The fairy is fierce

Chapter 48 Bracelet

The wind was blowing and the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶]

The three of them came to the painting boat together. The rain was so heavy that the oil-paper umbrellas crackled. Seeing this, Leng Zhu didn't knock on the door. He pushed the door open and let the two of them go in to take shelter from the rain.

Jiang Yi's expression was neither happy nor angry. She originally wanted to act like a lady meeting a newlywed and test the concubine, but when she entered the door, she saw Shangguan Patriarch in a dragon scale dress, sitting on the couch with her legs bent.

Ancestor Shangguan is a god-like existence in the hearts of monks. Zuo Lingquan can subconsciously straighten his posture after seeing him many times. Needless to say, Jiang Yi was so shocked that she almost turned around and left.

However, Tang Jingxun was not afraid of the Shangguan Ancestor. When he saw the dead woman in the room, he was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he said:

"Die... Yutang, you are here too."

Seeing this, Jiang Yi had no choice but to cautiously enter the boat. When she looked carefully, she found something was wrong.

Ancestor Shangguan was sitting on the boat, his body motionless, as if time had stopped; the Imperial Concubine had her eyes closed, pillowed on the lap of the ancestor, sleeping peacefully.

The white cat on the table woke up, turned over, first glanced at the dumpling squatting on Tang Jingxun's shoulder, and then quietly moved the box of dried fish under his belly and hid it.

It's a pity that this little move didn't fool Tuanzi's sharp little eyes, and he pounced directly over and started "chichijiji~" to eat and drink.

Tang Jingxuan saw that the two people seemed to be practicing, so it was inappropriate to interrupt them rashly. Without saying a word, he called Tuanzi and wanted to leave with Jiang Yi.

However, the effect of the sandalwood had worn off. Shangguan Lingye woke up after hearing the sound.


With the help of his ancestor, Shangguan Lingye slept soundly, and most of the color on his face recovered, and he looked much more energetic. She opened her eyes and saw Jiang Yi and Jing Xun standing at the door. Maybe they were a little confused because they just woke up, so she said:

"Are you done?"

Is it done? Jiang Yi's expression froze when she heard this. She understood the meaning of these words, but she couldn't show it. She could only act ambiguously and responded:

"Haha... Well, how is your rest, my dear? What is this, ancestor?"

Shangguan Lingye was completely awake and realized what he had just asked, revealing that he had just listened to Qiang Gen. She pretended that nothing happened, looked back, and was surprised to realize that the pillow she was leaning on was her ancestor's thigh, and she quickly made a respectful gesture:

"Master, Master seems to have been out of body."


Tang Jingxuan had seen her ancestor appear and disappear before, but this was the first time she had seen him standing still. She walked up to him, carefully looked at the Shangguan ancestor's exquisite and impeccable face, and waved her hands in front of her eyes.

This move is obviously a bit disrespectful to the ancestor, but Tang Jingxun is very familiar with the ancestor, and even Shangguan Lingye does not understand their relationship; although the ancestor is out of body, the body is still aware, since Tang Jingxun has not smoked Stir it twice to show that you don't care.

Seeing this, Shangguan Lingye did not stop Tang Jingxun. He stood up and stretched his tibia:

"Master has something to do with Zuo Lingquan, so he probably took Zuo Lingquan out... I haven't slept so deeply for a long time, and my body feels a few ounces lighter.

He raised his hands above his head and stretched, causing the cuffs to slip down and the gold and jade bracelets to leak out.

Jiang Yi put the file on the desk, turned around and saw the conspicuous 'Heirloom of Zuo's Daughter-in-law', her already complicated eyes became even more complicated.

She walked up to her and helped Shangguan Lingye tidy up her bun, which was a little messy from sleeping. She glanced at the bracelet seemingly casually:

"Wearing two bracelets, they seem a bit mismatched; the jade bracelet was a gift from Aunt Zuo. It is earthly jewelry and can be easily damaged by bumps..."

