Chapter 166 is too similar

 Back home, Lun Shengshi sat on the sofa and Yang Zizi sat on his lap.

“Are you scared by what I said?” Lun Shengshi looked at him and asked.

“No, because I know you are lying to the Vampire King.”

“What a clever little girl.” Lun Shengshi scratched her little nose lovingly.

 “Why did the Vampire King kill your parents in the first place!”

"I don't know. I only know that my parents did not violate any of the rules of the vampire clan. They follow the rules every day and live according to the laws of the vampire clan." Regardless of the reason, it was Gui Zongliang who lost his parents, so he must Make him pay the price.

"Then if you deceive him, you can't deceive him forever. One month will pass quickly." Yang Zizi was very worried that if Gui Zongliang found out that Lun Shengshi had deceived him in a month, would he lead thousands of troops? Come and kill.

“Don’t worry, I’ve already made plans in a month.”

"What are your plans? I can tell you, you can't leave. You are not allowed to leave me forever." Yang Zizi lay on Lun Shengshi's chest and acted coquettishly.

 Sorry, this may be difficult, because he himself does not know whether the next road will be realized as he wishes.

 However, he has been waiting for revenge for a thousand years, and he cannot wait any longer.

I just don’t know if he and Yang Zizi will still love each other as much as they do now after killing Gui Zongliang.

As for whether he can survive, after all, killing Gui Zongliang is not a simple matter. [space ghost Zongliang]

 Three brothers can withstand Mu Shenyi's power when they work together.

“Zezi, no matter what I say in the coming days, you must believe me.”

"Don't worry, I have unconditional trust in my uncle. No matter what decision you make, I will support you, except of course losing your life and leaving me."

“Don’t worry, I won’t leave you. I won’t leave you forever. I will protect you forever.”

 “Yeah.” Yang Zizi snuggled into his arms, enjoying the quiet time.

At the corner of the hall, Gui Chaole found his mother standing there. It seemed that she had been standing there for a long time.

 “Mother, why are you here?”

 “It’s so similar!” the Vampire Queen said to herself, but she couldn’t believe what she saw.

Gui Chaole glanced at the hall in the direction of his mother's gaze. Isn't the position where his mother was looking where Yang Zizi was standing?

 What's wrong with mother?

“Mother?” Gui Chaole called her for a long time but there was no response.

 “Mother, what’s wrong with you?”

 The queen reacted and looked at her daughter, only to realize that the human girl standing there had long since disappeared.

 “What’s the name of that human girl?” the queen suddenly asked.

Gui Chaole felt strange as to why his mother was so interested in a human being.

“Her name is Yang Zizi.” Gui Chaole reluctantly said her name.

“Yang Zizi!” The queen muttered the name distractedly: “Why is it called Yang Zizi again?”

Gui Chaole looked at the queen and couldn't help but feel worried.

 The queen suddenly grabbed Gui Chaole's wrist and said, "Lele, do you remember that your mother told you that your father once liked an angel ten thousand years ago?"

"Yeah, remember." Gui Chaole nodded. At that time, he was very glad that the difference between him and his mother was that the person he fell in love with was not a foreigner.

 (End of this chapter)

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