The fairy father

Chapter 178 Abstract Human Emperor, arrested online

A white cloud drifted slowly toward the southeast.

Listening to your words is like listening to your words.

Following Xuanyuan Huangdi, Li Pingan's Taoist heart could not calm down, and he kept thinking about the news revealed to him by Huangdi.

‘Limited investment. ’

This statement comes out of Xuanyuan Huangdi's mouth, which is quite interesting.

Li Pingan translated it himself:

‘I’ll just put some resources on you. If it works, I won’t lose much if it doesn’t work. ’

For Emperor Xuanyuan Huang, this would not have much impact, but for him, his life was at stake, and failure to protect it would also implicate his father.

Li Ping'an had to think clearly about major matters related to his own life and safety.

Xuanyuan Huangdi probably wanted to tell him why the human race's heaven has been unable to be established.

It's not that the Human Emperors are unwilling, it's that they really don't dare to stand. Without the strength, they can only be puppets. The difference is between being a puppet of the Taoist sect and being a puppet of the Western religion.

Although the human race is now generally prosperous, the main body of life in the world is the human race and the demon race;

But in terms of the quantity and quality of top experts, the human race is far behind.

The Human Sect, the Chan Sect, the Jie Sect, and the Western Sect are the real makers of order in this world. The game between Taoism and the Western Sect will lead to disasters similar to the disasters of Heaven.

In fact, Li Ping'an also knew some secrets that Emperor Xuanyuan Huang didn't tell.

For example, the ancient heaven was supported by not only the two demon emperors Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, but also the masters of the demon clan headed by Kunpeng. The ancient heaven also had the Zhou Tianxing Formation at the bottom of the box.

For another example, the Twelve Ancestral Witches have a unique skill passed down from their fathers, the Dutian Shen Sha Formation. The Twelve Ancestral Witches simultaneously shout, "I will form the head," "I will form the abdomen," and "I will form the crotch." Pangu's true body can be restored within a certain period of time.

In the battle that overthrew the Ancient Demon Court, several Taoist sect leaders took action, damaging the Dutian Shensha Formation of the Water and Fire Ancestral Witches, and eventually the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, and most of the twelve Ancestral Witches perished.

The few surviving ancestral witches will most likely be killed by the Human Emperor for supporting Chi You...

From an absolutely objective perspective, the battle between Xuanyuan and Chi You was essentially a battle between the anti-heaven coalition forces for control of heaven and earth.

Of course, there is no absolute objectivity.

In the current era, it stands to reason that the disciples of the leaders of the two sects of Interpretation and Interpretation should shine brightly in the world;

However, due to the Taoist Immortal Tribulation, the three Taoist sects are hidden from the world, giving people the illusion that "the human race is already the master of heaven and earth."

The three human emperors fully understood this, so the human race's heavenly palace was delayed in establishing it.

Now, Xuanyuan Huangdi wanted to use him, a 'weak person', to find a balance point among several major forces.

Li Ping'an knew it well - he was unable to become an immortal now because he was suppressed by the way of heaven. As long as he bowed his head to the way of heaven, his realm would be rapidly improved.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Huangdi was not worried about his strength.

What Xuanyuan Huangdi meant was that as long as the human race successfully united to explain the religion, waited for the return of the Holy Mother Queen, and then sought support from the Queen Mother of the West, and obtained the permission of Taiqing Laozi... he could try to establish a heaven dominated by the human race.

Gee, there are many prerequisites.

And none of the conditions are easy to achieve.

Li Ping'an briefly imagined that if he followed the path designed by Emperor Xuanyuan, the future could not be said to be bright and smooth, but could only be said to be extremely dangerous.

The combination of Di Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, and Kunpeng would end in death;

Although the current strength of Fuxi, Shennong and Renhuang are not far from these three, there is still a slight gap;

As for the future Emperor of Heaven, even if his strength reaches the Great Luo Jin Fairyland, he will only be a puppet on the strings of the three Human Emperors.

As long as it is a chess piece, it will always be abandoned, even if the chess piece is the beloved relative, friend, or brother of the chess player.

This is absolutely out of the question.

