Citizens in the seaside plaza have been evacuated, and the police station has cordoned off the entire coast of Aphid City, not allowing idlers to enter the dangerous area.

On the deserted beach, only Lu Yan was standing in the middle. The hurricane approached the shoreline from the center of the distant sea with the black clouds wrapped in it. Swarms of skeleton killer whales jumped and chirped on the sea, and bursts of ethereal sounds approached the shore. On the side, a strong oppressive force shrouded down, forcing Lu Yan to take two steps back.

In front of them were two A3-level experimental subjects, and the pressure from the pavement was terrifying. Lu Yan glanced back, and a rescue car of the Medical Association was parked not far from the cordon behind him. Rescue the wounded, and then put the injured who are not in an emergency into an ambulance and transport them to a nearby hospital.

Police officers and firefighters are still searching and rescuing trapped civilians in the ruins of the collapsed buildings, with people's cries for help and the barking of police dogs one after another behind them.

Lu Yan turned his head and did not dare to step back. He temporarily recovered the rabbit entity split from the fourth dimension to retain the gland energy.

He bit his lip and replaced the submachine gun with a new magazine, and the communicator in his ear suddenly connected: "Don't be afraid."

Bi Lanxing's voice gave him the greatest sense of security, and his back no longer seemed to be empty, as if someone was standing with him.

"Are there two A3s on the opposite side?" Lu Yan looked around. In order to provide the best entertainment environment for the citizens, the waterfront plaza had almost no obstacles, so he had nowhere to hide at this time.

Bi Lanxing: "Yes, the mermaid with white hair, blue eyes and white tail is an A3-level mature full-mimic experimental subject 8107 Messenger, and the other is an A3-level deterioration experimental subject 200 Pandora's immortal undead."

"..." Lu Yan smiled bitterly.

Bi Lanxing: "The reinforcements are on the way. The PBB special forces dispatched by the military are still clearing the undead summons that appeared in various districts of the city. Ayan, you have to hold them back for at least 20 minutes before the citizens can survive."

"...Well." Lu Yan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when he opened them again, his eyes became firm, "The coast is empty, Lan Xing, give me cover."

Han Xingqian, who was beside the rescue car, was observing the coast while rescuing the wounded. He and Xiao Xun had seen the destructive power of the immortal undead when they were driving the pearl when they were responding to the ship of the Crazy Shark. With Lu Yan, a seventeen-year-old M2 Class lop-eared rabbits, no way to compete with them.

He sent a voice message to Xiao Tun: "Come here to get a medicine box and an anesthesia gun."

As soon as the message was sent, the communicator rang.

Bi Lanxing: "His position is on the TV tower 860 meters away from the coastline. The range of the anesthesia gun is not enough, so let it go first."

Han Xingqian was a little surprised: "Are you monitoring me? What about Lu Yan?"

Bi Lanxing: "I'm staring at everyone, Brother Han."

Han Xingqian looked at Lu Yan in the center of the beach, but saw that the sand on the beach was trembling slightly, and some hidden creatures meandered and walked underground, gradually crawling towards Lu Yan's direction.

"Be careful, what is that?"

"It's my seed, Brother Han."

Soon, the group of killer whales also washed up to the shore, and the huge skeleton skeletons wailed and stranded on the beach.

The immortal undead jumped from the head of the killer whale and floated in the air. The pearl also slid down the white bone of the killer whale to the shore, and the fish tail turned into legs and stood on the beach.

Soft and warm grains of sand surged up from between my toes, the snow-white waves washed over, and the grains of sand slowly slipped away from my feet. The touch made Pearl feel dizzy.

He turned slightly, stared at the skeletonized body of the killer whale stranded on the beach, and subconsciously raised his hand to stroke its skeleton. The killer whale twisted its body painfully, avoiding the touch of the pearl. If the eyes were still in the hollow sockets, the eyes must be filled with pain and disgust.

The killer whale looked up to the sky and whined, finally stopped struggling, and died on the shore.

