Xiao Yang raised his hands and slowly turned to face Ai Lian, still with crescent-shaped eyes, and explained with a light smile: "What's the point of giving useless things to those who need them, I often use the mineral springs at home Save the water bottles for the old lady who picks up the trash."

"But you can't, take my things and give them away." Ai Lian rubbed Xiao Yang's face lightly with the muzzle of a gun, her sharp eyes swept across Xiao Yang's cheeks, like an invisible blade.

Xiao Yang exudes a faint pheromone, his whole body is controlled by his J1 ability speed restraint, the time is dislocated, the time around Xiao Yang is flowing fast, Ai Lian's movements slow down, and every movement is blocked by Xiao Yang. All in all.

Xiao Yang took out the gun from his bosom, quickly loaded it and pointed it at Ai Lian, hesitated for a moment at her left chest, and moved it to her left shoulder.

A gunshot sounded without warning, and the hallway was humming with echoes. Xiao Yang's thigh was penetrated by the bullet, and his body was thrown backwards with the huge impact, hitting the wall hard, and the white wall was splashed with mottled bloodstains.

The bullet in the thigh made him unable to stand up, and his back leaned against the wall and slowly slid on the ground. Although it was only a flesh wound, not a bone, the severe pain still caused blue veins to burst into his neck and forehead, and the pain was unbearable. Yin was swallowed into his throat.

Ai Lian lightly flicked the white smoke from the muzzle, and used the hot muzzle to lift Xiao Yang's chin. The blue rose on her body oppressed the pheromone and oppressed Xiao Yang, causing him to suffer unbearably.

"If you want to kill people, you can't hesitate, or you will be caught by me. That's how the former boss of the research institute died." Ai Lian squatted in front of him, shadows shrouded Xiao Yang, and the A3-level alpha blue rose pheromone stimulated Xiao Delicate omega glands.

Ai Lian bit Xiao Yang's neck in one bite, sucking and biting lightly. Xiao Yang could feel that his physical strength and glandular energy were rapidly passing away, his body gradually weakened, and he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

Hummingbird A3 differentiation ability "Soul Siphon": energy extraction type ability, when the target within the range uses the differentiation ability, the siphon will be triggered. The closer it is to Ellen, the faster the energy is sucked away. The absorbed energy will continue to be used by Ellen herself.

Ai Lian let go of Xiao Yang and gently wiped the blood from the corner of her lips. Xiao Yang was so paralyzed that he lost the strength to speak, and was dragged into his arms by Ai Lian.

"I like you very much, really. At first, I was only interested in you because you were like Lin Deng, but now it's not anymore. You know more style than him, you are smarter and more considerate, you are better than him everywhere, so Don't do what I hate."

Ai Lian gently tucked Xiao Yang's hair behind his ears: "When people reach my age, they will want to have a family. I will give you everything you want. Don't let me down."

"But those...experiments are...I raised...I raised them...you can't kill them..."

Ai Lin raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at him in surprise: "Do you have feelings for those commodities? In my eyes, they are no different from arms. I am a businessman, they are just moving guns to me, nothing more than Do you care about the difference between expensive and cheap?"

Xiao Yang nodded: "They stick to me and trust me."

Ai Lian seemed to understand a little, maybe those experimental subjects were pet-like existences to Xiao Yang, and a person would have a desire for protection and affection for the cats and dogs they raised. In this case, she killed a seal in person that day. The juvenile must have hurt Xiao Yang's heart.

"Okay. I promise you. Keep all the experimental subjects you raised and not destroy them." Ai Lian rarely coaxed people patiently, and even took out her mobile phone in person and called the person in charge of the Huaerhua Pharmaceutical Factory.

Xiao Yang did not expect that she would agree. Ai Lian is a very stubborn and strong woman who seldom compromises with others, Xiao Yang waited for her words.

