The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 399 Rapper from Hell

"Ah? I don't know. I picked this up just now. It's quite strong, just enough to grind your teeth." Xiao Cai took out a booklet from her mouth and handed it to Ximen Qing.

"Hey——" Ximen Qing held the book between two fingers and flicked the drool on it, then opened it and read, "Huh? Hair is not easy?! This..."

How can there be such a name? Could it be...

She quickly scrolled down, and after reading it, she breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that there were other traversers other than her who had traveled to Qin Dynasty, and they would know that Mao is not easy.

It turned out that this "Mao Buyi" was not a person's name at all, but the name of a kind of elixir. Simply put, this thing is used for hair removal.

Not all girls are born naked, they also have leg hair, armpit hair, and even beards like men.

This "Hair is not easy" is a hair removal panacea invented by a "scientist" in the Qin Dynasty. As long as it is crushed and applied to the part where you want to remove hair, all the hair will be removed, and there will be no hair left, and it will not grow back.

And this booklet also states at the end that it must not be taken internally. Because once it is taken internally, all parts of the whole body will be stripped off, not even a root hair is left.

And the "little white mouse" who came to this conclusion turned out to be the legendary Buddha of Ruyi Mountain!

Ximen Qing didn't know if it was written in YY or real, anyway, according to the description in this pamphlet, the Buddha of Ruyi Mountain was very hairy back then, he was like a savage. As an evil spirit, he always felt that his appearance was too unreasonable, so he came to ask Qin Shihuang to develop a prop that could remove hair.

"Is this Qin Shihuang Doraemon? Why do you have to find him for hair removal?" Ximen Qing couldn't help complaining.

According to the records in this book, Queen Qin Shi came to agree to the Buddha, and also helped him develop the hair removal elixir "Hair is not easy". But because he didn't explain the usage clearly to the Buddha, he swallowed it whole.

In the end, the Buddha became bald and became more attractive.

There is not even a single hair left on his body, and it will never grow back, and even future generations will be affected.

In order to make up for this mistake, Qin Shihuang later ordered people to research the elixir, but when the elixir was researched, Ruyi Buddha had already died.

When Qin Shihuang came to see this pill, she thought of her old friend, and then she was so angry that she threw away the pill and didn't pay any attention to it.

In this way, whether it is "Hair is not easy" or the hair growth elixir "RT-Mart" all became tasteless, and finally reduced to the point of table-footing.

This pamphlet was written by the R\u0026D staff who developed the two types of elixir. After all, it was his own research result, so he was a bit reluctant to destroy it, so he recorded this part of the matter.

"Eh... there's something about this thing." Don't look at the pamphlet which only recorded two kinds of pill recipes and some anecdotes, but Ximen Qing found some information from it.

If what is written above is true, Qin Shihuang and Ruyi Buddha are good friends, and Ruyi Buddha has to ask Qin Shihuang for something, it means that Qin Shihuang and Ruyi Buddha should be equal.

That is to say, the eight murderers of the Great Qin Empire are Qin Shihuang himself.

And this kind of elixir is so fierce that even the eight evils will stumble, it must have something to do with the eight evils' ability.

"So Qin Shihuang's ability is alchemy?" Ximen Qing guessed.

There are few myths and stories from 2000 years ago, and there are limited existences that can be projected, and even the science fiction department has not appeared, so Qin Shihuang's ability range should not be large.

But if it's alchemy, what happened to Qin Chao's bug-like rune technology? The huge Efang Palace in the sky, the robots with explosive combat power, and the curse runes that made Ximen Qing suffer a little bit, all of these don't make sense.

"What's his background?" Ximen Qing had always heard that there was an eight murderers who lived in space and rarely showed up.

If that is Qin Shihuang, is this legendary emperor through the ages a dead man?

A picture immediately appeared in her mind: Jing Ke stabbed Shi Huang straightly, but because he was too fat, he couldn't stand firmly.

