The fairy father

Chapter 188 The old ministers of the ancient heaven

Mo Linyuan?

Who? Is there such a character in the fairy tale?

Li Ping'an thought about it for a while, looking at the little expectation surging under the old man's calm expression, he really couldn't say "never heard of it".

It's not that Li Ping'an is very caring and takes care of the psychological feelings of the elderly.

It's just a pity for life.

The old man's Taoist realm was unpredictable and his aura was ethereal, which gave Li Ping'an a feeling somewhat similar to that of Teacher Yun Zhongzi.

The old man also claimed to be an old minister of the ancient heaven, and he was very likely to be a powerful leader of the demon clan today.


"I have admired my name for a long time," Li Ping'an showed a sincere smile: "My master is Yun Zhongzi."

"Hahaha," the senior Mo said with a smile, "Yun Zhongzi is a poor friend."


Li Ping'an deliberately made a relieved expression and took the initiative to put away the Xuanyuan sword scabbard.

Judging from this person's ability to discover himself, catch himself, and move instantly, even if this person is not Da Luo Jinxian, he is not too far away from Da Luo Jinxian. The Xuanyuan Sword Scabbard is useless.

It's better to take the initiative to put it away and give the other party a sense of 'trust'.

He cupped his hands and said, "I wonder why senior brought me here today?"

Mo Linyuan pondered for a few times, raised his hand and tapped it to the side. There was a square table and two futons on the beach.

The glass-colored sea water gently touches the light white beach. Drinking tea here has a unique artistic conception.

Although Li Ping'an is not in the mood to experience such an artistic conception now.

"Come, sit down," Mo Linyuan sat cross-legged and raised his hand to invite him, "Let's talk slowly... Don't worry, Pindao has no ill intentions towards you."

Li Pingan nodded with a smile and stepped in front of Mo Linyuan.

He was thinking whether he should stand firmly on the human side or make some verbal changes that could save his life.

Li Ping'an asked: "Senior, is he in the realm of Da Luo?"

"It's just a fake Da Luo."

Mo Linyuan smiled and said: "However, among the great golden immortals in the world, there are no more than twenty who can catch the poor Taoist."

"Fake?" Li Ping'an didn't know why.

"Yes, it was given by heaven."

Mo Linyuan smiled and sighed:

"Pindao has gained Taoism since ancient times, and has some connections with the Feng Clan, and also has some old friendship with the Golden Crow Clan.

"In ancient times, Pindao was appreciated by His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, entered the Heavenly Court, and became the Heavenly Court's Fortune Officer, specializing in the fortune and misfortune of living beings... This job is quite interesting.

"When Pindao entered Heaven, he was already in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Later, Heaven gave some rewards and allowed Pindao to become a Daluo. However, after all, this was not achieved by Pindao's cultivation."

Li Ping'an suddenly asked: "Senior, did you catch me here because of the power of heaven in my body?"


Mo Linyuan clicked his tongue, raised his hand and brushed the table, took out a simple pottery pot and two wine bottles, and attracted the water aura from the sky and the earth, condensing it into liquid spiritual water. A few green leaves were put into the pot, and the pottery pot was not touched again.

Li Ping'an:...

Was there such a thing as cold brew tea in ancient times?

Mo Linyuan sighed: "I knew that Cai Lin would have a fatal disaster. I was going to save Cai Lin. When I took action, I glanced at Dong'an City and suddenly discovered the power of heaven in your body. This power of heaven is so... Rich and pure, I have only seen it a few times in ancient times...and all of them were on His Majesty the Emperor."

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "They are all the power of heaven, what's the difference?"

"Of course it's different."

Mo Linyuan said slowly:

"Pindao has explained it to others several times.

"Fellow Taoists can imagine the Dao of Heaven as a big tree, a towering tree made up of rules. The crown of the tree is the world. The three thousand avenues are the root system of the big tree. The place where the big tree takes root is this tangible world, this is it. Sea of ​​Chaos.

“The trunks and branches that support the crown of the tree are the way of heaven.

"Friend Daoist is currently on the trunk of the tree, while Daoist Daoist is just on the branches, with clear priorities."

Heavenly way, big tree?

"Senior's metaphor, I think, is a bit too exaggerated."

The image of a big tree appeared in Li Ping'an's heart, and he shook his head slightly.