"However, I have to get rid of those robbers who invaded the factory." Ai Lian put the gun in her pocket, reached out and wiped the corner of Xiao Yang's lips, "They were not raised by you, so you shouldn't feel bad for them, right? ."

Xiao Yang reluctantly raised his hand and grabbed her wrist with difficulty: "You can't... don't do this anymore, really don't do it again, let's go, if Yan Yi brings back the unanimously adopted convention, the International Police With the PBB and the arrest warrant, none of us can leave, I don't want to be caught."

"Yeah. So before Yan Yi comes back...bring the envoy back." Ai Lian replied lightly, "Don't interfere with the rest, leave it to me."

Xiao Yang wanted to speak again, but Ai Lian pressed a forefinger into his mouth and pressed his tongue, and the sharp and bright nails slid across the tip of his tongue.

"Don't say it anymore, I'm afraid I'm bad-tempered and angry with you again. You stay at my house these days to recover, and someone will take care of you. If you run out and do stupid things without my permission, I won't condone you again. already."

"What are you going to do now?!"

"Go to the lab and pick a few small things I like to work on. I raise them to A3, and the money and energy are not in vain."

The person in charge of the Huaerhua Pharmaceutical Factory received an order from Ellen and temporarily mobilized some patrolling security guards to pick out some experimental subjects from the truck and keep them.

Putting down the phone, the person in charge of the factory wondered and muttered: "They are all abandoned experimental subjects. What's the use of picking them out? It's really troublesome to have to search the list one by one."

The door of the office was suddenly knocked twice. The person in charge glanced at his watch, and his tone was a little impatient: "Who is it?"

A soft and somewhat weak female voice replied, "Is it the special service you ordered?"

Hearing the sound of Crispy Human Bones, the person in charge was stunned, only to realize that the factory strictly forbids strangers from entering and leaving. No matter who was outside the door, it was quite suspicious. He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie on the table and prepared to call the security guard.

But when he picked up the walkie-talkie, in the full-length mirror on the cabinet door, he saw a young man standing behind him like a pure white sculpture, holding a glass hourglass in his arms.

"The poles are reversed."

The sprite turned the hourglass upside down, quicksand flowed down from the thin glass stem, and the walkie-talkie in the man's hand suddenly made a noise, making it impossible to communicate with the outside world.

And the air around the man seemed to be stripped away, and he could only widen his bloodshot eyes, his hands swaying in the air, trying in vain to grab something, and finally fell to the ground because of suffocation.

The sprite squatted down, opened the top cover of the glass hourglass, and put the body inside. After the corpse entered the hourglass, it automatically turned into colorful glass quicksand and disappeared without a trace.

"You're quite neat." At this moment, Qi Shenggu pushed open the door and walked in, stepping on high heels, and went to the desk to rummage, but couldn't find what he was looking for.

"Not here."

She pushed open the glass window, and a golden thread was just floating in the wind and hung on the window lattice. It was the curse thread of Eris.

A plate of keys came from the other end of the golden thread.

Eris took away the silk thread, and Qi Shenggu jumped down from the window with the key. The golden and blue peacock tail feathers slowly stretched out from the hem of the cheongsam skirt. Qi Shenggu landed lightly, leaving a faint trail in the air. dotted strips of light.

The sprite turned the hourglass upside down again, and the direction of gravity reversed the buffer at the moment of landing. The sprite also landed smoothly from the high-rise building without any pressure, and stood up from Qi Shenggu's side.

It was already dawn, but the rain had not diminished, the sky was not bright, and the ground was getting deeper and deeper.

According to the original plan, sprite was responsible for destroying all the alarms, searchlights and cameras inside the factory, while Qi Shenggu flew to the playground where the truck was parked with the key.

When she arrived, Di Crocodile had already brought down four or five M2-level alpha security guards. His huge body was like a mountain, covered with crocodile scales. Ordinary bullets could not do him any harm.

