The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down

Chapter 28 Li Hua, who blocks my way, is an enemy of life and death.

When he came to the company in the morning, Zhao Si keenly found that the company was a little different, and there was an inexplicable tension in the air.

The company's civilian staff was in a hurry, and the combat members were also rushing to the arsenal. Zhao Si also saw that the people in charge of standing guard had been replaced by members of the cleaning department.

He stopped a familiar colleague and asked, "What happened?"

A colleague replied: "The higher-ups have issued a three-level combat readiness. Now all holidays, job transfers, and idle personnel are recalled, and major cities are strictly inspected to prevent possible emergencies. The last time it was the Bailian riot, I think this time it is likely to be the same." .Damn it, these mice really find their time, I just took a long vacation and plan to go out and play!"

"Stop talking, I'm going on patrol."

The colleague left, and Zhao Si fell into deep thought.

The White Lotus Club, the largest illegal extraordinary organization in Zhoudi and even in Shenzhou.

Even if Zhao Si didn't join the company and didn't get in touch with the practice world, he could often hear about the White Lotus Society. When it comes to fighting crime, the Bailian Club often stands in the C position.

The White Lotus Club is composed of several reincarnated evil cultivators, as if they have the same smell, they can always find the reincarnated demon first, and then absorb them into the organization. Due to the extremely secretive form of the organization, the contact methods are all through extraordinary means. Until now, the government officials in various parts of China have not figured out how many members the organization has.

But it can be made clear that they are distributed all over China. In recent years, almost all incidents of mass casualties have been caused by them. There are thousands of cases recorded by the local government alone. The criminal motives of these monsters are unpredictable, and most of them are impromptu killings.

And the most unbelievable thing is that this White Lotus Club is suspected to have the ability to steal beliefs, and more than one statue of the god of incense has been stiffened by Li Daitao.

This is information from within the company, and Zhao Si was also taken aback when he saw it just now. Reminiscent of the fact that faith can create Golden Core stage monks, his heart also became a little heavy.

It is said that Jin Danqi can annihilate an armored battalion with sufficient mana, and it is a frontal battlefield. If it is a township level, it can annihilate an armored brigade. There is such a test in the company's information, Jindanqi can resist a single armor-piercing projectile head-on, and the hit of the high-speed moving Jindanqi armor-piercing projectile is almost zero. The best way is to use close-in anti-missile artillery or fire coverage to intercept missiles.

And Jindan cultivators are obviously not going to face the modern army with hard steel, so the only way in front of them is to use monks to deal with them, supplemented by modern weapons.

Although I don't know why the government doesn't use beliefs, it is clear that the White Lotus Club's technology related to beliefs far exceeds that of the government.

When he came to the office of the personnel department, Lu Haochu was also very busy. His landline kept getting incoming calls, and he wished he could answer two calls at once.

Lu Haochu completely took over Zhang Kelin's position because of his repeated military exploits, and is now the top leader of Qingzhou Company.

Zhao Si walked over and asked, "Old Lu, what happened?"

"Something happened in Qidi." Lu Haochu put down the phone, and said with a solemn expression: "There is a devil from the White Lotus Club in the Liuli Islands of Qidi, who made trouble and took away the abnormal government office. Now Qidi has become a mess. , the officials in Qidi are furious and want to thoroughly investigate the Bailian Club, although it is useless."

"Like us" Zhao Si pointed to himself, and then looked around, Qi Di's abnormal government office sounded like their company.

Lu Haochu nodded, and said: "Yes, the Liuli Islands include Fusang, Liuqiu, and the land near the Bailing Strait, so a total of 10 abnormal government offices have been wiped out."

"Damn it!" Zhao Si couldn't help swearing. He knew that the Bailian Club was very powerful, but he didn't expect that it would be so powerful that it could wipe out an abnormal bureau in an area.

Although their company is not a formal official organization, their rights are no weaker than other violent departments. Because the company needs to deal with illegal extraordinary organizations like the White Lotus Club, these people generally have extraordinary power, so the company's weapons are theoretically unlimited.