‘Oh, I’d better retire early. ’

Li Ping'an decided to pay attention and suddenly felt much more relaxed.

But, having said that, what is the first lesson for His Majesty the Human Emperor?

Li Pingan glanced at the old man sitting on the edge of the white clouds...

Um? Something is wrong.

Xuanyuan Huangdi actually changed his face again!

He turned into a dark-skinned, burly man wearing ASEAN standard fairy armor!

Xuanyuan Huangdi turned his head to look at Li Ping'an and threw out a few rays of fairy light.

"Put on your clothes and pin your waist tag. Remember, your name is Xiong Er now, and you are a fifth-grade Yuanxian... Is it okay for your strength to imitate a fifth-grade Yuanxian?"

"should be no problem."

Li Ping'an quickly put on the immortal armor and hung a horizontal knife on his waist.

Xuanyuan Huangdi pointed at him. His figure and appearance had changed, and overall he looked very ordinary.

"Look," Huangdi Xuanyuan waved a few jade talismans, "We have received orders from ASEAN to go to a military camp in the southeast of Xizhou to deliver a message. After delivering the message, we will replenish the strength of the military camp nearby. There is no need to return to ASEAN immediately. "

Li Ping'an really didn't know how to evaluate it.

A dignified human being, pretending to be a messenger soldier?

And looking at Xuanyuan Huangdi's posture... he looks like a 'habitual offender'.

Li Ping'an wondered: "Your Majesty, do you often go to the front line like this?"


Xuanyuan Huangdi sat cross-legged on Baiyun Yuntou and patted the seat next to him. Li Ping'an rushed over with his waist knife and sat next to Huangdi.

"In a battle of this level, both sides, Da Luo and Tai Yi, focus on containing each other. As long as one side takes action, the other side will immediately take action to intercept.

"So in many previous conflicts in Xizhou, Da Luo hid far away.

"I am idle when I am idle. I only need to lock the opponent's Qi machine. It doesn't make any difference whether I take action at high altitude or on the battlefield close to the ground.

"By disguising like this, you can still stare at the opponent's Daluo while slaying some of the opponent's lesser masters during a chaotic battle... But you can't do it too obviously. For example, if you directly kill a Golden Immortal, the opponent will definitely Discover your aura, and then jump down to fight you. If the two big Luo start a fight near an ordinary battlefield, both sides will suffer heavy casualties, so the gain outweighs the loss."

"You are really..."

Li Ping'an couldn't find a suitable adjective for a moment.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi raised his eyebrows:

"This is called making the best use of everything. Who said that Daluo Jinxian can't disguise himself as a soldier to secretly kill the enemy?"

Li Ping'an asked: "Is this the first lesson you taught me?"

"Of course not," Xuanyuan Huangdi said, "Just follow me. Let's go to Xizhou first. There's already chaos there."

"But we are going southeast."

"There are two paths for the ASEAN immortal soldiers to rush to Xizhou. This is the slightly farther one, but it is also the one most commonly used by ASEAN to mobilize troops and food. It goes from the South China Sea and bypasses the Nanzhou."

Xuanyuan Huangdi looked at Li Pingan with disgust:

"You've been in ASEAN for half a year, so you're not really in seclusion, right? Don't you do any of this homework?"

Li Ping'an smiled awkwardly: "That's not what I want. I want to become an immortal as soon as possible and make more contributions to our human race."

"I think you don't take those old generals seriously. They can survive from ancient times. Who is not a human spirit... Of course, some of them are also old and confused."

Xuanyuan Huangdi sighed:

“Wherever there are people, there will be sycophants. When a person starts to hold power, he will gradually lose himself.

“The Tianli you are most familiar with is just a little confused.

"He always regards himself as the third deputy ally of ASEAN, rather than a human general, so he subconsciously protects the people of ASEAN instead of considering the problem from the perspective of the human race.

"After this war, ASEAN must undergo a major change of blood. What do you think?"

Li Ping'an asked: "You mean, the New Deal?"

"Your new policy can be conceived in this direction, but don't say it was me who proposed it."

Xuanyuan Huangdi said seriously:

"Okay, don't discuss this kind of thing anymore. The Immortal Soldiers are about to come to the secret sentry ahead. Show your belt. From now on, you are Xiong Er."