"Oh, what a mess." She shook her head, thinking it was too nonsense.


A group of people left the research institute and went to the Emperor Shihuang's palace.

According to Wu Zhenguo's information, the entrance there can only be opened in accordance with the changes of the moon phase.

However, their luck was a bit bad. After waiting for more than ten days in a row, either the moon was wrong or it was raining, and the entrance could not be opened at all.

They simply set up a camp in the mountains and lived there.

With a field survival veteran like Wu Zhenguo around, life is quite comfortable. If it doesn't work, it's not that troublesome to ask Lian Qianjun to go out and buy some takeaways to bring back.

Ximenqing is having a good time, she has already taught Xiaocai to dance "The King of Poems" and "PPAP", wondering whether it is time to teach it to dance "Jiangnan Style".

"Red! Where are you, Red?"

"Here we come!" Lian Qianjun ran over briskly, these few days have been a torment for him.

It's like living with a knife on his neck at any time. He is frightened and can't sleep well. He has gained several pounds.

"What about WIFI? It's been a few days, is WIFI still not fixed?" Ximen Qing shouted, "I'm going to die without Internet!"

[Speaking lightly, if you have the ability to die, let me see. ] Lian Qianjun complained in his heart, but he still kept a smile on his face: "Okay, I have asked them to set up the router. Here is the account password."

He handed over a piece of paper.

"Great!" Ximenqing took out her mobile phone and connected to wifi, and the first thing she did was to check her Weibo.

"Ouch~" When I saw it, I was taken aback. The number of private messages that exploded was almost impossible to read.

Even if she didn't open it, she would know that a group of whistleblowers wanted to send her the blade, so the clever little Ximen would definitely not open it.

"Ignore it, just ignore it, let's see what other people posted...Huh?" Ximen Qing was surprised to find that Song Yunwu, who is usually very salty on Weibo, actually posted several Weibos in succession.

She clicked in and took a look, yo, she was actually canvassing for a little beauty.

Who is this beauty? Could it be that the charter wife wants to cheat?

"Qin Yuqi? This name sounds familiar," Ximen Qing thought for a while, then suddenly came back to her senses, "Oh, yes, it's Ru Yao! I usually call Ru Yao a lot, and I can't even remember her real name. Oh, this child looks a bit like Ruyao, she should be her younger sister, right?"

Otherwise, why would Song Yunwu solicit votes for others inexplicably, and even painted a portrait. But the strange thing is that Qin Yuyao's Weibo has no intention of canvassing votes for her sister at all.

Curious, Ximen went to search, and found that Qin Yuqi was actually at No. 10 on the hot search list at this time.

To be able to enter the top ten, the enthusiasm is quite high.

"Counterattack from inferior horses, Qin Yuqi streams RAP, a poisonous genre"

After clicking in, she realized that it was PD119. At the beginning, Ximenqing just mentioned it casually, but Gouzi made this show so formal that it became a popular variety show.

"So, Ru Yao's younger sister is also a zombie?"

Ximenqing clicked on the video, it was a recording of the stage, a total of 9 girls were performing.

Well, to be precise, there are 8 girls and a hot-eyed ghost in women's clothing.

The repertoire they performed was a very popular song recently, with a fast rhythm and great dance moves. Especially for the RAP part, the speaking speed requirement is not generally high.

There are two people in charge of rap, both of them are soft girls, their faces are incompatible with rap, but they still insist on singing.

Especially Qin Yuqi, with a face that looks a bit like Qin Yuyao's first love. Even with heavy makeup, she can't hide her innocence. She sings rap softly, which is completely different from those rappers outside.

"Hehe." She sang so much that Ximen Qing was amused.

It was really as the title said, poisonous and addictive, she couldn't help but read it again.

"Oh, as expected of Ruyao's younger sister, so cute," Ximen couldn't help but fancied the picture of himself hugging the two sisters from left to right, "Hey hey hey hey hey..."