"The great road is the rule, heaven and earth are the manifestations of the rules, and the way of heaven is order. Order can only be reflected in living beings. The meaning of the way of heaven should be to serve living beings and regulate the relationship between living beings and heaven and earth."

Mo Linyuan smiled and shook his head: "No, no, no, the way of heaven already has a supporting effect on this world. Without the support of the way of heaven, the human race will overthrow the heaven and the four continents will fall apart."

Li Ping'an was startled for a moment: "Is the way of heaven spiritual?"

"It has no spirituality, but since its birth, it has been like invisible bubbles, wrapping every living being in it."

Mo Linyuan said slowly:

"The ancient human race overthrew Heaven. In Pindao's eyes, it was actually because Heaven was too powerful and tried to interfere in the life of every creature, and the power of the creatures fought back against Heaven.

"To use today's parlance, it is the way of humanity countering the way of heaven."

Li Ping'an smiled and asked: "Senior, are you authentic?"

"Yes, not yet born."

Mo Linyuan said seriously:

"In this world, Pindao, a remnant of the ancient heaven, should be one of the few living beings closest to heaven.

"In the past tens of thousands of years, Pindao has sensed that there is a secret place deep in the sea of ​​blood that is brewing some kind of important treasure. As long as such a treasure appears in this world, it can complete the tunnel.

"Through this, heaven, earth, and people can reach a certain balance, making the world more stable."

Li Ping'an:...

This is the second time he has received news about the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

Li Ping'an's thoughts flashed through his mind and he said slowly: "Senior, do you [also] think that I have something to do with the future human race heaven?"

Mo Linyuan nodded slowly: "Isn't this obvious?"

"Senior, do you know that there have been more than fifty people in the human race who resonate with the way of heaven... but none of them died violently."

"It's not more than fifty," Mo Linyuan said. "More than fifty were discovered by Taoist Fellow Xuanyuan. There are ninety-nine in total. Counting from Taoist Fellow Fuxi, you happen to be the hundredth one." Someone who resonates with the way of heaven.”

Li Ping'an was dumbfounded: "Except His Majesty Fuxi, are everyone dead?"

"All dead."

Mo Linyuan frowned and said:

"The problem is that Heaven has no spirituality. After beings are chosen by Heaven, Heaven will continue to erode their minds.

"It is much easier to master the great road through the way of heaven than to practice hard. Most of the ninety-eight people who died suddenly lost themselves and lost their resonance with the way of heaven, and were abandoned by the way of heaven.

“It’s equivalent to suffering a backlash from heaven.

"Take the human qigong master who appeared three thousand years ago as an example. He practiced cultivation at the age of three and became a true immortal at the age of 100. During a moment of enlightenment, he understood the principle of order and said that the way of heaven is impermanent, which resonated with the way of heaven.

"In less than ten years, he reached the realm of third-grade heavenly immortals.

"Because there is no heaven between heaven and earth, and there are no merits and virtues, a living being like him who has been cultivated by heaven needs the help of merits and virtues before he can reach the immortal golden immortal state.

"He fell into a spiritual dilemma, his Taoist heart gradually lost his way, and finally lost contact with the way of heaven.

"Only a few years later, this man went crazy while practicing Taoism, and his soul exploded and died."

Li Ping'an took a breath.

This is not an act.

Mo Linyuan stared into Li Pingan's eyes and continued to speak in a gentle voice:

"The lower the Tao realm, the more likely it is to resonate with the Tao of Heaven. The Tao of Heaven itself excludes immortal creatures, because if all the creatures in the world are immortal, the world will soon collapse.

"Then, these beings who have received the care of Heavenly Dao mistakenly thought that they had gained many insights. When Heavenly Dao was unable to help, it was difficult for their Taoist hearts to become unbalanced.

"Even if the Taoist heart is not unbalanced, they do not have great luck in their own destiny, and they are not born to resonate with the way of heaven. They will also encounter various hardships. The biggest hardship comes from the conflict between various forces.

"But according to Pindao's observation, these are not problems here...

"But Huangdi Xuanyuan deliberately gave you some advice and made you temporarily reject the way of heaven?"

Li Ping'an didn't say much and nodded in agreement: "Not bad."

Although he himself felt that something was wrong at the time and decided to be more steady;

But now, he must make this Mo Linyuan feel that he is a very important chess piece in the hands of Emperor Xuanyuan Huang.

