The fairy is fierce

Chapter 2 Blood-Splattered Five Steps


"Run, run quickly..."

Riots broke out on the riverbank.

Zuo Lingquan rushed out of the wine shop with his sword in hand, only to see buildings in the distance collapsing one after another. People along the street fled in all directions, and women and children taking shelter on the street kept screaming and crying.

Under the heavy rain, an unknown ferocious beast nearly two feet long suddenly rushed out from the river bank.

The ferocious beast looked like a water crocodile, covered in black scales, and its short and sturdy limbs were writhing on the street, crashing through the houses in the heavy rain, and it was unstoppable.

The old catcher ran towards the river bank with a knife, shouting loudly, trying to attract the attention of the vicious beast so that the people could evacuate:

"Beast, look here..."

Unfortunately, the giant beast was not lured away, but instead pounced directly on the confused young catcher.

The young detective was so frightened that he lost his mind. He waved his saber wildly, but in an instant he was caught up by the giant beast and bit his legs.


Screams echoed through the streets.

Fangzheng from Linhefang, with a few warriors and wooden sticks and hammers, wanted to beat them away, but they couldn't get close at this moment.

"Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang!"

"Hurry and save people..."

Lao Zhang was just a martial artist, and he had no way of saving people. He just relied on his fierceness and jumped on the back of the giant beast. He grabbed the scales with his left hand and slashed the back with his knife.


The scales on the giant beast's back were like cast iron, sparks bursting out when the blade slashed them, without any signs of damage.

"Insert the eyes! Insert the eyes!"

Seeing this, Lao Zhang could only call to the young catcher in a panic.

The young agent's leg bones were shattered, and his desire for survival burst out when he was about to die, making him stab the scarlet beast with a knife crazily.


The knife penetrated, but that was all.

The beast's left eye was bleeding profusely, and its ferocity was completely aroused.

With just a shake of his head, the young detective was torn into two pieces, and his screams spread throughout the dock market.

The giant beast noticed that the old catcher was lying on its back, and immediately fell to the left, preparing to roll over and crush the bugs on its back.

Seeing the huge body pressing down, Lao Zhang was unable to escape. He could only use his last strength to press the tip of the knife against the scales, trying to use the weight of the giant beast to pierce the flesh with the knife in his hand.

With his life hanging by a thread, Fang Zheng and his husband tried their best to throw sticks at the giant beast, but it didn't help.

At this critical moment, Zuo Lingquan rushed forward and raised his hands to support the scales on the back of the giant beast with all his strength.


The rolling beast stopped abruptly and lay half-lying on the street.

Fangzheng and Lifu, who didn't dare to get close, were startled when they saw this. They raised their eyes and took a closer look, only to find that there was a young man soaking wet beside the giant beast.

Under the heavy rain, veins popped up on the young master's forehead. He raised his hands high and supported the back of the giant beast with all his strength.


The giant beast weighed more than a thousand pounds. It rolled and pressed down, causing the young man's boots to crack the green bricks under the rain.

But the young master's arms were like jade pillars holding up the sky, not moving at all.

"So much strength..."

"Lao Zhang, come out quickly!"

Fangzheng was shocked and hurriedly called the old policeman underground.

Lao Zhang had been suppressed by the giant beast, but it was not compacted. When he noticed someone helping him, he hurriedly crawled out from under the giant beast.

Zuo Lingquan gritted his teeth, quickly retreated upon seeing this, jumped onto the wall next to him, and asked urgently:

"How come the Zhan Gang Dao can't kill him?"

Lao Zhang also didn't know that the Zhan Gang Dao in his hand was forged by an expert from the imperial court using a secret method. The blade was poisonous and if stabbed through the eye, it would lose its fighting power even if it didn't die. How could this ferocious beast become more and more courageous with every defeat?

The situation was urgent and there was no time to communicate.

The injured beast found someone trying to stop it, and then crashed into the people holding sticks on the street.

Zuo Lingquan only had an ordinary weapon on his waist and could not do anything to this big crocodile. Seeing the ferocious beast raging on the street, he stepped on the eaves and jumped into the air, loudly saying:

"Give me the knife."

Without any hesitation, Lao Zhang threw the saber to Zuo Lingquan in mid-air, jumped forward, and hugged the beast's right leg.

The ferocious beast noticed something was entangled in its leg, turned around and bit Lao Zhang.

And it was also at this moment that Zuo Lingquan caught the official sword in the air, held the handle of the knife down with both hands, and accurately stabbed the giant beast's remaining right eye.


The handle of the knife sank directly into his eye socket, and then he twisted violently.

After a slight sound, the giant beast's body froze, softened to the side, and fell to the ground.

Zuo Lingquan landed steadily two feet away, staring at the ferocious beast.

The few Lifu who risked their lives to help had already turned pale with fright. Seeing that the vicious beast had knives in its eyes and made no move, they just sat down on the ground, with frightened expressions in their eyes.

The heavy rain was mixed with thunder, and the ferocious beast fell on the blood-stained street, seemingly dead.

After a long time, the surrounding people also poked their heads out.

Tang Jingxuan hid beside the stone bridge far away and watched the whole process. He was really shocked by Zuo Lingquan's martial arts and courage. At this time, he carefully walked out of the stone bridge and shouted from a distance:

"Sir, Lao Zhang, are you okay?"

Zuo Lingquan did not dare to be careless. He unsheathed the three-foot green blade on his waist and waved his hand to signal the people around him to move away.

Lao Zhang sat in the rain, and it took him a long time to recover. He quickly got up and ran to Zuo Lingquan:

"Young hero is good at martial arts. This beast should be dead."

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the half body on the street.

