Jiang Mei's eyes moved slightly, and she scanned the fallen leaves to figure out the meaning of the hexagram, and said, "Is this my hexagram? I'm alone, but I don't have the ability to make Zhou Tianxing fall."

Taking the heaven and the earth as the fruit position, robbing and destroying the sky, the so-called stars are naturally those who have entered the Tao, obtained the Tao, and achieved the Tao.

This critique of hexagrams is so heavy that it makes people feel like a fabricated lie. Although there is a heavenly secret that proves the possibility of this critique, unknown things are the easiest to fabricate.

This is the case with heavenly secrets. When Taoism reaches a certain level, one can fabricate heavenly secrets with the power of Taoism.

If the target is a mortal, they can decide the future fate of the mortal with just one sentence.

In a word, the appearance of an emperor, if born in troubled times, even a beggar has a great probability of ascending to the position of Ninth Five Supreme.

With the appearance of a premature death, even if born in the emperor's family, he would not live long.

This is the prestige of those who follow the law and gain the Tao.

But there is no absolute in everything, the world is changing all the time, there is no fixed number in the world. As small as dust fluttering, as large as the evolution of the laws of heaven and earth, there is no definite number.

There are some mortal theories in Jiangmei's memory, and there is such a point of view in mortal physics. The world is moving all the time, there is no absolute stillness, only relative stillness, even a small breath can be counted as the world is in motion.

Relatively still, the speech of the Taoist is "relatively still" to ordinary people, and life and death are involuntary.

But Jiang Mei is not a mortal, nor are the stars throughout the ages.

A batch of fate determines their life and death, how can she let so many stars fall?

She can join the Tao, and she has tried to become the Tao, but she dare not say that the fruit is the heaven and the earth.

Is it flattery? Or is it a conspiracy.

Jiang Mei didn't know, she thought it was a fabricated secret, the only thing worth noting was that this secret could deceive her, she couldn't figure out whether it was true or not.

Fate replied: "You are the latter."

Jiang Mei froze for a moment, then narrowed her eyes slightly, a wordless chill permeated the air.

"Are you here to make fun of me? Since it's not me, who can make us fall?"

"Longevity Calamity, Calamity is just like its name." Fate didn't dare to call him by his name this time, but only hinted a little vaguely.

Because this is Shenzhou, even if it is thousands of miles away from Haojing, he dare not say it.

Previously in the land of Tongyou Huangquan. It's fine to pretend that there is a barrier of space barriers, but fate doesn't dare to pretend here.


Jiang Mei thought for a while and guessed, "The one from Immortal Dao?"

There are many people named Changsheng, but there is only one Taoist who has Changsheng in his name, and that is Li Changsheng, who is now in the limelight. He took advantage of the right time, place and people, he recovered earlier than most of the powerhouses, and the people under his hands just happened to occupy Shenzhou.

With the accumulation of massive resources, there is a huge gap with the powerhouses of the same level.

Jiang Mei wanted to fight, but she didn't dare to jump out at this time. I believe other comrades are also the same. They are all dormant waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the recovery of the world to intensify, and they can make up for the vacancy with abundant sources of spiritual energy.

For those who are both Taoists, a small gap can be the key to life and death. What's more, Li Changsheng is obviously not an ordinary Taoist. He can easily kill a holy king. His combat power is obviously extremely fierce, and he is a person who is good at fighting skills.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party hadn't established a dojo, Jiang Mei would have suspected that the other party had already become enlightened.

Mingxing nodded slightly, Jiang Mei obviously didn't believe this, she shook her head and said, "He hasn't even established a Taoist temple, so how can he let Zhou Tianxing fall? If your Taoist sect has enmity with him, then go to fight, and the methods should be more open and upright. It is necessary to do such a thing, "

Killing people with a knife has never been rare in the past and present, but the methods used by the ancient Taoist sect this time are too rough.

I want to use a batch of hexagrams to drive away tigers and swallow wolves, or to drive wolves around tigers. Li Changsheng is indeed number one in the world, at least for now.

"If you want to say that it's for the land of spirits, then it's fine. I still don't lack that bit of spiritual energy, and I have no grievances or enmities with Li Changsheng."

Jiang Mei's fate of distrust had been expected, he asked back: "How do you know that he is not qualified? You should have read about his deeds. He started at the end of the infinite calamity. At that time, the world should have been in chaos, as strong as a sword." Immortal talents are nothing more than transforming gods, and transforming gods is the pinnacle."

