The laboratory of the Institute's headquarters is on the ground floor of the building, hundreds of meters below the ground, where hundreds of elite experimental subjects for breeding and thousands of ordinary experimental subjects are detained. Each experimental subject has a small observation box. The time outside the experiment will be spent in the observation box.

The manufacturing technology of the observation box was provided by a technician who escaped from the PBB ordnance design institute. Ellen gave him the best treatment and tried his best to protect him from being wanted by PBB.

The experimental observation box he invented uses composite materials used in military tanks to create a one-way glass armor, which makes it strong and thick and cannot be broken from the inside, and it is extremely difficult to destroy from the outside. According to the current test, it is necessary to Two MMP missiles can completely destroy an observation box. Ordinary firearms and ammunition cannot shake it at all. The only way to open the observation box is to use the preset iris lock.

The researchers have been injected with life chips in their bodies to detect vital signs, and alarms will be triggered when the researchers' vital signs change drastically.

The observation box of the immortal undead lights up with a green light, the system prompts that the match is correct, and it is being unlocked. The transparent armored door is slowly translated to one side and opened. Due to the heavy material, the door is opened very slowly.

The severed hand outside the observation box abandoned the **** eyeball in his hand and waited quietly on the digital control board, tapping his blood-stained fingers on the edge.

On the other side of the laboratory, the ground was covered with mottled blood, and the bodies of the researchers were lying in a pool of blood. Their necks were twisted in various postures. One of the researchers' right eyeball was completely stripped away, leaving only the The next hollow, bleeding eye socket.

The alarm in the laboratory rang piercingly, the lights turned red, and flickered in the dim laboratory. The loud noise made the experimental subjects in the other observation boxes start to agitate, roaring and slamming against the solid body with their bodies. armored door.

The security personnel in body armor quickly rushed into the laboratory with firearms and equipment. In the flashing red light, a severed hand was crawling on the CNC board, and the index and middle fingers alternately tapped the edge of the CNC screen. , but it seems to be arrogant and arrogant.

With an order from the security captain, everyone shot and focused on the severed hand, but the severed hand was surprisingly flexible, relying on his fingertips to crawl between the wall and the computer to avoid bullets, and suddenly took off and jumped on the ground. An arc was drawn in the air, grabbing the face of a security guard.

Immediately, the team member screamed in horror, rolling around on the ground trying to get rid of the severed hand that was deeply clasped to his face. inside, and kept tightening it until it clicked and crushed the team member's skull.

The broken hand jumped down, grabbed the AK in the hands of the dead team member, and pulled the trigger to shoot back wildly.

At this time, a team member behind the riot shield shouted: "The liquid nitrogen capture net is ready, get out of the way!"

The security team in front immediately separated. A liquid nitrogen cannon was fired from the barrel and exploded near the broken hand. Instantly, white mist filled the air. The temperature in the entire laboratory plummeted. The thermometer on the wall dropped rapidly. The position where the liquid nitrogen capture net was blasted rose, and a layer of frost was condensed on the floor and walls.

The severed hand and AK were solidly frozen together and stopped moving.

The security captain finally breathed a sigh of relief and pressed the walkie-talkie: "The target has been subdued, you come up to deal with the follow-up."


An ethereal laugh suddenly appeared in the silent laboratory, the white fog of the liquid nitrogen cannon dissipated, the glass armored door of the observation box of the immortal undead had been fully opened, and the ghost in a white cloth walked out slowly, with a marker on the white cloth. A simple smiley face.

The undead stretched out only a right arm with a broken section that was smoking black. The severed hand that was frozen on the ground quickly thawed, shook the water droplets on his hand, and jumped to the right arm of the immortal undead with AK. Sew together.

The immortal undead raised the muzzle of the rifle and chuckled: "Come and play."

The security team members were horrified and backed away. The security captain was terrified. He picked up the walkie-talkie and hurriedly said: "The immortal undead is out of control, and the liquid nitrogen capture net cannot be subdued. Please ask for support!

The voice stopped abruptly.

The sound of breathing and heartbeat in this space disappeared together.

The labyrinth echoed with the frantic laughter of the ghost.

After watching the surveillance video sent by ai assistant, Ai Lian's face turned pale from blue, and Xiao Yang, who was sitting opposite, didn't know anything about what happened at the headquarters. She tapped the resignation letter with her fingertips and drank it. A sip of lemonade that is about to melt.

"Mr. Ellen, what's wrong with you?"

Ai Lian took a deep breath, inserted her slender fingers into the red hair, lowered her head and closed her eyes for a while. The exhaustion and haggardness of the past years finally left permanent traces on her bright face.

A few minutes later, Xiao Yang was already a little impatient. Knowing that Ai Lian would not let him go, he was even more irritable.

"Where are you going?" Ellen picked up her energy, straightened her back against the back of the chair, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"I have friends in Italy."

"Don't leave the country. Our current situation is unfavorable, it's very dangerous for you to go out." Ai Lin said firmly, as if there was no room for negotiation.

Xiao Yang just smiled lightly. Indeed, the capital chain of the research institute is about to break, and the follow-up drugs will not be available. Other countries and organizations that have already purchased experimental bodies cannot obtain the after-sales guarantee and drug supply they deserve. When the buyers are patiently exhausted, they will definitely take some measures. To protect his own interests, it was obviously unwise for Xiao Yang to leave the country at this time.

"Go back to the Greyhound family. It's isolated and safe there."

"Oh?" Xiao Yang smiled, but his eyes inadvertently showed a clear disgust.

