The fairy is fierce

Chapter 19: Carry a knife but no umbrella on a rainy night

Coming down from the second floor, five people from all walks of life were still in the lobby exchanging glasses of wine. ̢̜̳̱͈̹͓͛͜ḩ̷̻̩͍̱̗͔̺̏̓͊̀͂̀ͅṵ̵̙̻͉̦͙̗̥̉̓̓͊̑̂̑x̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆̆c ̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̋̌

They were all in a dream, and there was no need to check their background and identity. Zuo Lingquan didn't pay much attention, and after asking about the location with the innkeeper, he went out.

Zuo Lingquan didn't know the name of this town. From time to time, he could see Jianghu people carrying swords passing by. It should be an important place for people traveling from south to north. Although there were no shops selling women's clothing in the town, there were tailors who provided clothes for Jianghu people. There is one shop.

Zuo Lingquan came to the tailor's shop to choose suitable clothes. The tailor in the shop was an old woman. Maybe she thought that he was young and had less time to do needlework, so she said:

"Once you enter the world of martial arts, there is no turning back. I have seen too many little babies like you, and in a moment of passion, you would pick up a knife and walk out..."

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Zuo Lingquan estimated that this old tailor was actually a female cultivator who was practicing weapon refining. Hearing these words of great enlightenment, he must have passed the mortal world. He responded with a smile:

"I know, old lady."

The old tailor shook his head and sighed: "If you know it, go home as soon as possible. This place is not peaceful. Look outside, people are carrying knives when they come and go. If a fight breaks out, the swords have no eyes, and it will be difficult to leave."

Zuo Lingquan knew that this was a place of right and wrong, but he was not even afraid of death here, so he naturally had no sense of crisis. After nodding his thanks, he returned to the inn with two sets of clothes.

Zuo Lingquan had just entered the house rashly and saw some unforgettable scenes. Naturally, it was impossible for Zuo Lingquan not to feel uneasy at all.

Regarding the issue of id and self, Zuo Lingquan understood very clearly what he saw, which was similar to a slightly retouched selfie of Miss Qiu without any clothes on. Although he did not see Miss Qiu's true body, If you say you haven't watched it, you're deceiving yourself. Well... it's about half of it, which is between watching it and not watching it.

In order to avoid bumping into the beautiful Miss Qiu taking a bath again, Zuo Lingquan deliberately stepped up his steps. When he came to the door, he raised his hand and knocked:

dong dong

"Come in."

The response from the room was quick.

Zuo Lingquan pushed open the door, raised his eyes and glanced around. He could see that his wet skirt was hanging on the screen, and the bathtub was still steaming.

There was a pair of embroidered shoes next to the wooden bed against the wall. The petite Guagua was huddled in the quilt, wrapped up like a caterpillar, with only his face exposed.

After taking a hot bath and eating again, Miss Qiu's face was much rosier, her skin was tender and dripping with water, but her expression was tight. She must be still brooding over the loss she just suffered.

Zuo Lingquan closed the door behind his back, took his clothes and walked towards the bed. As soon as he took two steps, he heard:

"Don't move, just put it on the table."

"I put it on the table, don't you have to get up to pick it up?"

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were a little helpless, and he did not look at Miss Qiu, who was definitely naked. He put his clothes next to the pillow and walked towards the screen.

Miss Qiu actually wanted Zuo Lingquan to go out and wait, but Zuo Lingquan was soaked all over and had been running around for a long time, so it would be inappropriate to chase him away.

She hesitated for a moment, then reached out her fair arms from under the quilt and pulled her clothes in. When she was about to put them on, she found that Zuo Lingquan started to take off his belt.

"Eh? Why don't you... change the water? I just washed it and it's not clean."

Zuo Lingquan almost said, 'That's what I like', but Miss Qiu was not Jiang Yi after all, so he still said seriously:

"It's just a dream. This water is all imaginary. There's no way it can't be cleaned."

Miss Qiu thought about it. Anyway, her body was very clean and she didn't get the water dirty, so I won't say more. →

Zuo Lingquan unbuttoned his coarse linen clothes and looked down. He couldn't even put on underpants...


Zuo Lingquan was speechless. He put his clothes on the screen, stepped into the fragrant bathtub, and soaked in the warm water. He felt that all the discomfort in his body was completely dissipated.

This soak lasts for less than half an hour.

It took so long to take a bath, not because Zuo Lingquan was greedy for Guagua's bath water, but because the details of the dream were really in place.

He was a poor boy whose only four walls and even the front door were disposable. He couldn't afford any clothes, and his body was certainly not very clean. He had to rub off a layer of his skin before he regained his original skin color.

Miss Qiu outside, after putting on her clothes, was afraid that Zuo Lingquan would misunderstand her and peeked at her, so she lay on the bed without getting up. As she lay there for a long time, she felt sleepy and slowly closed her eyes.

