The fairy is fierce

Chapter 10: Fearless of the Strong

Deep in the ice field, there is a towering city rising from the plain. More than 3,000 years ago, it was called Eagle City. Since Teng Sheng took over the position of the demon king, he changed it to Moon Watching City according to the custom of the wolf clan, which means the wolf king howling at the moon. ☞♦  ♦♦

Taiwan Novel Network→𝓉𝓌𝓀𝒶𝓃.𝒸ℴ𝓂

As the New Year is approaching, the streets and alleys of Moon Watching City are also hung with big red lanterns in imitation of human customs. However, no demon clan set off fireworks and firecrackers at the door, because firecrackers were invented by the human race to scare away hungry and cold demon beasts in the deep winter. You can't scare yourself by copying.

Moon Watching City is considered the capital of the demon clan, but not all the people walking in it are demons. There are about 20% of human cultivators living in it. Most of them are immortal merchants who are not afraid of death for money, and the rest are wild cultivators who are desperate in the human race.

Wild cultivators are hated by everyone in both the good and evil worlds, but when they come to the demon clan, they are like dung beetles meeting dung balls, and they hit it off immediately.

Relying on their crooked minds and the knowledge accumulated by the human race, wild cultivators who can't make it in the human race have become guests of honor of the great demons without exception, serving as teachers and counselors, helping the powerful demons who have amazing combat power but most of their brains are not working well.

And the best among these people is Wang Zheng, who serves as a counselor under Teng Sheng.

Few people know the name Wang Zheng, but his past experience can be called legendary... No, it should be bizarre.

About four or five years ago, Wang Zheng was still in a small country in the south of Dongzhou, serving as the Minister of Revenue. Because the emperor was young and the regent princess was too young, he had the intention of subverting the great rule and instigated the prime minister of the dynasty to plot to usurp the throne behind the scenes.

It was almost successful, but the princess recruited a very capable son-in-law, who killed all of his subordinates, such as Cheng Jiujiang and Xu Yuankui, and the prime minister was also liquidated and imprisoned.

Wang Zheng should have been taken to Caishikou to be beheaded, but there was a wild cultivator named Zhao Ze under his command, who admired his "divine prediction" and regarded him as his father. When the matter was exposed, he risked his life to secretly take him out of the Southern Wilderness, fighting harder than his own son.

And the facts have proved that Taoism can be improved through practice, but the brain is not good. People with brains will not be buried wherever they go. Although Wang Zheng was nearly fifty years old and had no Taoism at all, he relied on his thick black heart to take his godson to gain a foothold in the casual cultivation world, and even bought a small county magistrate position in the Great Yan Dynasty again, hoping to make a comeback.

Later, it was discovered that the princess's son-in-law was a bit outrageous, and his reputation was getting bigger and bigger. In less than a year, he fought to the capital of the Great Yan Dynasty.

In order to avoid being liquidated, Wang Zheng had to run north again, and ran to the Dizhao Dynasty. After many twists and turns, he finally settled down at the Dengchaogang Ferry. Relying on his mortal identity and the capital accumulated on the road, he opened a tea shop as a shopkeeper to make a living.

Wang Zheng had reached the age of knowing his destiny. He thought that his life was over and he could live quietly at the ferry. Who would have thought that he would find that something was wrong with the dispatch of Wanghai Tower - the Nine Sects' monks patrolling the seashore were sent away for various reasons and replaced by their own family members. There seemed to be a big plan behind it.

Wang Zheng realized that something was wrong and wanted to leave at that time, but his godson, who had just established a foothold in the cultivation path, was reluctant to leave the family business and refused to leave. Before the two of them sold their property, the foreign coalition army was approaching.

Wanghai Zunzhu directly defected. Wang Zheng felt that the Nine Sects were doomed. Seeing countless people jumping out to "kneel to welcome the old master of Dongzhou", he directly pulled his godson to kneel down together.

Then, as he expected, the hundreds of people who defected were pulled to the alien camp by Mei Jinshui's great magical power, and were sent to the rear to recuperate.

