The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down

Chapter 288 The Flying General's Husband

Wei Xi sent a message that the Civil Affairs Bureau was working overtime today, and Li Yi didn't refuse again. Going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to do anything normal people can think of, except for divorce, the only thing left is marriage.

The two of them were de facto husband and wife in the previous life, and they were married by a medium hired by three books and six times. It's okay to get another certificate this time. Li Yi himself certainly didn't care about the so-called marriage certificate issued by the government, how could mundane things restrain him.

But Xi'er is rather old-fashioned, so she should be more concerned about this.

"Senior Immortal, are you going to get married?"

Qiong Yu obviously noticed it too, her expression became a little weird.

She suddenly became vigilant, and thought to herself: If Senior Immortal gets married, shouldn't she only be nice to that Wei Xi? And to exclude other members of the opposite sex?

In her understanding of human marriage, getting married means being loyal to the other half, and even property must become common property.

Qiong Yu thinks she has nothing wrong with her, since she has no gender anyway, so she can continue to hug her thigh. But what about Shiraishi? She was able to hold the immortal's thigh all thanks to Baishi, what if she was driven away?

She managed to get the status of a bottle-holding boy, and the job of holding the treasure anytime and anywhere is the only one in the world. It is equivalent to the laws in the treasure, which she can comprehend freely, and her cultivation base will increase greatly in time.

This is the biggest crisis Qiong Yu has encountered since her reincarnation.

Li Yi replied without hesitation: "It should be, Xi'er is a rather old-fashioned person, and he has always attached great importance to this aspect."

Recalling the intercourse between husband and wife when a mortal, she could only accept the posture taught in the Nvjing at the beginning, and she covered her face the whole process. Seeing this sort of thing as a sin is kind of like sleeping together and having a baby.

Talking about being honest, but forgetting about it every time, this is a bit like Yun Shu, the only difference is that Li Changsheng was still very interested in sex back then. The current Li Yi can't be said to be incompetent, but at least he is doing business without any disturbance.

Recalling the past, Li Yi didn't have much lust on his face, and nostalgia was better than desire.

Times have changed, things have changed.

People will always miss the past, but the past was not better than the present. For example, now I can be regarded as having no worries about food and clothing in a real sense, not afraid of birth, old age, sickness and death, not afraid of the power of officials, not afraid of the world's tongue.

When I was still a mortal, I am afraid that a small official could crush myself to death.

There is a price for this cultivation, but the result is good after all.

"Come back home in a few days."

Li Yi sat down again, took out his phone and started watching the video again.

After watching the video for a while, I found that 8 out of 10 were reporting on Nanlu.

[Evening news reports that after the round-the-clock assistance and post-disaster clean-up by soldiers from various countries, the basic social order has been restored in the southern foothills. 】

【...Unexpectedly, just as the society recovered, it ushered in the largest tourism boom in history, with a single-day passenger flow as high as 3.2 million. Nanlu air tickets are hard to find, the highway is congested, and there are even cases where people go to Nanlu on foot. Here, our station appeals to the public that Nanlu is rebuilding after the disaster, so don’t run blindly]

[Daqin TV station reported that the government will issue more than 7 million medals of honor in recognition of the people who fought bravely during the war. And provide remuneration calculated based on the time of stay, the longer the army stays, the more bonuses, the total remuneration is expected to reach 25 billion]

[Recently, the Shenzhou Internet Seven Countries Regulatory Committee held a meeting again, and a new phase of network-related regulations has been formulated...The decree clearly stipulates that any commercial method must not use the following words: longevity, living immortal, immortal, Qingxuan, crossing the world...]

[Any content with religious inclinations or practice guidance must be reviewed by the Supervisory Committee. 】

[... Regarding the issue of the expiration of the term of the Marshal of the Qin Army in the second half of the year, Marshal Wei Xi said at the disaster relief press conference that he would not consider being re-elected. In this regard, many sergeants at the rank of general said that they would not consider the post of Marshal. There may be major problems in the future. 】

【…The local government hopes that Marshal Wei will continue to serve as the Marshal of the Qin Army, but the Marshal has not responded to this. 】

【...The southern foot will have some rainfall in the last two days. Residents are requested to take precautions against rain. 】

Li Yi turned off the short video. Due to the outbreak of the extraordinary disaster at the southern foot, entertainment on the Internet will be suspended for a few days as usual. Most of the videos now are reports on post-disaster reconstruction, and there are no interesting videos for him to pass the time.

He opened Dou Di Zhu, received 3,000 beans and entered the room with 30 base points, and made money like running water accompanied by cheerful music.

After 10 minutes, all games were lost.

Li Yi looked at the wave of emptied Happy Beans, and sighed sincerely:

"This game is still somewhat educational."

Dou Dizhu Happy Bean can lose everything, not to mention the controlled gambling on the Internet.

At this time, the homeless man next to him, who was caught in the perception of the changes in the world, suddenly shook his body and opened his eyes.

