The fairy is fierce

Chapter 34: Humans are not plants or trees, so who can be heartless?

Wu Yezi no longer belongs to this era. The fragmentary information obtained by the soul-searching technique is also about the murder and treasure-grabbing and intrigue among the lower-level cultivators in Zhongzhou. It is a bit difficult to understand why the Taoist friends who once said "Don't let my fellow Taoist die, let me die" would rush to the same place after something happened. ♦♦  ♦♦

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't someone go first, and the others wait and see if there is any hidden murderous intention or whether it is profitable, and then decide to take action?

Wu Yezi knows how powerful Mei Jinshui is. In his era, he was a giant of the immortal family in the south. Now he is still alive. Even if he is stuck at the Changsheng Bridge, his experience and cultivation comprehension are not something that the younger generation can look down on. These young people just rush over like this. Aren't they afraid that they will be replaced by Mei Jinshui?

Times have changed after all. Thousands of years of relatively stable environment have brought endless benefits. The lower classes are still on the edge of a knife, but the monks on the top of the mountain have long understood what "one loss for all" means. No matter what the private relationship is, no one will benefit from the chaos in Yuyaozhou, so they have reached a consensus long ago. If the Nine Sects are in trouble, Jianhuang City will go to help, and the same is true if Jianhuang City is in trouble.

Wuyezi, who has not experienced the war of annihilation, naturally does not understand this kind of "brothers quarrel within the wall, defend against external insults" relationship, and he does not understand why Mei Jinshui, who was once highly respected, is more popular than him.

However, at this time, it doesn't matter whether Wuyezi understands it or not. People who live in historical materials should be buried in the dust of history.

After rushing out of the mountains, Wuyezi fled to the seaside in the west, hoping to escape into the sea and rely on his talent for water affinity to escape.

However, Wu Yezi's use of deer horns to forcibly open up the meridians and qi palace was a behavior like drinking poison to quench thirst. The soul refining formation failed, and the power of the soul was difficult to recover. It was naturally a luxury to seize the body. How could he escape from the four pursuers with a body that could explode and die at any time?

Now the only way to survive was to find a place to hide, hide the soul in the immortal sword, and wait for the next destined person.

But the juniors behind him, staring at the immortal sword in hand, would never give him a chance to hide. They didn't even need to make a move, just chasing him could kill him.

But in the blink of an eye, several people had chased him for several miles.

Shangguan Lingye was in her prime. If she had trouble beating a drowning dog, she would not be worthy of being called the first Qingkui of the Nine Sects. She approached at full speed, covered with black armor, and raised her hand to send a purple thunder, which hit Wu Yezi's back.

Wu Yezi turned around in mid-air, blocked the thunder with the sword Xuanming, and was shaken to the ground.

Zuo Lingquan took advantage of the opportunity and rushed in, his body was as fast as thunder, and he stabbed Wu Yezi in the heart with a sword.

Xie Qiutao held the iron pipa upside down, and like a god, he slammed Wu Yezi's head with a hammer:



There was a loud bang on the ground, and a meteorite crater appeared.

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how poor Wu Yezi is, he was once a sword hero. With the fairy sword in his hand, he had no difficulty in dealing with it.

With just one sword, he cut off the ordinary magic sword in Zuo Lingquan's hand and resolved the attack; but when he slashed at Xie Qiutao's pipa with his backhand, he was defeated.

There was a crisp sound of "dang——".

The iron pipa, which was like a black iron, was hit by the fairy sword Xuanming, but there was not even a scratch. Of course, the fairy sword was also intact.

Wu Yezi was obviously stunned when he saw this scene. Before he could doubt the grade of the iron hammer in Xie Qiutao's hand, Zuo Lingquan attacked again with a sword, and this sword was not as easy to resolve as before.

Lao Lu followed in pursuit, but his body was like a candle in the wind, with little fighting power, basically just watching the show.

Seeing that the sword in Zuo Lingquan's hand broke as soon as it touched him, and he could not exert any fighting power at all, Lao Lu flipped his wrist lightly, and a plain bronze long sword appeared in his hand, and threw it directly to Zuo Lingquan:

"Try this."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were fixed on Wu Yezi, and without turning back, he raised his hand and grabbed the long sword thrown to him.