Shangguan Lingye could hear the voices in the boudoir last night, and naturally eavesdropped on the conversation in the study. He knew what Jiang Yi was thinking. Jiang Yi probably guessed that she could hear her complaints about grievances to Zuo Lingquan. Maybe he meant to tell her, otherwise he wouldn't have finished it in the end.

In the past, when Shangguan Lingye first got the bracelet and learned that "the bracelet represents the principal daughter-in-law recognized by the Zuo family," he tried to take it off and give it to Jiang Yi, but Jiang Yi refused because at that time Jiang Yi She treated her as the Crown Princess; now Jiang Yi suddenly mentioned it again and wanted her to take it off. The meaning was self-evident.

Shangguan Lingye put down his hand, touched the bracelet, and said with a smile:

"Of course I will pay attention to the things Aunt Zuo gave me so they won't get damaged. As for the mismatch, I think it's okay..."

This sentence only expresses one thing: I don't want to hand over the "leading stick".

Jiang Yi blinked her eyes, her smile did not change, but her eyes were slightly different. Just as she was about to continue pulling, she suddenly heard from behind:

"let me see."

Tang Jingxun, who was teasing his ancestor just now, seemed to be attracted by the topics among these women. He turned around and walked up to him and touched the jade bracelet:

"There is a lot of emphasis on jewelry, and it should be matched according to your temperament. The concubine is noble, and wearing gold jewelry can better set off her temperament. The same is true for princesses. Qingwan and I do not have the grace and nobleness that have been cultivated since childhood, so we seldom Wear gold.

"This jadeite bracelet is from the Jiangnan style. It is more suitable for gentle and conservative women. It means 'keeping the house and keeping the business', and it is more smoky in the world..."

Shangguan Lingye and Jiang Yi both immersed themselves in spiritual practice since childhood, and then took important positions. When it comes to the exquisiteness of worldly jewelry, how can they compare to Tang Jingxuan, a young rich woman from the market? They listened for a long time and did not answer the question, but the meaning was I heard it:

What you are wearing is inappropriate! It fits me better.

As expected, Tang Jingxuan explained softly for a moment, then pulled up his sleeves and placed his wrist, which was as white as tender tofu, next to the jade bracelet for comparison.

When a monk cultivates to the point where his golden body is clean, there are no impurities on his body, and his skin will be extremely tender; but his body shape is not impurities, and it will never be deformed no matter how much he practices, and will only become more and more perfect.

Shangguan Lingye has icy muscles and jade bones, and his skin must be amazingly good, but his body shape is relatively slender, and he is a tall and slender type.

Tang Jingxun is different. Her beads are round and jade-like, and her wrists cannot be said to be thick, but rather fleshy. To describe it in secular terms, she is very blessed and good at fertility. Wearing a jade bracelet really fits her temperament better, and it feels like it is tailor-made.

Jiang Yi watched from the side and felt that if nothing else happened, Tang Jingxuan would try it on and then couldn't put it down, suggesting "exchanging the dumplings for bracelets" or something like that.

Shangguan Lingye might really agree!

It is possible to get this bracelet back in Shangguan Lingye's hands, but in Tang Jingxuan's hands, the outcome is needless to say.

At this time, Wu Qingwan was not here, and Jiang Yi was alone. It was obviously difficult to resist the two women, and she wanted to bring the situation back, but there was no suitable reason.

Fortunately, Leng Zhu was good at observing words and emotions, and saw the sudden melee between the three women. Seeing that the princess was in danger, he quickly interjected:

"I think gold paired with jade looks better. It's unassuming and elegant. It's very suitable for princesses and concubines."

Jiang Yi took advantage of the situation and said, "Really? I don't know much about jewelry, so I can just talk casually."

When Shangguan Lingye saw this, he naturally borrowed the donkey from the slope and said with a smile:

"Miss Tang is very interested in jade. I still have a few pieces of jade here, but I rarely wear them..."

