On the other side, the three forces of the company, the government, and Xianmen are still in chaos.

Qing Xuan was also in a dazed state, he raised his head and looked outside.

The thunder disappeared, and the sky outside was clear.

This time it was completely over, and the monks above the Nascent Soul Taoism no longer felt the dullness and panic before.

Qingxuan understands that this matter is over, as long as the government doesn't continue to anger the elder, no one will be hacked to death again.

Based on his understanding of the fairy elder, the other party can definitely be regarded as gentle, but he is definitely not a good old man or a saint. It's fine if you don't make a move, once you make a move, you will wipe out all directions and kill all opponents.

The head of the fairy has a mantra called cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots, and eradicating all evil.

But Xianchang is not going to continue to kill people, it doesn't mean that the matter is really over. So far, he still hasn't figured out what caused the fairy to do it.

And it's still against the company's people.

Qingxuan glanced across the empty seats, the piles of fly ash were shocking, and the remaining three people were already dizzy.

Everyone else is dead, why are there only three of them left?

Hou Xiugu, Qin Lang, Ximen Ling.

All three are the spokespersons of a certain sect.

Information about the three of them immediately appeared in Qingxuan's mind, including their age, background, and faction.

The company is nominally managed by the town and state level, but due to Qingxuan's intentional or unintentional decentralization of power, Zhoudi Company is actually a place for all parties to share the cake. Sharing the cake means having common interests, and indirectly promotes the cooperation between Xianmen and the government, and eases conflicts.

It is unreasonable for Dazhou Chaofan to have the lightest conflict, and most of the credit should be attributed to Qingxuan.

The corporate system he created is still alive today.

Qingxuan is not good at playing power, but he understands people's hearts.

He frowned slightly, combining the identities and backgrounds of the three, he quickly distinguished some differences.

"The people who died were all from the government, but the people from the Xianmen didn't die. But the identity must not be the main reason. The immortal head never distinguishes others by identity, even the demon."

Constantly digging deep into recent memories, Qingxuan seemed to have grasped the key to the problem soon, and he recalled one thing.

The Master of Tongyou put forward two requirements in the cooperation with the government. First, the favor of Huangquan cannot be used to change the life span, and second, the punishment for those who create ghosts will be increased.

The former is ugly. He doesn't understand the specific operating logic of Huangquan, but it is not difficult to judge from the Yin Division that this group of Yin gods attaches great importance to life and death.

The latter is intriguing.

Qingxuan didn't delve into it. After all, he was not responsible for this matter, and he also needs to practice on weekdays. I came out a few days ago to sneak in from my busy schedule to take a look.

Looking back now, he has a high probability of guessing something. The Lord of Tongyou should not care about the killing of ghosts, or who created the ghosts.

He is neither a human race, nor does he have the so-called great compassion.

There is a high probability that this request was made by the immortal head, and the government is obviously aware of this, and happily asked Ting Wei to make a law.

Everyone is a smart person, and the fairy head's requirements are simple and clear, so why is there still a problem?

Habits, people's habits are difficult to change!

A flash of inspiration flashed in Qingxuan's mind, and the whole picture of the matter has not been clarified yet, but there are a few possible reasons for it.

Someone fooled the fairy.

Why do you have to be fooled, because they are used to this, commonly known as kicking the ball and opening the back door.

At this time, hurried footsteps came from outside, and a large group of fully armed monks ran in.

Seeing the scene inside, everyone stopped breathing.

The young Taoist priest with a handsome face was standing next to the main seat. There were only three fainted directors left at the conference table that should have been full, and it was self-evident what the black ash on the remaining seats was.

Qingxuan said: "Call all the people who manage the files, and immediately investigate all the files related to Li Gui. And contact the government, the company needs to exercise special arrest power."

The right to arrest is also called the community to send warmth to the door.

There is no need for any procedures and approvals, and company operators have the right to ask anyone to assist in the investigation, or even kill them if necessary.

This is a kind of privilege produced in a special period. The situation in those days was different from that of the present, when all kinds of ghosts and snakes appeared. Sometimes the target is not limited to one person, and the means of seizing the house and changing the skin and so on accidentally make people run away.

It is still reserved today, but the company basically does not use it.

