The fairy is fierce

Chapter 16 Scoring twice

There were bursts of thunder in the sky, and more than ten horses stood at the city gate. Raindrops as big as soybeans hit the hat, cloak and saber, making a crackling sound. •

"Get out of the way!"

A young girl with a weak figure is riding on a red horse, with a dirty boy of the same age behind her, as if she is about to elope with her lover.

Although the Huang family in Huangfeng County is not as big as Baidaozhuang, it is still a well-known family in the world.

My young lady was abducted by a little gangster. How could the disciples of the Huang family who were present sit idly by and ignore it? The leader drove his horse to stop outside the city gate and advised:

"Miss, the affairs of the Jianghu are not child's play, and the whole family is destroyed at every turn. I hope you can think of the head of the family and his wife. If you mess around with this kid today, the Huang family will suffer a big disaster..."

Miss Qiu knew that all love, hatred and resentment were all illusions, but the guards in front of her didn't know that their loyalty to her was real.

Miss Qiu couldn't wake these people up, let alone cut them off one by one, so she could only force her way in:

"Get out of your way..."

"Miss, miss..."

A wave of people rushed to stop me at the city gate. Before long, the thunderous horse hooves sounded again on the countryside outside the city.

Upon seeing this, the Huang family guards' expressions changed slightly, and they all turned around and held down their sabers, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Baidaozhuang and the Huang family are both county commanders, and they are only more than ten miles away from the county seat. The Huang family was the first to arrive after hearing the news. When they learned that the young leader of the family had died suddenly, Baidaozhuang would definitely not be slow to kill them.

Zuo Lingquan was sitting behind Miss Qiu. He looked up and saw more than a hundred fierce horses rushing toward the countryside. They were all men from the countryside wearing bamboo hats and holding broadswords. The leader was an old man with gray hair and blood-red eyes. Then he roared:

"Thief! Give my son back his life!"

"Oh no, it's Master Zhaoba of Baidaozhuang, what should I do?"

The Huang family guards had pale faces, and some of them even winked at Miss Qiu, telling her to hide quickly.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhao Ba, the owner of Baidaozhuang, is actually the second generation ancestor of an immortal family in the Supervisor Temple. He had a quarrel with Xunfu, was dissatisfied and used public affairs for personal gain, so he came to experience life as a father.

But when this second-generation ancestor came in, he also followed the local customs and sealed his memory. Therefore, Zhao Ba's current grief of "losing his son in old age" and his hatred for the murderer were not fake at all.

Zhao Ba held two swords and led more than a hundred disciples to fight outside the county town in a fierce manner. His eyes were wide and his beard and hair were spread out, and he cursed angrily:

"You Huang Shiying, you dare to kill my son..."

How could the Huang family's leading guard dare to draw a sword in front of this old tycoon? They quickly explained:

"Mr. Zhao, don't get me wrong. When the young lady learned that something happened to the young master of the village, she led me and others to kill him first in grief and anger. The murderer has been captured, and now she will leave it to Mr. Zhao to deal with..."

The guard next to him quickly winked at Miss Qiu and asked her to push Zuo Lingquan out and take the blame... It wasn't considered taking the blame, it should be one person doing things and one person taking the blame.

It was really difficult for Miss Qiu to get involved in this type of play, but with hundreds of swordsmen blocking her way, she couldn't just say, "I don't have time to play with you." She was a little worried at the moment, not knowing how to get out.

Seeing that he couldn't leave, Zuo Lingquan didn't say much nonsense. He turned over and dismounted, holding a knife and walking out of the Huang family's guarding cavalry:

"I killed your son. If you want to go on the road with him, just come."

The arrogant tone made the guards of the Huang family look horrified.

Zhao Ba was holding two swords, and when he heard these arrogant words, he laughed angrily:

"I have been in the world for decades, and this is the first time I have seen someone so unafraid of death. Who ordered you? Why did you harm my son?"

Zuo Lingquan just chopped up the young village owner with one knife. He thought he was dreaming, and he 'remembered' that the guy had beaten him three days ago, so he killed him with one knife.

Now that I know that he was not the only one in the dream, and I don’t know if there were any observers, this whim answer is obviously not suitable as a reason.

Zuo Lingquan did not explain this and responded directly:

"I don't like him. Is this a good enough reason?"

Zhao Ba had veins popping out on his forehead, and the horse under his crotch was treading restlessly in the mud. He said angrily:

"Good boy. Catch me. If I don't skin you and cramp you today, I will..."


The two sides were confronting each other when a cold shout suddenly sounded in the distance.

Zhao Ba paused for a moment, then looked around and saw a black horse galloping towards him on the countryside outside the city.

Immediately there was a man in black, with a well-proportioned figure and a handsome face. He was holding a gleaming long knife. His eyes were full of sneers, staring at Zuo Lingquan.