Ai Lian took out a key and put it in front of Xiao Yang, with an unquestionable tone: "You are not allowed to leave the country. This is the biggest concession I have made. As for what you plan to do after you go back, feel free."

Xiao Yang was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a while, and slowly picked up the key on the table. This is the key to the arsenal in Ellen's Villa.

"Go away." Ai Lin took the resignation letter he put on the table, glanced at the packed suitcase on the carpet beside the bed, stood up and walked out.

"The bodyguard will take you away, I'm going back to work."

Snow Castle in the Lawrence Mountains.

In the ornately decorated European-style hall, Qi Shenggu reclined on the leather sofa, gently twirled the feathers on the small fan, cut a piece of peacock feather from his tail feather and stuck it on the fan.

The little ghost is sitting on the carpet holding the glass hourglass, staring blankly at the clock swinging on the wall, the ancient hands point to twelve noon, the small door on the clock slowly opens, and a girl dancing ballet slowly stretches out , put on the ding ding dong dong music.

The sprite suddenly became very happy, and the little face that looked like an albumen glass blushed: "The Knicks' hand... It's a coincidence."

"Yes. You sit on top, it's too cold under the ground." A long-haired girl was also sitting on the sofa, with a pair of dragonfly wings hanging from her back, holding a violin in her hand, and looking at the little ghosts on the carpet tenderly .

"Hmph... It's a pity that it didn't work in the right place." Qi Shenggu scornfully tried the newly glued peacock feather fan, "He cut open his chest cavity, took out his heart, and moulded it into a ceramic style, which is still there to this day. Grinding. Cough, cough... Humans are really whimsical. Oh, can he be considered a human? He can replace old body organs at will, and he shouldn't die. Cough..."

Qi Shenggu is too lazy to chat with a little ghost who can't speak a word, and it is really boring. Fortunately, there are many mature experimental subjects in the castle. Although they are less powerful, they can chat to relieve their boredom.

"The Knicks are a very good person. He's willing to take us in." The dragonfly experiment said worriedly, "It's okay for the Knicks to work for so long. I'll bring him a cup of coffee."

"Don't worry about him, he will blame you if you make a mistake." Qi Shenggu coughed twice, then turned his head and complained that the little ghost made the fire in the fireplace too choking.

Dragonfly still poured a cup of coffee and brought it to the puppet master's workshop. A tattered ceramic puppet placed on the workbench raised its head dully and looked at her with empty eyes.

The puppeteer is sculpting the poured ceramic heart with tweezers while wearing eyepieces.

The heart is very delicate, and it is an extremely huge project to carve out every chamber and every tiny blood vessel by hand. The puppet master was so engrossed in the carving that he couldn't even look up at the person who came in, because once he looked away, it would be difficult to find the blood vessel he had just carved, and it would be impossible to continue.

The dragonfly carefully placed the coffee in a place where it would not be easily spilled, ready to exit.

The chandelier above his head shook suddenly, and the dragonfly raised its head alertly. In an instant, something heavy seemed to slam into the outer wall of the castle, and the ground and walls shook violently.

Dragonfly didn't have time to think about anything, so she grabbed the coffee cup just placed on the table to prevent the coffee from spilling and the hot water spilling on her body. She bit her lip and looked around in pain, not knowing what happened. what's the situation.

The puppeteer also sensed movement outside the castle, but he couldn't raise his head, couldn't look away from the ceramic heart, or even speak aloud to keep his fingers from shaking.

"Buy me for a day." The puppet master said in a very soft voice, dripping from the tip of his nose, "This is my only request."

Dragonfly stood there in a daze for a while, quietly exited the workshop, closed the door for him, and hurriedly followed the dolls and experimental subjects running from the corridor to the various balconies in the castle full of Juliet roses.

Looking down from a height, at least hundreds of gray-white experimental subjects crawled out of the white snow and were gathering around the castle.

The gorgeously dressed dolls jumped down from the balcony one after another with guns in their arms, rushed out of the garden, and fought with the gray-white experimental subjects that came in.

Dragonfly was stunned. She had never seen such a scene before. Even though she was an experimental subject, she was born with weak combat power and was used as fodder. She suddenly didn't know what to do now.

While she was trying to protect the frightened and crying experimental larvae around her, a golden-blue band crossed her head. She looked up, and the strange bones gliding down from the highest point, the golden-blue peacock's tail feathers scattered in the air. , a light golden protective cover encloses the entire castle.

"Where's the kid from?" Qi Shenggu took out two pistols from under the hem of the cheongsam, holding one in each hand, and shot down the experimental subjects that were climbing towards the wall.

"Attributes, exchange." The little ghost climbed to the top of the castle, and put the glass hourglass in his hand upside down on the ground. The hourglass turned backwards, and the snow outside the courtyard suddenly burst into continuous fire, and the gray-white experiment soaked in the snow The body was burned by the flames, screaming loudly, and rolling on the ground trying to extinguish the flames on the body.

The emperor crocodile leaned against the gate of the garden with its huge body, and a layer of sturdy crocodile scales spread over the entire wall.

Dragonfly looked at them at a loss, and suddenly, Qi Shenggu glanced back at her, threw a gun up, and Yanmi's eyes lifted slightly.

"Come down to help, eat free food."

The dragonfly subconsciously vibrated its thin wings and flew out of the balcony, catching the gun with both hands, heavy and hot.

She looked back, and the experimental subjects that had grown to maturity kept jumping out of the balcony, holding their unskilled weapons in one or both hands, and the dragonfly could vaguely hear their whispers.

"Protect the Knicks."

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