It is impossible for the alien monks who can be undercover in Dongzhou to be known by the alien heroes, but it will definitely be exposed if they ask about their master afterwards. When Wang Zheng came to the alien camp, he wanted to find a chance to escape, but he didn't expect that the princess's husband would jump out again and defeat the alien army.

Wang Zheng saw that the aliens were withdrawing their troops, and he might be held accountable if he ran to Mei Jinshui's camp, so he took advantage of the chaos and let his godson's two black panther spirit pets take him to the demon team; then he took a submarine and went all the way to the demon port of Beishuzhou.

The demons were also curious about his identity as a mortal, but this was much easier to deal with. Wang Zheng came up with a set of "eliminating the tyranny of the human race, and the Nine Continents should be governed by all spirits", which moved the demon giants to tears. Not only did they serve him well along the way, but they also listened to Wang Zheng's lectures. When they arrived at the demon territory, they directly recommended him to the demon king and became a demon counselor.

Wang Zheng didn't have much Taoism, but he did have some real skills. When he was summoned by Teng Sheng, he didn't flatter him blindly. He came up and accused the foreign race of wasting money and labor on this expedition. The people under the rule of the Nine Sects were singing and dancing, and the national strength was strong. It was obvious that the luck had not yet ended and the people's hearts had not been lost. If they forcibly conquered, they would also face endless rebellions to restore the country, and it would be difficult to stabilize their rule.

Moreover, "the cunning rabbit dies, and the good bow is hidden". The demons helped conquer the three southeastern continents, thinking that they could get the two northwest continents as a place to live, which was really a fantasy. The many changes of dynasties from ancient times to the present have clearly reflected the ambitions of the human race. As long as they are unified, the first to suffer will definitely be the one with a knife in his hand. Give up the land and make him king, treat the meritorious service well, give the demons the land and raise tigers to cause trouble, do you think the leaders of the human race are all idiots?

Teng Sheng grew up in the human race, and his understanding of the human race is not much less than Wang Zheng, so he agrees with this statement; but now that the human and demons are allies, these things will disturb the army, so he did not respond, but treated Wang Zheng well and let him live a good life in Wangyue City.

In the "Wangfu" in the center of Wangyue City, Wang Zheng, wearing a robe of a clerk, sat alone in the tea room drinking tea.

Although the mansion is magnificent, it is located in the capital of the demon clan and has few human servants. Wang Zheng is of human origin and does not like to be served by monkeys. In fact, he only has his godson Zhao Ze by his side.

At this time, the New Year is approaching. Wang Zheng, who is over fifty years old, looks at the moonlight in the sky and can't help but think of the prosperity and peace in the capital of Dadan. He misses it very much.

However, although there is no feasting and drinking in the Dadan Dynasty, it is peaceful. No matter how powerful the princess's husband is, he can't kill him. Without the worry of life, he can live out his life in peace and quiet. Wang Zheng is satisfied in his heart...

"Dad, Dad!"

When Wang Zheng was reminiscing about the past, a call suddenly sounded from behind the tea pavilion.

Looking back, Zhao Ze, who was already middle-aged, ran over with two black panthers with shiny black hair, and said from a distance: "Dad, the demon king asked you to discuss something, you should go quickly. Wang Zheng sighed in his heart. This scene really felt like an emperor calling his favorite minister to the palace to discuss matters late at night. It was a pity that the emperor was a wolf, and it was always a bit unpleasant to bow down to a beast. Wang Zheng stood up and followed Zhao Ze out of the house and soon arrived at the "royal palace" in the center of the city. Teng Sheng was a demon king, but he grew up with the old sword god since he was a child, and his personality was very modest. Jian, his residence is just a small courtyard with an old wooden man in the courtyard. The furnishings are the same as when he was practicing hard at Juejian Cliff.

Wang Zheng entered the courtyard and saw several demon clan giants who turned into human beings, listening to orders outside the door:

"... Carefully investigate the movements of Dongzhou and Xiangyang Mountain, as well as Shangyin, and make sure to find out where Shangguan Yutang and Mei Jinshui went during the time they disappeared..."

Wang Zheng waited outside. After Teng Sheng stopped talking and several big demons left one after another, he came to the main house and bowed:

"Wang pays homage to Senior Teng."