Everyone present had no impression of this person just now, but the moment they saw the person coming, they recognized who this person was, Xun Zhennan, the number one swordsman in Tiannan, the brother of the young master of Baidao Village, and Zhao Ba's My adopted son travels all year round and rarely comes back. It was only rumored a few days ago that he would come to visit.

This vague memory appeared in Zuo Lingquan's mind inexplicably, which felt a bit strange, but as a person in the game, he couldn't tell whether Xun Zhennan had just appeared in this world, or whether he had always been there before.

However, Zhao Ba and others and even the Huang family guards did not feel the slightest surprise. When Zhao Ba saw the visitor, his face showed joy, and then he felt sad:

"Zhennan, you are finally here. If you had come earlier... ugh..."

The one who came galloping on horseback was naturally Xun Fu, the grandson of Xun Mingzhang, the Red Star Lord.

Xun Fu fell into sleep again and retained his memory. His mental state at this time was definitely different. To describe it, he is almost like a time traveler. This world is full of ignorant natives, and he is the only one who is an immortal. He has a sense of superiority that "everyone is drunk and I am alone."

However, Xunfu also knew the rules of the blessed land. His nonsense would be regarded as a lunatic by the people in the dream at best, or it would destroy the order of the dream, wake everyone up, and anger all the monks who fell asleep.

Although Xun Fu has a high status, he is not the only monk with a profound background in Huangliang Paradise, so he should keep a low profile.

Xunfu drove his horse to between the two groups of people. According to his current status, he first bowed his hand to Zhao Ba:

"Father, I already know what happened to Brother Zhao. Brother Zhao and I are brothers who are at odds with each other. He died at the hands of a thief. How can I sit idly by and ignore him? Let me handle this."

After finishing speaking, Xun Fu came to the front of the team with a knife in his hand and looked down at Zuo Lingquan from his horse:

"Boy, I heard that before you carried out the assassination, you said, 'We should treat each other with admiration after seeing each other for three days.' I wonder if you have heard of another saying, 'Every mountain is as high as the other'?"

Zuo Lingquan thought that the other party was seeking revenge for his brother, but for some reason, he always felt that the other party's eyes were a little strange, well... like looking at an ignorant monkey.

Zuo Lingquan was very unhappy with this look. He raised his knife and pointed it at Xun Fu:


Xun Fu was also really petty. After giving Zuo Lingquan a cold look, he got off his horse, took out a meat bun from the bag on the side of the horse, and walked over with a knife while chewing. ? ?

The onlookers, including Miss Qiu, had strange eyes, feeling that Xun Zhennan was not in his right mind.

Zuo Lingquan understood the reason, was a little speechless, and said directly:

"Your Excellency is very particular about people. You know how to avoid starving to death and eat well before going on the road."


In the county town, in a restaurant not far from the city gate.

Xu Yuanfeng, the young master of Tianying Castle, and Zheng Jian, the chief steward, stood side by side at the window on the second floor of the restaurant, looking at the tense situation outside the city gate.

It is indeed true that the Huangliang Blessed Land can allow monks to experience reincarnation in their dreams, but as the controller of the Blessed Land, the Supervisor Temple will not be satisfied with just earning some godly money from the Blessed Land.

The original Huangliang Blessed Land contained only the firewood, rice, oil, salt, joys, anger, sorrows and joys of the human world, and the atmosphere of the world was very low. It was the place where serious people could survive the catastrophe of the mortal world.

However, the Supervisor Temple is a martial arts sect. In order to innovate and create new martial arts concepts for the sect, human interference slowly turned Huangliang Blessed Land into what it is today.

A monk survives a tribulation in a dream and seals his memory, but his "innate understanding" will not change. After struggling in the vendetta, he can easily realize the martial arts methods he once knew, and he may also create new martial arts concepts.

The Temple of the Supervisor has placed many members of its family in the blessed land, and as mortals, they will learn from the masters as mortals. The masters will teach them all without reservation before they die, and then these coveted martial arts concepts will become the Supervisor. Something from the Temple of War.

This approach is undoubtedly very shameless, but the martial arts leaders who came out of seclusion did not find any trouble in the Supervisor Temple.

Firstly, it is because the people in seclusion are under the Jade Steps and cannot afford to offend the Supervisor Temple; secondly, the disciples they voluntarily taught in their dreams are in dreams, and they cannot go to them after waking up from the dream. The true identity of the disciple and son was silenced.

Under normal circumstances, it is treated as an experience in the previous life and is not recalled. It does not even matter who the relatives in the dream are.

Of course, the Temple of Supervisors did not dare to tell such a thing to the public. Only the core members of the sect such as Xu Yuanfeng and Zheng Jian knew this secret.

Xu Yuanfeng gathered the leaders of hundreds of schools and got most of his martial arts skills from here. Standing here at this time, naturally he wanted to see if the new "Liu Dazhuang" had the potential for him to follow up.

