The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down

Chapter 91 Immortal and a Paperweight Bodhi (Part 1)

One month later, the ancient city of Tianzhu.

This ancient city with a strong historical atmosphere has ushered in the peak period of its tourism industry, receiving hundreds of thousands of tourists every day, causing the government to restrict the number of people entering and leaving.

More people crowded in the outskirts, and there were endless tents, which looked like an ancient marching camp.

People looked at the ancient city not far away, talking about what happened a month ago. In the eyes of many people, the image of the ancient city of Tianzhu a month ago caused the whole world to collapse, and the discussions surrounding the supernatural phenomenon sprung up like mushrooms. Among them, sleeping sickness, Boundless Fortune Star, the white light of the snow volcano in the Liuli area, etc., are brought up again recently, and even the blood-red thyroid virus many years ago has been dug out.

Once the government loosens control, in fact, many supernatural events that have caused a great impact cannot be hidden.

However, at present, the public is limited to seeking and discussing Chaofan. In reality, most people still eat and drink what they should eat.

Thanks to the efforts of countless company cadres, police, soldiers and other groups, Shenzhou remained calm as before. The normal social order has not been disrupted, and most people still live and work in peace and contentment.

The only different topics such as supernatural phenomena, transcendence, and cultivating immortals have become traffic passwords, and they have occupied the forefront of the list of major platforms for a long time since a month ago. Numerous media rushed to report, self-media bloggers went to the mountains to find immortals, and outdoor anchors entered the mountains and dense forests.

Seeking immortals has become the biggest topic.

This is expected. Cultivating immortals has been the romance of Chinese people since ancient times. From the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period to modern times, there are countless princes and generals trying to achieve immortality through cultivating immortals, let alone the modern age with abundant material.

The biggest beneficiaries of this turmoil are naturally the scenic spots with legends of immortals, Buddhist holy places, Taoist temples and other places. There have been an endless stream of pilgrims these days. In some places, the ashes of the large incense burners have piled up into mountains, and they can make a lot of money just by selling incense every day.

I don't know how many rich people rushed to give them money. Some of the famous temples and Taoist temples took the opportunity to go public, and they played very well in the financial market. In this way, we can get a glimpse of people's enthusiasm for the extraordinary, and it is understandable that so many people gather in the ancient city.

Maybe this is just the first batch, and there will only be more and more people coming here in the future.

And Dalei Yinshu has also become popular all over the country, and has been sought after and interpreted by countless people. The inheritance of exercises in it even replaced Tai Chi and square dancing, and has become a popular magical technique in major squares.

In the closed area of ​​the ancient city, the armed police with live ammunition and company officials surrounded the ancient temple for ten miles to prevent anyone from crossing the cordon and disturbing Master Dushi.

Zhang Chaowen, the action team leader of the Florida company, was sitting in a tent stationed in the middle of the road. Looking up through the door, he could see the ancient temple several kilometers away. The ashtray on the table was already full of cigarette butts.

"Has no one come out yet?"

He didn't know how many times he asked this question, and a whole month passed, and the matter still hasn't been resolved. Although so far no stranger has become a puppet of Buddhism, but the time has dragged on for too long, and a strong uneasiness welled up in my heart.

At the same time, his superiors kept urging him, asking if the matter had been resolved.

Fortunately, the government has already planned to initially open Chaofan, and the company does not need to allocate extra energy to cover up the facts. If it was in the past, he might have to wear a chemical protective suit and perform a poison gas leak or nuclear radiation.

The operator in charge of close observation replied to him through the headset: "Report, it hasn't come out yet, the master is still sitting in the temple."

"..." Zhang Chaowen clenched his teeth slightly, trying to scold something, but finally swallowed it back.

It's useless for him to be angry at this time, and it's even more impossible to blame Master Du Shi. It's just that after such a stalemate for so long, everyone's spirits are tense, and it's inevitable that they will lose control of their emotions.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a Buddha's palm was slapped in the ancient temple, causing the two temples near him to collapse and dust everywhere.

The scene was chaotic for a while, and the crowd onlookers farther away was commotion, there were bursts of exclamations, and countless people held up their mobile phones to take pictures. Although the Buddha's palm is gone, the ruins that just collapsed are still there.

"Holy shit, shit, that's the Tathagata's palm, it smashed two houses directly."

"There is really supernatural power! I didn't expect it to be true."

"There is a real Buddha in Buddhism!"

Zhang Chaowen didn't care about these crowds, got up and walked out quickly, and asked: "What's going on? Could it be that the master failed?"

If Dushi Master fails, then they can only notify the town and state level in other regions to let them solve it. Moreover, these town-level people may not be able to come immediately. People of this level can affect the whole body with one stroke, and it is impossible to come and leave immediately.

