Lan Bo and Bai Chunian glanced at each other silently, Lan Bo grabbed the synergistic element with a quick hand, and raised his hand to tie Bai Chunian's neck down, and was held by Bai Chunian's wrist.

"Good, hit it." Lan Bo bit his teeth slightly and pressed the needle hard against the back of his neck. Bai Chunian's weakness after the injection of the dissociating agent had not yet passed, and he felt a little soft after being pressed by Lan Bo.

"Don't get excited, wife, put it down first."

After a stalemate for a while, Rimbaud relaxed, his hand holding synesthesia dropped to his side, he sat gloomily, the hair on his forehead covered his eyes, and his voice trembled: "Don't wait..."

Bai Chunian took the synephrine injection gun from his hand and raised it to the front of his face for details: "Now, apart from the headquarters of the research institute, there is only such a synephrine in the outside world. If I use it, the immortal soul will be useless. After he loses his mind, how many casualties will the undead summons flood the world?"

This matter was obviously also within Han Xingqian's consideration, he held his chin and simply calculated: "If the undead summoning body appears in one region and one region, there is still room for recovery, but if the undead summoning body is within a short period of time. It is really difficult to control the outbreak at the same time. The president is willing to give you this synergistic element, which means that he will personally take action to chase down the immortal undead. "

Bai Chunian pursed his lips and thought for a while, then asked, "Does this tube have to be injected into it to be effective?"

"According to the synergist information obtained by the puppet master, each milliliter of medicine can last for ten more days. This tube of medicine has a total of three milliliters, which can maintain the sanity state of the experimental subject in the deterioration stage for a total of 30 days."

"Brother Han, give me a milliliter from it." Bai Chunian put the injection gun in front of Han Xingqian, "You take the rest of the medicine back to the Medical Association, half of it will be used for sampling and imitation, and the other half will be stored. If the undead run away, This one-third of synephrine can provide temporary relief and buy us ten more days."

"In ten days, it will be difficult for a medical society to successfully imitate such a medicine." Han Xingqian frowned, "Besides, there are only ten days, what are you going to do after these ten days?"

"If the president can bring back the search documents of the banned research institute within ten days, the secret agents will help me get the synergistic element."

"The international conference has been postponed indefinitely, within ten days... It's hard to say."

"In those ten days, I'm going to sneak into the headquarters of the research institute and bring out synesthesia." Bai Chunian sat cross-legged on the carpet, drawing circles with his fingertips.

Han Xingqian stared at him blankly. The sincere and funny boy in the past was now sick and pale, holding a life-saving medicine in his hand, but what he thought was to save one for the alliance.

For a time, he recalled the days when Xiaobai was brought back to the IOA. He was so bruised and weak that he couldn't stand up, but he still put on a reluctant smile and tried to show everyone that he was harmless. No doctors or nurses dared to be alone with him. Han Xingqian was just as cautious, testing him with a single horn every day, worried that he might hurt others with malicious thoughts.

However, no, every time he used the companion ability holy beast to wander and read Xiaobai's heart, it was always so clear that it made people feel ashamed.

"Although the operation of sneaking into the headquarters of the institute will be tacitly approved by the team leader, it will not be approved in writing by the task force of the special task force, which means that there is no support and equipment. I have to prepare for a while. You can leave me a few more shots of dissociating agent. There is too little synephrine, so I use it sparingly."

Rimbaud did not speak again.

The bedroom became silent. Only Bai Chunian seemed to be in a good mood. He sat on the ground and rolled up his T-shirt to get rid of it. He planned to change into a clean one. His two feet didn't pay attention to controlling the mimicry because no outsiders were present, and became White velvet lion paws, pink paw pads swinging left and right.

Suddenly, Han Xingqian grabbed Bai Chunian's collar, causing him to be pulled in front of him without defense. He lightly touched his forehead with the single horn on his forehead, and read Bai Chunian's defenseless heart at this moment. .

There was a trembling voice in his heart, saying, "I don't want to die."

It has been a day and a night since the first wave of undead summons appeared in the Lawrence Mountains of Canada.

Snow White Castle was still impeccably defended, and no enemy could cross the line and break into the castle, disturbing the puppet masters in the workshop.