Although the two were managers of the blessed land, they came in in a dream state and became the owners and shopkeepers of the town's restaurant.

Zheng Jian stood behind him, looked at it carefully with his hands behind his hands, and said:

"This guy sounds really arrogant. In reality, he is actually a ruthless character with a perverse temperament. He just doesn't know how high his martial arts attainments are."

Xu Yuanfeng said: "Beheading Xun Fu as soon as he fell asleep, and adapting so quickly, his martial arts attainments must have reached the 'extreme state' where heaven and man are one; only this kind of person can adapt to changes without any moves on the basis of forgetting all moves and techniques." There is a way to win.”

"When you enter the extreme state, there must be something to be said for it. If you are accidentally beaten to death by Xun Fu and others, you will suffer losses. Do you want to find a way to intervene?"

"What you should consider now is how to appease Xun Fu later."


Zheng Jian was slightly puzzled. Just as he was about to ask what the words meant, he saw a horrifying scene——


Under the heavy rain, more than a hundred people stood outside the city gate, sandwiching the two figures.

Zuo Lingquan held a knife in one hand and looked at the swordsmen in black who were circling around him eating buns, with a hint of impatience in his eyes.

Xun Fu seemed to have an arrogant attitude, but the memory of being killed just now was still there. He didn't understand Zuo Lingquan's attack just now, so now he naturally had to find the opponent's flaw before taking action.

Three circles on the left, three circles on the right...

For Zhao Ba, the Huang family guards and others, the atmosphere on the field was very depressing, and it felt like "the storm is about to come".

Miss Qiu was speechless. After looking at it for a long time, she became impatient and said:

"You haven't finished a bun in more than ten bites. You are more polite than a woman. Are you going to beat me?"

With Xun Fu's Immortal Second Generation Huo Hou, even if he retained his memory, it would be impossible to find Zuo Lingquan's flaw.

After turning around for a few times and finding that the opponent was invulnerable, Xun Fu also lost his patience. The long sword in his right hand suddenly shook, scattering the raindrops on the blade, and then he flew towards Zuo Lingquan's left side, slashing towards Zuo Lingquan. Under the ribs, the angle is extremely tricky, and the speed is as fast as thunder.


Although Xun Fu is not a martial artist, the things that monks learn during their physical training period are the same. Xun Fu is a descendant of True Lord Chiwu, and the things he learned to strengthen his body at a young age and lay the foundation for it are all the most advanced martial arts methods in the practice.

This is similar to Lingye. Even though Lingye is a warlock, his ancestor laid the foundation for him when he was young. His martial arts attainments are by no means comparable to those of ordinary martial arts practitioners.

Even if Xun Fu didn't have his true energy with him, he could use the essence of his spiritual skills that had accumulated over thousands of years to deal with mortals who only had a lifespan of a few dozen years, which was a real dimension-reducing blow.

When Zhao Ba and even the hundreds of swordsmen behind him saw this sword, their eyes showed wonder, feeling that this sword was perfect and invulnerable.

But soon, their eyes froze.

I saw the young man in linen standing in the rain. Facing the knife at a tricky angle, he showed no signs of panic. He didn't even turn his head. He directly raised the knife in his hand and made a swing in the air.


The harsh sound of gold and iron clashing came from the rain curtain, and a few sparks burst out.

The knife in Zuo Lingquan's hand rotated in a circle, and missed the long knife that was stabbing him. Then he raised his left hand, clawing through the rain curtain with his five fingers, and locked Xun Fu's throat with lightning speed.


When it comes to his experience in the martial arts, Xun Fu is very different from Zuo Lingquan, and when it comes to his martial arts attainments, they are even more different. He had been cautiously guarding against the knife in Zuo Lingquan's hand. By the time he noticed the five fingers grabbing at him, it was already too late to avoid it.


There was a muffled sound in the rain.

Zuo Lingquan grabbed Xun Fu's throat with one hand, lifted it up with force, and threw it into the muddy ground. He held the blade upside down and raised his hand to stab Xun Fu in the chest:

"Mountains are outside the mountains, right? Eat steamed buns, right? Run in circles, right?..."

"Ah uh..."



The muffled sound of a sharp weapon entering flesh was heard along with Xunfu's scream, and the originally solemn killing scene collapsed instantly.

Many heroes from the martial arts scene were watching with eyes wide open in disbelief. They watched Xun Fu being hacked and even forgot to help rescue him.

As for the victim, Xun Fu, everyone was dumbfounded!

As the proud son of a wealthy family, he had no memory of being hacked to death last time, so it can still be explained as a mistake; this time he kept his memory and was prepared, and was hacked to death by a mortal with a mask on his face. He had no power to resist, saying that the opponent had no Who believes cheating?