What's more, there is no problem yet. In the confrontation with Bodhi Realm, Master Du Shi still has not been able to judge the outcome.

The observer replied through the headset: "Half a minute ago, Master Toshi suddenly opened his eyes and slapped him. Now he closes his eyes again, but there is no movement. Did you enter the ancient temple?"

In the event of an emergency according to the instructions above, they have the right to decide whether to take it or not.

But that being said, Zhang Chaowen doesn't think he has the ability to interfere in this matter. He is only in the foundation building period, and he is not even an ant in front of this kind of existence involving the world of practice. Not to mention him alone, even if all the monks in the entire region go together, they may not be able to solve these problems.

At the same time, it is not known whether the Bodhi Realm has no substance, whether the killer nuclear bomb will work.

The above one is just more like pushing the responsibility on himself, and he is sometimes used as an action leader to take the blame.

"hold on."

Zhang Chaowen turned around and returned to the tent. Once he was no longer in the mood to sit down, but walked back and forth inside.

Tens of kilometers away from the ancient city, an unknown mountain peak.

At this moment, the little black group is still waiting and watching. One month is not a long time for them who are great cultivators. Many times it takes months for them to fight, and the follow-up chase and escape may take years.

The higher the realm, the harder it is to kill.

That's why Li Changsheng and Jianxian are called immortals, and that's why they have the power to be called kings and respected. Everyone is at the same level, but some people are many times stronger than you.

The little black man saw the Buddha's palm and said, "It's started."

Others didn't understand why, so someone asked: "Is that old monk unable to hold on? After being assimilated by the Bodhi Realm, he also went crazy."

"It shouldn't be. Wasn't it good before? Those Buddhist masters gave up their chances and left him the last true spirit."

Some people hold the opposite opinion. They have been watching this unprecedented transformation for a month, and they have benefited a lot from it.

All dharmas in the world are interlinked. Although they practice the way of magic, it doesn't mean they can't learn from Buddhism. This is also the main reason why they watched here for a month, no one would sit here.

"No, no." The little black man shook his head, "The great powers of the Buddhist sect who were saved before did leave true spirits for the world to help him save the Bodhi world. But most of these people are people from the age of immortality, and when they entered the Bodhi world It’s not that long and it’s not that crazy.”

"Now they have basically been converted, and what is left is the Buddhist teachings buried at a deeper level, some of which are even older than my time. The Buddhas at that time were not as benevolent as they are now, and sects are no different from evil ways. They have One is also called Wugu Buddha."

In his opinion, the history of the practice world is just like this strange world, which becomes more barbaric as it goes forward, and more "civilized" as it goes backwards. The idea of ​​"creating a heart for the world, and a life for the people" in the Xiandao era seemed very strange to him, just like talking about human rights with people in the slave society.

In ancient times, there was no distinction between good and evil, let alone immortals. At that time, there were many sects, and everyone was attached to the sect, and so were ordinary people.

The Buddhism in the eyes of the world is actually slowly formed in the age of immortality, and there was no such thing as Buddhism in ancient times.

At this time, Taoist Thousand Corpse said, "The incarnation Taoism we are using now is the embryonic form of Wugu Buddhism."

Everyone had different expressions, some were natural, some were surprised, and some couldn't believe it.

Someone asked again: "Isn't the old monk finished?"

"It's just the beginning, and it's not certain who will lose. But if he didn't use his faith to create that image before, he still has a great chance of winning. It's a pity that this old monk is too arrogant."

The little black man's face without facial features suddenly opened his mouth, and the breath that leaked out caused the surrounding temperature to drop suddenly.

"If the old monk can't solve it in the end, don't blame me for picking peaches. After all, such a weak Bodhi Realm is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even if it is only a part of it."


cold water.

Li Yi stood in the vegetable field he had reclaimed, with a cow and a dog following behind him, their expressions were lifelike, as if the leader was visiting.

All the vegetables in this vegetable field are grown by them, and they have spent countless efforts, all of which are their achievements.

"This is not bad, it's exactly one year old, and the medicinal properties are not too much or too little."

Li Yi kept measuring the lettuce inside with a ruler, and when it exceeded 15 centimeters, he took it off and put it in the vegetable basket that was poured on the buffalo.

This is not a special ceremony, it's just that lettuce that exceeds the medicinal properties for more than a year will become bitter and hard to chew, and the medicinal properties are too little to have the effect of spirit vegetables.

Ordinary people naturally pursue the properties of medicines, wishing that all the spiritual vegetables are centuries old. But Li Yi cared more about the taste, and at the same time, spiritual things that were too old were not suitable for ordinary people like parents. Too much of anything is too much, and moderation is the best.

For people like parents who have absolutely no talent for cultivation, now is not the time to change their fate against the sky, at least the recovery of the world is not enough.

In the end, three qualified lettuces were selected, and the rest were either not up to the standard or out of date.

