The fairy is fierce

Chapter 21 Fourteen Years of Skill

Don’t know anything?

Wu Qingwan was stunned for a moment, thinking that Zuo Lingquan was joking. She looked at him for a moment, and after making sure that his expression didn't look fake, she said unexpectedly:

"Then how did you beat Jiang Yi to the ground?"

Zuo Lingquan spread his hands:

"I started practicing swordsmanship when I was three years old, with a thousand swords per day. I have been practicing for fifteen years now, and my martial arts skills are still good. Although practitioners can borrow the power of heaven and earth to increase their killing power, they cannot borrow experience and skills. The princess has been working behind closed doors. , it’s normal to not be able to beat me.”

Wu Qingwan looked suspiciously, obviously not believing it.

The monks under the Linggu realm are all in the early stage of Qi refining, focusing on warming and nourishing the meridians and acupoints. They do not have the power to move mountains and seas, or fly into the sky and escape from the earth, but they are definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

Jiang Yi has already established a firm foothold in the fifth level of Qi refining, the Purple Palace. Even without using any moves, she can jump more than ten feet high. She can chop down hundreds of kilograms with a sword, and her endurance can last less than half an hour.

As the saying goes, "One force can defeat ten enemies." What does an ordinary martial artist who only trains his body do to fight?

Wu Qingwan frowned and thought for a long time, but still didn't believe that Zuo Lingquan knew nothing. She stood up from the stone platform, stood on the empty stone flat next to the waterfall, and said:

"You try your best to attack me. You don't have to hide it. I have to determine your true level before I can arrange the direction of your cultivation. I don't think you are willing to, like those six or seven-year-old little kids, just pick the right one." Let’s start catching bugs with medicine?”

Zuo Lingquan knew that Wu Qingwan must be a master and was naturally enthusiastic about this. He stood up, stood ten steps away with his sword, raised his hands and cupped his fists:

"Thank you, Senior Wu, for your advice, but I would like to say something in advance. My sword is very fast. I have never met a general of Ichigo since I was a child. I may not be able to hold back when I strike with all my strength. Senior Wu, please don't be careless."


When Wu Qingwan heard the words containing 'concern', she blinked her eyes and laughed angrily:

"Little friend, I am one of the five elders of Qihuang Valley. My combat power ranks fifth in Qihuang Valley and among the top ten in the entire Great Alchemy Dynasty. Are you worried about my safety?"


Zuo Lingquan was indeed very arrogant, but not to this point. After nodding slightly apologetically, he raised his hand and grasped the hilt of the sword.

The sun sets in the west.

The stone flat beside the roaring waterfall suddenly became quiet at this moment.

The mountain breeze stirred his long black hair, his robes moved with the wind, and Zuo Lingquan, holding the sword hilt in his hand, remained motionless.

Wu Qingwan originally stood elegantly with her hands folded on her waist, but when she saw Zuo Lingquan's posture, she felt a little surprised.

When we had just communicated with Zuo Lingquan, I only felt that Zuo Lingquan was knowledgeable and reasonable, and did not feel any sharpness at all.

But at this moment, Zuo Lingquan in front of him seemed to be a completely different person.

I stand like a thousand-year-old tree on the top of a mountain. No matter how strong the wind blows, I remain motionless.

His eyes were as sharp as a sword, and the sharp edge of the sword even made Wu Qingwan feel dazzled!

Wu Qingwan did not feel the aura flowing on Zuo Lingquan's body, but she could feel the penetrating power of the sharp edge on her back.

She couldn't understand how such a young junior could show such aura in front of her. If you are a person with lower concentration, I am afraid that just by seeing this look, you will already want to avoid its sharp edge.

Compared to Wu Qingwan's surprise, Zuo Lingquan on the other side didn't have so many thoughts.

Because he has no distracting thoughts!

When Zuo Lingquan was a toddler, he decided to go to the top of the mountain to see the scenery he had never seen before.

If there is no way to practice, then practice it yourself.