But as soon as the sword was in his hand, Zuo Lingquan was startled and almost staggered by the sword in his hand. ♦♦  ඏ☆

Old Lu’s Huangquan Sword is an ancient sword that has been buried underground for countless years and has its own intelligence. The five elements are close to the earth, and the weight is not ordinary. Even if the sword energy is dissipated, it is extremely heavy. It is estimated that it is difficult for a cultivator to even pick it up.

Because of the nature of the sword, Old Lu’s sword is also heavy, opening and closing as heavy as a mountain, and the speed is not very fast.

Zuo Lingquan takes a strong and swift approach, and he will definitely not be able to exert his full strength with this fairy sword; however, the ‘Xuanming’ in Wu Yezi’s hand is dominated by water in the five elements, and is naturally restrained by the five elements of the Huangquan Sword. In general, Wu Yezi is at a disadvantage.

Zuo Lingquan holding the Huangquan Sword cannot exert the earth-shaking effect in the Qilin Cave Heaven, but when he strikes with the sword, he also brings an indestructible edge.

Wu Yezi dare not confront it head-on this time, after all, the sword can withstand it, but he can’t. Knowing that he could not defeat eight people alone, Wu Yezi flew back and said:

"Boy, I'll give you the sword, how about you let me live?"

Wu Yezi's words were not empty words. As long as you are alive, you will not have to worry about firewood. As long as you are alive, you can slowly find immortal weapons and magic weapons. If you are dead, everything will be over.

But Zuo Lingquan and others don't think so.

Before Zuo Lingquan opened his mouth, Xie Qiutao, who was holding a big pipa and hammering, responded:

"Are you sick? If I kill you, won't the sword still be ours?"

The words Zuo Lingquan was about to say turned into:



Wu Yezi was furious, and there was no other way at this time, so he cursed:

"You still call yourself a righteous person, do you still have any shame?"

There were countless immortals nearby, and Shangguan Lingye also felt that it was inappropriate to say so, and said with a serious face:

"Wu Yezi, you have done so many evil things, do you think you can survive with a sword? Even if you destroy this sword, you will never escape today."

Wu Yezi fell into such a situation, why didn't he want to destroy the sword that he had carried with him for many years, but the immortal sword is a sharp weapon for killing, and it is not worthy of being called an immortal weapon if it can be destroyed by bare hands. He could only say:

"If you kill me, how can you make this sword recognize the enemy as its master?"

Unfortunately, this can only deceive children.

As the first Qingkui of the Nine Sects, Shangguan Lingye has a good understanding of immortal swords.

All immortal swords have sword spirits, which are divided into innate and acquired, and the two are easy to distinguish.

The immortal swords bred by heaven and earth are integrated with heaven and earth, and look like a sword, very pure, without the emotions of living beings.

And the immortal weapons forged by acquired are like Shangguan Laozu's "God-beating Mace", which uses the soul of immortal beast as the sword spirit, and will have emotions such as "joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness", and even speak and complain, looking more like a person.

The immortal weapons of the innate nature basically live as long as the heaven and earth. Once they recognize their master, they will never leave. When the sword master dies, they will wait for the destined person, just like the real heaven and earth. People come and go, but only the green mountains and clear waters will last forever.

However, the immortal weapons forged after birth are different. The relationship between them and the sword master is similar to the emotions between people. When the sword master dies, there is a high probability that he will find the destined person to help the old master revenge.

The immortal sword in Wu Yezi's hand is obviously a rarer innate immortal weapon. Although it comes from the black tortoise in the north, it is a little worse than the one next to Shangguan Patriarch, but its nature has not changed.

Even if Zuo Lingquan kills Wu Yezi, as long as the sword recognizes Zuo Lingquan, it means that it is destined to be Zuo Lingquan's. What does it have to do with Wu Yezi?

Therefore, Shangguan Lingye did not respond to Wu Yezi's words at all. He raised his hand and struck two thunderbolts at Wu Yezi who was retreating step by step.

Wu Yezi knew that he couldn't escape even if he had wings, and if he continued to fight, his body would explode and die first. He showed his ferocity and cursed:

"I have killed people and robbed treasures all my life. How can I let you rob my life savings in my old age? If you dare, come and take it!"

