The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down

Chapter 388 Li Yi Ya Dao Zun, Feng Wa

Town God's Temple.

Due to the city god's renovation project announced by the government recently, all the town god's temples in China have been completely closed recently.

However, since the company staff with live ammunition was in charge of the blockade, there were divergent opinions on the Internet for a while. Some people said that there was a conflict between the government and the city god, and there were also extreme anti-religious people who simply labeled the city god as an evil god.

Negative news about the City God keeps coming one after another, as if the City God system, which seldom directly interferes with Yangjian, has committed a huge crime.

Across the screen on the Internet, people can unscrupulously release their malice.

City Gods were praised by the whole society before, and there will always be people who don't like them. Once the wind fell, all kinds of ghosts and snakes appeared in the public opinion.

The Internet is collectively referred to as rhythm, infinitely amplifying the voices of a small number of people.

Fortunately, the government quickly suppressed public opinion and turned to focus on more important preparations.

With golden auspicious clouds, Qingxuan stepped through the Yimen Gate and entered the Incense Cave.

Many city gods including Su Guang had been waiting for a long time, and they all bowed their hands in salute, saying: "I have seen Taoist Master Qingxuan."

Although the underworld doesn't care about the affairs of the yang, the respect for the top powerhouse is the same. Because top powerhouses can freely travel between Yin and Yang worlds, they can directly cause harm to Yin God.

Not to mention the relationship between Qingxuan Daoist and Immortal, strictly speaking, both sides eat the same bowl of rice.

It's just that due to the restrictions of the Yin Division's rules, there was not much communication.

"Thank you, everyone."

Qing Xuan also cupped his hands in return, but he didn't bend down.

"The matter of incense is very important, as long as this catastrophe is over. Shenzhou promises that you will help Chenghuang Temple rebuild the incense cave in the future, and let go of many restrictions on preaching."

To rebuild the incense cave and release the restrictions on the spread of incense, this is the benefit of the government's promise to the city god.

Even if the brothers have to settle accounts clearly, not to mention that they are not related, even Li Yilai has to come up with some compensation. After all, taking away the incense is equivalent to drawing a salary from the bottom of the pot, and it will kill people. If there is no compensation, all the city gods will be half disabled.

"Thank you, Daoist Qingxuan."

Su Guang and other city gods looked at each other, and then unanimously used their methods. The whole cave was shaken in an instant, and the ground was cracked one by one.

The incense that almost turned into substance spewed out, just like the eruption of earth fire.

Just the thought emanating from the incense made Qingxuan's brows twitch, he raised his mind slightly, and strengthened the Lingtai to prevent it from being polluted.

Incense is poisonous, and it cannot be used by non-yin divisions and Yin gods.

The golden auspicious cloud suddenly swelled, and the front end opened a huge mouth, and inhaled the gushing incense, without a trace of it flowing out.

It was like a sponge, no matter how much incense there was, it could absorb it all, the only cost was the superficial swelling of the body.

Everyone was stunned to see it.


The golden auspicious cloud hiccupped, and then his body shrank rapidly, lying on Qingxuan's head like a golden exploding head.

Qingxuan took out his mobile phone to take a picture, and reported the work progress to Li Yi on a daily basis.

Although Xianchang himself doesn't want to take care of the affairs here, he still has to report what should be reported, maybe it will be useful.


The cave vibrated slightly, and the surrounding space shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. Without the support of incense, it is difficult to maintain even with the law of Yin.

Everyone left the cave one after another, and when they came outside, the Yimen had disappeared.

Only the God of the City God is left with some aura, which can be regarded as leaving a seed.

"Daoist Qingxuan, let's say goodbye first, and go back to put the ghosts and city gods of the Town God's Temple here."

The city gods left with the sleeping city god and a small number of errands.

Just as Qingxuan walked out of the Town God's Temple, he looked up to the southeast, and there was some unusual aura coming from a distance, someone was fighting.

A company cadre walked over quickly and said, "Master Qingxuan, an enemy has appeared in Hua'an City, Jinzhou, and the Yin God of the fifth hall."

"Finally can't hide it?"

Qingxuan smiled slightly, only to see him raise his hand and wave, hundreds of miles of dark clouds drifted towards the distance, and the soft moonlight fell on the earth.