Originally, the cultivation base of the third level of Qi refining has quickly climbed to the sixth level, which is regarded as a breakthrough among mortals. If he can build a foundation, he can be called a master.

Don't look at Li Yi's encounters are all Jindanqi, it's not that Jindan is walking everywhere now, but the fact is that without Jindanqi's cultivation base, Li Yi can't be contacted at all. Every class in mortal society has circles, and naturally there are similar rules among the strong.

Li Yi himself does not need to be integrated into any circle, because Shenzhou Xiandao is a circle formed around him.

Vagabond Qi refining level 6, as long as he doesn't face the government directly, he can stand freely in the society without any restraint.

If you want wealth, you can become a Feng Shui master for those mortal rich people.

The homeless man's eyes were blurred, and he asked, "How long has it been?"

"About a month." Li Yi replied.

If some clues can be seen from the abnormal changes in the world, monks with low level of knowledge can greatly increase their cultivation base. At that time, the homeless man fell into an epiphany at the first moment, watching the other party treat him to a few meals. Li Yi used a ray of strength to protect the opponent, preventing the yin energy of Wangchuan Huangquan from interrupting the homeless man's comprehension.

It's just that this tramp's comprehension is a bit poor. With his own ray of strength to protect the way without any interruption, his cultivation is only at the 6th level of Qi training.

Another fool.

"One month."

The homeless man lowered his head and murmured a few words, then he felt the changes in the breath in his body and the great increase in his cultivation, and the surprise on his face could no longer be restrained.

"Sixth Level of Qi Refining! This month's time is worth my several years of cultivation. It really is a great opportunity! With this fortune, it seems that I am also a person with luck, hahahahahaha!"

Seeing the madness on the other side's face, Li Yi quite understood his mood.

I think I also felt the same way when I successfully cultivated, but I started a little higher and entered the Tao directly.

Qiong Yu had a look of contempt on her face. It is indeed a bit of luck to meet a fairy, but the biggest opportunity is right in front of you, so you can't grasp it.

After jumping up and down for a long time, the homeless man finally calmed down. Then he looked at Li Yi, turned to face the river reddened by the setting sun, raised his chin slightly, and stood with his hands behind his back.

The breath of the Qi training period is released slightly, if ordinary people are here, they will definitely think that this is an expert. But from Li Yi and Qiong Yu's point of view, he is still a person who does not release his breath, and is as small as an ant when he releases his breath.

He squeezed his voice intentionally, and said: "Since you have seen everything, I can't hide it. That's right, in the words of you mortals, I am a cultivator of immortals!"

The tramp glanced at the ordinary young man out of the corner of his eye, and there was not much change on his face.

Strange, how come there is no surprised expression? Porcelain horse fool?

The homeless man couldn't figure it out. It stands to reason that if he doesn't eat or drink for a month and meditates, he will basically think of cultivating immortals. Why didn't this guy respond? Is he really not interested in cultivating immortals?

"Puff ha ha ha..."

There was a slight laugh in the void, Qiong Yu covered her mouth, tears were about to come out.

The homeless man was puzzled. Originally, he didn't want to reveal his identity, but since he was seen, there was nothing he could do.

He said leisurely: "Boy, you didn't bother me this month, so that I can fully understand the world. This is also a kindness, boy, do you want to practice?"

Li Yi shook his head with a smile, while reaching out to grab the bottle boy who was trying to smash the bottle over.

The sound transmission said: "The trouble with people is that they like to be teachers. Ordinary people can't help but teach other people how to do things, let alone he does have some skills."

In the previous life, Li Changsheng was also good to be a teacher, otherwise his method would not have been spread all over the world. Although there is an old saying that being good as a teacher means not being humble, but if you don't care about your career, it is not a bad thing to like to teach others.

Of course, the premise is that there is no problem with what is taught.

The homeless man is practicing Changchun Kungfu, and the aura of other methods on his body should be from a certain sect of immortality, and it is not a method of harming others. So it's okay to teach others, if it's an ordinary person, it's a big opportunity.

Qiong Yu said: "But no matter how you say it, it's insulting to the prestige of senior immortals, so you should be warned!"

Li Yi shook his head and taught slowly: "The heart of others is one of the powerful qualities of the immortal way. Didn't you say that you want to learn the immortal way? This is the character that should be in the era of the immortal way."

He himself did not reveal his identity and cultivation, so he naturally started from the perspective of an ordinary person. Otherwise, traveling around the world of mortals once, I don't know how many people I have to kill.

Qiong Yu restrained herself when she heard the words, but still stared at the homeless man.

The homeless man was really not interested in seeing the other party at this time, but he was interested, and said: "Boy, this is the kind of cultivating immortals, flying into the sky and living forever."

People are like this, the less they get more interest, the more Li Yi shows indifference, the stronger the homeless man's desire to show.

It just happened to catch up with his cultivation level increasing, just like winning the lottery, it is the most inflated time for a person.

