Chapter 143 Getting a Character

 Cui Ye-en returned home and locked herself in her room "depressed". She originally thought that the entertainment industry was not as difficult as she thought, but this was the first audition that frightened her.

 No, she must win this role for Gui Chenchen.

 Suddenly, the phone rang, it was an unfamiliar mobile phone number.


“Miss Cui Ye-eun? Congratulations, you have been selected to play the role of Xiaoyi in "The Same". Keep up the good work. Competition in the entertainment industry is very fierce now, and the risk of being replaced is still very high."

From the sound of the voice, it should be that of the assistant director. The assistant director is not as harsh as Director Chen, but rather as amiable and approachable as an elder.

Chui Yeen was so excited that she almost jumped out of the ceiling. She couldn't wait to tell anyone the news.

She didn’t even have shoes on, she ran downstairs in bare feet, grabbed someone and told him loudly that she had got a role.

 Cui Yeen's mother shook her head helplessly. There is still a long way to go, and one role cannot represent anything.

 After showing off to everyone, she quickly ran upstairs to check her mailbox and opened the script sent by the assistant director.

Hmm? Why is it only a short five pages?

 This character seems to have very few roles.

 She began to study the script.

No, this character doesn't even have a single line. He stands behind the male protagonist as a background throughout the whole process, and he has to hide his love for the male protagonist.

But fortunately, when Xiaoyi turns into a human form, there is a scene where she looks at the male protagonist. Looking further, it turns out that it is a one-man show, and the male protagonist does not even look at her.

 After that comes a tragic death.


This role is also too….

 She only had five scenes in total. In the first scene, she transformed into a human and fell in love with the male protagonist at first sight. In the other three scenes, she stood beside the male protagonist as a foil. In the fifth scene, she vomited blood and died tragically.

Although this character is sad and tragic, this is also her debut film, and she is extremely lucky to be able to work with her male idol.

Chui Ye-en began to study the script over and over again to fully understand Xiaoyi's emotional fluctuations in order to restore the character.

  There is only one week left until the show starts filming, and she will use a week to fully understand this role.

It is simply too difficult for her, a newcomer with no acting skills, no production experience, and no experience.

 After this week, she has been trying to figure out this character all the time, and only gives herself five hours of rest time a week.

 She cares too much about this drama, even if it is an insignificant role that only lasts a few seconds.

 However, this is her first work, and it is also the first work she collaborates with Gui Chenchen.

She is so lucky to be able to collaborate with a superstar in her first film.

 The opening ceremony was lively and extravagant.

 The actors all wore costumes corresponding to their roles, but she came in her own casual clothes.

It’s also strange, the director didn’t tell her where to go to do styling, change clothes, etc.

However, while she was wandering around, she saw a young man in flowing white clothes, with long black hair reaching his waist. He was so full of fairy spirit that people would mistakenly think that he was a **** who fell into the mortal world.

  She was stunned, and for a moment she forgot to run to him.

 “Ghost Chenchen.” Cui Yien smiled and patted his shoulder.

 Gui Chenchen turned his head, and the moment he looked back, Cui Yien felt that he had traveled to the world of immortals, and the young man in front of him was the king of the world of immortals. He was so beautiful that you forgot to breathe.

 (End of this chapter)

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