"Eat the vegetables that have exceeded the age of these years."

"Wow woof!"

The big yellow dog suddenly hugged his thigh, and kept winking, as if implying something.

Most of its monsters can only speak human words after condensing the demon core (gold core stage). Of course, there are also some races of talented foreign spirits in the foundation building stage or Qi refining stage. Obviously, dogs and cows are not included in these races.

Although Li Yi couldn't understand dog language, he also understood what the other party wanted, and it wanted magical powers.

He stretched out his fingertips and lightly tapped on the dog's nose, and a ray of information was sent to Dahuang's soul.

"This is the first heaven of the Nine Layers of Reverse Life. I haven't decided on a name yet. After practicing it, it can greatly improve your self-healing ability. The effect depends on your own cultivation and understanding of supernatural powers. There are eight layers left. When will you Help me plant the longan for the coming year, and I will pass on the second layer to you."

"Wow, woof, woof!" Gouzi happily spun around on the ground, not at all angry because his supernatural power was divided into nine parts.

It's not that Li Yi is stingy, but that he created the supernatural power of Reverse Life Jiuzhong, which must be much more difficult than the buffalo's thick earth supernatural power. The first step may be that the longan will be familiar in October next year, and the big yellow dog may not be able to fully grasp it.

It takes hundreds of years for an ordinary person to comprehend a supernatural power, and it takes more than ten years for someone with a little talent like him. This ordinary person he refers to is the Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Walking home."

Walking along the smooth loess road towards home, halfway through, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at the horizon.

"Those who are too rigid are easy to break. Old monk, why are you in such a hurry? Hey, I don't worry about any of them."

Li Yi turned his head to look at the bull and the dog, and taught like a teacher, "Remember, don't learn from that old monk in the future, put your own safety first and don't be brave. Call me if you can't handle it yourself. Some things can kill you, but it's just a matter of me."

One cow and one dog nodded repeatedly. Their current mental intelligence is equivalent to that of a 12-year-old child, and without enough experience and learning, their level may not even be as good as an 8-year-old. Obviously they couldn't understand what the words just said meant, but to them, what Li Yi said was what he said.

"Of course, if some trivial things call me, I will let you know why the flowers are so red."

After teaching the cows and dogs, Li Yi continued to walk home, thinking about how to wipe the old monk's ass.

The old monk has a lot of karma between this world and himself because of the Da Lei Yinshu incident. He just learned from the telepathy between heaven and man that the old monk may have an accident. If he guessed correctly, there is a high probability that it is because of something deeper in the Bodhi Realm.

The reason why I didn't destroy the Bodhi Realm back then was that I wasn't sure that I could destroy the Buddhadharma buried at the bottom all at once. Once these ancient Buddhist teachings rush out, the harm caused by not controlling it well may be no less than the flood of Taojiang River again.

He doesn't know whether the old monk can solve those Buddhist teachings, and he doesn't practice Buddhism. Maybe it can, maybe it can't, but Li Yi can't stand by and watch.

In any case, there is also a 1500-year friendship. He helped burn the relics of the old monk back then.

When I got home, there was no one in the house.

The mother who had been at home also went out with the father, the reason was to help the uncle's factory. I used to stay at home because my legs and feet were inconvenient, but now that my legs are good, I naturally have to go out for a walk.

It’s just that I’m suffering, I need to cook my own lunch, I can’t lie down when I’m full, and I can eat after I lie down.

"Stop eating at noon."

From the corner, Li Yi dug out the yellow paper and brush that were left over from Fengshen's previous use. The brush glowed slightly, conveying a little resentment.

It is the magic pen that canonize the Yin Division, but it is thrown in the corner to eat ashes.

Li Yi naturally ignored its emotions, it was just a luck artifact of the underworld.

Putting the yellow paper flat on the table, concentrating on it, the hair on the tip of the pen glows with golden light, illuminating the whole room.

A stroke fell, and the world was quiet.

When the two strokes are raised, the situation moves.

The spiritual energy of a hundred miles gathers, the energy of the heavens and the earth gathers, and the talents of all directions are gathered to form a single word.


Transformed by law, it is as heavy as a mountain and as light as paper.

Li Yi exhaled slightly, a drop of sweat emerged from the tip of his nose, and looked at the word with satisfaction.

Although it is not as good as the couplets outside, the consumption is not lower than that of Fengshen.

With a wave of his hand, he threw the yellow talisman to the sky, making it disappear into a stream of light.

"Suppress the Bodhi Realm for a hundred years, and then undo it after you have done enough to save them."

After finishing all this, Li Yi made himself a pot of green tea worth tens of dollars, and lay down on a chair to taste it carefully.

The fragrance of tea is wafting, and the white smoke is faint.

Within half a step of the house, Bodhi can be suppressed with a single piece of paper.

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