Zuo Lingquan put on a slightly loose gray robe and came out. He saw Miss Qiu huddled in the bed and fell asleep. He didn't wake her up. He poured out the water first and then asked the innkeeper for some food to fill her stomach. Feeling slightly hungry.

After drinking and eating, he should have been thinking about lust, but no matter how thick-skinned Zuo Lingquan was, he couldn't find a reason to get into Guagua's bed, and finally he just lay down on the table to rest.

swish swish

It was drizzling outside the window, and the two of them stayed in the room to take a nap. The light dimmed unconsciously...——


Iron hoofs stepped on the old blue bricks, and a team of more than ten people quietly appeared at the entrance of the town in the night rain.

The leader, a middle-aged man with a gun, named Fu Song, is quite famous in this world. His resume can be described in three days and three nights.

But the passionate years in the dream were just a big dream after all. Fu Song himself didn't take it seriously, so there was no need to repeat it.

Fu Song, like Zuo Lingquan, was a dreamer who retained his memory, but the difference was that Fu Song played the role of a 'catfish', or a 'shill', responsible for stirring up this world so that Huangliang Fudi would not become a stagnant pool of water.

Fu Song himself was a young elder of the Guardian Temple. He stayed in Fudi all year round. His daily duties were to do nothing.

To put it simply, he would kill the parents and brothers of someone who had a promising future, and put the blame on another good seedling, stir up blood feuds, and stimulate potential by raising Gu; or when the life rights of the 'Fudi VIP' were threatened, he would go over to help resolve it to avoid a difficult situation, such as Xun Fu.

Xun Fu's death was too sudden, and Fu Song had no room for operation at all. Naturally, the responsibility could not be put on him. He came here for another serious matter.

The world of Huangliang Fudi is like a field of chives, with newcomers coming and old people leaving, even the "VIPs" are no exception; but there is a chive that is different, standing at the top of the world for nearly sixty years, and has never fallen.

This person is Huang Haiyun, the female hero of Chenlu Peak, who was once known as the "number one in the world".

The reason why Huang Haiyun can thrive for a long time is definitely not because of her good talent, but because of the special care of the Guardian Temple, which secretly changed the rules of the blessed land and made her almost immortal.

The reason for doing this is, firstly, to obtain information from the Dongzhou Barren Mountain, and secondly, Xu Yuanfeng, the boss of Tianying Fort, wants to learn the divine swordsmanship of the old sword god that dominates the entire cultivation path through this daughter of the sword god.

After decades of efforts, the intelligence of the barren mountain has been obtained, but the swordsmanship has made little progress, because the intelligence is ready-made, but the swordsmanship concept must be slowly understood by Huang Haiyun himself...

In order to put pressure on him, Fu Song will secretly operate every few years when the leeks in the blessed land grow up, and pull these powerful people to Chenlu Peak to "grab treasures".

Huang Haiyun is considered the last demon king in this world. After defeating him, he will pass the level, but people with eyes can see that as long as he is in the dream, he will never achieve this achievement.

The lucky person who was chosen this time, or the victim who graduated early, is Lin Yuanshan, a famous swordsman in the world.

Lin Yuanshan is a cultivator of the Hunyuan Sect. Recently, the high-level aliens are going to fight, and they have to ask him to go to the front line; originally, the superiors wanted Lin Yuanshan to die of "horse wind", reflecting the life truth of "sex is a knife above the head"; but Fu Song thought that he had good martial arts attainments, so he made full use of him and let him come here to challenge the big demon king.

Speaking of which, this feeling of deciding life and death like a judge is quite intoxicating to Fu Song.

Tap tap tap

The horses passed through the rain curtain of the old street and stopped outside the inn.

Fu Song held a spear and did not dismount, and said directly:

"Lin Xia, I have heard a lot of things about you."

"Brother Fu, you are too polite."

The five Jianghu people who were drinking in the lobby of the inn stood up and came to the door. The leading man bowed and performed a Jianghu salute and began to be polite.

At the same time, on the second floor of the inn.

Miss Qiu, who was dreaming in her dream, woke up when she heard the sound of horse hooves, turned over and sat up, looking around.

The room had been tidied up, the food was placed on the table with plates, the screen was tied to the window with a rope, and her skirt, pants, and bellyband were hung on it to dry...? ?

Miss Qiu was stunned, and quickly got up and ran to the front to take off the bellyband and hid it behind her back.

Zuo Lingquan had already woken up and was standing at the window, pushing it open a crack and looking at the situation below.

Hearing the noise, Zuo Lingquan turned around and saw Guagua standing behind him with a flushed face, wearing a gray robe and looking at him.

The clothes bought casually in the town were not suitable for her. Miss Qiu was petite, so they looked a little loose. The collarbone was visible from her neck, and the outline of her chest was very obvious.

