The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down

Chapter 313 Attack of the Great Wu Sheng King

Du Shi's legs softened, and he reached out to support him in time, almost kneeling down on the table.

Originally, his heart was extremely heavy and even fearful. Matters involving the Dao of Heaven have always been major events, not to mention Dushi suspects that Dao of Heaven is targeting immortals. Facing the test of the catastrophe on weekdays, most of the monks are dying, and it is almost a dead end if they are directly targeted by the Dao of Heaven.

But Li Yi heard that instead of being afraid, he came up with a sentence of the way of heaven and death.

If other people said that, Du Shi would definitely suspect that the other party had some kind of hysteria, talking like farting. But it spit out from the mouth of the man in front of him, and there was a kind of convincing reason in the outrageous.

Sure enough, the immortal is still the same immortal, no matter in the previous life or in this life, no matter how many strong people there are, they can't change the immortal.

That unearthly arrogance never disappeared, on the contrary, they became less calm and more nervous in the face of so many strong men. After all, there are so many people with the same strength as him, so if you want to protect Shenzhou, you can't be careful.

In the next life, I feel that I don't have to be as nervous as before, because there are immortals.

He sighed in his heart: If the rabbit spirit is here, I am afraid it will be another entanglement with the fairy head.

Although I don't have worldly desires, I also know the mentality of a monster full of seven emotions and six desires like Rabbit Spirit, which is basically the same as human beings. Regarding the preferences of the opposite sex, the better you are, the more you can attract yourself.

This excellence can be beauty or strength. For the strong, the latter is especially important. Isn't the way of immortals a kind of beauty?

The invincible beauty in the world is naturally the number one beauty in the world.

"What's the matter? The question of Linzijue?" Li Yi looked at the weak-legged Dushi with some doubts.

Du Shidao: "Immortal Elder, you won't really kill Tiandao, will you?"

"How is it possible." Li Yi shook his head and said, "Even if there is a big problem with the way of heaven, I will not destroy it. After all, the common people in the world still need the way of heaven, just return to the original track."

For a world like the practice world, where the sky is round and the place is round, the way of heaven is like the sun. There can be no moon, but the sun must never be absent. The growth of all things and the change of seasons need the Dao of Heaven to maintain.

Just one Wangchuan River is enough to make the Dao of Heaven an indispensable part. If there is no maintenance of heaven, how many ghosts and monsters will be born in the world.

As a self-aware giant, Li Yi naturally wouldn't make a big mistake just for the momentary pleasure. He has always handled matters that are related to the safety of the world with care.

For example, when entering Huangquan, it took several years to find a loophole to get in in order not to damage the leylines.

"I am gentle in dealing with people, so I won't be so aggressive that it will destroy the way of heaven."

Li Yiru commented on himself.

There are indescribable flaws in Lu Dushi's eyes, one is being gentle in dealing with others. Huairou means that the painless sky thunder eliminates all evil, and instructs others to strike thousands of thunders. But to say that the fairy head is not gentle, there seems to be something wrong.

Secondly, Li Yi looked as if he could really destroy the Dao of Heaven, which made people very awkward. I can't believe it, and because of my past impressions, I have a trace of unreasonable trust.

For the sake of his Buddha heart, Du Shi changed the subject and said, "Immortal Elder, do you know about the remaining eight-character mantras? This may be the main point of contention for the powerful in the world in the future. I only have one and I feel that there is hope to become a true Buddha. That is to say nothing.”

The nine-character proverb will inevitably become an opportunity more precious than a treasure, but any strong person with the ability to transform into a god will desperately strive for it. The opportunity to break through to transform into a god in the previous life can make the Nascent Soul of the whole world bleed, and there may even be a generational gap, let alone the opportunity of the phaseless state.

At that time, the competition will be fierce, and if it is not well controlled, it may make the world miserable.

"For the sake of all living beings in China, I think we should hold the nine-character mantra in our hands and distribute it to trustworthy people, so that they can break through the original realm like me. If it falls into the hands of other people, I'm afraid there will be a disaster."