Just to save my life.

Mo Linyuan smiled and said: "It's hard for you... But there's something I don't understand. If you don't accept the power of heaven, the power of heaven will suppress your realm. How can you improve your cultivation? If you say The person in charge of the human race’s heaven is not even a Yuanxian, that’s too ridiculous.”

"This matter is my secret."

Li Pingan said seriously:

"If senior hadn't threatened my life, I wouldn't be able to tell senior yet."

Mo Linyuan's eyes were a little more curious: "My fellow Taoist said this, I really can't bear it anymore."

"Senior, did you bring me here just to talk to me about these things?"

Li Ping'an calmly changed the topic and tried to take the initiative in the chat.

Mo Linyuan shook his head, picked up the clay pot, poured two cups of tea, and handed one cup of tea to Li Pingan.

The old man said with a smile:

"Of course not, Pindao firstly wants to get to know the little friend, and secondly, he wants to see what kind of person the little friend is.

"Although Pindao is deeply influenced by the way of heaven, he also knows some principles and has his own judgment.

"If a new heaven and a new emperor appear in the future and support the human race's strategy of destroying hundreds of races, then Pindao can only do his own efforts to prevent the birth of this new emperor.

"To be honest, Pindao has been committed to restoring peace to all races since ancient times. To this end, he has saved countless living beings... Although these creatures eventually encountered misfortune due to various reasons, Pindao I have indeed been doing this kind of thing, and I have never changed my intention.”

Li Pingan laughed dryly.

He glanced at the tea and did not go to get it. He just asked: "Senior, what do you think of the ancient heaven trying to destroy the human race?"

Mo Linyuan's smile suddenly faded, and his eyes became a little sharper.

"I can't drink this tea anymore. Fellow Taoist, follow me to Beizhou first, and let's continue chatting on the way.

"After Cai Lin was rescued once by Pindao, for some reason... this is the third time he has been rescued by Pindao."

Dong'an City, supervising the back hall of the Yamen.

Old Man Tianli and Li Dazhi were pacing back and forth, their eyes full of anxiety.

They were already a little angry at this moment, and their footsteps were very heavy as they walked.

In the back hall, the three Golden Immortal Patriarchs Kong Ming, Xu Sheng, and Zhan Yuan were sitting aside, with serious expressions on their faces.

Li Pingan is missing.

And it is very likely that he was captured by the demon master!

Two people came hurriedly outside the hall, lowered their heads and clasped their fists to report:

"Three Alliances! The search has been completed within a radius of three thousand miles! No traces were found!"

"Three Alliances! Your Majesty has learned that the supervisory envoy has been kidnapped by the opponent's master! Your Majesty is furious and has ordered all the Human Emperor's personal guards to be dispatched. The Western and Northern Fronts are about to launch an active offensive against the Monster Clan!"

Old Man Tianli was stunned for a moment.

Your Majesty's that big?

He glanced at Li Dazhi, who was walking around looking a little distracted, with a question mark hanging on his head.

Old Man Tianli frowned and said, "Is there any news from Feng Xiang?"

"Not yet!"


Outside the door, a messenger came down in a hurry, shouting:

"The Feng Xiang has locked onto the demon masters who attacked Dong'an City before, and a war has begun on the northern front! Master Cangjie resisted a Daluo Jinxian from the demon clan, and the Feng Xiang used the Bagua formation to seal off the land thousands of miles southeast of Beizhou!

"The King Yinkui, King Cai Lin, King Sky Fox, and the unknown demon cow have been trapped by Master Feng Xiang!

"Master Feng Xiang sent an order, asking the Great Fortune Immortal to be calm and calm. Feng Xiang made a new divination for the supervisor. It is... good luck!"

"good luck?"

Li Dazhi stamped his feet and clapped his hands:

"They've all been captured by the demon clan, and they're so lucky! Ouch! How can we predict this? Let's catch those demon kings first!"

"Li Dazhi, please pay attention!"

Old Man Tianli glared and cursed:

"Ping An was arrested. I know you are anxious, but what's the point of being anxious? Can you let the demon clan surrender?

"Besides, there are so many masters in this world. Maybe they are Chanjiao, Jiejiao, and those who are in seclusion. They just grab them and give him some benefits for the sake of Senior Yun Zhongzi. Isn't that all? It's possible!

