The sea clan evacuated the land, and the sea ebb, revealing the cliff that was about to collapse, the foundation of the research institute building was damaged, and there was a faint trend of tilting.

Lu Yan chased to the edge of the cliff and looked around hard. Lan Bo had disappeared with Xiaobai's glass beads and pink and white pearls.

"Don't go... Have you brought your phone... When are you coming back..." Lu Yan was exhausted, and suddenly felt a burst of soreness all over his body, his eyes blurred and he collapsed.

The body was caught by a group of soft vines, and lightly supported, Lu Yan curled up in confusion, and a small group was held in the intertwined vines.

Bi Lanxing flew over, took the omega out, and sat on the ground lightly, letting him lie beside his shoulders, releasing the few remaining comforting pheromones.

"Brother Chu will be fine, I believe him." Bi Lanxing is not unable to accept the fact that Bai Chunian was wiped out. For so long, Bai Chunian's stability has made him extremely trustworthy, which has given him great confidence. , let him firmly believe that Brother Chu would not die easily.

"How is your injury?"

As a striker, Lu Yan was the most easily injured and the most physically draining. In this battle, facing hundreds of A3 elite experimental subjects, he never took a step back.

Lu Yan opened his eyes in confusion and saw Bi Lanxing's face next to him, his eyes blushed immediately, and his nasal voice was heavy:

"Brother Chu died in front of me... I didn't catch him."

"He won't die."


"No, I just know."

Bi Lanxing's firm tone reassured Lu Yan, as if Brother Chu was really just going on a business trip as usual, and his breathing became much calmer.

Bi Lanxing tried to check his injuries, but he found blood on his body. He frantically searched for the wound, and found that his combat uniform was torn, and more than a dozen wounds were turned out, revealing the white bones.

"Don't move, don't move." Lu Yan closed his eyes and murmured, "If you move, I will feel sick."

"I'll take you to the rescue plane."

"No, I can't move, don't move..." Lu Yan grabbed Pi Lanxing's shirt with his least injured left hand and tugged, " let me go...I just saw my dad..."

Bi Lanxing couldn't help lowering his head, and quickly kissed Lu Yan's pale lips, trying to divert his attention with other topics: "Let Uncle Lu teach me, I like you, I will ask the president for instructions Well, we're dating, aren't we?"

"Well...I haven't promised yet..."

"Then can you agree?" Bi Lanxing squeezed Lu Yan's fingers lightly, "Don't sleep."

"Then... let's try it together... first, first for three days."

"it is good."

The end of the battlefield was chaotic, Lu Shangjin jumped off the plane and anxiously looked for Lu Yan in the crowd. When a few engineering soldiers came over, he happened to see the scene where Bi Lanxing bowed his head and kissed Lu Yan.

He walked over quickly and squatted down, took Lu Yan into his arms carefully, and released a lot of comforting pheromones for him.

His father's high-level comforting pheromone gave Lu Yan a sense of security, and Lu Yan fell asleep on Lu Shangjin's shoulder.

Lu Shangjin glanced at the injuries on Bi Lanxing's body: "Go clean up the wound and bandage it. The matter between you and Rabbit Ball... Let's go back and find time to talk seriously."

Bi Lanxing was still worried about whether Ayan would be scolded, so he immediately stood up straight, gave Lu Shangjin a salute, and said solemnly, "Yes."

Lu Shangjin was helpless, and after releasing the last comforting pheromone, he sent Lu Yan to the rescue plane and handed it over to Han Xingqian.

The unconscious Jin Xi was also carried on a stretcher by the doctors, put on restraints and handcuffs, and sent to the rescue plane for rescue.

The advance team successfully penetrated into the interior of the research institute building and found more than 100 researchers who were hiding in the underground air defense zone.

The troops took the researcher out of the refuge area. When people with lingering fears ran out of the institute one after another, a cracking sound came from the inside of the building.

The equipment inside started the self-destruction program, and the bombs inside the equipment detonated one after another, and a series of explosions made the ground tremble.

"Oops, the main load-bearing structure was blown up." The reptile observed the floor plan on the computer. His ability to be upgraded to a parallel plane cracked version was degraded after Bai Chunian was wiped out, and he could no longer repair the building remotely.

Domino flapped the butterfly wings and flew the reptile away from the blast range, and said bitterly: "Blow up the evidence, destroy the corpse and destroy the traces, Ai Lian has long been prepared. Will there be a resurgence, I am very afraid."

The crawler suddenly found that the collapsed position on the computer plan had changed, and someone was crawling out from the collapsed position.

At this time, the team member responsible for monitoring the alien radar suddenly shouted: "Two surviving A3-level experimental bodies were found!"

"Two?" The reptile's nerves tightened again, and he raised his head inadvertently. A tall black figure appeared at the top of the distant building, almost blending into the night behind him.