The workshop was locked from the inside. During this day and night, except for the occasional small movement of grinding and cutting, it has been very quiet.

There was only a lamp on the workbench in the room, and the surrounding light was dim. There was a doll lying on the bed. From the limbs to the torso, it was made of ceramic material. It was made into the shape of an alpha. Its spherical joints are small and flexible, but this ceramic doll has no head on its neck.

Wearing a leather apron, the puppeteer sat beside the workbench, crossed one leg, resting the ceramic head on it, and the table was full of makeup tools.

The ceramic head has not yet had time to be carefully carved, but the puppet master's craftsmanship is exquisite, and the roughly carved facial features are also very three-dimensional and handsome. At this time, the makeup has been completed. On the cheek of the doll, a red line was drawn across the bridge of the nose from left to right, and then the pen was dipped in black ink, and a black line was drawn vertically, forming a cross with the red line, and finally a transparent layer was sprayed on the entire face. Matte paint.

The puppet master selected a pair of light green glazed eyeballs he made from the drawer and placed them in the empty eye sockets of the puppet. After that, he took out the short silver hair that was stored in the ziplock bag, and tapped it into the puppet's eye socket one by one. overhead.

Everything was ready, the puppet master placed the head on the body of the puppet on the bed, and tried twisting, bowing, and raising his head.

The puppet master couldn't count how many nights he hadn't closed his eyes, his eyeballs were covered with bloodshots, his chin was stubble, and he was too haggard. And the cracked hands propped up Eris' body.

The ceramic doll has no vitality, and naturally has no ability to support himself to sit up. He can only lean against the puppet master's arms with his limbs and joints twisted, his chin resting on his shoulder.

The puppet master took out the sacred clockwork from his pocket, inserted it into the keyhole on the back of Eris' neck, and carefully rotated it half-circle and half-circle.

At first, the rotation of the clockwork seemed to be stuck because the interior was brand new and not used, but it went smoothly. The puppet master turned the sacred clockwork three times, and then used his A3 ability, the hand of God, and the tequila pheromone came from him. The glands spread to the surroundings and injected into Eris.

Behind the white ceramic body of Eris, a red-backed spider emblem emerged from under the skin of the lower waist. This step is very similar to printing a brand logo on a factory doll.

In the dim workshop, the lamp on the table flickered, and the puppet leaning against the puppet master's shoulder raised his head sluggishly, his light green eyes suddenly brightened, he rolled in his sockets and blinked, The corners of the bright red narrow lips curved upwards.

Finally, there were voices in the room.

"You said you liked a violent world, and life would change quickly. I've been following your order, Knicks, why do you seem unhappy?"

Eris's voice was the same as always, one part boy sunny, part dingo gloomy.

The puppet master focused on sanding the spherical joints on Eris' waist, and said calmly: "That must be based on the conditions of your immortality, Eris, the essence of human beings is a double standard."

"Okay." Eris moved his joints, which were still a little stiff and unsmooth, and raised his hand to squeeze his fingers a few times, and put them on his left chest.

"What did you put in my chest?" Eris closed his eyes and stroked his left breast. "There's something inside. It's hot and heavy like it's taken out of boiling water."

"How is it?" the puppet master asked.

Eris didn't know what to do, but was honored just because this mechanical core came from the hands of Knicks, and made a cross on his chest with his hand to promise: "I will treasure it for the rest of my life."

Eris put his hand on the back of the puppeteer silently, followed his back down to his waist, and before he was about to reprimand himself with disgust, he quickly took out a chip from the pocket of his apron.

It is a battle chip dropped from Athena's shield. It is the same version that Eris used to use. It can be used by the first experimental subject with number 6.

"Wait, I haven't thought about it yet." The puppet master was stunned and raised his hand to stop him. Eris already has a heart similar to human beings, and should be matched with a more reasonable program, but such reason requires sacrifice. In exchange for the price of combat power, it becomes difficult to choose.

However, staying up all night for several days in a row made the puppet master sluggish. He reached out and grabbed the air. Eris put the battle chip in his mouth and swallowed it with his head up.