Teng Sheng looked like a young man of only about 30 years old, but he was actually more than 3,000 years old, the same generation as Shangguan Yutang.

Seeing Wang Zheng coming, Teng Sheng nodded slightly, motioned him to sit in the living room, and said straight to the point:

"Wang Zheng, you have a quick mind, help me analyze the current situation and see if what you think is the same as mine. "

Teng Sheng restrained the pressure of the immortal king on his body, and looked no different from a mortal. Wang Zheng did not feel any pressure. After sitting down in the living room, he asked:

"What do you want to analyze, Senior Teng?"

"In the battle of Dengchao Port, Mei Jinshui and Shangguan Yutang disappeared at the same time. During the battle, the ancient magic weapon against the demon awakened. After that, several people appeared again, without any damage. They avoided talking about their experiences, as if nothing had happened. "

Teng Sheng frowned and said in a deep voice: "The awakening of the ancient magic weapon must be related to the demon; according to my analysis, they may have gone to the place where the demon was sealed, and that place is inseparable from the place where the Taiyin God was sealed. But if Mei Jinshui and Shangguan Yutang found the sealed place, they should not have kept silent at the same time afterwards. According to common sense, Mei Jinshui should tell me about the sealed place, and the two northwest continents should join forces to open the way to immortality; Shangguan Yutang should contact the three southeast continents for emergency preparations. Neither of them reacted, which was inevitably... inevitably intriguing.

Wang Zheng frowned, thought for a moment, and asked:

"Senior Teng, I dare to ask, after the longevity path is opened, are you going to ascend?"

Teng Sheng shook his head and sighed: "This is my business, you don't need to ask. Just tell me what might happen next."

Wang Zheng thought for a while: "Before the sealed place could not be found, Mei Xianjun and Shang Lao Mo had to win over foreign aid to form an alliance to fight against the three southeastern continents. If the sealed place is found, then we must consider how to deal with it after the longevity path is opened.

"The purpose of Senior Teng's existence is to deter the three continents in the southeast, so that they will not destroy the plan to open the longevity path. Once the longevity path is opened, your existence will no longer be meaningful, but may threaten the dominant position of the human race. Shang Lao Mo and Mei Xianjun, if they are sure to open the longevity path by themselves, they will definitely attack you first before that; if the righteous side is unable to stop it, they may also settle for the second best and solve the monster race first to prevent the human race from changing its rule."

Teng Sheng nodded slightly: "They don't have the ability to kill me directly. What method do you think they will use to resolve the threat of the monster race?"

"The best strategy is to attack the enemy's plan. Beheading you directly will only arouse the monster race's ferocity and let the monster race retaliate against the human race..."

Wang Zheng pondered for a moment and said: "If I am behind the scenes, I will most likely choose to start from within the monster race, sow discord and disrupt their formation, so that the monster race will kill each other Kill; then help the weak, use the power to kill Senior Teng, and then support the obedient puppet to succeed the demon king, stabilize the situation of the demon clan, so as not to become a mess and lose control. This is the most common method for big countries to deal with small countries. "

Teng Sheng frowned, and after a long silence, he asked:

"How do you usually break the situation?"

"There is no way to break the situation. Weak national strength is the original sin. However, Senior Teng is very advanced. If you want to avoid this situation, you can only take iron-fisted measures, clean up the demon clan by yourself, kill all the leaders who have disloyal hearts, and use force to make your subordinates absolutely surrender, so that civil strife will not be provoked. In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, Xiangyang Mountain is not good at tearing its face directly. "

Teng Sheng shook his head: "This method is equivalent to cutting off one's own arm to show weakness and surrender. Even if there is no civil strife provoked by the human race, it will not be stable for long. If I directly overturn the table and destroy Xiangyang Mountain, what will be the result? "

Wang Zheng shook his head and sighed: "The fight between good and evil is also a fight between brothers. Senior Teng dares to attack Xiangyang Mountain and shows his rebellious intentions. Shang Laomo is famous for his training. He can immediately go down the steps and join forces with the three southeastern continents. Get up and let you see what it means to 'united as one to defeat the demon clan'. If you are sure to kill all the human beings, why are you still sitting here talking to Wang?"