Although the plain fabric was not light-transparent, a faint bulge could be vaguely seen on the bulging ball...

It was so hot...

Zuo Lingquan blinked, looked away with difficulty, and made a "hush" gesture.

Miss Qiu squeezed the bellyband into a ball and stuffed it into her lapel. As a result, the bellyband fell directly along the robe and fell on her feet. Only then did she realize that she was not wearing anything.

She was slightly startled, and quickly pulled down the dried dress, ran behind the screen, and asked with her head out:

"What's going on?"

"It seems to be a meeting between people from the underworld, and it has nothing to do with us."

Zuo Lingquan responded softly, listening to the rustling sound behind the screen, but did not turn around to look.

After a while, Miss Qiu, who had put on her skirt, ran out and came close to look outside.

Fu Song and Lin Yuanshan were communicating outside the inn, talking about some underworld things, without any focus.

Zuo Lingquan watched for a while, and the fragrance of his daughter hit his nose, so he lost the desire to watch and prepared to let Miss Qiu eat something.

But at this moment, there was a light sound of "treading~" on the roof, as if something had fallen on it.

Zuo Lingquan frowned, held the knife beside him, and Miss Qiu also raised her head and picked up her sword.

In the secular world, everyone's perception ability will not be as different as in the cultivation path.

Several people outside the inn also noticed the movement on the roof of the inn, and all turned around or looked up.

At this time, a very old woman's voice sounded from above the inn:

"Fu Song, you and I have no hatred or grudges, why did you collude with the gangsters and attack my Chenlu Peak?"

Hearing this, everyone present changed their expressions, except Fu Song who was named, because he was the one who led the enemy here.

Lin Yuanshan was about to speak when he suddenly found that the window on the second floor of the inn was pushed open by a "click", and a young man stuck his head out and looked up. ? ?

Such a move that took the lead naturally attracted everyone's attention, even Fu Song was puzzled.

Zuo Lingquan only saw the eaves of the house, and found that the expressions of the gangsters below were not right. Knowing that his reaction was illogical, he said:

"Why are there so many people... Sorry, sorry, everyone, continue..."

Then he closed the window again.


Fu Song didn't care about this little episode, after all, there were many real people in the dream, and there were all kinds of weird situations.

He looked back at the roof and said in the tone of a Jianghu person:

"Huang Haiyun, you have monopolized the magic skills for sixty years, which is enough. If the old man doesn't die, how can the new come out? Now I give you a chance. Teach the secrets of the magic skills in the Suzaku Mausoleum, and Master Lin will give you a way to live. Otherwise, Master Lin's sword will not be slower just because you are old..."

Standing on the roof of the inn, Huang Haiyun, or 'Huang Jinghe', was wearing a martial arts uniform and a veil on her head, and her face could not be seen; but her body was straight and she didn't look old at all, only her right hand holding the sword had some wrinkles from the weather.

As a female hero who has suppressed this Jianghu for sixty years, 'Huang Haiyun''s deterrence to Jianghu people is even greater than that of the female Valkyrie of the cultivation path; because there are ten immortals in the cultivation path, but she is the only undefeated war god in the Jianghu.

Although Huang Haiyun was injured several times by rising stars after she got old, and once a sword pierced her chest, this did not affect Huang Haiyun's deterrence at all, because those people were dead, and she was still standing in front of them.

Lin Yuanshan's ability was not low, but his status in the martial arts world was not outstanding. He was praised by Fu Song as the first person to come to encircle Huang Haiyun. To be honest, he was under great pressure.

But more than a dozen martial arts heroes had already come. Lin Yuanshan could not be timid no matter how afraid he was. He stepped forward and said in a deep voice:

"Lady Huang, I respect you as a senior. I will give you face. Now hand over the secret book of magic skills, and we will let you go back to the mountains..."

Huang Jinghe was taken care of by the Guardian Temple, and her memory was forcibly sealed. She didn't remember the past at all.

But she subconsciously knew that the most important "mission" in this life was to guard the mausoleum under the Morning Dew Peak at the cost of her life and prevent the things inside from running out.

Huang Jinghe explained to the people in the martial arts world more than once that there were no secret manuals of magical skills in the Vermillion Bird Mausoleum, but she didn't know what was inside. She only knew that outsiders could not get close to it no matter what, so there were more and more rumors in the martial arts world.

Seeing these people coming to her door again, Huang Jinghe still explained first:

"There are no magical skills under the Morning Dew Peak. Don't be like the predecessors who lost their lives because of rumors and greed."

Lin Yuanshan snorted lightly: "How can your apprentice's words be false? If there are no magical skills, how do you explain that you are still alive and well in the martial arts world at the age of eighty?"

When mentioning this, Huang Jinghe twisted the hilt of the sword, showing a bit of murderous intent.