As he said this, he put away his hands and prepared to take the jewelry from Linglong Pavilion.

Tang Jingxun wanted the bracelet, not the jewelry. Seeing that the two of them had reached a consensus and excluded her first, he shook his head and said with a smile:

"I rarely wear jewelry. I just feel nostalgic when I see the things from my hometown. That's all, let's not talk about it. Is it okay for my ancestor to sit like this? It's raining heavily outside. Do you want to put a blanket for her..."


Hanging flowers outside the door.

Wu Qingwan held a small umbrella and paced back and forth in the aisle under the courtyard wall, her fingertips surrounded by lightning, studying the thunder method by herself.

Walking here alone on a rainy day is naturally not for leisure.

During the 'practice' last night, Wu Qingwan was tormented by three people. Jiang Yi and Tang Jingxuan made noises. Zuo Lingquan also didn't know that Xin Tairen was so shameless that she forgot how many postures she had done.

As the saying goes, "The clay bodhisattva also has three parts of fire." No matter how gentle Wu Qingwan is, she will fight back when forced. In the end, she couldn't afford it, so she surrendered to Zuo Lingquan, obeying his words and tossing Jiang Yi from the beginning, and even letting Jing Xun Help.

With Jiang Yi's half-step cultivation in Linggu, there was no way she could compete with them. She was bullied to the point of crying, but she still didn't protect her.

According to Jiang Yi's temperament, she would definitely find this aunt to settle the score during the day. If she didn't hide, she would be scolded so hard that she couldn't hold her head up.

As for the smell of gunpowder in the boat, Wu Qingwan was the second oldest child in the family. She was embarrassed to fight for the bracelet when Jiang Yi was around, so naturally she didn't care. Of course, she didn't know either.

After wandering under the courtyard wall for a long time, she never saw Leng Zhu running to ask her to come over, but she did hear some noise outside the courtyard wall.

Da da da

The sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella.

Wu Qingwan came to her senses and walked to the door to take a look.

The house is in a secular city, with ordinary alleys outside. During the heavy rainstorm, no people walked around. There was only a round-faced girl in a summer skirt, carrying an iron pipa on her back, standing outside the courtyard wall.

The little girl was not tall, and she stood on tiptoes, looking like she wanted to inspect the situation in the yard.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the little girl quickly pretended to be wandering around, walked to the door, and greeted from afar:

"Sister Wu, why did you come out before you knew it? I was about to knock on the door."

Xie Qiutao's moral conduct is higher than that of Wu Qingwan. According to the rules, Wu Qingwan has to call him an immortal. However, Xie Qiutao's face was too young, and Wu Qingwan treated him very strangely as an elder, so he only cared so much:

"Thank you for your morning, miss. Ling Quan and the others just came back yesterday, but they are out now; the concubine is still in the house."

"Really? Are they okay?"

"It's safe and sound. Let Miss Xie worry about it. It's raining heavily outside. Let's go in and talk."

Wu Qingwan and Xie Qiutao were not very familiar with each other, but they had met once at sea that day. Xie Qiutao had also been here two days ago, which had a good influence on the girl. He raised his hand to signal her to come into the room to talk.

However, Xie Qiutao stood at the door holding an umbrella. He hesitated for a moment and did not go in. Instead, he said:

"Last time I came back from the sea, Lord Shangguan made me angry and asked me to go to the north to look for opportunities. I was worried about Zuo Gong and the others' comfort, so I didn't leave. As long as they are safe and sound, I have to set off."

That’s how spiritual practice is, you’re always on the road. Wu Qingwan wanted to persuade her to stay, but it was not good for her to delay her cultivation, and she had no excuse to persuade her to stay. At the moment, she could only say:

"Since it is Lord Shangguan's wish, girl, please feel free to go. You still have to be careful on the road."

Xie Qiutao and Zuo Lingquan didn't have a close friendship, but they were friends. She didn't know when they would see each other again. She hesitated, took out a Tiandun card from her arms, and exchanged contact information with Wu Qingwan. Holding a small umbrella, he walked alone out of the alley.