Lao Zhang also reacted and quickly ran to the young agent.

It's a pity that the young detective's entire lower body was torn to pieces and almost cut in half. He didn't even have the strength to cry out. He lay on the ground in anger, looking at Lao Zhang running over. His throat was mixed with blood foam and he was hoarse. road:

"Boss...Boss, did I poke my eye?"

"It's been stabbed, it's been stabbed, well done, he's a man!"

Lao Zhang didn't show any fear in that situation, but now he panicked and knelt on the ground, trying to hold down his bloody lower body with his hands, but it didn't work at all.

The little catcher stared, his eyes full of desire for survival. As he twitched helplessly, his eyes gradually became blurred.

Zuo Lingquan couldn't bear to watch anymore, so he walked to the head of the ferocious beast, raised his hand and pulled out the young detective's saber.

This knife is the same as the old catcher's Zhangang knife. The blade is quenched to a dark blue color and looks the same.

Zuo Lingquan looked at it for a moment, then tilted his head and asked:

"Why is this knife useless?"

Lao Zhang was kneeling on the ground, his hands covered with blood. Seeing the little catcher's breath gradually disappearing, he wailed:

"Yes, it has been stabbed into the eye socket. The stab is so deep, how can it be useless at all? If it is useful, at most two legs will be broken..."

Zuo Lingquan frowned when he saw this, knowing that the result of the question would be futile, so he said no more.

There was a disturbance, and the news spread quickly. Soon after, help arrived quickly, and a large number of police officers came from the street to drive away the crowd of onlookers.

Zuo Lingquan looked up and saw a carriage behind the police team. After it stopped on the street, a man in brocade got out.

Fangzheng of Linhefang looked up and saw Cui Shanying, the Lingtai Lang of Qintian Prison. He quickly ran up to him and bowed his hands:

"Master Cui, you are here. An unknown ferocious beast appeared here just now. Thanks to the young hero's action, he was able to kill it."

Cui Shanying glanced at the corpse of the ferocious beast on the ground, nodded slightly, and ordered the following policemen:

"As long as there are not many casualties, just search around and disperse if there are no other ferocious beasts. Move the bodies back, I will study them and report to the department in a few days."

After saying that, Cui Shanying turned around and got on the carriage, looking ready to leave.

A police officer had died tragically just now. Zuo Lingquan was very dissatisfied with Cui Shanying's indifferent attitude and was about to stop him. Lao Zhang, who was next to him, ran to him first to stop him and asked:

"Master Cui, the Zhangang knife in Xiao Wang's hand is a new knife you just sent over. It just penetrated the beast's pupil, but there was no reaction at all. What's going on?"

Cui Shanying paused and frowned:

"Where's the knife?"

Zuo Lingquan walked up to him and raised the Zhan Gang Dao in his hand:

"This is it."

Cui Shanying took a look at the blade: "It is indeed the Zhangang knife sent by the master last month. It cannot be useless. It must be that the newcomer missed the stab."

He said as he prepared to take the knife back.

When Zuo Lingquan heard "Master Sect", he knew that Cui Shanying was a member of the "Qihuang Valley" cultivating sect.

Qihuang Valley is just outside the capital. The owner of the valley was granted the title of National Master and had a transcendent status in the Great Dan Dynasty.

Zuo Lingquan yearned for the path of spiritual practice and originally admired the masters from Qihuang Valley, but Cui Shanying's words and deeds really displeased him.

Zuo Lingquan did not return the knife, but raised his hand slightly, allowing Cui Shanying to catch him:

"The knife penetrated from the eye socket and penetrated the flesh for more than two feet. If this is considered a deviation, what can be considered accurate?"

This action and tone are obviously rude.

But the facts are before our eyes, and the people in the neighborhood also chimed in:

"What this young master said makes sense. That little catcher is so brave. He was bitten on the leg and even stabbed in the eye. Why not?"

Cui Shanying's face looked a little ugly. There were so many people around her that it was difficult to use harsh words to drive them away, so she could only look at Zuo Lingquan:

"Who are you?"

Zuo Lingquan could tell that Cui Shanying was playing tricks and wanted to move the topic away from the knife. His voice was slightly cold:

"You don't care who I am, why am I asking why this knife is useless?"

Lao Zhang saw Zuo Lingquan's irritable tone and was afraid that his youthful energy would cause trouble. He became more sober and quickly smoothed things over:

"Young hero, this is a matter for my arrest department. Thank you for your help this time..."

Cui Shanying was very dissatisfied with Zuo Lingquan's attitude. She raised her hand to stop Lao Zhang's words and said coldly:

"What do you, a yellow-haired boy, know? Before this knife was delivered, I would have looked at it. There is absolutely no problem. It must have been stabbed in the wrong direction..."


Before Cui Shanying finished speaking, the sword flashed in the heavy rain.

There were more than a dozen police officers around him secretly saying that something was wrong, but they were too late to stop it.

Zuo Lingquan was five steps away. He stepped heavily on the street with both feet. He rose up on the spot and arrived in front of Cui Shanying in the blink of an eye. The single sword in his hand was like a dragon exploring the sea, stabbing through the raindrops in the air and pointing directly at Cui Shanying's waist.

Cui Shanying's expression suddenly changed, she took half a step back, and touched the hilt of the sword at her waist with her right hand.


The long sword was unsheathed and shattered the rain curtain.

The sword was so powerful that the surrounding police officers were horrified and took several steps back.

Unfortunately, Zuo Lingquan had already retreated five steps away, unscathed, and pointed the single sword diagonally at the street.

On the sharp tip of the knife, drops of blood slid down and fell on the old bluestone floor tiles...


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