After the voice fell, Wu Yezi threw the sword in his hand into the distance, and then fled in the opposite direction.

Zuo Lingquan thought that the other party was going to escape, so he would kill him first, otherwise he would not be able to use the sword.

But Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao had just chased a few steps when they saw Wu Yezi took out a simple-shaped plaque, held it in his hands, and the seven orifices sprayed black mist, and the whole body swelled instantly.

"Get out of the way!"

Old Lu was startled and shouted quickly.

Fortunately, Zuo Lingquan had seen the scene of a monk self-destructing, and immediately grabbed Xie Qiutao, who was full of reluctance, and pushed him back.


A shocking explosion sounded in the mountains.

There was no telling how many things were in Wu Yezi's Linglong Pavilion. After the explosion along with his body, it actually scattered a colorful glass-like light, and the debris shot in all directions, triggering a chain of explosions.

Boom boom boom --

Shangguan Lingye felt pain, but he couldn't go forward to pick up the equipment at this time. He held up the shield in front of several people and waited for the impact to end.

However, Wu Yezi's self-explosion did not destroy everything. After the Linglong Pavilion exploded, several high-grade objects flew out of it, including a pair of huge deer antlers, one of which was slightly damaged and the other intact.

Shangguan's eyes lit up, and he was afraid of being discovered by the nearby immortals, so he quickly took it into the Linglong Pavilion.

Boom boom boom --

When the impact of the explosion ended, the ground where he was originally located had turned into a large pit dozens of feet deep.

Zuo Lingquan looked up and saw that even the corner of the clothes could not be seen in the pit. There was only an ancient long sword stuck on the hill at the end of the field of vision, which became as ordinary as an ordinary iron sword, as if they had died together.

An ownerless immortal sword was thrown on the ground. Several nearby sword emperors could not help but be interested. If the peak sword immortal picked it up and took a look, and accidentally recognized the owner, Zuo Lingquan would have no place to argue, so they hurried over to pick up the spoils.

But at this moment, Tuanzi, who was hiding in Shangguan Lingye's arms, suddenly poked his head out and pointed to the west:


Zuo Lingquan was stunned, but immediately reacted:

"No, he ran away, chase him."

Shangguan Lingye did not expect Wu Yezi to be so cunning that he could risk all his belongings to cover the escape of a remnant soul. If it were not for Tuanzi's cleverness, he would really run away.

The remnant soul was exposed to the broad daylight and the strong wind, and it would soon be reduced to ashes. If Wu Yezi could not find a place to stay, he would not be able to hold on for a few hours.

However, to be on the safe side, Shangguan Lingye still followed closely, bombarding the earth with thunder magic, until Tuanzi nodded with satisfaction, and then turned back to get the spoils with satisfaction...


Zuo Lingquan went to chase Wu Yezi, who was at the end of his rope, and it took only a few words in total. Compared with the full load over there, the atmosphere on the mountain was much more solemn.

When the Lord appeared alone, his momentum could indeed suppress the common people and spirits under his feet, but when the masters on the top of the mountain were together, the feeling of being on the top of the mountain and overlooking the common people was weakened, or it could be said that they were both in the sky, without comparison, and the momentum could not be reflected.

The mountain wind had stopped and was silent, and there was no sound in the underground mine. It seemed that there were only nine figures suspended in the air between heaven and earth.

Four people from Jianhuang City came this time, and all those currently in Zhongzhou came.

The green-robed man in the lead did not wear a sword and was hovering in the air with his hands behind his back. He looked rather unprepossessing. Anyone who saw him at first glance would not think that this man was Jiang Chengjian, the ‘Sword Boss’ who had established the order of Central Continent single-handedly since the Battle of Stealing Pills, or the ‘Number One Swordsman in Yuyao Continent’.

The two people slightly behind are Yun Hongye and Huang He, ranked second and seventh, and have good personal relationships; the one with a jade-like face and a scholar's robe is Huang He, while Yun Hongye is dressed in a standard swordsman's attire.

