The fairy father

Chapter 165 Sing for peace and harmony after the wind

Immortal blood was flowing in the grooves on the ground, and an immortal corpse was hanging not far away.

The two deputy leaders knelt on the ground, and their bodies were hung in front of the hall.

Li Pingjing stood quietly in the sight of the immortals, in front of the sky full of immortals and millions of immortal soldiers, thinking quietly as if there was no one else around.

This thought lasted half an hour.

Even for a golden immortal, years and months can be accomplished with a snap of the finger;

But at this moment, except for Taoist Tianburn who had "escaped from the sea of ​​suffering", all the ASEAN immortal officials felt that every breath was so long.

Old man Tianli took several old men and took the initiative to land in front of the hall, standing with several deputy allies, waiting for each other.

Several people also secretly whispered:

"Wind element will indeed cause problems. After all, Li Ping'an is just a young man after such a test."

"Hey, if the wind element starts killing again later, can we ask for mercy?"

"Begging for mercy? How to beg? Be careful of Feng Xiang settling your account."

"I've never harmed anyone."

In a blink of an eye, it was time for tea again.

Several figures came from the periphery of the immortal soldiers, but it was Wenrou Celestial Immortal who brought two middle-aged men under the protection of two golden immortal old women.

Logically speaking, these two people would never meet each other, but at this moment they were indeed walking side by side, talking and laughing.

One of them was Li Dazhi who was wearing a wig, and the other was the handsome 'Taoist wizard' Mo Yunshen.

When the two men saw the bloody corpse hanging in front of the hall, their expressions changed for a moment.

Mo Yunshen's face was pale, and he fully understood after traveling here that His Majesty Xuanyuan wanted to cleanse the rotten flesh and blood in ASEAN today.

Li Dazhi was simply taken aback and couldn't help but mutter: "Damn it, are you really going to kill the deputy ally?"

Wenrou asked: "Why is Ping An standing in front of the palace?"

The voice of old man Tianli rang out, explaining to Wenrou what had happened before, namely, the 'settlement of accounts after the wind' and the 'teaching of the younger generation'.

Wenrou told Li Dazhi about this matter.

Li Dazhi put his hands in his sleeves and sighed: "This is true. Don't look at the fun now, be careful to make a list in the future."

"Friend Da Zhi," Wen Rou whispered, "Ping An is in charge of the overall situation, but it is not convenient for Ping An to show up here."

Li Dazhi nodded slowly, looked at Li Ping'an's figure, and asked in a low voice: "Fellow Taoist, what is Ping'an thinking about?"

"I'm afraid I'm thinking of killing or keeping," Wenrou sighed softly and said softly, "If four vice-alliances are destroyed at once, it will not be a serious blow to ASEAN, but it will be a huge blow. The morale of ASEAN’s immortal soldiers.”

Li Dazhi nodded: "That's right. It's so rotten up there, and we have to let the immortal soldiers charge into the battle. Anyone else would be a little dissatisfied."

"Fellow Taoist Dazhi, you are wise. Do you have any good solutions to the current situation?"

"It's hard to comment."

Li Dazhi thought carefully for a moment, took out a jade talisman, wrote three sentences, and handed it to Wenrou's hand.

He said: "Please, fellow Taoist, please send this thing to my son."

Wenrou asked softly: "Can I see it?"

Li Dazhi smiled and said, "Of course, if you can understand."

Wenrou picked up the jade talisman and looked at it for a few times. What she saw were three lines of crooked characters, and she was speechless for a moment.

She turned around and handed the jade talisman to the old woman behind her, who bypassed the surrounding immortal officials and rushed to the front of the palace.

Not long after, a silver-armored immortal general walked up to Li Ping'an, lowered his head and presented the jade talisman.

Li Ping'an was stunned for a moment when he saw the jade talisman with the logo of his Wanyun Sect. He raised his hand to pick up the jade talisman and said, "Thank you very much."

He took a closer look and saw several black lines hanging on his forehead.

‘Woxiaxiede, wenrourangwochuzhuyi. ’

‘nengliyuedazerenyueda. ’

‘zuonirenweizhengquedeshi, napaweicibaohanzhongsheng.’

Li Ping'an:...

He lowered his head to look at the jade talisman, suddenly sighed, turned around and looked into the Immortal Punishment Hall.

Feng Hou sat upright in front of the central hall, closed his eyes and meditated.

Li Ping'an said loudly: "Feng Xiang! I have doubts in my heart and I can't make a decision on this matter!"

"Oh?" Fenghou slowly opened her eyes.

A mysterious Taoist rhyme circulated between the two people. Instead of covering up anything, it clearly transmitted the conversation between the two people to the ears of the immortal soldiers.