"But he has attained the Dao. In the age of the end of Dharma, he has reached your Dao, even further than you. I have no way of knowing how strong he is, but heaven and earth have reserved a place for him."

Jiang Mei didn't speak, but her heart was turned upside down. In the end of the Dharma era, she attained the Dao, which was indeed something she hadn't considered in the past.

So it seems that the other party is indeed more amazing and talented than he imagined, maybe he can become enlightened in this life.

She said: "He has the talent to achieve enlightenment, but it is difficult for us to fall. Besides, he has no grievances or enmities, and he is not easy to kill. Why don't we live in peace?"

"This is destiny, it is calamity, and no one can avoid it."

Fate shook his head again, he knew what the other party meant. For a strong man with strong strength and gentle personality, normal people would not choose to fight against each other.

But the destiny he saw was a single-plank bridge, and at the end of the avenue, everyone would face catastrophe.

There are no shackles in the world, but Li Changsheng is a shackle.

He chose to believe in destiny, so he struggled.

"Senior should be familiar with divination, why don't you ask the world? But I suggest that you only count this secret, and don't touch his karma."


"will die."

"It's just a divination, can he still kill me in the air?"

Jiang Mei was still skeptical, but Fate's high opinion of Li Changsheng made her even more curious.

With a light sweep of the broom in her hand, the fallen leaves were scattered again, and they slid on the bluestone slabs in a disorderly manner, but the final landing point contained some kind of heaven and earth truth.

When all the fallen leaves stopped, suddenly a gust of wind blew and scattered the fallen leaves again.

She couldn't figure out Li Changsheng, but she figured out that order.

[Heaven and earth fruit, longevity calamity, the sun, moon and stars will fall into evil. 】

Seeing this, Fate opened his mouth and said: "The heavenly secret must not be leaked."

"The way of heaven has not been condensed, so why can't the secrets of heaven not be leaked?"

Jiang Mei finally stopped sweeping the floor and looked up at her fate. A little golden light flashed in the dark and deep eyes, and the golden light seemed to contain heaven and earth.

She showed her breath for the first time, and it was also the first time since her reincarnation.

In the final analysis, divination is to communicate with the world, and it is an instinct for strong people of their level, and the strength of divination is determined according to the way they practice. Jiang Mei happened to go to the outer world, and later generations called it the method of harmony.

But just now the heaven and the earth have blinded the heaven, as if the heaven still exists.

But didn't the way of heaven dissipate? Why someone can manipulate the power of heaven and earth so naturally, it can be said that it is almost the same as the way of heaven.

How did the ancient Taoist gate do it?

"The heaven and the earth are like me, and I am like the heaven and the earth. They are all the same." Fate's body trembled slightly, as if saying these words was like carrying a mountain on his back.

The truth is as heavy as a mountain.


Jiang Mei's expression became more solemn, and even her breath had locked her fate. Once the opponent has any abnormal behavior or wants to escape, he will be imprisoned by the golden light of Zongdi.

She didn't want to get involved at first, but

Fate shook his head slightly and said, "I'm not qualified."

"Pan Taoist?"


Fate is silent, but silence is sometimes a kind of affirmation.

"How did Dao Zun do it? Acting on the way of heaven, if he had this ability, he wouldn't let you come to me. You seduced the Great Wu Sheng King before? And yesterday's revival of ghosts and gods, some kind of law that you mastered ?”

Jiang Mei reveals shocking secrets in every word, and many things in the world are not secrets to an existence of her level.

Anyone who manipulates the world will inevitably leave traces, and will inevitably produce cause and effect. It's like someone walking with a cloud to spread rain, and the impact of rain is all aspects.

Manipulating the world affects all strong people, they can perceive changes.

What's more, yesterday's move was really big, and he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

"I did not do the Great Wusheng King, maybe this is also a kind of destiny." Fate shook his head and replied.

So you are responsible for the revival of ghosts and gods?

Jiang Mei understands that many things can only be understood but not explained clearly

"Tell me, what do you want from me? I won't do anything to deal with Li Changsheng. As the saying goes, God will help those who are virtuous. I won't turn against him because of his virtue."

If it was such an easy-to-kill beast as Da Wu Sheng Wang, Jiang Mei might make a move. Because the other party may become the pusher of calamity and a tool for slaughtering all living beings.

In this way, there is a real threat to oneself, and it is only natural to eliminate hidden dangers. But Li Changsheng was obviously not. If he didn't mess with him, he wouldn't come looking for him either.