Li Pingan nodded with a smile and simply started meditating with his eyes closed.

With the Human Emperor beside me, I really felt safe.

"By the way, Your Majesty, what should I call you later?"

"Ah, I am the veteran who led you, and I am also your cousin, the Xiong family, Xiong Batian!"

"Why am I called Xiong Er?"

"Your parents were rather careless when naming you, heh, hahaha!"

at the same time.

The secret realm of Xuanyuan Palace, the back house of the Feng family.

After the noisy day, Mu Ningning rested in the Nuan Pavilion. After a while, he felt a little bored and found it difficult to continue his practice. He opened the window and admired the garden landscape arranged by the Feng family according to Bagua.

She leaned against the window, a strand of long hair hanging on her chest, and the long dress embroidered with gold patterns on her body exuded wisps of fairy light.

After two layers of formation light walls, Mu Ningning could faintly see that there seemed to be many more people in the courtyard next door, as if they were watching something.

‘Isn’t that where my uncle lives? ’

Mu Ningning felt a little uneasy in her heart.

The reason why she agreed to come here was because she wanted to take care of her uncle for her senior brother since this was a forbidden area for humans.

Sir Nuan's two maids ran hand in hand towards the back door.

Mu Ningning called out to them: "You two, what happened in the courtyard next door?"

"Ah, Miss Hui, it is said that the Immortal of Fortune brought some interesting things. They said it was a bird card, a chess game that can be played by four people."

"Do you want to go and see it together?"

"No, thank you."

Mu Ningning shook her head with a smile, and the two maids ran away happily.

The Feng family's rules are not too strict.

‘It doesn’t matter if something happens. ’

Mu Ningning sighed softly and continued to stand by the window in trance.

When she is not practicing, she always has three things on her mind.

‘Don’t think about it too much. If you become an immortal soon, you can go to his side and stay with him. ’

'Well, I should also work hard to practice and carve out a career in the immortal way. If I am just attached to my senior brother and am not worthy of being his Taoist companion, then I am just a concubine. ’

‘I don’t know what senior brother is doing at the moment, whether there is any breakthrough in his practice. ’

Then go to the first question:

'Don't think too much about it...'

Dong'an City, the fourth underground floor of Zuiyue Tower.

Sun Yingying sat on the railing of the corridor, holding a wine bottle in her hand, with her usual makeup on her face. She kept raising her hand to put the fairy wine in the wine bottle into her lips.

Occasionally, the girls passing by would walk quickly with their heads down.


A soft sigh sounded nearby, and Granny Yin Lin came slowly and sat next to Sun Yingying.

"Yingying, what's going on?"

Sun Yingying Yuanshen was already a little drunk.

She casually tore off the thin mask on her face, revealing her pretty face. Her pretty face was flushed, and she sighed softly:

"Grandma, I still don't understand why he doesn't come over...why he lets his eldest brother come I a slut who pounces on a man when I see him?"


Granny Yin Lin pulled up Sun Yingying's catkins, sealed the area with fairy power, and said softly:

"You, we've only met him a few times, why are you so worried about him?

"He's just a fake identity.

"Brother Mo said it when he came here. This younger brother of his is very important. He rejected you in a roundabout way, which already left some dignity behind."

"I'm just not convinced, unless he says it himself!"

Sun Yingying snorted:

"I have lived for hundreds of years and have never suffered this kind of grievance. It was obviously him who took the initiative to tease me, but now it's mine, right?"

"Silly boy, you haven't lost anything."

"I don't care, I must find him and make it clear! Brother Mo's previous visit has made many people see my joke! Grandma, don't worry, I will take care of the separation."

Granny Yin Lin could only smile bitterly.

This girl is getting deeper and deeper.

Ruins of Heaven, a secret place for raising troops.



The dull sound of the horn sounded from south to north, from west to east, rolling up layers of people in the secret space of the barracks.

Large numbers of immortal soldiers rushed into the air and gathered at the gathering place of their respective teams. The captain of ten looked for the captain of hundreds, the captain of hundreds looked for the captain of thousands, and the captain of thousands looked for the leader of ten thousand. Then thousands of people filled the clouds and formed a formation.