Now Qingxuan feels it is necessary, one is to find out the reason, and the other is to make up for it.

"In my name, call back all those Jindan real people who have run away, and let them supervise the scene without any neglect. If there is one missing case report, all the responsible persons will be arrested."


The officers of the company came back to their senses, and their extremely strong qualities allowed them to respond quickly to orders even in their stunned mental state.

Soon companies around the world also received orders to open the archives one after another, and countless cases about Li Gui were uncovered.

Among them, it was naturally hindered by local forces. The Chaofan case was kept by all parties, and the restart of the investigation would require a retrial. If there is no nod from the top and no nod from the local government, the company will be unable to support itself.

But when Daoist Jindan rushed back, he waved away all the people who were in the way, kicked open the room where the files were stored, and led people in directly.

Conflict is inevitable, but without the military involved, the corporate fist is the biggest.

For a moment, it could be said that the dark tide was raging, and no one dared to act rashly. They could only watch the company's actions.

The target who was originally pressured by various forces suddenly turned around and put pressure on others.

Because the current company is commanded by the state-level government, Individual Weili showed his frighteningness at this moment. Sometimes a certain person's team can't change anything, it depends on the forces behind him and the people who support him.

But at the national level, it is better than all forces.

At this moment, various forces contacted their spokespersons to find out more information through them, but after such a contact, they found that they were all dead.

Only Xianmen and Shangqing Palace are left in the company.

Invisibly, the suspicion and panic have been intensified, so it is natural that someone suggested to act first.

The last time this happened was in the land of Qin, where the foreign army of Qin fell into the hands of the flying generals. The temple lost its ability to control it, and under suspicion, the two sides directly faced each other with swords.

There is no reason to talk about the power struggle, whoever has the most power is the reason.

But this time Zhou Miaotang calmed down, because their long-term cooperation with Xianmen had established a foundation of trust, and because Da Zhou was more calm.

Because Prime Minister Pan Jun asked: Do you want to die? Don't pull me if you want to die, I will retire in 5 years!

When Miaotang heard that the company was struck by lightning, he was confused and panicked. When I heard that the township-level command company exercised its privileges, it was suspicion and fear.

When I heard radicals say that they have to act aggressively, it is a kind of fear that cannot be added, as if someone is pushing himself to the edge of a cliff.

You are looking for death, don't splash me with blood.

Prime Minister Pan Jun frowned, looked at everyone present with a frowning expression, and said, "Now that the company's board of directors has been killed, there are only three people left. Tell us what bad things you have done as soon as possible."

"I don't want there to be only three people left here tomorrow."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

What bad things can they do?

It is true that the powerful are harmful to others, and the destructive power of powerful people doing bad things is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. But if they can sit in this position, they are already the most powerful among the powerful.

Their position is not worth comparing with ordinary people, nor can they get in touch with ordinary people. At the same time, their respective tutors are relatively strict, and no one wants to raise their children into idiots.

Those who dance very well in society are generally classified as unable to rise or fall.

The real rich and powerful do not enter the public eye at all.

Just like those so-called richest people, state-owned enterprises such as tobacco, alcohol, food, oil and gas companies, if any boss comes out, his wealth far exceeds that of most rich people on the market.

Minister of War Yang Lichuan said: "Prime Minister, I don't think we are at fault."

"How to be sure?"

"If it were us, we wouldn't be sitting here now. I often come into contact with the great power of cultivation. For the top monks, the magic weapon for body protection on us is actually useless, let alone facing the living immortals."

Yang Lichuan's answer was approved by most people.

Prime Minister Pan Jundao: "It's not that we have a problem, it's that the people below have a problem. Send someone to investigate immediately, and the truth must be found within 24 hours."

Less than half an hour after the company started the investigation, the government also used its own means to conduct the investigation.

In less than an hour, both of them found the reason by coincidence. The investigation had just begun, and experienced personnel from both sides locked the company headquarters.

Only the board of directors and the headquarters are dead.

After another half an hour, the investigation progressed rapidly, and the company had found a report submitted by an operator named Zhu Yunwei.

The government retrieved the communication records and found that Zhao Si and Li Yi had communicated for more than ten minutes, and after that, the thunder began to fall.