At the same level, the combat power of the mature experimental body is far higher than that of ordinary people. Although these security guards are not the opponents of the emperor crocodile, they are better than the number of people. After a few rounds, the emperor crocodile is also a little out of breath.

"Auntie, come and help." Di Crocodile gasped.

"Who told you to do it first, it's fortunate that the little ghost moves quickly, otherwise it will be troublesome to trigger the alarm." Qi Shenggu opened the small fan, and six dots of gold, green and blue lighted up on his forehead. The same tricolor dots also appeared on the crocodile's forehead.

"Cui Dawn."

Peacock Gland-Associated Ability "Cui Dawn": Auxiliary ability, which makes the target irradiated mutate, divided into positive mutation and negative mutation. After the target is irradiated, the eyebrows will appear the same gold, green and blue as the eyebrows of Qisheng Bone. Tricolor dots. "

The crocodile scales on the emperor's crocodile suddenly grew and thickened, covering every exposed skin on his body. The staggering tenacity increased a hundred times, and it was called immobile.

"Ni for clothes."

The golden and blue peacock tail feathers dragging on the ground behind Qi Shenggu slowly bloomed, and a radiant barrier covered the two of them. The security guards on the opposite side came to support after hearing the sound of fighting here. The firearms were very powerful, but bullets The neon-colored barrier that hit the strange bone was actually absorbed, and the boulder that was charged by the rock alpha slammed into the barrier as if it hit a wave, and slowly sank in.

The more the barrier absorbs, the brighter it gets. Finally, when it reaches the critical point, Qi Sheng Gu chuckled lightly: "Give it back to you."

The barrier suddenly burst, but the soft light screen exploded into sharp triangular fragments, which recoiled back overwhelmingly. The sharp edges and corners were inserted into the body armor, and several security guards were killed immediately.

Peacock gland J1 differentiation ability "Niweiyi": anti-injury type ability, forming a protective shield with itself as the center, absorbing 70% of the opponent's attack damage, and turning it into explosive fragments to bounce back.

The opponent's encirclement was broken up by the bursting debris, and the emperor crocodile took the opportunity to rush up. He was burly and had a strange mutation bonus. He rushed into the encirclement as if he was no one, killing the opponent in pieces. .

Qi Shenggu slowly followed behind the emperor crocodile, stepping on the blood, raised a small fan to cover his mouth and nose, and blew lightly: "Snow Skeleton."

Those security guards who were still struggling suddenly turned into bones, and their blood evaporated into snow-white powder, which was scattered by the shower and fell into the soil.

After solving the enemy in front of him, the emperor crocodile turned back and smiled at Qisheng: "The little girls are really cruel."

Qi Shenggu raised his blue eyelashes and glanced at him contemptuously: "Go away."

Di Crocodile patted his mouth: "I can't speak, auntie."

They found the truck on the edge, and Qi Shenggu lowered his head to look for the key corresponding to the glass dish of the cargo compartment on the key plate. The crocodile smashed the cargo compartment with one punch, smashed a big hole in the cargo compartment, and tore the iron sheet of the cargo compartment with force. , and then smashed the special bulletproof glass dish inside.

"He's it, what the research does is solid." The crocodile cursed and smashed, and finally smashed a piece of glass, and the experimental subject squeezed inside was like a shaking soda bottle. Along with the stinking excrement and blood stains, it flowed to the ground.

These experimental subjects were suffocated for too long, almost dying, and some were even so cold that they were buckled to the ground and motionless.

Qi Shenggu frowned and covered his nose and mouth. He was originally disgusted, but watching those cubs crawling with difficulty in the blood, his heart also became uneasy. If there was no puppet master, who was squished in a box with blood-stained dung and wailing today, maybe there would be her.

Nausea and fear swelled in my stomach at the same time.

Di Crocodile took off the wooden puppet box on his back, and opened it according to the password given by the puppet master. As the box was opened, the eight small puppets placed in order suddenly opened their eyes, and a clear voice came from the body. With the sound of gears turning, he sat up vividly and climbed out of the box.