The special warfare weapon combat chip developed by the research institute can give the experimental subject an understanding of the weapon structure, fighting knowledge, combat awareness and slaughter tendency.

The chip suddenly returned, the sound of gears turning and biting sounded in Eris' body, and a golden reading program rolled over his eyeballs.

Then, he sensed the approaching danger of gathering outside Snow White Castle, stood up from the bed, and looked out the window.

The puppet master quietly looked at this work of art entirely by his own hands-every tendon and every muscle on the slender calf could be stretched and changed with the movement, and it was too late to accurately measure the sculpted body. It is very agile when it is molded. The most important thing is that he has a heart that is in the same proportion as a human being. No one can reproduce such a mechanical core.

This is the doll he made in the shortest time. Although he has not had time to polish it carefully, he knows just by looking at the prototype.

Like all artists, he is unreasonably worried about whether his works will survive in the world after a hundred years. Eris, as a full-mimicry messenger-type ninth-level mature body, if he is allowed to grow savagely, it is inevitable that he will enter a period of deterioration.

He needs synephrine.

The puppeteer thought so, and although Eris did not show any deterioration, he still had some nervous panic.

Eris cracked his long lips and smiled nonchalantly: "If you have something you forbid me to do, you can verbally order me, Knicks."

The puppet master put the sacred clockwork in the palm of Eris, and instructed slowly: "This time only kill the undead summoned body, don't hurt any other creatures."

The undead summons outside Snow White were killed in batches, but they would come back after a few hours, because the Lawrence Mountains was also one of the locations where the cultivation base concentrated on destroying the experimental bodies.

Qi Shenggu sat on top of the snow-covered castle wall, with his legs hanging down from the outer wall, his high heels dangling from his toes, blowing the overheated muzzle in his hand.

She led many experimental subjects and dolls to resist the undead summons outside the wall, but looked back at the ammunition box, there were not many magazines left, and she repelled this wave of undead summons, and she didn't know what to do next. How many more to face.

"One day has passed." Qi Shenggu raised his peacock feather fan to block the snow falling to his hair, lowered his head and asked the dragonfly flying under her feet, "Is Nix dead?"

"No, just hold on..." Dragonfly dragged her gun with both hands and flew into the air tiredly. One of the transparent wings behind her was broken, leaving only half of it, and the cascading wounds on her body were unable to heal.

Qi Shenggu sneered at her weak look.

Suddenly there was a faint sound on the ground, and Qi Sheng opened his eyes alertly. On the horizon covered with snow in the distance, another group of gray-white experimental subjects emerged.

"It's here again, it's endless, how much of this kind of ghost research institute has been destroyed?" Qi Shenggu raised his rifle irritably, the magazine of the suitable model was exhausted.

The dragonfly was so tired that it lay on the high wall and couldn't fly, its wings moved weakly, the blood was still flowing down the fingertips, and it looked down at the foot of the castle. gradually cover.

She and most of the experimental subjects who live here are not good at fighting, and their level is not high enough. They have been exhausted under the high-intensity resistance battle day and night.

Ji Ji jumped down from a height with the hourglass in his arms and slid next to Qi Shenggu. He also had some glands overdrawn, and his hand holding the hourglass was shaking slightly.

"It's really useless." Qi Shenggu glanced at these unsatisfactory things, threw the rifle that ran out of ammunition, and took out a pistol from the side of the leg under the dark green cheongsam skirt.

Just as they were about to stand up again with their wounded bodies to fight, a frantic shrill laughter came from the heights of the castle.

People heard the voice and looked back subconsciously, and the arched window at the very center and top of the castle was pushed open, and Eris flew out of the window like a cuckoo in the chimes, wearing a dress from a full-height puppet. The gorgeous Baroque dress that was peeled off jumped out of the air in an arc, and fell heavily into the snow outside the castle wall.

The snow was smashed by his falling body, and the snowflakes flew. Eris slowly got up from the ceramic and wooden stumps of many dolls, raised his hand from behind and held the half-human-high silver cast from the sacred clockwork. The scissors, the golden thread of the curse is scattered around the blade, and the scarlet lips are raised upwards and split.


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