Li Yi saw the performance of this younger generation, and did not show any impatience, but asked, "How to fly into the sky and escape from the ground?"


The homeless man showed embarrassment, it was definitely impossible for him to fly into the sky and escape from the ground with his cultivation. Establishing a foundation can only fly a certain distance at most, and at least a Jindan real person is required to walk through the air.

Suddenly he regained his self-confidence: "I can cross the river on leaves."


The homeless man pulled out the leaves of the weeds on the ground, came to the river and gently put them down, then tapped his right foot on it, and firmly settled on the spot. Just this move is enough to surprise ordinary people, but he obviously felt that it was not enough, so he stepped forward.

The whole person stood on the leaves, and after only half a second, he fell into the water.

The homeless man jumped a few times and climbed out of the river to the bank. Facing Li Yi's calm eyes, he said inexplicably a little shyly, "Unexpectedly, I haven't used it for a long time, and I'll do it again for some tricks."

Then the homeless man pulled out another leaf and tried to step on it. This time, he just paused and fell into the water again. With human eyes, it is indeed diving, and ordinary people can't even notice the half-second stay.

Repeatedly, losing more than a dozen times in a row, each time I had to explain to Li Yi why it failed.

"If you don't get lucky this time, you will definitely succeed next time!"

The homeless man was wet all over, and his cultivation base had just increased greatly, and he did not allow himself to lose face in front of ordinary people. He pulled out the last grass nearby and carefully put it into the water.

Then stand on tiptoe, and the blade of grass stays in place.

He swallowed a bit of saliva, the next step is the key.

The master said that the five levels of qi refining can lift weights as if they are light, and walk on water, and there are two methods corresponding to them, the technique of controlling objects and the technique of controlling space.

Sink your qi into your dantian, support your body with your qi, and lift your body up...

Suddenly a calm voice came: "It's wrong, it's not that the qi didn't come up, but that the qi didn't sink. Concentrate the qi on the toes and extend it to the leaves."

Hearing the sound, the homeless man followed the sound and condensed his air on his toes, then extended it to the grass blades, and then left the other foot off the ground.

The body went north along the water, and the surrounding scene was slowly retreating.

The tramp looked down, and he successfully stood on the blade of grass.

Suddenly breathless, he fell into the water again.

However, a small failure could not cover up the joy of success. The homeless man crawled out of the water and happily said to Li Yi: "See, I succeeded, I succeeded! I really am a genius, the master once said that stepping Ye Guohe needs to control it superbly, and those who have reached the sixth level of Qi refining have the capital to build a foundation!"

"Boy, I have real skills, do you want to learn..."

He stopped halfway through the speech, and the voice he had just taught himself seemed familiar.

It seemed to be his voice.

There was a slight smile on the corner of the young man's mouth, and he said: "It still needs a lot of practice. Qi control is the basic skill. If you can achieve the Golden Pill of Treading Snow Without Traces before building the foundation, there is hope."


The homeless man couldn't speak at all, he just froze in place, his face flushed, and he wanted to find a crack to get in.

Li Yi continued: "Just now you couldn't raise your spirits, which means that your basic skills are not solid. You can try to share the weight with two leaves, and replace the Fa Jue with mine..."

Wen Tun's voice came to his ears, and a method of controlling Qi came into the mind of the homeless man.

"Try it."

The sound seemed to have some kind of magical power, and the homeless man found two more grass blades, stepped on the water smoothly, and was able to move.

When the homeless man returned to the shore, he didn't know what to say. He can already be sure that this ordinary man in front of him must be a person of cultivation, and his cultivation level is higher than his own.

And he wanted to take this expert as his apprentice...

Suddenly a breeze blew, mixed with a faint fragrance, and a beautiful figure appeared beside Li Yi, gently holding his arm.

This person is exactly the Qin Fei general who caused a shock in all sectors of society in Qin land by retiring and resigning, and even shocked the whole of China. She is not wearing a military uniform like in the past, she is dressed very plainly, wearing a plain white sportswear and canvas shoes, short hair shoulder length, and looks extremely beautiful without makeup.

The water reflected by the sun fell on her body, the general no longer had the majesty of the past, with a soft smile on his face and a soft voice.

"Husband, my work is over, can I go?"

Fly... Fly! ? Husband!

The homeless man opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

Although it was the first time he saw the parachutist's uniform, it was impossible for him to recognize that face at such a close distance.

"Yeah." Li Yi nodded.

Wei Xi leaned slightly on Li Yi's body, showing a rare woman's gentleness, and she couldn't see the iron blood of the past.

She said lightly, "Then let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

The two turned and left, and disappeared under the bridge in the blink of an eye.

"Dare to ask senior's name!"

The homeless man suddenly came back to his senses and shouted loudly, and then a voice came from the void.

"Outsiders can just call me Li Changsheng."

The homeless man plopped and knelt on the ground. The scene just now was more like shock than surprise.

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