Jiang Taiqing, nicknamed "Thunder Lord", was the fourth in the Sword Emperor City. He was dressed in a brocade robe with a cloud pattern. He looked as senior as an academy master, but he was actually the youngest among the four, because he was too young to teach an unformed apprentice. It's the majesty that makes him look so mature.

Some of the four people were carrying swords, some were not carrying swords, but none of them touched the swords at this time, but looked at the woman in front of them with serious expressions.

Four of the Nine Sects also came here. Apart from the Lord Peach Blossom, the remaining ones were the three elders of the Nine Sects. The other Lords actually had nothing to say about this old matter.

The woman in a snow-colored dress was surrounded by eight of the most elite monks in Jade Yaozhou. She did not show any panic. Instead, her eyes held a hint of "hope for her son to succeed". Her first words were:

"Everyone, long time no see."

Lord Peach Blossom still used thunder to imprison his former teacher, his eyes were red and he gritted his teeth without saying a word.

The other seven have different expressions.

Master Fulong, Chen Chaoli, is dressed as a Taoist priest and holds a pole of floating dust. He ranks third among the three elders. He has a calm and calm personality. In previous years, he usually did not interfere with the affairs of the secular world or even the immortal family.

Hearing the woman's words, Lord Fulong hesitated for a moment, then raised his hands and bowed:

"Junior has met Mr. Mei."

Sir is a respectful title for a person of high moral character. Chen Chaoli called him this because when he was traveling around, he visited Meishan Mountain and left an inscription on it. At that time, he met Mei Jinshui, who was already a giant in the south, and praised him. Pass him a few words.

After establishing a sect, and even leading the crowd to defeat demons in the battle to steal the elixir, Mei Jinshui took care of him. The relationship was not as deep as the master and apprentice, but he was definitely an elder, so no matter where the other person was, who was higher or lower? , should we treat each other with the courtesy of our elders, or should we treat them with the courtesy of our elders.

Shangguan Yutang traveled east from the wilderness and built his current family business by relying on his own ability; but without Mei Jinshui's recognition, it would not have been so smooth. When he met his former friends, he rarely let go of his condescending attitude. , give him a bow.

Emperor Zhaozun, Shang Zhao, was a foreign aid from Huajunzhou during the Battle of Stealing Dan. He later took root and built the current Tiandi City and Emperor Zhao dynasty. He did not have a close relationship with Mei Jinshui, but Stealing Pills Dan Zhan shared adversity and was not without friendship. At this moment, he sat on the back of the five-color unicorn and sighed softly.

The four people from Jianhuang City had dealt with Jiang Chengjian and Mei Jinshui. Maybe they felt that the atmosphere was too serious, so they said:

"Since Fairy Mei left, why did she come back? This makes us very embarrassed."

Others thought the same thing.

Xiangyang City Mei is close to the water, and his qualifications and prestige were there. His military exploits in the battle to steal the pill were no less than those of San Yuan, enough to serve as the head of the nine sects. Even Shangguan Yutang could not be ranked above him.

They once fought side by side and died together in the Iron Cu Cave. Their bloodshed and true love were obvious to all. The three elders also had absolute trust in Mei Jinshui. Just like now, the only person the three elders would not doubt was the other two elders. This is a friendship that is witnessed with life.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Mei Jinshui left shortly after the war without explaining the reason to anyone, and even if she did, she wouldn't be understood, because she went to the Youying alien tribe and re-established her family there. The power continues to this day.

For the three elders, this is an incomprehensible betrayal. After taking this step, they must kill their former close friends and even their division commanders; but they have survived the brutal battle of stealing pills. Killing their former comrades is not easy. ?

Mei Jinshui has traveled too far to clean up the family. All the three elders can do is to clean up the traces of Mei Jinshui's existence, so as to prevent his influence from biasing future generations and letting time dilute the impression of this incident.

But the three elders did not expect that Mei Jinshui would dare to come back.

Returning would mean a military confrontation. If they let Mei Jinshui go, the righteous order would collapse, and the boundary drawn by the Nine Sects and even the Nine Provinces Immortal Family that should not be trampled would become an empty talk.

Jiang Chengjian said that it was very difficult. He really didn't want to encounter this kind of thing, but he had been in charge of Yuyaozhou for so many years. For the sake of the peace of the state, he had to take action no matter how difficult it was. Otherwise, what would happen if other Lord Sword Emperors followed suit?

