Bai Chunian inherited a part of Rimbaud's purification ability in his body, but he could only keep the infectious agent stuffed in the warhead from spreading in his body.

Rimbaud clamped his tongue with two fingers, let him open his mouth slightly, and bit his fangs on his phalanx, so as not to be too painful to bite himself, and put his other hand into the bleeding bullet hole with two fingers. , clipped out the warhead.

Bai Chunian tensed in pain and stiffened, biting Lan Bo's knuckles uncontrollably.

"Take it out, it doesn't hurt anymore." Rimbaud's fingers were bitten through two holes by his canine teeth, and blood oozing out, dripping on the tip of his tongue, which was mixed with transparent saliva. , flowing down the corner of the mouth that could not be closed.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, it's alright." Rimbaud coaxed softly, but his fingertips stuck into the **** bullet hole again, slightly bent his fingertips, and scraped out the infectious toxin remaining in the flesh.

The unbearable pain made Bai Chunian tremble, bloodshot eyes crawling with bloodshot eyes, tears involuntarily seeping out of the lacrimal glands, blurring his vision.

"Okay, clean it up." Lan Bo pulled out his fingers for the last time, took out a medical bandage from his equipment backpack, and wrapped Bai Chunian a few times to wait for the wound to heal.

"Fuck... it's really hard, it hurts me to death." Bai Chunian was exhausted, buried his head in Lan Bo's shoulders, and put all his weight on Lan Bo's body, breathing weakly, and slowly regaining his strength.

Lan Bo held him with his left hand to prevent him from falling off the cantilever beam, patted his back, released a pheromone to comfort him, and found that Bai Chunian's blood was still left on the skin of his right hand.

He raised his right hand and raised it to the front of his face. The bright red blood flowed down the fingertips to the palm of his hand, spreading in the fine lines of the snow-white skin.

The blood flowed in the palm prints into an abstract painting, Rimbaud observed it in a trance, he was a little obsessed, he stuck out his tongue and licked his fingertips.

The faint brandy pheromone and the **** taste permeated the mouth, and Rimbaud tasted it ecstatically.

Bai Chunian fell asleep for a while with his chin resting on Lan Bo's shoulder, and woke up in a daze. Seeing that Lan Bo didn't move, he asked in a hoarse voice, "What are you doing."

Rimbaud licked off the last blood stain on his fingertips, and answered truthfully: "I'm making love with your soul." The tone had an excited aftertaste.

"...Ah...?" Bai Chunian sat up wearily, and yawned lazily. The tip of his tiger teeth stretched out and was covered by his thin lips. He squinted at the bullet in Lan Bo's hand. The special bullet was engraved with patterns. The ravines, in which the concentrated infectious agent is compressed,

"What are you still holding on to the broken warhead? It's about to be thrown away."

"Don't throw it away. I'll give it back to her as it is. If you can't beat it, take out the gun, it's no fun." Rimbaud stuffed the bullet into his belly button, which at first glance looked like a shiny silver navel.

Bai Chunian knew the character of Lan Bo's vengeance. In the past, he would report his vengeance on the spot, but now it is different. On the surface, the clouds are light and the wind is light, but his eyes are full of ruthlessness.

"It's okay, wife, don't be angry, your brows are twisted." Bai Chunian put his hand on his neck, hugged Lan Bo and kissed him on the base of his ear. The long, translucent blue fin ears slowly turned red and rolled, and the tip of the fish tail was comfortably rolled into a heart shape.

"Get up, go down and have a look first." Bai Chunian moved his waist, most of the gunshot wound had healed, and it was no problem to support his body to stand up.

Lanbo climbed down around the elevator rope, Bai Chunian jumped between the bars to buffer, and flexibly climbed down.

The elevator shaft is very deep vertically, at least one or two hundred meters down to the bottom, the elevator crashed at the bottom, and Rimbaud didn't see anything else until it hit the bottom.

Bai Chunian took the flashlight in his hand, and after landing, he looked around and found some fighting scratches between the bars. The shape was left by silver scissors transformed from sacred clockwork.