Pearl felt an inexplicable tingling in her heart. He put his hand on his chest, looked up, and saw at a glance the statue of Rimbaud standing in the center of the square. The statue of a mermaid about ten meters high was majestic and sacred. In his right hand, he held a trident that symbolized the noble status of the sea god. A wishing pool was built under the tail of the fish, and the water of the pool communicated with the sea.

Pearl unconsciously touches the pink scales on the outside of her thighs with her fingertips. She also has siren scales and also has the power to rule the ocean, but Pearl has felt the difference between clouds and mud more than once. Make him feel ashamed.

With the passage of time, Pearl became more and more uncomfortable, and felt more and more that the connection between the immortal souls became weaker, and he hesitated more and more when killing and destroying. Every day, it seemed that Rimbaud's low and sad voice could be heard in Ask yourself in your head, "Is this the right thing to do?"

"Hey, big blisters, you go and smash the statue, it's so big, it makes people angry." The immortal undead did not notice the strangeness of Pearl's emotions, and his attention was completely on the straight back facing them. on the bunny.

Lu Yan held uzi in both hands, the gun stock was placed under his shoulders, and he didn't even wear a combat uniform. He only had a black short-sleeved cartoon carrot pattern and white sports shorts. The tall man turned his back to the cordon behind him, and one person kept them out of the city.

The police officer with a gun crossed the cordon and wanted to run over to help, but Lu Yan turned around and shouted, hesitantly stopped, and slowly retreated.

"How dare you stand here." The immortal undead flew forward, swaying in the air, sniffing the honey-flavored pheromone emanating from Lu Yan's body, this little rabbit was at most M2 level, and even had the courage to stand in front of him .

"Hee hee, then I'll give you a good time." The undead jian swooped down with a smile, passed Lu Yan's body easily, and passed him by. After a few seconds of stagnation, Lu Yan's throat burst with blood, slowly Fall down slowly.

"I can't help but fight, I can't help fighting." The undead laughed and flew towards the cordon blocking the road.

Just as he flew forward, his neck suddenly became cold, a dagger blade flashed behind his glands, the undead escaped in a thrilling way, and when he looked back, he met Shang Lu Yan's focused gaze.

The corpse of the rabbit whose throat was cut shattered and disappeared. Lu Yan jumped into the air and disappeared in an instant. The undead followed his scent, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Lu Yan's neck.

When the little rabbit kicked and struggled desperately in his palm, the cold light of the dagger flashed from the back of the undead's neck again, and another Lu Yan appeared behind him. Deep bloodstains.

With a single strike, Lu Yan quickly distanced himself from him, put on a submachine gun and shot backwards, landing on the beach ten meters away.

It was only when the undead found out that this little rabbit had the ability to clone, and killing the clone would not hurt Lu Yan at all, and he couldn't find out who his body was.

But even so, there is an insurmountable gap between the strength of M2-level humans and A3-level deteriorating experimental subjects, and this is a gap that cannot be bridged by any skill.

"Looking for death." The undead was provoked and fell to the ground angrily. A Pandora's mirror quickly unfolded under his feet, covering the entire circular beach with himself as the center.

Lu Yan could only use his companion ability to run at supersonic speed, so that the ghost hand in the magic mirror under his feet could not catch him.

The mirror surface was endless, and there was not even a single rock around. Without a bunker, Lu Yan was at an absolute disadvantage of being crushed.

"Aren't you tired of running yet? I see how long you can spend with me, let's play a game, hee hee, as long as you don't die, I will pass the cordon, spare those people's lives, how about it?" The corners of his lips were raised, and he floated and followed behind Lu Yan.

Lu Yan turned his head and said loudly, "Play! Talking counts!"

He suddenly slipped a shovel and slipped away from the smooth mirror surface of the magic mirror. Suddenly, the creatures that had been wriggling and lurking in the ground suddenly rose from the ground. The dark black sturdy vines shattered the mirror surface, and thorny branches stretched out from the main stem. , which quickly coiled and grew under Lu Yan's feet.

