with many factions and no backbone."

Xiao Yue covered her mouth and chuckled: "Then it depends on safety."

Xiao Yue then changed the topic and took Qing Su to chat while eating.

Behind the square table not far away.

Xuanyuan Huangdi and Fenghou simultaneously turned to look at the ‘book boy’ Tianli.

There were a few beads of cold sweat on the 'little book boy''s forehead, and the hand holding the chopsticks was trembling slightly.

Xuanyuan Huangdi smiled and said: "Master, we have eaten and drank enough. Let's go to Zuiyue Tower to watch the singing and dancing?"

Feng Hou said, "This matter needs long-term consideration. If we go to the brothel, if others know about it, what kind of allusion will it become?"

"Hey, there are no outsiders here, right, Dali?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi and Fenghou looked at the 'little book boy' with smiles.

Old Man Tianli almost couldn't help but kneel down.

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