As night fell, Yunjian City was in a mess, countless houses collapsed, and then turned into clouds and mist.

This city is false, it is just a phantom cast by Kunpeng in the sea of ​​clouds, and it will be reset every once in a while.

Lu Haochu leaned against the wall and set up a protective circle around it, where hundreds of people rested. And he also suffered a lot of injuries, his right hand was bandaged, and a deep gash was cut on his face.

A tank not far away has long been scrapped.

Pei Ding, who was beside Lu Haochu, complained: "I throw a few tanks up every year, but it doesn't seem to have much effect. It's better to send more magic weapons."

Tanks, the king of land warfare, barely lasted an hour on the battlefield in Yunjian City before they were completely scrapped. The enemy does not need to face the tank hard, just cut off the track, and the tank will become a target.

Although theoretically a single armor-piercing projectile from a tank can seriously injure or even kill a monk (unprotected) at the Jindan stage, it is impossible for the enemy to stand still. There is a huge gap between theory and actual combat. In theory, tanks can kill Jindan, but in actual combat, Jindan can kill tanks like a bag.

Lu Haochu said: "The magic weapon is much more expensive than the tank. Once the production line of the tank is opened, dozens or even hundreds of them can be produced in a short period of time. But the magic weapon needs a refiner, and it contains spiritual materials and spiritual energy. These things are very precious. .”

He turned his head and glanced at the scrapped tank wreckage.

"But waste is really waste. I don't know that the year of the monkey will be able to research the rumored weapon against monks."

Many modern weapons are not suitable for combat against monks. Experts have long proposed to develop new weapons, but until now there has been no sound.

Lu Haochu was not very hopeful about this, not because he was overly superstitious about supernatural power or looked down on science and technology. It's just that the positioning of the two parties is different, and their respective development directions are also different.

Any weapon has its target, and many methods of monks are aimed at their peers. They have been researched for tens of thousands of years, but technology has only been developed for a few years.

Pei Ding suddenly said: "Brother, there are still two hours until the secret realm will be opened, so you should be careful later."

"What? Did you know how to respect the elderly today?" Lu Haochu glanced at him, the two just had different personalities, not enmity.

Pei Ding said: "This year's Yunguo is unusual, and for some reason, those monsters came in earlier than us. This made the interception forces in previous years unable to play any role at all, and the monsters just didn't stop them."

In previous years, all parts of China would try their best to intercept non-Shenzhou forces from landing on Yundao, and they would shoot down several planes of other forces every year.

"Can the Zhenguo level move?" Lu Haochu asked, and the answer he got was no.

"I can't move, you know, every time this period comes, those rats will pop up everywhere."

"..." Lu Haochu lit a cigarette, closed his eyes and meditated.

A beam of light fell from the sky, and countless people cast their gazes immediately. It was greed, fear, longing, eyes mixed with countless thoughts.

Yunguo Secret Realm opened.

Lu Haochu struggled to his feet, and followed the large army towards the beam of light. Although one of his hands was broken, it did not affect his ability to cast spells.

The battle along the road became more intense, the sky was uncertain, and countless Taoist techniques continued to explode with brilliant brilliance.

Dozens of monks from all over the government formed a variety of formations, relying on ample supply of spiritual energy to compete with the devil. They seem to have returned to hundreds of years ago, forming a tight military formation, advancing towards the beam of light step by step.

The surrounding demons didn't pay much attention to them, but turned into streamers of light, directly entered the beam of light, and disappeared.

Passing through the beam of light, the scene suddenly changed, and they came to a vast plain. A huge tree with a height of more than 100 meters stood in the center like a small building, with white fruits hanging on it.

There was a deadly cloud all around, making everyone afraid to go forward.

Cultivator groups from all over the world, an unknown devil, and hundreds of people surrounded the giant tree, staring at the fruits.

Suddenly one of the fruits fell to the ground, turned into a streamer and flew out of the clouds, right next to Lu Haochu's group.

The moon is the first to be near the water tower, Pei Ding jumped high and put the fruit in his arms.


With a deafening sound, a huge flame engulfed Pei Ding. Lu Haochu threw away all the trump cards on his body, and several talismans that he had spent so much effort turned into flying ashes, only then was he able to rescue Pei Ding.

"Brother, the task is completed..."