The beach was immediately occupied by black vines, like a desert covered by a virgin jungle, with dense dark thorns growing around each other, providing Lu Yan with enough cover and hiding places.

Bi Lanxing's ability to manipulate plants can be activated remotely. As long as there are seeds, they can be urged to grow and become thorns in the sky. There are many seabirds in the seaside plaza. The seabirds that have swallowed the seeds brought the seeds to the beach, and then left the seeds on the shore in the way of excretion, which became the main body of Bilanxing's manipulation.

However, in just a few seconds, the flat beach turned into a virgin forest, and Lu Yan's figure was looming in it. The sight of the immortal soul was blocked by the dense thorns, and it was impossible to determine Lu Yan's location.

However, a few vines couldn't stop him. He reached out and touched the vines, and the ink-colored vines immediately turned gray and brittle, scattered into a black mist, and the immortal souls shuttled through it in this way, searching for the trace of the little rabbit.

As time passed by, the undead began to lose patience and rammed through the dense forest of vines.

"I've had enough." The undead stopped, his face was extremely gloomy, and he slowly landed on the ground, with grayish white smoke rising from his body.

Pandora's mirror quickly spread out from under his feet, and the ghost hands in the mirror climbed and tore up along the vines, swallowing the entire vine forest down inch by inch.

The vines fell down, and Lu Yan's hiding space became smaller. He was forced out of the gaps in the vines. The undead locked his position and flew through the layers of vines.

When he was flying, a strange flower bud appeared in the corner of the light, growing from the nest of the branches of the vine, the undead glanced around, such a flower bud grew more and more, and in an instant, the flower bud bloomed, and Lu Yan jumped from the center of the bright red flower. It came out, and in the center of each blooming poisonous wood flower flew a little rabbit with a gun in both hands, and behind each clone was connected a hollow plant stem tube, which was connected to the main stem of the vine, like an umbilical cord. A steady stream of energy is fed to each Rabbit entity.

Han Xingqian, who was nervously observing the battle situation from a distance, first discovered the clue: "Symbiotic relationship? He can resist the eternal undead for so long."

In Dr. Zhong's article "Research on the Association, Fusion, Symbiosis and Driving Relationship between Glands", as long as there is one of the four relationships between the glands, the possibility of 1 plus 1 greater than 2 can be realized, and the power it exerts It is far more than the ordinary cooperation of two people.

The glands of Bi Lanxing and Lu Yan have a high degree of fit and species correlation. As they grow older, the glands gradually develop and mature, and a rare symbiotic relationship appears.

Lu Yan's M2 ability 4D split can pull himself on the timeline into the three-dimensional real world. The more clones are pulled in, the faster the energy consumption will be, but at this time the rabbit entity no longer only consumes Lu Yan's own energy, At the same time, there are vines supplying energy. Sixty rabbit entities have the same strength, which is equivalent to sixty M2-level agents with a high degree of coordination and tacit understanding attacking at the same time.

In the face of dozens of rabbit entities with the same appearance and the same breath, and it was impossible to tell the difference, the immortal undead was stunned for a while, and found himself surrounded.

Sixty Lu Yan fired at the immortal undead at the same time, the sparks of the submachine guns flashed like stars, and the bursts of gunfire were dense and undulating, like an entire assault team.

The undead fought head-on, and the sharp laughter echoed in the sky: "I really didn't expect you to live in front of me for so long. The rabbits are really powerful now."

At this time, in the Office of the Search Section of the IOA Headquarters Building, Bi Lanxing was sitting in front of the computer nervously observing the overall situation, staring intently at the twenty-four drone images separated on the screen.

The PBB storm special forces are advancing from the North Sixth District to the waterfront square, and it will take five minutes at the earliest to arrive at the waterfront square.

Being able to stand alone for fifteen minutes in front of a test subject in the deterioration stage is already the limit of an M2-level human being.

Bi Lanxing stared at the omega who was fighting the undead through the screen, the number of rabbit entities dropped sharply, and the wounds on Lu Yan's body also increased one by one.