Even if you can't become an immortal in your life, you still have to rely on the sword in your hand to kill no one in the world who dares to call you an "immortal".

This kind of thinking may be ridiculous, but I'm afraid no one in the world would be willing to become ordinary after two lives.

Zuo Lingquan has had this idea since he was a child, so he spared no effort to explore his potential.

A thousand swords a day sounds very simple, but Zuo Lingquan doesn't simply stab a thousand swords every day. He only practices one hand, 'Zhongpingjian'.

The mid-level thrust is the simplest sword move among swordsmanship. It requires a straight thrust from the center line, with the sword, hands and shoulders in a straight line. But simple does not mean inferior.

On the contrary, simplicity means few flaws, simplicity means directness.

Zuo Lingquan came from a well-off family and had read many martial arts secret books. Finally, he concluded a truth - martial arts is a killing technique. No matter how complicated and exquisite the moves are, their purpose is to kill people.

To kill someone with one sword is enough, you just need to use the fastest speed and stab the sword in the most accurate place.

Those fictitious and real moves in the sword manual are actually all for paving the way for the sword that will end the battle.

Therefore, Zuo Lingquan only practiced this last sword, each sword being faster and more accurate than the last. He practiced this for a thousand swords every day for fourteen years.

Zuo Lingquan actually didn't even know how fast his sword was now, because when he drew the sword, he didn't pay attention to anything else at all, and focused all his attention on the sword in his hand.

The mountain breeze is hunting and the waterfalls are roaring.

The time is very short, but it seems very long.

Wu Qingwan felt the difference in Zuo Lingquan. She regarded herself as a teacher and wanted to make a gesture of taking the exam instead of facing the enemy head-on. However, her instinct made her subconsciously loosen her folded palms and replace them with Suitable for power generation stance.

And at the moment Wu Qingwan's posture changed!


Before he could see how the sword was unsheathed, the sharp blade was already in front of him.

The sound of the sword sounded like a dragon's roar, seeming to overwhelm the roaring waterfall behind it, causing the world to fall into silence.

Wu Qingwan's pupils suddenly contracted, and all the distracting thoughts in her mind disappeared at this moment.

Zuo Lingquan followed the sword, and his sleeves were almost torn by the strong wind. The sword blade and his eyes did not tremble at all until the tip of the sword pierced the cloth of Wu Qingwan's collar.

Wu Qingwan was a cultivator, but not a master. She was also a mortal. If she was pierced through the chest by this sword, she would be seriously injured even if she didn't die.

But would Zuo Lingquan stop?


Because he himself couldn't react, he just tried his best to show what he had learned. The instinct to draw the sword had already surpassed his thoughts, so there was no chance to put the sword away.

If Wu Qingwan couldn't stop it, by the time Zuo Lingquan noticed it, it would probably have been pierced through the heart by a sword.

However, Wu Qingwan had practiced for decades, and as one of the five masters of Qihuang Valley, it was impossible for her to die so easily. She did underestimate the enemy, but the ten-step distance was enough for her to respond.

At the moment when Zuo Lingquan attacked brazenly and the tip of the sword pierced into his clothes, Wu Qingwan had already put her hands together and clamped the blade accurately.

The long sword that was unstoppable just now suddenly stagnated between the two palms, as if it had stabbed into an iron plate with all its strength and could not move forward even a little bit.

The force of the forward thrust was too great, and the tip of the sword could not move forward an inch, causing the slender sword blade to bend instantly and stretch out an arc.

Wu Qingwan turned sideways lightly, and her right leg was like a steel whip, lashing at Zuo Lingquan's side face. Her long legs drove the hem of her skirt and spread it in the air, like a green water curtain. The white boots in the front kicked out directly with a loud bang.


If this kick hit, Zuo Lingquan's head would have turned into a rotten watermelon without any surprise.

Fortunately, Zuo Lingquan could not stop it, but Wu Qingwan could.

On the stone terrace, the two people who had exploded brazenly stopped at the same time.

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