Du Shi calmed down, bowed his hands and said: "I also ask the immortal leader to take charge of the overall situation, don't let such a chance fall into the hands of thieves."

He understands the character of the Immortal Elder, even if it is a great opportunity, the Immortal Elder will not take it by force, because he does not need it. In addition, immortals never take opportunities from others, no matter who they are, let alone monopolize them.

Ke Dushi wants to monopolize the nine-character maxim, and he has his own considerations both in public and in private.

Competing for a certain opportunity because you are afraid of others slaughtering the world does not sound good. It's like shouting a sentence, those who have virtue live in opportunities, and you can't take them without virtue. It's too domineering, and it's hard to get over it on the face, but the problem is that Dushi's worries are all true.

It's hard to say whether mortals will become bad if they have money. The powerhouses of other eras will definitely crush modern society into dust. All miraculous societies ruled by law and the trend of thinking that everyone is equal will be swept into the dust of history.

They will do it, and they have the ability.

Dushi also knows that he does not have the ability to grasp the nine-character mantra, he can't, Qingxuan can't, Jianxian can't, and all the towns and states combined can't do it.

Only this ordinary man in front of him can do it. If he wants to be everywhere, if he raises an army, there will be no one in the world.

At the foot of the prosperous age of immortality, there are white bones killed by immortals.

Li Yi looked at him for a while, and said, "Monk, what is the difference between you and Wanfo Mountain? It is not the right way to prevent others from benefiting in a high-sounding way."

"For the souls of the world, the poor monk is willing to be a pawn."

Crossing the world doesn't mind me singing that red face, as long as I can cross the world.

Li Yi saw what the other party was thinking, and he thought he couldn't empathize with this kind of altruistic Buddha. But I don't dislike this kind of people, one of the essential qualities of altruistic social animals, and there will naturally be noble people among them.

"But I don't want to, on the contrary, I want you to give up Linzijue."


Du Shi was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously gave birth to a trace of resistance in his heart.

This is a unique and great opportunity. In the previous life, I don't know how many strong people couldn't ask for it, so how could they give up?

This slightest resistance did not escape Li Yi's eyes. He didn't know whether it was due to his own wish or the influence of Linzijue. The opportunity of Wuxiangjing is too attractive, and it is normal to be greedy for it.

But in the past life, he was affected, and in this life, he can't tell when he will go crazy again.

"Because there's no need."

Li Yi was not in a hurry to explain to him how dangerous Linzijue was, because monks would not give up attaining the Tao because of words, and crossing the world was just the most stubborn kind, as was Qingxuan.

Both of them have their own ideas and ways, and I am afraid that only the rabbit will listen to him.

"Whether it's Linzijue or the other eight mantras, they are nothing more than external forces. Monks, they are like the treasures of heaven and earth, they are external forces after all."


Dushi inhaled slightly, as if to cheer himself up, and asked back: "If all these nine characters fall into the hands of others, how will the fairy master deal with it? Can you deal with the nine phaseless realms in the future? Even if you can, you can Protect everyone?"

This is sophistry.

Just because there are nine-character proverbs does not mean that there will be nine Formless Realms, and even if there are nine Formless Realms, it does not mean that everyone will be against them. Toshi is assuming the worst outcome, using the worst situation to debate.

The odds of that happening are slim, but still possible.

"I haven't tried it, and I can't be sure." Li Yi shook his head and said, he has always been pragmatic, and he will not say the word "certain" for things that have not been tried.

But there was one thing he was sure of.

"My way is worse than the nine-character maxim. Instead of losing your life to learn this way, you should learn from me."

"It's okay to die at night after hearing the Tao. What if we can't learn the immortal head? Maybe these nine characters are not as good as we imagined, but at least they can let us reach a realm that we haven't had in our previous lives."

Dushi said sincerely and solemnly: "Prince Immortal, not everyone is like you."

Li Yi quietly watched Crossing the World for a while, and the two of them just froze in place, neither letting the other go.

In the end, Li Yi smiled slightly to resolve the increasingly tense atmosphere, and said, "That's right, the way is different."