That is not a dark cloud, but a million talismans.


Hua'an City, Jinzhou.

The sky was flickering brightly and darkly, and from time to time someone could see the golden Buddha's palm in the clouds, which attracted countless people to look up.

Or discuss, or take pictures, or fear, or excitement.


The violent impact sounded again, Du Shi was knocked into the air for more than ten miles before he managed to stabilize his figure.

"Amitabha, the donor has the appearance of a vajra, and he can catch the thunder of the poor monk."

Dushi looked at the man surrounded by thousands of ghosts in the distance and exclaimed. Each of the Yinshen of Huangquan is an extremely powerful opponent.

Maybe I didn't comprehend the true meaning of Buddhism some time ago, and I couldn't beat the opponent.

It's June 4th now.

There is no other reason, these Yin gods cannot defend against Xianlei.

Du Shi played very hard, no matter how the opponent defends, there will always be a force that cannot be resisted, and this force is Lei Fa.

King Min Kui, the yin god of the fifth hall, had a gloomy face, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"You are not bad. It seems that there is another great Buddha in the Buddhist sect. It's a pity that you will die here today."

"Donor, why don't we sit down and talk?"

Du Shi said kindly, but the Red Buddha behind him had already drawn the divine thunder bow, and an indescribable sense of crisis enveloped King Min Kui.

The monk's own cultivation was not too exaggerated, and his morals were even much worse than his own, but only the thunder made him tremble with fear.

"What is there to talk about? There is no right or wrong in the hatred of obstructing the way. You will live and die."

King Min Kui waved his hand, and the ghosts of the ninth generation circled around him, as if a boundless purgatory spread.

This is his only reliance against Lei Fa, and it is also his natal supernatural power. The ghosts formed by one's own nine-life reincarnation practice correspond to nine different sufferings.

It coincides with the way of reincarnation, and borrows the three parts of heaven and earth for good fortune.

Everything in the law of the underworld is built around reincarnation. In today's era when the river of forgetfulness runs through the world, their method is actually somewhat stronger than that in the ancient times.

Toshi was not stimulated by the other party's sword-drawing, and continued: "The Yellow Springs can be rebuilt, Shenzhou is willing to give you a legal status, and we will not interfere with the affairs of the underworld."

Hearing this, King Min Kui paused slightly, and asked, "Can King Ming Ling abdicate?"

"Of course not." Dushi refused without hesitation.

The position of King Ming Ling is equivalent to the ancient throne, not to mention whether it is due to relatives or reasons, even his own son may not give it to him.

Not to mention that this is something from the elders, they have no right to promise it. Even if the Immortal Elder himself may not care about it, he will never easily hand over such an important position to others.

It is better to give it to the inside of the City God, to the woman who has the luck of the City God, and to the people around him, than to Huang Quan.

Meat would rather rot in one's own pot, not to mention the other party's coercion with force.

If this is sent out, where will the face go?

"Since fellow daoists know what to talk about, why bother to mention it?"

"When the poor monks subdue you, you will naturally lower your standards, and there will be one less killing at that time."

Dushi grinned, and then whispered a word of Amitabha, with a compassionate expression on his face.

King Min Kui came up angrily.

The magical powers of both sides are ready to go.

The red Buddha shoots at the moon with its bow, and the ghost shadow covers the sky and the moon.

A ray of thunder pierced through the sky, and the ghosts moved around to dodge the thunder.

Boom boom boom!

The dark night was covered with layers of white light. Countless people looked up and saw thunder billowing, but they could not see the body of the real Buddha, nor the shadow of ghosts.

Du Shi and King Min Kui completely let go of their hands and feet, and their moves are all aimed at killing people, and at the same time they don't care about their own consumption and injuries.

In life and death, the comparison is the foundation and ruthlessness.

The former is the foundation, if the foundation is the same, it is often the latter that decides the outcome. Once one party is timid, the breath in the heart dissipates and there is no possibility of victory.

At this moment, a cloud of shadows enveloped the two of them.

An unparalleled sense of crisis welled up in his heart, and King Min Kui took a Folei forcefully without any hesitation, and moved crazily towards the periphery.