It's a pity that considering the privacy of the immortal, the communication between the two only recorded the time and object like ordinary people.

But the government successfully locked Zhu Yunwei and invited him over.

After understanding the whole story, everyone was silent.

This series of things is just because of an ordinary woman, an uneducated second generation.

As for?

Just for this big fight, he killed 9 directors of the company, each of whom was a big man worthy of the name.

If you think it is not handled well, we can do it again.

Many ministers are full of doubts and grievances. They are really people sitting at home and coming from the sky.

This time, the ghost incident happened just before and after the law came out, and the other party had relatives who were in important positions, so it could be fooled by just a few tricks. It's not the first time, and it won't be the last time that you don't even need to sit in jail if you don't pay for your life.

They can't stop this kind of thing, it's human nature.

Prime Minister Pan Jun did not complain like others, but began to think about how to make up for it.

This matter is ultimately their fault.

The emergence of ghosts is inseparable from human nature, and every ghost has a bloody murder case. Excluding some special terrain factors, a person has to experience great pain and hatred before becoming a ghost.

Therefore, severely punishing those who create ghosts has legal effect, which is called bad nature and serious social impact in the law.

This so-called new law is just a direct qualitative.

Too simple requirements make everyone take it lightly.

It was night, when Miaotang and Qingxuan met, both of them seemed a little silent.

Prime Minister Pan Jun asked: "Master Qingxuan, what should we do next?"

"Everything is business as usual." Qingxuan replied, "Don't think so much. You are still alive, which means that the Immortal Elder doesn't blame you. The Immortal Elder has lived for thousands of years, and he has seen too many people and things."

"The Immortal Master understands the limitations of the government and understands your difficulties."

Those present were negligent, but not guilty of death. They don't know about it, and they don't have the energy to control the life and death of an ordinary person, unless there is a big commotion.

Those company directors are not helpless, let alone out of control. Things happened right under their noses, but in the end it turned out to be mutually beneficial and opened the back door.

As long as one of them nods, the case will not turn out like this. But the fact is that they fooled the immortals in an almost provocative way.

It didn't take long for the murderer to run out and continue racing, while those who upheld justice were transferred from their posts.

Qingxuan also really admired their courage.

After this reassurance, everyone was relieved.

Someone said: "The immortal is magnanimous, we will never let this kind of thing happen again in the future."

"That's right, learning the lesson from this time, anti-corruption against ink is imperative."

"Our control over the middle and lower classes is too low, and it is not advisable to do things with human feelings. It is harmful to the development of the region, harmful to the people, and even more harmful to society."

Many ministers in the temple expressed their opinions one after another, as if they had reformed their mistakes and would definitely serve the people wholeheartedly in the future.

There will indeed be a severe crackdown for a long time to come, but it is not known how many truths there will be.

At least their management ability is recognized by Qingxuan, and it is really rare to be able to manage such a huge society in an orderly manner.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

Qingxuan changed his voice, and put a special bag on the table, which contained an innate elixir.

"This is compensation for the spirit stones spent by the government recently. More than 5 million spirit stones, according to the market price, are an innate elixir."

Prime Minister Pan Jun's heart skipped a beat, feeling bad.

He asked: "Daoist Qingxuan, the government of this project is an investment, and the losses in it will naturally be borne by us."

"You don't need to bear it, because the fairy said that the topography of the sky does not need the government. Please pay more attention next time, if there is a next time."

Qing Xuan left behind the elixir and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only the silent people were left, these big figures who controlled a region had sullen faces, and their fists under the table were clenched and clenched.

The topography of the sky is not a pure sponsorship, once they become one, they will also have a share.

But now it is destroyed by the group of insects below! A large array of heaven and earth is gone!

They have the heart to kill!

After a long time, Prime Minister Pan Jun let out a breath slowly, with a hint of hoarseness in his voice.

"Humanistic society, then their family should all ascend to heaven, right?"

No one answered, and the lights in the conference room dimmed.

The next day, Yu's family was sealed off, and dozens of members of the family were all arrested.

In the end, only a few incapable children and a married woman came out of the detention center.

That night, a fire broke out in the detention center, the firefighting equipment failed, and the fire truck broke down on the road. Thirty members of the Yu family died in the fire.

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