"Auntie, you're drooling." Jiang Shinuo, who was passing by, was taken aback by her obscene laughter, and couldn't help reminding her.

In fact, on the second day of coming here, Ximen Qing took off the sun hat on her head, because she didn't have to be afraid of being recognized in the deep mountains and old forests.

Jiang Shinuo also finally realized that she had made a mistake. This is not an aunt, she is simply a beautiful big sister with a heaven-defying appearance.

She quickly apologized to Ximen Qing, but Ximen Qing said she didn't mind.

"At my age, if you call me aunt, you are also calling me younger. It's okay."

Jiang Shinuo was a little afraid of Ximenqing, because her fire was so fierce that even water couldn't put it out. This is simply a natural enemy for Jiang Shinuo.

But after this little misunderstanding, she felt that this big sister was quite nice. Later, in order to show her closeness, she never changed her words, and still called Aunt Ximenqing.

"Uh, is there any?" Ximenqing touched his chin quickly, and she really touched it a little.

"What are you looking at? Is it delicious?" Jiang Shinuo leaned over to take a look.

"Let's watch together." Ximen Qing took her upstairs, it's great to have a sweet and soft girl to hug her in the deep mountains and old forests.

Jing Yi at the side looked at Ximen Qing enviously. He also wanted to hug Jiang Sinuo, but the innocent little virgin who had never been in a relationship didn't know what to do.

Ximen Qing found the full PD119 video of the third issue, and jumped directly to Qin Yuqi and their part.

Originally, including themselves, everyone thought that Qin Yuqi's group was doomed.

Fortunately, this show is not based on winning or losing to decide whether to advance or not, but to watch the audience vote. So the audience thought that even if they lost, they would give them a vote even if they worked so hard towards the girls.

In the end, who would have thought that the group of Qin Yuqi and the others who performed live would win.

This is simply a big upset, no one thought of it beforehand.

The audience was confused, Qin Yuqi and the others were also confused, and their opponents were even more confused.

It's like S8 drew G2's RNG, how happy I was laughing at that time, but who would have thought that it would be such a result.

Ximen Qing thought about it, and felt that Qin Yuyao's younger sister should also be her own younger sister, so there was no reason not to support her.

So I also forwarded it, but I can't use the tuba, her tuba is now pretending to be dead.

She used the account of Tsing Yi Yeast, and after reposting Song Yunwu's Weibo, she wrote: This is a rapper who climbed up from hell.

As a result, her description immediately won the approval of many netizens. At first, Qin Yuqi and the others really seemed to have fallen into hell. Who would have thought that they could climb out with their own efforts?

In just a few hours, the term "hell rapper" became a hot search.

What followed was overwhelming fanfare.

"Yeast Yeast, you haven't updated your video for a long time, my grandpa wanted to listen to your new song before he passed away!"

"In front, didn't your grandfather pass away last time? Why was he born again?"

"Yeast, tell me, are you Teacher Qing'er? Otherwise, why don't you two update Weibo at the same time? [Blade][Blade][Blade]"

"Teacher Qing'er, don't pretend, I know it's you, you return my little angel Alan, Captain, Mikasa, and Almin! I want to send you the blade!"

"I used to be very curious about where the eunuchs in the palace went after the fall of the Qing Dynasty. Then I found out that they all went to draw manga."

"Why didn't you take a selfie? You have the ability to be a eunuch, why can't you post a selfie? We have to lick the screen!"

"Please step on me, I beg you to step on the party so there is no sense of existence recently, I want to lick the socks of yeast~"


If I'm not mistaken, this chapter is updated, and I should have written 60,000 words during the update period. In this way, readers who tipped during the event seem to have a 6% rebate.

For you, I specially wrote a little more, please praise me.

Well, then, it is customary to have a holiday every month, and ask for a day off tomorrow, that's it.

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