Facing Jiang Chengjian's inquiry, the woman in white as snow just smiled and said:

"I've been away from home for a long time, and I want to come back for a visit."

The eight people gathered in a circle all looked pretty. In the end, Chen Chaoli, who was the most thorough in the way of subduing demons and exterminating demons, said:

"May I ask, sir, have you seen enough?"

This sentence is equivalent to asking Mei Jinshui to give her last words.

Fulongshan is a Taoist sect, and its disciples are not involved in human affairs, and their whole life is to conquer demons. In the eyes of the righteous Taoist, to seek refuge with the Youying alien tribe is to become a demon. No matter who the other party is, Chen Chaoli will not show mercy.

Lord Peach Blossom, who had been trapping Mei Jinshui, saw that Zhong Ren had murderous intentions, and finally couldn't hold it in any longer, and said angrily to everyone:

"My master's contribution to Yuyaozhou is no less than yours. Today, I am righteous enough to kill my relatives and keep her. As long as she is willing to turn around and sincerely repent, you can't touch her at all. Otherwise, I, Cui Yingying, would rather be imprisoned in the forbidden land of Leichi." Send her away safely!"

Lord Peach Blossom was almost hoarse. Saying these words was equivalent to putting pressure on his own path and the entire Peach Blossom Pond.

Being able to say this means that Lord Peach Blossom has selfish motives. When necessary, he can even betray the nine sects and even all living beings in the world. He is no longer worthy of holding his current position.

But humans are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless?

The Sword Master is not a saint, but he is more resilient than ordinary people, so he can understand the current impulse of the Peach Blossom Master and consider her words.

Mei Jinshui is undoubtedly very powerful. With thousands of years of Taoism, even a stone should have become an immortal, not to mention that Mei Jinshui, who has stood on the top of the mountain in previous years, can really turn back. Although it conflicts with the rules, it seems that it is not impossible to accept him. After all, if a master of this level is not allowed to turn back, it would force the Youying alien race to fight to the death.

However, there is no precedent for this kind of thing. You can know a person's face but not his heart. No one knows what the consequences will be after the beginning.

The eight people present exchanged glances with each other, obviously discussing this matter.

Peach Blossom Master was raised by Hai Jinshui, and everything he has comes from this teacher. It is conceivable how much he hopes that the teacher can turn back.

At this time, Peach Blossom Master looked at the familiar Taoist friend, with a resolute look and a bit of expectation in his eyes, hoping that everyone can reconcile and return to the past after the war.

But unfortunately, the affairs of a continent cannot be influenced by personal feelings. Lord Taohua knows that it is not very likely to force the entire Yuyao Continent to make an exception by using everything she has as a bargaining chip.

But she didn't expect that the first person to veto was the person she thought could speak for her master!

Shangguan Yutang floated in front of the three elders, his expression did not fluctuate at all from beginning to end, and he did not even consider Lord Taohua's opinion. Seeing that everyone had differences, he spoke directly:

"I admire Senior Mei's character, so I understand that people like her, like most of us, choose to take a path and will never look back. They just have different paths. Senior Mei believes that he is not wrong, so how could he regret it..."

"Shangguan Yutang!"

Lord Taohua could no longer suppress his anger when he heard these words:

"Are you a heartless stone? Have you forgotten who helped you when you first arrived in Yuyao Continent? You stand firm? In the battle of stealing pills, you rushed forward rashly. How many times did your master save your life? Without your master, you would have died in the Iron Cluster Cave Heaven. Now I ask you to let your master live, you..."

"I will remember the favor, but you know what kind of person your master is. If she could regret the past, she would not have left that year."

"How do you know? ! You did it on purpose. My master can come back, why doesn't she even have the right to regret? ..."

The rage of Taohua Zunzhu became heavier and heavier. In the end, he even leaned against Mei Jinshui and faced Shangguan Yutang, with the tendency to fight with everyone.

Zuo Lingquan and others who had just killed Wu Yezi couldn't help seeing the movement, and ran back quietly. When they found the scene of the internal conflict, they were also at a loss for a while...

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