Tens of thousands of spiritual lights bloomed from one after another talisman in the void, blocking the airspace in all directions.

"Old bald donkey, are you stupid, killing someone for so long."

Qingxuan's voice came, accompanied by talismans all over the sky.

Dushi's face darkened, but he still cooperated with the opponent to pull the Shenlei bow again, and the arrow pierced through the bodies of all ghosts.

King Min Kui spat out a mouthful of blood, and then one of the ghosts surrounding the sky landed on his body and dissipated into the void, taking away fatal injuries.

Grasping the momentary gap, King Min Kui broke through the void.

Qingxuan seemed to have been prepared for this, and the outer talisman reappeared, this time it was not a blockade but a killing formation.

With the addition of divine fire all over the sky, King Min Kui was once again deposed as a ghost, his strength dropped to another level, and he tried his best to escape again.

This time, there is no third way to keep the opponent, and he can only let him break through the void and escape for thousands of miles.

Dushi wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Qingxuan.

"Don't chase after the poor, be careful of their ambush, we just need to clean up the incense step by step."

Great supernatural powers have always been the most difficult to kill, even if they are surrounded by many strong men of the same realm. As long as the opponent flees desperately, there is a high probability that they will escape, and their strength will also be greatly damaged.

Generally, they would not kill all strong men of the same realm, not because they didn't want to, but because it was too dangerous.

As long as you continue to weaken the opponent's strength, you will still be the one who wins. Of course, one situation cannot be ruled out. The remnants of the great supernatural power escaped and cultivated another great supernatural power.

This is one of the very few, and once it appears, it will be immortalized forever.

After all, young people like to watch this kind of adventure the most.

"Besides, they are the ones who should be anxious next."


Haojing, an old community.

Li Yi didn't go to play mahjong today, but sat at the desk in the bedroom, looking out the window.

Qiong Yu and Wei Xi stood behind, wondering how Li Yi would end up next.

Huang Quan's actions have become more frequent in recent days, which shows that Li Yi's plan has taken effect, and the effect is immediate, which is equivalent to defeating the opponent's general with a single move.

If you don't move, you're done. If you move, the world will be turned upside down.

Little stars have already appeared in Qiong Yu's eyes. Ever since she had the emotions and desires, she has devoted herself to being a world-clear spirit with great wisdom.

Strategizing and provoking the world order is her ideal state for the strong.

Senior Immortal must be planning some terrifying scheme.

Li Yi was in a daze.

What's for dinner tonight? Recently, I have gotten tired of eating sea fish, and the cheap seafood in the supermarket has not changed its variety.

Supermarket half-price coupons are about to expire.

Ding dong!

The phone rang, interrupting Li Yi's "unfathomable" thinking. It contained information from Qingxuan.

The first day of the Incense Recycling Program was yesterday.

King Min Kui appeared and was severely injured by Qingxuan and Dushi.

On the second day, there was incense theft in Jiuye plateau, and the local town god and temple incense disappeared.

On the third day, the Yin God of the Sixth Palace appeared, and was also surrounded by many immortal sects, and escaped with injuries.

Incense was stolen again.

On the fourth day, two Yin gods appeared together, seized half of the incense sticks in the Temple of the City God, and escaped with injuries.

On the fifth day, injured and escaped...

On the sixth day, the broken arm escaped...

Incense was stolen every day, but Huang Quan Yinshen's injuries continued to intensify, and his strength fell again and again.

They almost risked their lives to grab the incense.

And Shenzhou Xiandao is like a seasoned hunter, forcing the opponent to take the lead by boiling frogs in warm water, only seeking to injure but not kill each time.

Huangquan Yinshen knew the way, but he was helpless. It's impossible not to burn incense, and it's even more impossible to run desperately when you can run.

In this way, we can only compete who can't hold it first, and the current result is that Huang Quan can't hold it first.

Qingxuan deserves to have the experience of governing the world for thousands of years, and he is very good at controlling people's hearts.

The best strategy is not to use strategy. In many cases, it is not a conspiracy, but an open conspiracy to catch each other's pain points.

Conspiracies can be seen through, but plots cannot.