Wu Qingwan watched off at the door. Seeing a little girl wandering the spiritual path alone, she felt a little sad.

Most people in spiritual practice walk alone, like duckweeds in the rain, drifting wherever they go. There are a few people like them who have trustworthy people by their side to accompany them and walk hand in hand.


When Xie Qiutao's figure was about to disappear from the entrance of the alley, a bolt of thunder suddenly flashed across the sky overseas, and the electric light illuminated the entire sea, and then there was another one.

Wu Qingwan turned her eyes and looked at the sea. She could see the thunderclouds rolling over there and the majesty of the sky, but she could not see the details clearly. She could only hear a voice coming from the distance:

"Young Master Zuo has entered Youhuang, he is so awesome..."

When I turned around, the little girl holding the paper umbrella had disappeared...——

Jiuzhou is in the far north, above the snow peaks.

The ancient building stands majestically on the top of the mountain, but without disciples, no matter how magnificent the building is, it will inevitably look lifeless.

Hou Yushu lived here, and during the few days he was recuperating, he learned from others that this place was called the 'Yujing Immortal Sect'.

However, the prominent wealthy families that stood on the top of the Jade Yaozhou Mountain in the past have long since declined and are sparsely populated; all that can be seen are the 'offerings' solicited to help the Youying alien race run errands and obtain those opportunities that they could only dream of in the past.

In the past years, Hou Yushu had been doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. He never thought that he was an evil heretic. He was forced to join the Youying alien race because he had to avenge blood and his practice of becoming a demon came to light. He actually looked down on these people in his heart.

After staying here for a few days, Hou Yushu found that the upper class of the Youying alien race was very different from what he had imagined. There was nothing extremely evil about their behavior. Some of them were even very kind and funny. After learning that he came from Yuyaozhou, he made a special trip He came over to inquire about the current situation in Yuyaozhou, and also talked about the things he did in such and such a place in Yuyaozhou back then, and even mentioned his old friends in Yuyaozhou who are still alive today.

But ‘knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing their hearts’, there is no way to understand what these people are doing behind their backs.

After recuperating for a few days and recovering from his injuries, the old man who had brought Hou Yushu over came to the cave where he was recuperating and asked him to go to the back mountain to meet the ancestor Mei, saying that he wanted to take him in.

Hou Yushu had already arrived at the territory of the Youying alien tribe. He had no choice but to follow them to the top of the snow peak, inside a frozen cave.

The sect is very big, and not a single ghost can be seen on the road. The same is true in the cave. There are only many ice coffins inside, with various people and things sealed in ice.

Hou Yushu looked around and saw that the people in the ice coffin were all strangers, men, women, old and young. However, their auras were fluctuating, and they were obviously not dead, but just sleeping.

Hou Yushu originally thought that these were disciples practicing in seclusion in the sect, but when he walked to an ice coffin, his body shook suddenly. There was a woman inside. Although she was a bit old and there were wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, Hou Yushu I still recognized the woman. I had met her once at the beach of Yuyaozhou, and the memory was profound.


Hou Yushu looked in disbelief, looked left and right in the cave, and then frantically searched through several ice coffins.

Unfortunately, before Hou Yushu could be found, an ethereal female voice sounded from the depths of the cave:

"Practice well, and what you are looking for will be given to you in the future."

"Why is she here with you?"

"There is no shortage of my disciples and disciples in Yuyaozhou. It is easy to save one or two unknown people."

"You use these people as blackmail to force the righteous monks to work for you?"

"Did I force you to come here?"


"Without me, they would have died in depression, or died at the hands of others. I just give those who seek refuge in me a chance to untie their knots. If you don't want this opportunity, you can leave on your own without anyone stopping you." you."

Hou Yushu was silent. After a moment, he bowed his hands and said:

"Junior Hou Yushu, pay my respects to senior."

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