Pei Ding was already severely burned at this time, and his handsome face was bloody and bloody. All the magic weapons on his body were broken, his clothes and skin were fused together, even so, his hands still firmly protected the milky white cloud fruit.

"All retreat! Call for reinforcements. The third team has obtained Yunguo and needs coordinated defense."

Lu Haochu's team retreated, and the nearest group of monks rushed over and entered the magic circle to build a tighter defense. Some groups with poor positions no longer competed, but turned their heads to guard the existing Yunguo.

At this time, another cloud fruit flew out, causing the enemies who originally attacked them to divert their attention.

Lu Haochu was on the edge of the secret realm, watching the crazy battlefield.

Someone was very lucky and picked up a cloud fruit, and was crushed into powder by various Taoist methods that fell from the sky in the next second.

There are also some people who are very strong, holding Yunguo to fight against many people, so that people around them will be afraid.

However, more people couldn't last a few breaths after getting Yunguo, and either killed their souls on the spot and fled, or let Yunguo wait for the opportunity.

Deaths are rare, and backstabs happen from time to time.

He Yu, the ghost-faced girl, and the thousand-corpse old devil waited and watched from the edge, even if Yun Guo passed over their heads, they didn't move at all.

"The heavenly fruit bestowed by the immortals is intended to inspire those who are ambitious, but I didn't expect it to fall to such a point."

Hearing He Yu's words, the ghost-faced girl couldn't help laughing: "The immortal you mentioned is really kind, how can such a treasure be handed over to others, maybe there is some ulterior secret. Just now that Yun Guoyi also saw it, It almost made us fall."

"Old woman, be careful." He Yu's face showed a murderous look, and the phantom of the magic peng was looming on his body.

"Still angry." The ghost-faced girl took two steps back. She was injured not long ago, and there is a high probability that she won't be able to beat this little brat.

"I won't say anymore, okay."


The Thousand Corpse Old Demon stared at the tree in the center, the greed in his eyes couldn't be controlled at all.

"This tree... probably is the spiritual root of heaven and earth... It was born by the luck of heaven and earth, and it was a ginseng fruit tree last time. This is the chance that the Holy Mother said, it really is a great chance!"

The ghost-faced girl immediately said: "Master Qian, don't take it, the little one will definitely help out, just ask for a sip of soup."

"I can't take it. I can't afford such treasures." Thousand corpses old devil shook his head, "This world is just opening, there are too many treasures, I just ask for one. The spiritual root of heaven and earth in front of me belongs to Kunpeng. Great Saint."

The baby that can grow Yunguo has not been shot until now, not because everyone talks about martial arts, but because Yunhai Kunpeng is too strong. There are probably only a few people in the world who can compete with it.

The Sword Immortal might be able to, but unfortunately the opponent has the Heavenly Sword, so he would not expect anything else, let alone risk a conflict with Yunhai Kunpeng.

The third cloud fruit flew out, He Yu moved, turned into a magic peng, wrapped the cloud fruit and ran away.

"Dear friends, this Yunguo He has accepted it with a smile."

"He Fangxiao is young, you can take this thing!"

One person Yujian followed He Yu, and the river of sword energy enveloped him. The two fought together, and then someone joined in to attack He Yu.

"Little Maotou, I'll help you!"

The ghost girl also joined the battle.

The fourth cloud fruit flew out, and the Thousand Corpse Old Demon also moved. He got the upper hand by relying on his profound skills, but he also fell into a chaotic battle.

"It's crazy." Lu Haochu clenched his fists, his fear could not be suppressed no matter what.

Suddenly he saw the edge of the secret realm, a figure quietly appeared and walked past their group.

Because it was so sudden, all the team members including Lu Haochu were stunned, and they didn't confirm who came, and they couldn't confirm.

who is he? Obviously the secret realm has been closed, how did he get in?

Lu Haochu's eyes widened, and he finally saw the man's back clearly.

Male, less than 1.8 meters tall, thin, wearing a faded T-shirt and jeans, there is still some mud on his feet, and the red plastic bag in his hand is very conspicuous.

He walked across the battlefield like this, ignoring the corpses on the ground, ignoring the deadly Taoism above his head, and ignoring everyone walking towards the cloud fruit tree in the center step by step.

The pace of walking is like a car, and it is like a dragon playing in the water.

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