After being silent for a long time, Fujisheng took a breath and said, "I just want to find a way for the demon clan to survive. Why are the human clan so domineering?"

"Dignity depends on the strength of the country. If a country is small but does not feel humble, and if it is small but does not fear the strong, this is the way to die."

The living room fell silent.

Wang Zheng sighed softly and stood up to leave, but at this moment, Teng Sheng's face suddenly darkened and he looked to the northeast.

Wang Zheng only felt a biting coldness coming from the northeast, and he was a little confused:

"What's going on?"

"What a strong sword spirit."

Fujisheng's eyes turned cold, he held the sword, stood up and walked towards the door:

"As you said, the human race has taken action."

"So fast?"

Wang Zheng looked a little surprised, and when he saw Teng Sheng was about to go out, he said again:

"Senior Teng, what are you going to do? You have to pay attention to 'the lion fights the rabbit, but also uses all your strength' when doing things. If the other party dares to attack, you have no chance of winning. From Wang's point of view, why don't you just run away and leave the green hills without worrying about having no firewood?" , dormant in the dark for hundreds of years, waiting for the human race to open the path to immortality and then emerge. By then, they can dominate the nine continents, retreat and soar to the sky, and become invincible. Now they are fighting against the human race, and they have fallen into their trap. "

Teng Sheng paused, held the sword in his hand, hesitated for a moment and said:

"You are indeed a talent, but it's a pity that Teng has never taken a step back during his whole life of practicing swordsmanship. I don't believe that Mei Jinshui can checkmate me in one move."

As soon as he finished speaking, Teng Sheng's figure flashed and disappeared without a trace outside the door...


Eagle Cry Valley.

The bloody setting sun turned the rolling snow-capped mountains into golden red.

Zuo Lingquan was alone, sitting cross-legged on the snow cliff, with the Jingtang sword placed across his knees, looking at the red sun on the horizon.

The dumplings were a little bored. They surrounded Zuo Lingquan and rolled in circles on the snow. Zuo Lingquan had already pressed a regular ring around his body, and he was still humming a ditty composed by Taotao:

"Chi chi chi ~ chi chi chi~..."

Zuo Lingquan sat quietly on the top of the snow mountain for an hour, far away from the world and facing the empty and quiet world, and suddenly felt a little bit like cultivating immortality.

To put it bluntly, it is the ‘Xian’ of Xianyun Yehe.

Speaking of this feeling, it seemed that Shu Tan was not being bullied by his wife, so Zuo Lingquan was not able to enter trance and get close to the world, but was a bit bored.

After sitting on the top of the mountain for a long time, seeing that his opponent never came and Mei Jinshui was nowhere to be seen, Zuo Lingquan took out an idle book from Linglong Pavilion and flipped through it.

Seeing this, Tuanzi jumped up and landed on Zuo Lingquan's legs. He looked at the book and turned the book with his beak, turning to the page Taotao read last time.

Zuo Lingquan was a little amused: "Are you still literate?"


Tuanzi spread his wings, indicating that he was not a stupid bird with such a big head, so he would definitely do it.

After reading for a while, Tuanzi pointed to a certain passage in the book with his beak, "Chiji..." indicating that Zuo Lingquan should study hard.

Zuo Lingquan looked at the plot of "After Zuo Dajianxian finished his work, he spoke righteously and sternly to persuade the demon girl named Mei to be a good person". He felt that this kind of thing would harm Tuanzi's young mind, so he covered Tuanzi's eyes with his hands.


Tuanzi poked his head and revealed his dark eyes from above his palm.

The palm moves up, and the eyes are exposed from under the hand.

One person and one bird interacted like this. After an unknown amount of time, a soft sound of "scratching..." suddenly sounded from the snow-capped mountains in the distance. It was the sound of boots stepping on the snow.

Zuo Lingquan's expression changed, he quickly put the miscellaneous books into his arms, raised his sword and looked towards the mountains in the distance...


Sorry, I stayed up too late and overslept yesterday, so I just wrote this or2.


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