The inside of the building had already been blasted into a honeycomb by bombs, and the load-bearing structure began to collapse. The main load-bearing structure was finally overwhelmed, and it shattered from the middle. The towering building collapsed in an instant, and the blasting smoke suddenly filled the air. They put on gas masks and searched inside.

He Suen could see it more clearly from the helicopter. He saw someone crawling out of the ruins. It was a ball-jointed puppet with tattered clothes and a staggering walk. It was crawling out of the ruins with a human alpha on its back.

The clothes of the doll were cut into ragged fragments by blasting shrapnel, which were hung on the body one by one. A red-backed spider pattern was printed on the back waist of the smooth ceramic body.

The out-of-print puppets fired by puppet masters will be printed with such a brand logo, which is an inevitable imprint when using the ability "Hand of God".

"It's Eris and the puppet master!" He Suan was about to issue an encirclement order on the spot, and saw Eris killed on the spot, but when he picked up the walkie-talkie, his mouth seemed to be sealed, his voice choked in his throat, and he couldn't speak.

He looked down alertly and found the black figure at the top of the building.

The man was wearing a trench coat, staring at He So-called with golden vertical cat eyes, raised his index finger to his lips, and the sapphire ring at the base of the index finger flashed a cold light.

He Suen couldn't speak for the time being, so he immediately raised his hand and gestured to the other team members around him.

The elite team members closest to Eris received the order and activated their differentiation ability to chase after Eris.

Eris was in a very poor state at this time, and he was carrying a tall human alpha while consuming a lot of physical strength. Facing the pursuit of elite players, he might not be able to retreat completely. This was the best chance to kill Eris.

The black panther standing at the top turned around, raised his index finger to the pursuit team member, put it on his lips, and his eyes glowed with a dark golden luster in the dark night:

"The magician said."

The differentiation ability of the pursuit team members was immediately banned, the speed suddenly slowed down, and they distanced themselves from Eris.

Eris took the opportunity to release a strand of cursed golden thread, and took advantage of the puppet master to escape the siege of the elite team.

The black panther closed his hands indifferently, jumped lightly down the tall building, and disappeared into the night.

More deeply, police dogs sniffed out bombs and searched for evidence in the rubble, Interpol collected evidence in the rubble, and some soldiers were cleaning the battlefield.

The smoke from the collapse of the building dissipated, and the air was still filled with the pungent and **** smell of burning gunpowder.

Lu Shangjin sat alone on the gravel beach under the cliff, grabbed a handful of stones and threw them into the sea.

The phone vibrated, someone called, and Lu Shangjin picked it up.

It was Yan Yi who called, but he didn't speak, just quietly accompanied him for a long time with his breathing.

"Yanyan, the last time I felt so powerless was seventeen years ago." Lu Shangjin rubbed the edges and corners of the pebble in his hand, "It's good that my children are ordinary people."

"Brother Jin, come to me, I'm near the ruins of the red raccoon breeding base."

In the early hours of the morning, Hongli City was still sleeping, the traffic on the highway was sparse, the dim street lights lined the side of the road, and the surroundings were silent.

The red raccoon breeding base was abandoned after being ransacked by Bai Chunian. From a distance, it was stale and old, and no one paid attention to a dilapidated building that no one cared about.

Lu Shangjin folded his wings, landed lightly on the street lamp, shook his feathers and retracted the wings and disappeared.

Yan Yi lingered under the street lamp holding his military cap, the dim light reflected his profile, a pair of bloodshot eyes were embedded in the red eye sockets, and there were several broken and sunken fist marks on the wall beside him. The bone of his right fist was scratched.

He heard the sound of the wings flapping in the air, and managed to sort out his emotions, put on his military cap, and turned to face the dilapidated entrance of the red raccoon breeding base: "I have the police and the army on standby at a distance of one kilometer, and we will go in by ourselves."

Yan Yi took off the communicator on his ear and threw it under his feet, stepped on it lightly and crushed it, cutting off the communication with the monitor.

Lu Shangjin jumped down from the street lamp and landed behind Yan Yi's side, put on a pair of black gloves, and loaded a pistol.


The fire caused by the lightning strike in the cultivation base burned to rubble, the tables and chairs were burned to the ground, and the walls were covered with carbon black.

The water dripped down the cracked ceiling, and in the darkness, only the sound of silent dripping could be heard.

Yan Yi walked all the way to the deepest part, until he saw a glimmer of light from the crack of the door at the end of the corridor, the two of them stepped up and kicked the door open.

The strong light came out from the door, Yan Yi raised his hand to block it. The lights in this room were bright and the furniture was brand new and clean. There was a large silver curved desk in the center. Empty wine bottles were thrown across the floor.

Her red hair was dry and messy, her cheeks were deeply sunken, and she was so skinny that she crossed her legs and turned the swivel chair to face the two uninvited guests standing at the door.

"Mr. President." Ai Lian spoke first, observing Yan Yi's expression, "I just destroyed a few items, why are you so sad."

"Really. Are those experimental subjects with thoughts and feelings just cargo to you?"