Millions of immortal soldiers came out of the camp!

'What's wrong? ’

In the tent where the icy blue fairy light was floating, a cylindrical ice crack appeared like a spider web and exploded with a pinging sound.

The figure of the fairy in a white dress rotated and floated up and down, with waterfalls of green silk and soft skirt fluttering together. There was a slight doubt in her beautiful face.

A messenger fell outside the tent:

"Fifth-level martial arts commander Qing Su obeys the order! Rush to the camp of the Right Army Commander Rolling Stone immediately! You are temporarily under the command of Commander Rolling Stone!"

Qing Su nodded slightly: "I understand."

Then, four more figures appeared outside the tent, and they bowed their hands at the same time.

Feng Zhanxiang said loudly: "Immortal Qingsu, my lord has to go out for something, and ordered us to rush to Xizhou with you to protect your safety! This is a personal letter left by your lord!"

A jade talisman floated from outside the tent and was held by Qing Su.

She tilted her head slightly.

The apprentice was called away by Xuanyuan Huangdi?

‘The apprentice should be doing some major things related to the future of the human race. ’

Qing Su pursed her lips slightly, and her eyes were a little more seductive.

[Master’s little pride].

Li Ping'an followed Xuanyuan Huangdi and traveled in the South China Sea for a day and night.

At dawn the next day, they saw the coastline at the southern end of Xizhou.

Xuanyuan Huangdi stood up slowly, took a drink from the wine bottle, and cleared his throat. There was some stubble on his mouth, and his temperament looked like that of a soldier.

Li Ping'an stopped to meditate, stood up and held his hands, his left hand holding the magic weapon saber at his waist, his right hand behind his back, and said in a rough voice:

"Cousin! Let's go deliver the letter quickly!"

"No rush, I'll give you a test first!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi suddenly asked: "How many islands have we passed along this way?"

Li Ping'an replied: "More than one hundred and twenty."

"How many immortal soldiers are stationed on each island on average?"

"On average, about six hundred."

"Okay," Xuanyuan Huangdi suddenly asked, "How many of them use guns and how many use knives?"

"Ah this!"

"Look, are you not very observant?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi said seriously:

"Cousin, you still have a lot to do. You need to be smart, eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions. Be smarter later. Don't call me cousin. In the army, you have to call me your job title!"

"Yes, Captain!"

"It's pretty good. Come with me and I'll show you the joy of being an immortal soldier."

Xuanyuan Huangdi snapped his fingers, and the clouds under his feet gradually accelerated.

There was a thunderous explosion ahead!

"Who are you!"

Dozens of immortal soldiers jumped down from the clouds, holding spears and stepping on the battle formation, blocking Xuanyuan Huangdi and Li Ping'an above the coastline.

Xuanyuan Huangdi raised his hand and shouted: "The messenger!"

Li Ping shouted calmly: "The captain and I came from ASEAN to deliver a message!"

"Send a message?" The leading immortal soldier frowned, "Take them!"

A group of immortal soldiers swarmed up!

Huangdi Xuanyuan said angrily: "Why are you taking people so randomly! We are the messengers from the three palaces!"

"Not even those from the first hall!" The leading immortal soldier clasped his fists and handed over his hands. "My commander-in-chief has an order! Anyone who is alone and says he is here to deliver an order must be arrested first and imprisoned to check the soul! Yesterday, several big demons tried to sneak in. If you go in, we will catch them and kill them!"

All the immortal soldiers have rushed forward.

Li Ping'an held a few of the fortified versions of Baoyun Pills in his palms, pretending to be anxious, and looked at Xuanyuan Huangdi.

"Don't panic, it's normal. My disguise technique helped you cover up the spiritual platform, so they can't see anything strange."

Huangdi Xuanyuan muttered something, and several immortal soldiers rushed towards him, pressed him on the clouds, and directly tied him into rice dumplings.

The corner of Li Ping'an's mouth twitched slightly, and before he had time to complain a few words in his heart, he was already pressed down by the immortal soldiers.

Let’s do this;

It's quite abstract.

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