Based on the situation in Qidi, their abnormal government might be more powerful than the company.

"The White Lotus Club is too powerful."

Lu Haochu explained: "There are also some geographical factors. Because Qidi did not clean up the remnants of the shogunate, and the resistance warrior organization has been active in this area, the local abnormal government has always been short of standing forces. In addition, the White Lotus Club has also paid a lot of money. It was a painful price, I heard that three Golden Cores and hundreds of Foundation Establishments died. But based on my experience, these are puppets, and those old devils are more than a chicken thief..."

"Three or three golden elixirs? The state-level town is also a golden elixir." Zhao Si clicked his tongue. This golden elixir stage is one of the standards of the state-level town.

"Fake pills catalyzed by beliefs, killing them at the national level is like killing dogs." Lu Haochu disagrees, "The realm is just a standard, and sometimes the gap is the same as age. Some people are worth billions at the age of 30, and some people are worth hundreds of millions at the age of 30. Asking for money. Didn’t your elder brother also chase after tens of thousands of monks?”

"Zhao Si is here for you. If you feel in danger, dial it."

Lu Haochu suddenly handed him a palm-sized black "walkie-talkie", and Zhao Si asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Satellite phone, direct access to Tianting." Lu Haochu couldn't help being a little envious at this time, it's different to have a big supporter.

"I'll go!" Zhao Si almost lost his grip.

Why should he be given such a great privilege, he is just a young man who has just practiced the first level of qi.

It's Brother Yi.

The higher-ups wanted to contact Brother Yi through me, and Lao Lu and Zhang Kelin frequently mentioned that the local government in Zhou was very short of powerful individuals. An accident occurred in Qidi and the company immediately entered the third level of combat readiness. Either the company did not have the confidence to suppress the level of riots in the Liuli Islands, or the White Lotus Club might move in Zhoudi next, or both.

And why Xueye Sword Immortal failed to quell this incident? Killing these three fake pills with her combat power is like killing a dog. Even if the distance is too far and some places cannot be taken care of, it will not cause the abnormal government offices in the entire area to be taken away.

Zhao Si thought a lot, but in the end he gave up speculating on this incident with his shallow knowledge of practice.

At noon, it was time to watch "Chengjianlu". Because of the need to strengthen patrols, the number of people was significantly less.

Under such circumstances, Dong Yun, who was silently in the corner, made people feel particularly safe. After all, Qidi Sword Cultivator is the best monk in the world today who is good at attacking.

After a week, the demeanor of Xueye Sword Immortal in "Cheng Jian Lu" has conquered all the monks. Mu Qiang is the nature of animals, and the group of monks is the worst, and Sword Immortal is the strongest. At least in the past few days, Zhao Si has seen his colleagues discuss enthusiastically more than once, and he didn't know that this place was Tianque Mountain in Qidi.

And Zhao Si was not immune to it, and the sword fairy almost satisfied all his fantasies about cultivating immortals.

The only doubt was whether Li Hua was Brother Yi. He had an inexplicable feeling at first, but he hadn't seen Xiaowu Lei Zhengfa for so long.

Although Brother Yi said that he has more than 3,000 supernatural powers, he didn't tell him what he had specifically, and there was no evidence that it was Li Yi.

Zhao Si could only resist the urge to call and ask, and was going to find time to ask for leave and go back to the village to ask.

[At the age of 500, the patriarch of many factions of the righteous way passed away, and there was no Xinhua God to replace him, and the righteous way gradually declined. The time is not waiting for me, I need to break through the transformation of the gods as soon as possible, and comprehend the meaning of the Supreme Wuji sword. 】

[See what Li Hua told me about retreat, go back to the mountain for retreat. 】

[600 years old, in the mid-Yuanying period, Tianque Sword Cliff sat on the Tao for a hundred years, learned the sword skills of the ancestors of the Tian Jianzong, a total of 36,000 sword skills, cast the world's number one sword, and the Taishang Wuji sword intent. 】