Feng Hou asked: "What doubts do you have? Just tell me."

"Dare to ask Feng Xiang!"

Li Ping'an raised his hands and bowed:

"Since Prime Minister Feng knows so many sins committed by the Vice-President here, why didn't he punish them before! Instead, he had to wait until today!

"Just like this deputy natural protector! He has died nineteen times, but the wind prime minister has allowed him to live eighteen more times. Should these eighteen times be counted as the wind prime minister shielding this person!"

The hearts of several deputy allies trembled when they heard this.

Old Man Tianli even said hurriedly: "Don't talk nonsense about Ping An!"

"It doesn't matter."

Fenghou waved her hand, caressed her beard, and said softly:

"If young people are not energetic, then what hope does our human race have?

"Ping An, I can tell you that if you hadn't boiled ASEAN today, even if he died twenty times, I still wouldn't take action.

"This is not as simple as waiting for an opportunity. The situation here is very complicated."

Li Ping'an said: "Junior, I don't know! Please ask Feng Xiang to clear up the confusion!"

Fenghou sighed again: "It's not something that cannot be said. Sometimes, if these things are not explained clearly, it is difficult to convince the public! Ping An, do you know about the battle of chasing deer?"

"I know it."

Li Pingan lowered his arms and said seriously:

"In the wilderness of chasing deer, hundreds of tribes fight, the sky collapses and the earth falls, and the human race is at its peak."

"It's an understatement in the history books, but it hides countless bones."

Fenghou's eyes gradually became distant, and she said slowly:

“In order to win this battle, we sacrificed too much and suffered too many casualties.

"What happened today is just an old debt owed back then."

Li Ping'an pretended to be confused: "A long time has passed here, how can there be such an old score?"

"Even though the years have passed, the legacy will remain."

Feng Hou said:

"When ASEAN was established only three thousand years ago and nine thousand years ago, I killed a total of three deputy allies.

“But as time went by, some of the sub-alliances were still corrupted.

"Why don't you ask who asked Tianbao to deliver the letter? Why couldn't he refuse such a thing?"

Li Ping'an said: "This junior is asking this question!"

Fenghou sighed: "That man comes from the Notre Dame Palace and is a close attendant of Nuwa Empress."

As soon as these words came out, there was no obvious difference among the immortals outside the palace, but the immortal soldiers and generals in the distance were all surprised.

Li Ping'an was silent for a moment and then asked: "Can the Attendant of Our Lady intervene in ASEAN affairs?"

"Normally, we shouldn't interfere."

Feng Hou said:

"But they insisted on interfering, and they continued to interfere. They even tried to directly control ASEAN, but His Majesty defied it cleverly.

"Peace, you know, in addition to the attendants of the Holy Mother, there are also a group of people in ASEAN. They first obey the king's orders, and secondly obey the master's orders.

"Sometimes, they say that the king's destiny is greater than the master's destiny, but secretly they act expediently.

"These people follow the leader of the West, but His Majesty can only turn a blind eye."

Li Ping'an asked again: "Feng Xiang said that the Virgin Mary's attendants and Western disciples are the two who check and balance ASEAN and are the bane of ASEAN! Then why doesn't Your Majesty cut off the bane?"

Fenghou asked back: "Why do you, Your Majesty, retire in your prime?"

Li Ping'an frowned and asked, "Is it because of the Virgin Mother's persecution?"

"It's not that the Holy Mother is forcing you. The Holy Mother has always been good to the human race, but sometimes the Holy Mother has to worry more."

The wind queen sighed:

"In the final analysis, this matter is Western religious persecution."

"Western religion persecution?"

"It's no secret."

Fenghou shook her head and said slowly:

"In the past, the leader of the Western Sect came and said he was willing to help the human race defeat the hundreds of tribes led by Chi You. The condition he gave was that the Western Sect could preach in the human race, and your majesty naturally agreed.

"But later on, the Western religion did not send out people or efforts. At the last moment, it used the magic power of the leader and the great justice of the living beings to force our human race to fail to fulfill its full merits, so that a large number of golden immortals and heavenly immortals lost their longevity. Finally ended with hatred.

"The most ridiculous thing is that the second leader of the Western Religion is so shameless that we, the human race, fulfill our promise and allow them to preach in the West!"

Li Ping'an frowned and asked, "Is this why your Majesty retired?"

"This is only one of them, and it is also the main reason. His Majesty chose to retire back then to avoid the pressure from Western religions."

The wind queen sighed:

"Your Majesty's retreat has many connections with the empress's arrangement of the Juetian Formation.