Li Yi was not very interested in these, he was just waiting for someone, someone he thought might be a chess player.


If Huang Quan Yinshen dies, will the other party jump out? If he doesn't jump out, then who is the one who is playing chess with him?

Is it Daozun, or Fengwa?

Li Yi adopts the simplest method of elimination, whoever jumps out is the one.

Suddenly there was a slight fluctuation between the heaven and the earth, and a ray of cause and effect fell into Li Yi's mind.

When a person shoots directly and is still under his own watchful eyes, no matter how confusing the opportunity is, it is useless.

Because I am not blind.


Li Yi cast his eyes thousands of miles away, and saw a majestic man wearing a black robe and a flat crown on his head.

At this time, the opponent was already in chaos, with countless Taoism flying across, a phoenix fell into 38 fairy gates, surrounded by hundreds of golden cores.

Among them, half of the Immortals were present, led by Dushi and Qingxuan.

There are still troops on the periphery, and dense missiles will fly from time to time. It may be difficult for modern technology to defeat the powerhouses who move and move, but it can be controlled by the powerhouses of the Immortal Dao.

Once the opponent is completely trapped, perhaps a big treasure will fall.

There are even more important weapons of the country ready to go.

Huang Quan is doomed, but their purpose may not be here.

Li Yi knew about blocking the way, and Qing Xuan also asked himself.

The reason why he didn't choose to give the underworld to Huang Quan was not because he was reluctant, but because these people were obviously not responsible for the city god, and they were full of wild and bandit spirit in the ancient times.

It's not relative, why should I give it to them?

In Li Yi's place, the children who cry may have food, and the children who make trouble can only be slapped.

It's just that it is obviously a game that must die, but he has to jump out. He doesn't think that a sentence of doom will make everyone lose their minds.


Li Yi was a little puzzled.

He thought of a possibility and wanted to use reincarnation to kill himself. Looking at the law of reincarnation, it seems that no one in Shenzhou can really take over the position of King Mingling.

They calculated that I would not enter the underworld.

Li Yi slightly stunned

He is not a wise man, but he is not a fool either. With 5,000 years of experience and background, as long as there is enough information, many things can't be hidden from him.

At this time, another ray of breath came from afar.

Seeing that Yuan made a move, Li Yi raised his hand and pushed the golden elixir of immortality horizontally, and covered Qingxuan Dushi with his hands, and the heavy weapon of the country came across the sky and was knocked back with a punch.

The power of the top saint king already has his own three-point demeanor.

Li Yi raised his fingertips slightly, and stopped suddenly just as he was about to make a move.

Yuan is not a chess player, he is not qualified to play yet.

Li Yi is so sure that the other party is deeply involved in the general trend of the world. Since it wasn't him, only Dao Zun and Feng Wa remained.

Or both.

So where are the two hiding?

Li Yi didn't make a move, and quietly watched the battle in the distance. As long as no one died, there was no need to make a move.

From the beginning to the end, Yuan seemed to know that there was a terrifying existence watching here, and he did not kill him.

But he is also being consumed constantly, and he who has not recovered from his heyday can't consume the entire Shenzhou Immortal Dao.

Finally someone couldn't stand it anymore.

"Yuan Sheng Wang, I wish you a helping hand."

Fate showed his figure, and he was standing outside the formation, raised his hand a little, and the general trend of the world was reversed, and Zhou Tian's gossip distorted and collapsed.

The formation that operated according to the rules of heaven and earth collapsed, and the country's most important weapon seemed to be seriously disturbed, making it difficult to drive.

Li Yi's eyes brightened slightly, and then the universe was filled with greatness in his eyes, and he looked down at the world again.

The two are not living beings, but the laws of heaven and earth, so naturally they will not be noticed by themselves.

In this game of chess, the unnatural self is the disadvantaged side.

Can manpower beat heaven?

Obviously he can't, he hasn't reached this level yet, and he can't completely detach himself from heaven and earth.

"But I am also a part of the world, not much, enough to overwhelm you."

Li Yi raised his hand again, his fingertips seemed to be condensed with white particles, and they fell gently as heavy as a mountain.


Thousands of miles away, the general trend of heaven and earth, the gossip of heaven and earth, all belong to one.

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