He wanted to stand up from the computer and rush to Lu Yan's side several times to stand in front of him, but his reason would bring him back to reality. He knew that only by sitting in this position could he find a way to save the situation.

"Ayan, he's losing his mind, pay attention to the timing."

Lu Yan's speed was much slower than at the beginning, and his stamina was almost exhausted.

The immortal undead killed the last rabbit entity, grabbed the tactical dagger in his hand, and flew towards Lu Yan's body. At that moment, a black hole suddenly appeared where Lu Yan was. Lu Yan jumped into the hole, and the undead's eyes The killing intent was revealed, and the dagger in his hand stabbed in together.

But another black hole in the cave of the cunning rabbit appeared from the back of the undead's neck. Lu Yan jumped out of the hole. The undead's hand holding the dagger also chased out of the cunning rabbit's cave behind him, and a knife slashed through Lu Yan's waist. At the same time, it stabbed into the glands in the back of his neck.

The undead with severely injured glands wailed and flew all over the sky, cursing in a shrill voice: "Okay, are you waiting for someone to rescue you until now... I'll keep them from coming, slippery bunny, I'm going to grind it with my own hands. You die."

A humming wave trembled outwards from his body, and the sound of Death's summoning echoed eerily in every corner of the city.

In front of the computer, Bi Lanxing frowned. In the twenty-four drone surveillance images on the screen, a gray-white giant python suddenly appeared on the towering building. A giant lizard climbed out from under the highway pier, and flew out between the buildings. There was a whole field of gray and white wasps, and the number of undead summons in the city increased sharply. The PBB special forces and IOA agents who were rushing to the waterfront square were all held back and unable to move forward.

"Fengyue, Leopard Girl, there is a new undead summoning body in the new second district, pay attention to protect the hospital." Bi Lanxing issued dispatch orders to the agents of each district one by one, while devoting the most energy to pay attention to Lu Yan's situation.

Lu Yan was slashed deeply in the lower back, and fell heavily to the ground, unable to get up.

Bi Lanxing looked at him on the screen, cold sweat oozing out of his forehead, and his throat kept moving up and down.

"Ayan, get up." The vines grew up to Lu Yan's cheeks, pushing his cheeks with curled buds.

"Ayan, wake up, get up quickly."

"Ayan... Okay, you've done a good job."

Lu Yan was lying on the ground, blood soaked his clothes and trousers, dripping onto the sand under his body, the sand clumped together, and the blood oozing from the wound on his forehead dripped into his eyes, causing his vision to turn blood red.

The vines crawled up to him, and the curled branches and leaves rolled him up and dragged him out of the cordon.

Ten meters away from the cordon, Lu Yan's fingers moved slightly, clasped the sand, and slowly struggled to raise his head. With the other hand, he raised the muzzle with difficulty, aiming at the undead on the opposite side with his blurred eyes.

"As long as your father... can still... move... I won't, let you go..."

The immortal undead laughed, floated in front of Lu Yan, leaned down slightly and teased him: "You speak swear words, you are a poor student."

In the communicator, Bi Lanxing suddenly said: "At the position, Xiao Xun!"

When the voice fell, a sniper bullet came through the air, tearing the air into the back of the undead's neck like lightning, and then, a red square crosshair appeared on the back of the undead's neck, with Xiao Tun's M2 ability to hunt back and lock.

Han Xingqian, who was waiting beside the rescue car, finally found an opportunity and threw the injection gun he took out from the medicine box at the undead.

The target hit by Xiao Tun will be locked, and its position will be shared with allies. The shooting of surrounding teammates will be corrected by the universal dashboard, and the hit rate will be greatly improved.

After being thrown into the injection gun, the route was corrected, and it hit the gland of the immortal soul at an impossible angle, and all the internal medicine was injected into the gland.

"What is this?!" The immortal undead realized that he was too close to their trap, his face changed suddenly, he tore off the injection gun on the gland, turned and flew into the sky, turning back to stand under the statue of Rimbaud The dazed Pearl shouted, "Come back quickly!"