Birds will always fly high when they grow up. Li Yi has his own considerations, but at present he has no ability to give him the state of no form. It would be unreasonable to forcibly block the other party like this.

When it comes to right and wrong, Li Yi respects their choices. And don't be in a hurry, maybe in the future when your strength reaches a certain level, you can continue to guide them.

Not forcing is something Li Yi learned last.

At least it seems that the monk has no problems now, and Li Yi chooses to believe in his current Taoism.

"Thank you for your understanding." Du Shi also heaved a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that the other party would come and force him.

Just like modern students choose college majors, the wishes of the students themselves may conflict with the expectations of their parents. And some parents will be domineering and force their children to choose a certain choice.

Volunteering is the most appropriate way to describe practice.

Dushi chose a relatively easy and visible path, but the path of immortals, which seems to be the bright road, can only accommodate one person.


Suddenly the world shook, the tables and chairs began to shake violently and irregularly, and the teapot made a clanking sound.

The two of them raised their heads and looked outside together. At this time, for some reason, the entire sky was dimmed.

Pedestrians stopped, a car stopped by the side of the road or stopped directly in the road, and the whole city came to a standstill due to sudden changes.

Millions of people looked up at the sky, and they could vaguely see a gigantic shadow of a beast, just like the legendary Nian beast, which made people breathless.

In the sky, two small dark red suns appeared, emitting a scarlet light. The red light illuminates the city, and the shadows reflected by the tall buildings are even deeper.

When you open your eyes, you will see troubled times, and all the security departments in the entire Shenzhou have sounded the alarm.

The range affected by the red light is not too large, only tens of kilometers in radius, which just covers a city. But the panic caused spread throughout Florida, and everyone could see the blood cloud in the sky when they looked up.

As soon as his eyes touched, a huge animal pupil appeared in his heart for no reason, staring at him coldly and silently.

At this time, the city's air defense searchlights were turned on, and beams of light shone toward the sky, revealing the true identity of the culprit.

Four legs and three claws, brown hair, a face like a stone lion, a white horn, eyebrows like flowing clouds, and eyes like a big sun.

The body is hundreds of feet long, standing on the clouds.

Apart from Yunhai Kunpeng, an extremely powerful non-human being may also become the first non-human creature to attack humans.


A ray of Buddha light rose from the ground to the sky, a lotus flower bloomed in the sky, and the thousand-foot Buddha appeared in his real body.

Dushi didn't hesitate too much. With one palm, the Buddha's head was only a few dozen feet in size when it first came out, but it swelled infinitely in the blink of an eye, as if it wanted to contain the world.

After receiving the blessing of the heaven and earth qi carried by Linzijue, the palm of Dushi already has Li Yi's demeanor, and it has even surpassed it in terms of Buddhism alone.

Facing the overwhelming Buddha's palm, the fierce beast in the sky did not make any concessions or defenses, and pressed down with its huge beast claws.

The two collided, and the formed hurricane fell to the ground and blew countless people up and down. At this time, the other Jindan monks reacted and jumped into the air to protect ordinary people, lest they be killed by the aftermath.

The siren sounded completely, and the police and various government departments began to evacuate the people into air-raid shelters or subway stations.

Li Yi sat in the room and drank tea slowly, turning a blind eye to the two behemoths fighting each other high above the sky.

His gaze dropped slightly to the ground, rather than looking up, it was more like looking down, watching the two crickets fighting each other.

"Is Lin Zi Jue just that good? Fighting skills have become so gentle. Maybe it is indeed a way to reach the sky, at least for them."

Du Shi has started to put on airs in fights now, he is too sticky to the stereotypes, he doesn't look like himself, but how in the world is a person who has not changed from the beginning to the end?

"Those who know me say that I am worried. Those who don't know me say what I want?"

Li Yi felt that it was useless to say more truths, and it was better to act. If your own way is really better than the nine-character maxim, there is no need to explain it, and people all over the world will learn it.

Such is the case with Changchun Gong.

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