They were all engraved with incantations on their backs, and were sent by the puppet master to walk in front of the experimental subjects. They made some weird noises. The eyes of the dizzy subjects also showed the same incantations on the backs of different dolls.

But within a dozen seconds, the scattered experimental bodies and larvae in the incubation period obediently followed behind the puppets, and they followed wherever the puppets went.

This is the puppet master's M2 differentiation ability "paradise without life". The puppet engraved with the incantation will become the puppet master of the puppet master. The puppet obeys the puppet master's dispatch and has a hypnotic function. Hypnosis becomes the puppet of the puppet, never leaving.

Those delicate dolls were lifelike, swinging their hands and feet with spherical joints, counting the number of experimental subjects following behind them, and then taking them to the exit of the planned route.

Once hypnotized by the puppets, these experimental subjects with no self-awareness will follow them for life, until the puppet master retracts the spell pattern puppet, otherwise they will follow until death.

After arranging a truck, Di Crocodile smashed the next one.

"I don't know if the Knicks and the others are going well. With so many cars, when will they be driven?"

"Come on, don't hesitate, if you can get one out, it will be counted as one." Qi Shenggu frowned and urged. It was very difficult to find the key corresponding to the cargo compartment in the whole plate of keys. Qi Shenggu finally found the correct one. Unscrew the glass dish and look for the next one.


After Eris passed the key plate to Qishenggu, he stood by the window and retrieved his own cursed thread.

On the dimly lit ground lay many people in factory uniforms, almost all of their bodies smashed by shotguns.

Eris turned to look at the puppet master.

This time they brought all the puppet master's belongings, and all the beautiful dolls in the window were emptied. Although the puppeteer seemed indifferent, Eris knew that those dolls were his painstaking efforts for several years.

This is the factory room.

The puppet master sat in front of the computer and inserted the USB flash drive he brought into the host computer. He quickly cracked the security network and selected the data he needed to copy.

"Synthetic factor... immortal undead." While copying, the puppet master caught a glimpse of a line of special potion instructions in a series of dense materials.

"Artificial synesthesia." The puppet master thought for a while, "Irene still wants to make an artificial messenger... a mad woman."

After the data was downloaded, the puppeteer put away the device: "Eris, go."

"Oh!" Eris picked up the shotgun and jumped up, walked ahead to clear the way, put his hand on the window sill, and turned out from the window, with a cursed gold thread hanging on his body to prevent him from falling.

The puppet master also jumped from a height, and when Eris landed, he used the J1 ability chess piece as a substitute. In an instant, Eris and the puppet master switched positions, the puppet master landed calmly, and Eris fell from mid-air. On the ground, the puppet master grabbed the golden thread wrapped around his body, dangling like a puppet, and then landed firmly beside the puppet master.

Eris raised the shotgun with both hands excitedly: "Oye, do it again!"

The puppet master dragged him and walked quickly to the playground. It's still too slow to open the cargo compartment of more than 300 trucks with only two, so we have to help as soon as possible.

The showers didn't stop, and the dawn sky was as dark as night, their clothes were soaked, and the water ran down their cheeks into their clothes.

There are no lights around, and there is a faint pressure approaching in the dark.

Eris stopped abruptly, raised his head leisurely with a shotgun, and stuck out his tongue with thin lines: "Knicks, there is someone who doesn't know who wants to stop us."

The puppet master also felt the pressure, made a rough estimate in his heart, and said lightly: "You will come and meet later."

"I want to..." Eris watched the puppet master leave until the back of the puppet master was covered by darkness.

"...Follow you." He murmured the second half of the sentence he hadn't said yet, turned low and released a strand of gold thread, wrapped around the high building railing, and carried his body up.

"Damn, hate the Knicks for a minute."

As a result, I didn't write the paragraph I wanted to write today, **** it! Next chapter!

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