"Use your golden light to forge swords and kill immortals." Fate suddenly trembled, changed his respectful attitude and added: "This is also the cost of divination, and everything has a karmic price."

"By buying and selling, Dao Zun is really domineering."

Jiang Mei sighed, she should have kicked the other party out from the beginning, now it's karma.

But what you just learned is really worth it.

She took off a strand of blue silk, cut off the hair and turned it into gold, and handed over a bright golden hair to fate. Its weight is like a mountain, and its fate is almost uncertain.

"leave here."

Jiang Mei issued an order to evict the guest indifferently, and she did not want to continue to get involved in this matter. Even if the critique of the hexagrams is true, it is still a matter for the strong in the world.

Fate held the gold thread in both hands, bowed his hands slightly, and then his figure drifted away with the wind.

Jiang Mei put down the broom and returned to the wing room in the Taoist temple. When she closed the door, her face suddenly looked decades old.

How can a sword that can kill a Taoist, or even an enlightened person, be so simple.


On the border of China, barbed wire divides the desert into two parts.

A large group of refugees gathered outside the border checkpoint. Almost all of them escaped from the Western Regions.

Different from Shenzhou, the outside world is now ruled by various sects, and the mere means of manipulating the mind is difficult for mortals to resist. The cooperation between Shenzhou and Xiandao is a special case after all, and most reincarnated people disdain to be equal to ordinary people.

In their concept, mortals are nothing but slaves, and even eat blood.

For those who are accustomed to modern society, the rule of monks is undoubtedly a return to the old society. Those who can enter the sect are okay, they may not be the most powerful in the sect, but they definitely exceed 90% of the people.

It can even be said that he has reached the sky in one step, and can decide the life and death of a mortal at will.

But after all, there are only a small number of those who are talented in cultivation, and most ordinary people are deprived of their rights as human beings. It would be fine if it was an area that was either poor and backward, or war-torn all the year round, like the Black Crowd State and the Middle Ancient State.

Except for some extreme sects, the practice sects at least take care of ordinary people's food problems. If conditions permit, they will never allow such things as famine to occur, and modern food is completely sufficient.

In the past, the world's food giants who dared to give them eye drops were looking for death, and capital had to bow its head in front of the strongman class.

They don't solve the food problem, Almighty will solve them.

The Western Regions obviously do not belong to this category. As a modern society, falling into the hands of the Zongmen is the most unacceptable.

As a result, a large group of people wandered at the China border port every day, but very few people were able to enter the country legally. Even if they managed to smuggle in, they would be expelled soon due to their conspicuous skin color and appearance.

Shenzhou has never had a good word for refugees from outside. What's more, in today's turbulent world, how could it be possible to introduce foreign nations to add to their obstacles.

At that time, it is really easy to ask God to send God, and the people of China are generally soft-hearted. They would not sympathize with refugees, but it would be hard to say if they were real people.

There are, of course, exceptions to true skills.

The heavily armed soldiers stood upright like a spear, indifferent to tens of thousands of refugees. If someone dares to cross the yellow line, they will warn with the first shot, and kill them without hesitation in the second shot.

Today there is no international public opinion, only Chinese social influence.

Foreigners have no public opinion influence, especially in Qin.

Suddenly, an old man in ragged clothes and disheveled hair came out from the crowd. He walked straight to the checkpoint and crossed the yellow line without the slightest hesitation.


A gunshot rang through the sky, and at the same time, a gun was already aimed at the old man.

"First warning, stop."

Yang Cang continued to take a step forward, but just as he was about to speak, a bullet flew away. And he subconsciously resorted to the body protection method, and the bullet was squashed in mid-air with a bang.

Seeing this, Qin Bing immediately understood that the other party was a monk, and quickly pressed the alarm.

Accompanied by a sharp siren, the monk troops stationed here responded immediately, and iron blocks weighing hundreds of tons took off one by one in the inner circle of the border.

Hitting Yang Cang directly, its strength is comparable to a blow from a golden core, and the consumption is only a few spirit stones.

This is the latest equipment that the Shenzhou government uses to deal with monks, pieces of iron foundation-building artifacts. It is useless against powerful monks, but it is a great killer against local monks.

The alloy iron block, which can keep up with the mobility of the monk, weighs hundreds of tons, and it takes some effort to resist it, even if it is a golden core, just relying on kinetic energy. The local monks basically have no solution to these big killers, and they can hit every shot.

The only problem is that it is easy to become a demolition machine when used in a city, and it is easy to maximize the loss.