"I will tell you the secrets here today, and let the soldiers listen to them, so that the soldiers will not think that the corruption and disaster of ASEAN lies with your Majesty.

"The great formation covering Nanzhou was caused by a dispute between His Majesty and the Holy Mother.

"Your Majesty believes that immortals and humans should be one, and that immortals and mortals are no different in nature. Although immortals will hurt many mortals when they do evil, immortals also have actions to protect mortals. Good and evil are all tied to the thoughts of the human heart.

“The Holy Mother believes that after practicing Qi, people have transcended the world and cannot stand next to mortals to look at problems, and they also have different views on life and death.

"As the human race continues to multiply, most of the human race does not have the qualifications to practice. People without the qualifications to practice look up to see the immortals who are happy and long-lived. How can they balance their hearts? They will only feel that this life is meaningless, so they should be separated from the immortals.

"The differences between the two grew bigger and bigger, and finally there was a big quarrel. The Holy Mother used her supreme magic power to create the Heavenly Formation and sealed off Nanzhou.

“There has been no Qi training in Nanzhou since then.

"Since then, His Majesty has ridden a dragon and returned to seclusion, and the throne of the Emperor of Humanity has spread from Nanzhou, with the subsequent rotation of the Five Emperors.

"There is a saying about the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors circulating in Southern Continent. Ancient countries have risen and fallen, and mortals have lived colorful lives, which can be considered stable for tens of thousands of years.

"Later, the Kingdom of Great Xia became the new co-owner of the world. It changed the system of abdication and allowed the throne to pass on by itself. The throne of the Human Emperor of Great Xia has been passed down for thousands of years. Since then, it has embarked on a path with the East. Continent has a completely different path.

"In the disagreement between Our Lady and Your Majesty, who is right and who is wrong? It is difficult to judge.

"At that time, dozens of reasons intertwined with each other, which led to His Majesty's retirement; the purpose of His Majesty's retirement was only to temporarily suppress these problems, delay time, and restore the vitality of the human race.

"I know what you want to ask, why doesn't His Majesty cut off these evils as soon as possible.

“If you don’t cut it, you really can’t cut it.

"Your Majesty has endured for more than 60,000 years, and in exchange for the prosperity of the Eastern Continent, the human race has twice as many immortals and ten times as many times as the demon clan in the West Continent. When a group of peak golden immortal masters from the human race broke through to Taiyi, they had the ability to challenge the Western Sect. strength.

"Your Majesty's plan is to endure for a hundred thousand years, and the human race will have a few more Daluo and dozens more Taiyi. When the Taoist sect has passed the Taoist Immortal Tribulation, the Taoist sect's immortals will once again come out of their dojo to check and balance the Western Sect.

"At that time, the human race can settle their ancient grudges. No matter whether they kill hundreds of tribes or surrender them, they don't have to let a large number of soldiers become demons and burn themselves."

Li Ping'an lowered his head and sighed, already understanding something in his heart.

In the final analysis, it is really Western teaching that is causing trouble.

The Western Sect protects hundreds of races, and the human race has no master who can fight the leader, let alone the Western Sect still has two leaders.

Due to the persecution of the Western religion, the disagreement with the Holy Mother, and the great loss of the vitality of the human race, the Xuanyuan family was forced to retire to buy time for the human race to recover its vitality and develop itself.

In the past 60,000 years, the Xuanyuan clan could only consider the overall situation and endure minor troubles.

The Western Church and the Notre Dame Palace extended their tentacles into ASEAN and kept making small moves. However, the Xuanyuan family and Feng Hou could only write down these crimes and wait for settlement later.

Li Ping'an thought silently.

Fenghou let out a long sigh and continued to say these words to Li Ping'an and to the ASEAN soldiers:

"Ping An, are you still blaming me now for not waiting to get rid of these moths earlier?

"You and I look at these issues from the perspective of ASEAN. We feel that the moths here are harming ASEAN and harming our human race's military affairs, so they should be killed.

"Like Tianfen Tianli, when they look at these issues from within ASEAN and above the Eastern Continent, what they see is the countless demons hidden in the Western Continent. These demons are eyeing our human race. They are worried that the golden immortals of the human race will be damaged too much. It would give the demons an opportunity to take advantage of them, so I always had doubts and dared not take action against these people.

"As for the Dongzhou Qi Refiners, when looking at ASEAN, those who have nothing to do with ASEAN are more in awe, while those who are related to ASEAN are more flattering.

"When Your Majesty looks at the human race, as long as the human race is generally stable and some corruption on the edges can be driven out regularly, what he cares about is how the human race survives in the world.