He looked down with his head down and found a small pool of water on one of the bars.

Bai Chunian carefully tore off a medical bandage and placed it on the pool of transparent liquid.

The bandage was corroded, blackened by the carbonization, and burned out a large hole.

is concentrated sulfuric acid.

"Ouch." Bai Chunian slammed the beam with regret and punched the beam, "Eris put a bucket of concentrated sulfuric acid in the pocket of the puppet master's apron before. They were lucky not to let them fold here. They should die. Get them."

"I saw you give the ragdoll a shot of synephrine."

"It was shot, but he jumped too fast to see the effect." Bai Chunian took out the injection gun with only two-thirds of it left, "Do you think this is true or false."

"Give it to me." Rimbaud took the injection gun, plunged it directly into his neck, and pushed half of the red medicinal liquid into his body. His purification ability is far stronger than the effects of drugs made by humans, even if this is a tube of powerful poison, he can't do anything to him.

After waiting for a while, Rimbaud looked at him with certainty: "It's not poison anyway."

"It's not a poison..." Bai Chunian thought for a while, if it was the potion left by Ai Lian, she would have no reason to leave the real synesthesia for them, and even six at a time. He sniffed the scent on the needle, and there seemed to be a faint pheromone scent left on the needle, which was familiar, but too faint to remember.

"If I were Ai Lian, I wanted to watch the fun, why don't I just keep a potion and watch people fight for it? It's better that this potion is poison, and the person who wins the fight will be injected after the injection. Dramatic. There are so many to keep six... Then we reach a consensus on the spot, one person will be divided into three, isn't this more likely?" Bai Chunian was a little puzzled.

Suddenly, Bai Chunian sat up abruptly: "Is there a video on the computer? Ai Lian recorded it in advance, and it will start playing automatically after detecting us. Right... We didn't talk to her at the time."

"She said that the magic envoy didn't come with us... She must have seen the black panther in advance." Bai Chunian sniffed the needle carefully again. The dull anemone pheromone was captured by the sensitive sense of smell, and in his memory, he shared with the black panther. Scent contrast.

The closest contact between him and the black panther was near the breeding base in Red Beaver City. The black panther came to persuade him and Eris to fight, and used the A3 ability magic to prevent him from killing Eris.

At that time, they were all drenched in heavy rain, and the smell of dust caused by the rain covered the pheromone of the black panther, but thinking about it from memory, the smell on his body was very similar to the smell on the injection.

Anemone Pheromone.

Bai Chunian weighed the injection in his hand: "Did the black panther leave it for us? He has been here."

Rimbaud also leaned in and sniffed, and came to a thoughtful conclusion: "Sure enough, the cat head is likable."

"If the video is showing on the computer, then Ai Lian must not be where she was. She is misleading us to go deeper. There is probably a trap waiting for us." Bai Chunian put away the synergist, raised his head and looked at the top. The exit was guarded by heavy machine guns, and the road when he came was blocked by flames. I don't know if it was extinguished, but I could imagine the temperature must be extremely high. Rimbaud couldn't stand it at all, and it was impossible to go back.

"Go ahead and look at it as you go. If you really can't do it, wife, you will drown this broken research institute. Who is afraid of who?" Bai Chunian walked forward with a flashlight, stretched his hand behind his back, and opened his palm. .

Rimbaud put his hand on it, and was immediately held by Xiaobai, as if touching a warm sea anemone.

No matter how many times I hold my hand, every time I hold it firmly, the waves will surge in my heart. The heart of the marine life is connected to Rimbaud's chest, so every hurricane and tsunami that rises on the earth's sea is the heart of God.

"Xiao Bai, I..."

Bai Chunian looked back at him: "Huh?"

Rimbaud was taken aback by his patiently curved gentle eyes, and after thinking for a long time, he said seriously: "I want to take you on a tour of the territory, globally."

Bai Chunian laughed: "That's called traveling around the world, silly wife."

Rimbaud shook his head, feeling that he was not accurate enough.

"I want to introduce you to my old friends, and every sea slug."

This chapter is sweet and short

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