[601 years old, in the Zhengmo Conference, as the passer of the sword, he is duty-bound to go out and fight against the three sects and seven sects of the devil, beheading three people, no one dares to come on stage again, and wins. See Li Hua, let me know. 】

[At the age of 602, mundane demons made chaos, one person and one sword ran for thousands of miles, beheading more than a thousand demons. At the end of the year, I met Li Hua and traveled to the West Lake together. 】

[Age 603, the Blood Demon Sect invaded and killed him. 】

[At the age of 621, the big mountain demon tribe rioted, took the heavenly sword, cut half a step into the god monster, suppressed the beast tide, threatened the 100,000 mountains, and those who dared to step into the human territory died. 】

"Sword Immortal is strong!"

Someone shouted excitedly, and the rest couldn't help but clenched their fists.

The orthodox way has declined, but the Sword Immortal has advanced even more triumphantly, and he can save the sky by himself.

Only Zhao Si was a little puzzled, isn't Sword Immortal tired like this?

According to Cheng Jianlu's writing method, only important enough events are recorded. Although there is only one event in a year, these events are actually events that are enough to cause shocks in the world, and there must be many "little things" involved in them.

In modern times, there are years of wars and constant local conflicts.

Also, Sword Immortal no longer went to look for Li Hua. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Sword Immortal liked Li Hua very much, and would go to Li Hua whenever he was free.

In the corner, Dongyun lowered his head and did not continue to look at the screen.

[621 years old, in the beginning of spring, Li Huaxun came here, this is the first time he came to see me, I am very happy. 】

[I asked: Why did you come here? 】

[Hua Yan: For you. 】

[I ask again: why? 】

[Hua Yan: To save you, Taishang Wuji sword intends to kill himself, and Heavenly sword kills. I heard that you are going to take over the Heavenly Sword and become the suzerain of the Heavenly Sword Sect, the master of the Heavenly Sword Sword. 】

[I said: Friends of the Daoist know that the world is about to fall, and it takes one person to support the sky. 】

[Hua Yan: The world belongs to the people of the world, not to you alone. I only save the people in front of me. 】

[I said: Different ways do not conspire with each other. 】

"Is this a falling out?" Everyone was a little dumbfounded, they didn't expect this pair of immortal couples to have a falling out like this.

The people present couldn't accept it for a while, even Lu Haochu was a little stunned, and didn't even know that the water in the cup spilled on his lap. At first they were really bitter about Li Hua, but then they gradually accepted this eccentric wild Taoist, and even felt that he was an unexpected match for Sword Immortal.

Sword Immortals are constantly killing and killing, and they need someone like Li Hua to take her to see the prosperity of the world. If it wasn't for Li Hua, I'm afraid they saw only an invincible sword, not a flesh and blood Xueye Sword Immortal.

[At the age of 623, the infestation of demons became more frequent, the mountains were constantly in turmoil, and there were demons and evil spirits haunting the common people. My snowy night is not talented, I look forward to the sword of Chengtian, cut off all ghosts and monsters, and reorganize the universe. 】

[Heavenly Sword Sect held a sword passing ceremony, inviting the world to observe the ceremony and witness the new generation of sword masters]

[On the day when the sword was passed on, Li Hua went up to the sky with his sword alone. He said: Fang Li Hua, who is traveling in the mountains, will try the sword of the Heavenly Sword Sect. 】

[Sword breaks the Heavenly Sword Sect, there are no dead souls under the sword. 】

【Li Hua, who blocked my way, is an enemy of life and death. 】

There was deathly silence, and everyone was stunned. The reversal of their positions was too fast for them to react.

In their eyes, it may be a matter of a few minutes, but in that world, it is the entanglement between the two of them for hundreds of years.

The version is updated. In order to go further, the White Lotus Sect optimizes its organizational structure, refines its members, and makes its members more elite. Eighty million believers are eliminated to create a free outsourcing industry.

Only the core members were retained, and several demon heads reorganized into the Bailian Club.

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