Lu Yan raised his chin with difficulty, a ship seemed to appear on the sea level, his vision was blurred, and he couldn't see clearly.

The vine wrapped to protect his body, the thin vines wrapped around his waist, sealed the wound to stop the bleeding, and released a slight toxin to relieve his pain.

"Ayan, reinforcements are here, you can lie down for a while."

A signal gun was fired on a distant ship, and the PBB Shark Marines arrived first. A dozen medium-sized speedboats were put down on the deck. The special forces of the Sharks were carrying guns and riding the wind and waves toward the coast.

It wasn't just the Crazy Sharks that came with them.

The eagle shadow hovered in the sky, and the clownfish held the hand of the red-tailed buzzard experimental subject Huck hanging in the air. When Huck flew close to the ground, he let go of his hand and fell to the ground, crossing between Lu Yan and the immortal undead. The undead forced back from Lu Yan's side.

"Combined explosion!" Tan Qing and Tan Yang landed first, clasped their hands together, hydrogen and oxygen blended and exploded, the air was detonated out of thin air, and a series of explosions were directed towards the immortal undead, and the undead were forced to fly into the sky.

Firefly rides over the head of the burly and tall African elephant experimental subject. Two circular caves appear on the beach. Two hamster experimental subjects dug up from the ground. Muppets and Siamese omega carry submachine guns from the caves. leap out.

Lu Yan's body lightened, and a pair of cold hands hugged him. He opened his eyes and saw a mummy's face wrapped in snow-white spider silk.

Witch Hazel made the mummy hold Lu Yan to retreat, and he held the AK74 with the wire-explosive magazine, and aimed the muzzle at the head of the undead. unable to heal.

The PBB Marines landed and rushed to the shore under the command of Captain Whale Shark to form an encirclement. The students wearing special training uniforms from Aphid Island flew ashore one after another, rushed to the end of the beach, and automatically lined up along the cordon, armed with weapons, With his back to the whole city, the police officers searching and rescuing in the rubble and the doctors rescuing by the rescue vehicle are behind him.

Ying said loudly to the communicator: "The headquarters order, stick to the coastline, protect civilians and doctors to evacuate!"

A series of "received" shouted from the students who were guarding the cordon.

Lu Yan stood up with his gun propped up, stood with his former classmates, wiped the blood from his face and the corners of his lips, grabbed the broken yellow warning line and wrapped it around his waist, gritted his teeth and raised his head.

The dark clouds that swept across the sky opened a wound, the golden light fell on Lu Yan's raised cheeks, and the sun shone in his eyes.

"You can't get through..."

The immortal undead flew forward with difficulty against the gust of wind blown by the dandelion experimental body. With his strength and immortality in the deteriorating period, it was easy to obliterate these young students one by one.

Witch worm stood up and stood in front of Lu Yan, who was seriously injured. He raised his hand and pulled Lu Yan behind him. The undead was a little afraid of the AK74 in his hand. Healing major injuries.

But it wasn't a destructive threat either, and the undead didn't flinch.

From the defense line formed by the students' bodies, Wuxiang Stalker slowly walked out of the queue, standing at the forefront, facing the eternal undead.

"324." The undead raised his eyebrows and sneered, "I saw you on the destruction list, but I couldn't summon your soul, so you didn't die. There are so many traitors, hee hee."

The Elephant Stalker did not respond, but walked towards the undead step by step, as if passing through an invisible mirror. When he walked out, his body imitated the appearance of an immortal undead, except for a chameleon that was rolled up behind him. Wave Candy Tail.

He floated into the air, spread a magic mirror under his feet, and the ghost in the mirror grabbed the legs of the immortal undead, biting and dragging it downward.

Elephant Stalker M2 ability, the field in the mirror is enhanced, imitating the target ability "Angel under the Ship", the power is increased by 200%, and the duration is determined by the gland energy.

"The major told me not to let you live." Wuxiang Stalker's voice was obedient, but he showed the same gray smile as him to the undead.

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