If you want to say that Huang Jinghe's most painful thing in her "life" is that she didn't know how to judge people when she was old, and taught a scum.

She raised that apprentice and taught him as her own for forty years. She thought that the apprentice was absolutely loyal.

She was old and would die sooner or later. After a serious injury, she told her apprentice all her martial arts concepts, even her "guesses" and opinions about the Vermillion Bird Mausoleum, and asked him to inherit her legacy and continue to guard the Vermillion Bird Mausoleum.

Who would have thought that the honest and filial apprentice of forty years would betray her for no reason and even publicize her exclusive magical skills that could make her immortal.

Huang Jinghe still suspects that her apprentice thought she was hiding her skills and refused to teach her real kung fu, which led to her change of heart.

As an old man with one foot in the ground, she witnessed the betrayal of her successor and had no successor. The pain and despair are self-evident.

"As long as I, Huang Haiyun, can still hold the sword, you villains will never step into the Morning Dew Peak. If you want to die, just come."

"Humph! What a big tone."

Fu Song's schedule is very full. He has to go to Baidao Manor to check the situation later. Now he just wants Lin Yuanshan to die early.

He didn't want to waste any more words, holding up his spear and instigating:

"Master Lin, we are following your lead. As long as you can kill Huang Haiyun with your own hands, you will be the recognized leader of the martial arts world. Don't bother with her, just do it directly."


Lin Yuanshan was praised very highly, but he was not arrogant. He didn't know how powerful Huang Haiyun was now, so he didn't dare to go up and fight alone.

But with so many heroes watching, he couldn't show his cowardice, so Lin Yuanshan turned his head to signal a knife-wielding subordinate next to him.

With the support of many martial arts elders, the knife-wielding martial artist was also very courageous, holding up the knife and shouting:

"Death, witch!"

After saying that, he stomped his feet on the ground, flew up with the knife, stepped on the signboard of the gate, and wanted to use the force to jump onto the roof and fight Huang Haiyun alone.

But what shocked everyone was that the knife-wielding man had just stepped on the signboard and jumped over the second-floor window, and a machete pierced through the window paper and stabbed directly into the knife-wielding man's chest.


A flash of blood burst out on the drizzling street.

The blood splashed in the air and onto the swaying lanterns in the inn.

The swordsman screamed and lost his balance in the air. He fell down from the second floor like a broken sack and hit the bluestone street. He covered his chest and glared at the second floor: "You fucking..." He twitched a few times and collapsed again. On the ground, he completely breathed his last.


More than ten heroes in the world were trapped.

Even Huang Jinghe, who was standing on the roof looking cool, was stunned for a moment and looked down.

After all, Fu Song is an outsider. He can feel calm even if the sky falls. When he finds that someone is causing trouble and the plot does not go according to plan, he reacts quickly and starts to improvise:

"He Fang Xiaoxiao is so ignorant of martial ethics that he secretly attacked me. Come out!"

Lin Yuanshan also reacted and drew his sword in anger:

"Are you tired of living with people who dare to kill me?"


In full public view, the second-floor window was smashed.

The young man in gray robes flew out with a machete in hand and landed firmly on the ground.

Then he put the knife on his shoulder, his posture was casual and arrogant, and he looked coldly at the many heroes:

"So what about a sneak attack? A group of big men beat up an old lady and dare to mention 'martial arts'. How shameless is that?"

Many people in the world showed anger.

Lin Yuanshan was afraid of Huang Hairong. He didn't look down on a wild boy from the world, and said with a cold face:

"Who are you? Tell me your name."

Zuo Lingquan didn't want to announce his family status, but the atmosphere was so coaxing that it was inappropriate not to say anything, so he still carried the knife and said boldly:

“You won’t change your name when you’re working, and you won’t change your surname when you sit down, Liu Dazhuang of Hongshan County!”

"And me, Hongshan Cucumber Guagua!"

Miss Qiu didn't see who was on the roof, but her plan was to help Huang Haiyun to make friends and then investigate the truth. Zuo Lingquan jumped out and called for help. Naturally, she couldn't be the atmosphere team.

After Miss Qiu chivalrously announced her door, she quickly turned over and jumped down from the second floor.


Miss Guagua is a frail young lady who has to be carried on her back when walking for several miles. No matter how rich her theoretical knowledge is, her hardware configuration can’t keep up with her.

Miss Qiu jumped out of the window and relied on her memory to maintain her balance. However, when she jumped from the second floor, her small body could not bear the impact. When she landed, she fell directly onto her buttocks and fell to the ground.


Fortunately, Zuo Lingquan reacted quickly and quickly supported Miss Qiu with an expression that was hard to describe.

Miss Qiu was helped to stand firm. She noticed more than a dozen eyes looking at her, her face was as red as blood and she felt ashamed. She felt that she might as well fall to death...

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