The Fake Daughter Can Be Either Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 87: Don't be afraid, kid

Chapter 87 Children, don’t be afraid

The next day, her eldest cousin came to school to look for him without telling everyone. This was what her classmates told her, saying that someone was meeting him on the rooftop of the school.

Yang Zizi was very confused, who wanted to see her? Could it be Gui Chaole? It was impossible. He had not appeared for so many days.

 When we came to the rooftop, we saw the man’s back and knew it was his eldest cousin.

  Since when did their school become so lax that even outsiders dared to let him in?

“How did you get in?” Yang Zizi asked.

 The eldest cousin turned around and glared at him, as if he had some deep grudge against him.

That's right, because of her, his biological sister is lying in the hospital, permanently losing her sight.

"You don't care how I got in. Today, I'm here to avenge my sister." He suddenly took out a sharp dagger from his back.

Yang Zizi disagreed. He could kill her, so she would lose.

 The eldest cousin suddenly raised his knife and struck at her quickly.

Yang Zizi pouted impatiently and ducked back easily. His eldest cousin made a mistake and stumbled, falling onto the concrete floor.

Yang Zizi shook his head helplessly, how could he be so ignorant of good and evil?

"Yang Zizi, if I don't blind your eyes today, my surname will not be Yang." The eldest cousin was so angry that he stood up like crazy and continued to chop at Yang Zizi.

Yang Zizi really has no intention of continuing to play such boring tricks with his eldest cousin.

 Since she wanted to hurt him, she would definitely fight back.

Yang Zizi was extremely fast, and his eldest cousin's eyes widened. He didn't know what was going on, and he was captured by Yang Zizi, unable to move at all.

The eldest cousin's eyes suddenly became fierce. He saw the guardrail behind Yang Zizi, and the guardrail was only as high as Yang Zizi's calf. If he pushed her with all his strength, she would definitely die.

Thinking of this, the eldest cousin pushed Yang Zizi back as hard as he could without hesitation.

Yang Zizi lost his center of gravity and fell down.

 The eldest cousin stood there and watched Yang Zizi's rapid descent with a devilish laugh.

 He slowly picked up the sharp dagger and pointed it at Yang Zizi's eye, which was falling. He let go, and the dagger fell straight towards Yang Zizi's eye.

 Suddenly, a strong wind blew by, almost blowing my cousin off the rooftop.

 Then a pair of huge black wings were seen flying towards Yang Zizi at high speed.

When the dagger was about to penetrate Yang Zizi's eye, Lun Shengshi flapped his big wings, accelerated his flying speed, and blocked the dagger for her.

Yang Zizi's heart felt like it was being cut by a knife. She would rather have the dagger pierce her eyes, at least it wouldn't be as painful as it is now.

Lun Shengshi descended quickly and hugged Yang Zizi's waist domineeringly. Yang Zizi looked at Lun Shengshi and touched the knife on his back, as well as the blood full of the smell of blood. The blood was black, a drop. The drops are falling down.

With tears in her eyes, why did this fool need to be stabbed for him?

"Child, don't be afraid, I'm here." Lun Shengshi touched Yang Zizi's face, giving her a sense of security.

This fool is still comforting him now. Doesn’t he know how painful he is in his heart at this moment?

 Lun Shengshi flew upwards and returned to the rooftop.

The eldest cousin was so frightened that he rolled around and wanted to get Tao Zhiyaoyao, but was controlled by Lun Shengshi and couldn't move.

"Let me see your injury." Yang Zizi was so anxious that he tore Lun Shengshi's shirt with a tug.

Lun Shengshi couldn't help but laugh out loud, why his children were so domineering.

 (End of this chapter)

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