"My original intention was to make weapons, just like ordinary weapons. It's their own thinking, and the pain is much more obvious." Ai Lin poured two glasses of red wine and pushed them, "Come on, take me away after drinking. , to the International Court of Justice, and I am willing to answer your questions."

Ellen knew that the 109 Research Institute had been completely bombed, and all the secrets in it would be buried in the ground for eternity. There was no evidence to accuse her of conducting illegal human experiments. She had no fear.

Yan Yi picked up the wine glass and turned around to observe the condition: "I'm not in a hurry at this moment, aren't you curious why I know you're here?"

Ellen sneered: "There are hundreds of secret agents under you, what is there that you don't know."

"I didn't use agents." Yan Yi said, "I was told that this is the first project base you built together, and the only good and worry-free time is spent here."

Ai Lin's face changed suddenly, she put down the wine glass, and asked in a cold voice, "Who told you."

"You know it in your heart."

"Lin Deng." Ai Lian clenched the glass hard, she gritted her teeth, and finally calmed down, "I let him go, and he betrayed me again. It seems that the decision to break up was the right one. Yes, I hate unfaithful men, next time I see him, I will kill him."

Yan Yi scrutinized her reaction, she didn't seem to be surprised by the news that Lin Deng was still alive.

"And," Yan Yi threw her a disposable USB flash drive again, "you can take a look for yourself."

Ai Lian raised her eyes suspiciously and glanced at Yan Yi, took away the USB flash drive, and inserted it into the computer to read the contents.

She was engrossed in the files popping up on the computer, her expression gradually changing from calm to disbelief.

Ai Lian stood up abruptly, overturned the computer screen, and overturned the desk. The red wine bottles on the table fell to the ground, cracked and shattered, and the red wine splashed onto Ai Lian's white suit pants, dyed red. Large pieces of fabric.

Ellen lost her mind, took out the USB flash drive and clenched it into pieces in her palm.

The content in the USB flash drive is a complete replica of the Special Operations Weapons Program of the 109 Research Institute. Only those closest to Ellen can get such comprehensive evidence. This small USB flash drive will become irrefutable evidence, so that Ellen will never have any more. The possibility of turning over.

Yan Yi pulled out the same USB flash drive again between his fingers: "You can smash it, I still have many copies."

Ai Lian supported the broken tabletop and stood firm. She really did not expect that before she was about to lose everything, Xiao Yang, who had spent all her efforts to save her, would stab her most deadly in the back.

"I... have only been soft-hearted twice in my life, once I let Lin Deng go, and the other time... let go of Xiao Yang." Ai Lian clenched the wine glass on the ground and stabbed her palm into blood, "Why are they so similar."

"You go and tell Lin Deng," Ai Lian glared at Yan Yi, "Tell him, I bought the small hospital where he performed gland replacement surgery. I did his gland replacement surgery. I made a specimen and put it in the chocolate box under the villa bed, he didn't run away from me, I let him go."

When Ai Lian said this, she put her hand in her pocket, quickly took out a pink medicine, and stabbed it towards her neck artery.

Lu Shangjin's reaction speed far exceeded Ai Lian's hand speed. A shot hit Ai Lian's right hand, knocking the potion out of her hand.

Ai Lian kicked the table top to block Yan Yi, the blue rose pheromone erupted from the back of the neck, and a pair of emerald wings unfolded behind her back, hovering in the air, using the A3 ability soul siphon.

Hummingbird A3 differentiation ability "soul siphon" energy extraction ability, when the target within the range uses the differentiation ability, the siphon will be triggered. The closer it is to Ellen, the faster the energy is sucked away. The absorbed energy will continue to be used by Ellen herself.

Once stabbed by the soul siphon, the target will be drained of energy and stamina, and the whole body will collapse limply.

But Yan Yi didn't fall down. His energy was absorbed into the body by Ai Lian, but his expression remained the same. Instead, Ai Lian's blood flow became extremely fast, and the blood vessels all over his body swelled to protrude from the skin.

"Can you bear the energy of S4?" Yan Yi's voice disappeared before he finished speaking. He instantly appeared in mid-air, grabbed Ai Lian's arm, and used the J1 ability to bounce at high speed on her abdomen.

The powerful impact immediately broke the ribs on Ellen's side, and the back ridge knocked the metal wall into a deep pit, spewing a blood mist.

Ellen's eyes were split, struggling to reach for the gun on the table.

Yan Yi's figure loomed and teleported, appearing in front of him, the muzzle of the gun in his hand rested between Ai Lian's eyebrows, and the fringe on the chest of the military uniform swayed slightly.

"The era of special weapons is over, stop resisting. You have to hope that you can be sentenced to death. The leader of the sea clan is calling for you. If it falls into the hands of siren, what will happen to you? You need me to do it for you now. Imagine?"

Ai Lian still wanted to try to escape, and used the tip of her left finger to hook the pointed screw on the wall. Lu Shangjin raised her hand and fired a shot, breaking the first knuckle of her ring finger.

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