Chapter 431 Xie Yunzhou likes her

So, does Xie Yunzhou like her?

Shi Xi secretly looked at Xie Yunzhou.

Can't see it!

Shi Xi's mood was tangled and complicated.

I wanted to ask directly, but I was afraid that I would make a mistake and be considered narcissistic by Xie Yunzhou.

so hard.

Until the time of Qingshuiju, Shixi was still struggling.

Fortunately, Xie Yunzhou has been busy with his own affairs, Shixi is not so cramped.

Just thinking about it, Shi Xi received a call from Shi's mother.

"Where have you been? Why aren't you at home?" Shi's mother asked, "Is your cold cured? Just run outside?"

"Uh, I'm out shopping and eating out." Shi Xi didn't dare to say that he came back from the crew.

Hearing that Shi Xi was out shopping, Shi's mother thought she was with Tao Yuxuan, so she warned, "Remember not to eat spicy food and come back early."

"it is good."

But when Shixi arrived at Qingshuiju, it was time to come to eat.

Shixi: ...don't be so coincidental, right?

People from the timing and business came to eat, and after seeing Shixi, they asked, "Why didn't you rest at home?"

Shi Xi still said that, "Go out for a walk and have a meal by the way."

"Go shopping with President Xie?" Timing looked at Xie Yunzhou beside Shi Xi.

Shixi: QAQ


Xie Yunzhou replied lightly, "Can't I go shopping with Shixi?"

Timing looked around the two of them, rubbed Shixi's head with a smile, and said, "Remember, don't drink alcohol."

Shi Xi nodded immediately, "I don't know how to drink."

"Go back early after dinner, darling." After the timing was over, he looked at Xie Yunzhou again, "please Mr. Xie send Xixi home."

"I will." Xie Yunzhou nodded slightly.

Shixi wanted to ask the timing, brother, don't you think something is wrong? !

Your sister is eating out with other men! !

It could be a date! !

Aren't you worried? !

However, the timing couldn't hear Shi Xi's voice and had already entered the box.

Because Shixi had a cold and his throat was uncomfortable, the two of them ate very lightly at night.

Shi Xi was in a daze while eating, thinking about her relationship with Xie Yunzhou.

It was natural to get along with each other before.

Why do you suddenly feel that it is not so natural?

"Are you uncomfortable?" Xie Yunzhou saw that Shi Xi had no appetite, and his big hand fell on Shi Xi's forehead, "There is no fever, why do you have no appetite?"

Shi Xi blurted out and asked, "Do you have someone you like?"

Xie Yunzhou withdrew his hand, his eyes were light, "What do you ask this for?"

"It's okay, just ask." Shi Xi didn't get a reply, so he lowered his head and continued to cook.

She shouldn't have asked!

For today's plan, is to eat dinner quickly, go home and have a good sleep.

Keep a distance from Xie Yunzhou in the future!

Seeing that the girl lost her appetite just is now burying her head in her meal and looking away, Xie Yunzhou sighed in his heart.

He wanted to take it slow with Shixi, start with friends, and slowly develop relationships.

When Shixi is a little older, he will confess.

But now it seems that after Shixi knows his intentions, he just wants to back down.

Really, little troublemaker.


After eating, Shi Xi has recovered his calm.

She's so pretty and smart, and it's normal for men to like her.

Why bother yourself.

"Thank you for the wedding dress you provided. If you need my help in the future, I will definitely be there." The girl's eyes were curved and bright, like stars.

Xie Yunzhou rolled his Adam's apple and whispered, "There is one thing I want to ask for your help right now."

(End of this chapter)

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