"In this world, there are not many masters who can even predict the traces of Feng Xiang!"

Li Dazhi clenched his fists tightly, his eyes mostly filled with confusion.

Old Man Tianli frowned and said, "Your Taoist heart!"

"Dao Heart? What is the use of Dao Heart?"

Li Dazhi's eyes turned red and he murmured:

"After Ping An's mother passed away, we and I depended on each other. I have long been old and resigned to my fate. I just waited for him to have a good family and find a wife who would be on the same page as him and less likely to quarrel with him, and have one or two children.

"I'm really not looking forward to having a grandson. I'm afraid that if I leave, he will get old and there will be no one around him to rely on.

"I only have this son, and I may not have other children in the future. If something happens to him, if something happens to him... Doesn't His Majesty the Human Emperor think highly of him? Isn't the human race a big advantage over the monster race? What, how? Can he be caught by the opponent? Is this okay? He has a sword command and a scabbard on him, so those monsters must hate him!"

In the back hall, everyone sighed.

Tianli said: "You rest first, don't think too much, I'll go to the northern line to take a look and try to catch those four big monsters as soon as possible."

Kong Ming, Zhan Yuan, and Xu Sheng stood up at the same time.

Old Man Tianli did not refuse, he took these three golden immortals with him, tore the universe apart and left.

Li Dazhi suddenly rushed forward and wanted to follow him, but a golden light flashed and he was pushed back directly by Old Man Tianli.

"What are you doing! What the demon clan wants to kill most is you!"

Li Dazhi took two steps forward, and the crack in the universe closed on its own.

He staggered and was helped by He Xinghe next to him.

"Sir," He Xinghe whispered, "don't worry too much. Lord Ping'an will definitely return safely. Good luck has his own destiny."

Li Dazhi didn't say anything, waved his hand, took two steps forward, sat down on the threshold of the back hall, and looked slightly lost in thought at the northern sky.

"Why is this world so chaotic?"

Not far from the junction of Beizhou and Dongzhou, the sky above the endless poisonous miasma forest.

Dozens of streams of light collided continuously, and powerful waves of Taoism shook the forest.

King Yinkui, King Cailin, King Kuangshan, and Lady Hu of the Fox Clan are being besieged by seven or eight human golden immortal war generals, and each of the four great demons are injured.

King Cai Lin was even covered in blood, and his right shoulder had been shattered.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see that the entire area of ​​thousands of miles is covered by the pale and huge Bagua Diagram. These four monsters are trying to break out of the Bagua Diagram, but at this moment they are wandering around like headless flies.

Farther in the sky, there were four or five strands of Taiyi Golden Immortal's extremely powerful Tao Yun at the moment!

The 'big golden characters' are shining in the sky. They are the magical powers of Cang Jie, the ancestor of the human race!

King Yinkui, who had several big holes in his chest, shouted:

"King Cai Lin! If you can leave, leave as quickly as possible!"

Cai Lin just snorted coldly and kept switching between his body and human form, forcefully resisting the three golden immortals.

Niu Benben yelled: "Are the human masters crazy? We didn't capture Xiao Yue either!"

Madam Hu kept searching for a way to break the formation and kept hiding behind Niu Benben and King Yinkui. She was also the least injured at the moment.

"Hand over the Inspector!"

"What kind of inspector!"

Niu Benben, who forcibly activated the secret technique and hid behind King Yinkui, lowered his head and spat out blood, and cursed while holding an ax full of cracks:

"Which turtle grandson captured that Li Ping'an! Return him quickly!"

High in the sky, the old man in green robe, Mo Linyuan, was about to perform the ritual, with the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

He turned around and smiled: "Fellow Taoist, let's have a roast whole beef together later?"

Li Ping'an hesitated to speak.

Mo Linyuan flicked his sleeves, and a black wind formed out of thin air and invaded the Bagua formation in an instant.

The next moment, Li Ping'an also felt like the world was spinning as Mo Linyuan took him into his sleeve.

The magical power of the universe in one's sleeve?

No, it’s such a strong power of heaven.

Li Ping'an felt a little more enlightened in his heart, and the golden cloud on his spiritual platform seemed to grow a little stronger.

I went to the hospital today, more updates tomorrow!

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