“When this matter of heaven and earth reaches the highest level, it will lead to several leaders.

"In the past, the great leader and the second leader of the Western Sect appeared at the same time to stop my thousands of troops from sweeping across the Western Continent. What could your majesty do? Even if you tried your best at that time, you could not defeat the two leader. The Xuanyuan Sword was no match for the acquired spiritual treasure and could not be broken. Open the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree.

"If you say you are shielding these criminals, it is really not His Majesty's fault."

Li Ping'an lowered his head and made a bow: "Please forgive me, Mr. Feng! I don't know that there are many inside stories here."

Fenghou waved her hand: "You are a young man. Young people are full of blood. It doesn't matter if you speak harsher words. But be safe. Today we can only cleanse the guilty ministers in ASEAN and cannot hold the maids of the Notre Dame Palace to account."

"Why can't there be accountability?"

Li Pingan held his head high and said loudly:

"I am willing to take a troop of soldiers and horses to Nuwa Palace to ask for someone!"


The wind queen laughed and cursed:

"How dare you arrest the people around the Holy Mother? Are you trying to make His Majesty and the Qi Refiners of the human race unfilial and disloyal?"

"Loyalty and filial piety lie in having an upright heart!"

Li Pingan said loudly:

"The two jade talismans you gave me, Feng Xiang, recorded all the sins of the two deputy leaders Tianhe and Tianqi, but among these sins, they did not include the crime of condoning the murder of their children, relatives and friends, nor the crime of being greedy. Acts of corruption.

"There are three types of crimes. The first is to facilitate the maids of the Notre Dame Palace and carry out human sacrifices from Xizhou.

"The second is to listen to the orders of the maid of the Notre Dame Palace, the so-called venerable, and secretly mobilize troops and horses for the use of the maid of the Notre Dame Palace.

"The third is to help the maid of the Notre Dame Palace to collect money and treasures from Dongzhou!

"There are dozens of crimes in these three categories! Fortunately, I didn't go to deliver messages to the demon masters on behalf of those maids!

"If we only kill the four deputy allies today and don't hold the maids of the Notre Dame Palace to account, wouldn't we be neglecting the good and chasing the weak!

"Moreover! Why not punish those maids for having affairs with masters from hundreds of tribes?"

Feng Xiang smiled bitterly: "The Holy Mother is from hundreds of tribes and has old friends. Why can't we contact her? But in order to achieve their own little ideas, the maids deliberately corrupted my human soldiers and sent them to do this. How can I be convicted of this matter?" "

Li Ping'an frowned.

Feng Xiang smiled and said: "This is the problem. Now you understand why ASEAN affairs are complicated. Come up with a charter. Young people should not be afraid of trial and error. If you make a mistake, just accept the punishment."

Li Ping'an:...

Good guy, it's been pushed back again.

Feng Xiang's Tai Chi skill is ten thousand times better than his!

Ah, yes, people originally study gossip.

Li Ping'an looked at the jade talisman in his palm, raised his head and sighed: "Father! My child will follow your teachings! Do what you think is right, even if you regret it for the rest of your life!"

He turned around and held the Xuanyuan Sword Order high in his hand:

"Take these two deputy allies! Bind them and take them to Nuwa Palace! I will personally go to Nuwa Palace to confront the fairies!"

All the generals were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Li Ping'an in shock.

A touch of immortal light fell, but it was Qing Su who came with a sword. All the immortal generals in gold and silver armor around him seemed to be waking up from a dream, and they rushed forward. The two old men Tianhe and Tianqi did not resist. They lowered their heads and were restrained, with bitter expressions on their faces.

On the outside, Li Dazhi's forehead was covered with black lines.

No, I didn’t see the first sentence, he wrote it blindly!

Is the Notre-Dame Palace a place where you can ask questions casually? Empress Nuwa is the mother of the human race!

Ah this!

Of course Li Dazhi understood clearly. Just now, Li Ping'an and the Feng Xiang were singing along, deliberately gathering momentum and transforming conflicts. At this moment, these millions of immortal soldiers and the ASEAN immortal officials had the same hatred, and many young faces showed anger.

But this, this...

"Friend Da Zhi," Wen Rou sighed softly from the side, "for being able to raise a son as affectionate, righteous, courageous and resourceful as Ping An shows your own character, I really admire you."

Li Dazhi raised his chest and raised his head, clasping his hands behind his back, and said, "This child has lived up to my teachings to him."

Wenrou nodded with a smile, and the immortal officials below began to rise on the clouds, and millions of immortal soldiers began to form their troops.

Li Dazhi was secretly anxious.

Isn’t this really a good idea?

As a sword, it’s not like this!

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