Yang Cang raised his hand slightly, and all the iron blocks were easily lifted, and hundreds of tons of alloys were as light as cotton in his hands.

The Taoist secret method moves mountains to catch up with the moon.

"I want to see you..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge formation was unfolded, and chains rose from the ground to imprison Yang Cang.

When did the Shenzhou government become so powerful? It's another formation, and another magic weapon.

Yang Cang was a little surprised in his heart, and then he raised his hand and waved Liucai's divine light to penetrate the formation.

A formation that cost more than one billion yuan just disappeared, only holding him back for more than ten seconds.

And more than ten seconds were enough for the Jindan monks in the Qin army to react, the formation dissipated, and figures stood in the sky above the eyes.

A total of 5 Golden Core monks.

There were other monks on the ground who formed an army formation and came, and a tiger-shaped phantom condensed in the void.

There are also various modern cutting-edge weapons in the rest.

Surrounded again.

Yang Cang pinched his fingers and calculated that it was another catastrophe. He hadn't returned to Shenzhou for several years, and the government here is so powerful, even worse than it was back then.

But he is fearless, since the immortal has been reincarnated, he is fearless!

The master once said that the only people who can shelter from wind and rain in the world are immortals, and it is right to call immortals when you are in danger.

As for the consequences? He was loyal to five generations of Tianji Pavilion, five generations of pavilion masters in succession. The second question is the method of breakthrough.

It was the fifth time for Yang Cang. Before he died, he asked Taiyin Xingjun about the method of breaking through and the method of prolonging his life. He surpassed his predecessors in divination, so he asked twice.

To put it bluntly, clinging to the strong is the way to survive in Tianji Pavilion, and in the age of immortality, it must be clinging to immortals. The strength of the opponent is the best in the world, and at the same time, the life span is long, so selling favors is the most valuable.

He Tianji Pavilion has been loyal for generations, so what's wrong with being a little arrogant?

Yang Cang opened his voice and said, "I am a descendant of a fairy, who dares to hurt me! Quickly call your township class, the old man has a big matter to find a fairy, whoever will be responsible if you delay!"

The voice swayed in all directions, and Qin Jun, who was still murderous, turned off his fire all at once.

The golden elixirs in the sky looked at each other in blank dismay, communicated continuously through sound transmission, and finally decided to report to the flying general first.

After all, it involves immortals, so be careful.

Soon one of the golden elixirs landed, offering his hands and saluting: "Senior, the flying general invites you."


Yang Cang frowned slightly when he heard this word. He remembered that Flying General was just a monk of Nascent Soul Dao.

But he asked for help, he suppressed his inner dissatisfaction and nodded slightly.

Two hours later, a special plane made an emergency landing in Xianyang.

Yang Cang came to the official temple office building and was taken to an office door.

He opened the door and entered, only to see a woman sitting at a desk.

She has shoulder-length short hair, wears a black military uniform, has sharp and majestic features, and her jet-black eyes are deep and ethereal.

The most eye-catching thing is her imposing manner, Ziwei star shines brightly, majestic and majestic all over the world.

This person is not simple.

Yang Cang put away the contempt in his heart, but he couldn't be weak in momentum.

"The old Taoist is a descendant of the immortal, and now I have something important to report to the immortal, and I ask fellow Taoists to help find one or two."

The woman didn't answer, but still immersed herself in signing the document.

Yang Cang frowned slightly and said, "Fellow Daoist, this matter is no small matter, if it delays, you cannot afford it."

"If fellow daoist doesn't want to help, that's fine."

Yang Cang waved his sleeves and left, he just turned around and took a step before he was frozen in place, a sense of majesty came from behind him.

Nascent Soul cultivation base.

He only has a foundation building now, so he is definitely not an opponent. But Yang Cang was not only not afraid, but he couldn't help laughing inside.

Turning his head and scolding: "Bold! I am a descendant of a fairy, how dare you hurt me!"

Wei Xi put down the pen in his hand, put his hands flat on the table, raised his eyes slightly and finally looked at Yang Cang.

The voice was elegant and majestic, and there was a hint of teasing in it, and said: "I am the wife of a fairy, can I hurt you?"

Yang Cang froze for a moment, then opened his mouth slightly and said, "Ah?"

There are thousands of thoughts in my mind, my fingers are constantly counting, and the sweat on my forehead is constantly falling.

My Grandfather, seems to be the wife of a fairy, isn't the wife of a fairy Xingjun?

He knelt down slowly, bowed his hands solemnly and said: "Junior Xiao Yang, pay my respects to Madam."

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