Could this fuck be a mortal?

The pain of the sword entering his body shocked his heart, and Xun Fu screamed instinctively, but his eyes were not frightened, he just looked at Zuo Lingquan incomprehensibly.

After Zuo Lingquan slashed a few times, he noticed something was wrong in Xun Fu's eyes. The fear of death in the eyes of the four people he had just slashed was obvious; but the current one had the shock of defeat in his eyes, but he had no fear of death at all. Afraid, as if knowing that he will not really die.

This shows that the other person is a monk who is awake in a dream just like him.

Although Zuo Lingquan didn't know who this person was, he would definitely be in trouble if the other party found something strange. At the moment, he could only think quickly and roared according to his current identity:

"Cucumber Gua is my woman. I have worked hard for many years to marry her. Why should Baidaozhuang win my love? Today I will kill one of you, and two of you will kill a pair..."

"Ah poof"

The sword fell on Xun Fu without mercy, and the bloody scene was like a butcher chopping meat, which made everyone present take a few steps back in fear.

Miss Qiu also noticed Xun Fu's unusual behavior. Seeing that everyone was temporarily restrained, in order to prevent trouble, she drove her horse and rushed directly to him:

"I'll take you away!"

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan sheathed his sword, jumped up on his horse, and rushed towards the countryside with Miss Qiu.

It wasn't until they had run far away that they heard Zhao Ba's grief-stricken and angry shouts from behind:

"Zhennan!... Chase me! Give back my son's life..."



In the restaurant, Zheng Jian saw this scene. Although he expected that Xun Fu might not be able to defeat him, but he died so simply, he was still a little at a loss:

"You're going to die like this? You're such a big living person, and you haven't even touched the corners of your clothes..."

Xu Yuanfeng was not surprised at all by this: "Famous martial arts masters are all deeply involved in the subtleties, and the true meaning can only be seen in the smallest details. This person's martial arts foundation is as solid as a rock, and his adaptability is rare in the world. In this blessed land, not to mention Xun Fu, even I If you play in person, you won’t be sure of winning.”

This was the first time Zheng Jian heard this kind of comment from Xu Yuanfeng. He was just a butler, not a high-level martial artist, so he asked:

"Is it possible that this boy is still on the same level as the castle master?"

"Even if it's not the case now, it still has the potential to be on par with me in the future."

"What now?"

"People spend money to come here to survive the tribulation of the mortal world, so naturally we have to ensure their experience."

Xu Yuanfeng watched Zuo Lingquan go away: "Let him perform on his own without interfering. Once he has made some achievements, he will arrange for someone to learn from him; this person is a gold mine and he will definitely learn something that will benefit the sect."

Zheng Jian nodded slightly, found a rope, and put it on the beam:

"What should I do, Mr. Xun? Being hacked to death in public twice in a row is a great shame and humiliation. With his temperament, he will definitely not let it go..."

Xu Yuanfeng also found a rope, put it on the beam, then stepped on a stool and started hanging:

"He wants to humiliate himself. Just let him go. Give him a hundred chances and he won't even think about regaining his face."

After saying that, Xu Yuanfeng kicked the stool and hung on the hanging rope, rocking back and forth.

The reason for this is naturally to leave Huangliang Blessed Land.

The human soul is very special, and it is easy to leave memories for others. All senses are entrances. Huangliang Blessed Land can project false memories into the minds of monks through various methods without being noticed.

But it is difficult to erase the memory in the monk's mind. This is no different from directly attacking the soul. It will trigger the self-defense reaction of the soul and wake up the monk.

So just send a new person into the dreamland and make up a past for everyone to remember; but once he comes in, there is no way to erase the traces of this person's existence from other people's minds.

According to the realm of the two of them, they can wake up directly, but in the eyes of other dreamers, they will disappear out of thin air. Xiandeng cannot use logic to smooth things over, and it will disturb the dream and cause strange variables.

If two people want to leave the dream, but they have to maintain logical consistency, the easiest way is to commit suicide.

Zheng Jian kicked off the stool and hung with Xu Yuanfeng, his face turned purple from holding back, and he couldn't help but complain:

"Fortmaster, let's wipe your neck with a knife next time. This way of death is really uncomfortable..."

Xu Yuanfeng's face also turned black and blue, but his tyrannical expression did not change. He just said in a hoarse voice:

"It is unlucky to kill yourself with a knife."

According to traditional sayings, hanging without blood and leaving a whole body is a very honorable way to die. However, adding a knife and ax to the body will cause the body to be mutilated, lose the dignity of the body, and even become disabled after reincarnation. Zheng Jian responded:

"People who practice Buddhism cannot believe in heresies. Even if they die, it doesn't matter whether they are auspicious or not..."

Before he finished speaking, there was no sound in the room, leaving only two corpses hanging precariously on the beams.



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