The Family Is Too Invincible, Forcing The System To Be Blackened And Upgraded

Chapter 81 New Function, Unlimited Draw Of Divine Beasts!

After hearing this, Zhao Guizhen, Zhao Yueling and his daughter moved in unison and looked up.

Is there such a thing as hatching eggs?

For a moment, Zhao Guizhen even doubted whether Chen Mu wanted to use this to give himself some power.

But if you think about it carefully, I'm afraid I don't have the strength and capital to make Chen Mu work so hard.

Zhao Guizhen knew very well the strength gap between himself and Chen Mu.

As long as he wanted to, there would be no chance for him to stand in front of him like he is now.

"Dad! Look, what is that?" Zhao Yueling clearly saw a huge animal face among the rolling red clouds.

More and more prominent, more and more clear!

"Dragon! Ancient Holy Dragon!" Zhao Guizhen took half a step back with his right foot and involuntarily had the idea of ​​​​escape.

This scale, he roughly estimated, was at least a thousand feet!

A thousand-foot giant dragon, even in ancient times, would have destroyed the world, let alone today.

Because it is a fire attribute dragon egg, it is naturally the Flame Holy Dragon who is also a fire attribute to incubate it.

"Don't be nervous, those dragons are all raised by me, they won't do anything to you."

As soon as Chen Mu finished speaking, the Holy Flame Dragon took the dragon egg and once again disappeared into the red clouds rolling like waves.


How many?

It turns out there is more than one!

The father and daughter looked at each other, extremely happy.

Realizing that instead of trying to shake the idol as an ant like the Five Poison Holy Land, but taking the initiative to surrender, it was the right thing to do.

In the Five Poison Holy Land, he died unjustly, but he actually tried to make an enemy of God!

That's right, at this moment, in the eyes of Zhao Guizhen and Zhao Yueling, Chen Mu is a god!

If there is a god in the world, then it must be him and no one can defeat him!

"Now that the thank you gift has been delivered, I won't disturb the young master any more."

If he stays any longer, Zhao Guizhen is worried that his mental endurance will completely collapse.

Being too talented will inevitably damage the self-confidence of others.

Yes, that's right, Zhao Guizhen was deeply shocked by Chen Mu's amazing talent.

Feeling inferior to yourself?

No, in his opinion, he was not qualified to be compared with Chen Mu. That was an insult to him.

"I'm going to see off the guests." Ye Qingcheng asked for instructions.

"Yeah." Chen Mu agreed.

outside the door.

Zhao Yueling couldn't resist her curiosity and turned her eyes to Ye Qingcheng, "Miss Ye, I have something to ask you."

"Please tell me." Ye Qingcheng smiled lightly.

"Between you and the young master..."

"Yue Ling! Shut up!" Seeing that Zhao Yueling wanted to ask something he shouldn't have asked, Zhao Guizhen immediately stopped him.

This girl, doesn’t she know that curiosity can kill a cat?

Do you dare to inquire about the young master's affairs?

"It's okay." Ye Qingcheng told Zhao Guizhen to relax and not be so nervous.

Then he said: "I am the maid of Qingyun Mansion, responsible for taking care of the young master's daily life."

Personal bodyguard? Ye Qingcheng was really shameless.

The realm is far different.

What! Ye Qingcheng, the majestic saint of the Tianjian Sect and one of the top ten female geniuses in the Southern Territory, actually became a personal maid?

Zhao Yueling's beautiful eyes widened, feeling incredible and unbelievable.

But thinking about it again, being able to stay by the Emperor's side as a maid, isn't it an opportunity?

Once you feel comfortable serving someone, you can give a small reward with a wave of your hand, which will be of great benefit!

After realizing this, he couldn't help but show envy.

Regarding this, Zhao Guizhen understood this faster, which was not surprising.

If possible, he would also be willing to come to Qingyun Mansion and become a servant or a handyman.

No matter if it's a hundred years, a thousand years, or ten thousand years...if you can gain Chen Mu's trust, you will have a bright future and a glorious life!

As the saying goes, when beating a dog, it depends on the owner?

A running dog is a dog too!

The emperor's personal maid, the handyman in the emperor's palace, the emperor's lackey...

The important thing is always the first two words.

"That's it. Thank you Miss Ye for clarifying my doubts."

"Where, you two, walk slowly, I will send you here." Ye Qingcheng responded politely and smiled sweetly.

Seeing the Zhao family's father and daughter turn around and walk away, she turned around and returned to the house.

Just then Chen Mu put down the dishes and put them away.

"What do you think of those two people?" Chen Mu casually asked Ye Qingcheng's opinion.

"That Miss Zhao seems to have fallen in love with the young master. Her eyes widened when she looked at you." Ye Qingcheng could see clearly.

"Yes, is that so..." This is not what Chen Mu asked.

"Young Master, would you like some fruit after dinner?" Ye Qingcheng put away the dishes and walked a few steps before turning around and asking.

"Yeah." Chen Mu nodded.

"Hold on."

Seeing Ye Qingcheng walking away, Chen Mu fell back, "Sure enough, this kind of life is what I dream of..."

[The system is trying to upgrade...]

[Attempting to upgrade for the third time, failed! 】

[Attempting to upgrade for the 12th time, failed! 】

[Attempting to upgrade for the 22nd time, obtaining data successfully! Upgrading in progress...]

【update successed! The beast control module has been bound! New features have been unlocked, god-level beast control! 】

Beast control?

Chen Mu is no stranger to these two words.

In addition to sword cultivators, Confucianism and Taoism, there are indeed monks who rely on a special blood contract to establish contracts with monsters and beasts, thereby becoming beast masters and using beasts to fight against humans.

A powerful beast master can even easily trigger a tide of beasts and control hundreds or thousands of monsters at the same time!

However, such legendary figures currently only exist in ancient history books.

The beast-controlling lineage is now only better than Confucianism, but not much better.

Open the system and switch to the god-level beast control function page.

[Lottery] is followed by [Number of Times: Unlimited], which is really eye-catching.

‘After the lottery, the loyalty is 100%? Or do you want me to slowly get to know you and tame it? ’

System: [Host, please rest assured, the loyalty of all monsters and mythical beasts drawn by the god-level beast control function will be full for life, locked, and cannot be changed! 】

[Your orders are like holy words to them and cannot be violated! 】

[If anyone disobeys, the system will directly delete them! It will never threaten the safety of your host! The host can be 100% assured】

With the system's words, Chen Mu felt relieved.

100% loyalty, plus the setting of unlimited continuous draws.

Even Chen Mu, who is a cheater, must admit that perversion is really too perverted!

"Young Master, this is the unicorn melon I bought in the morning and has been chilled with ice water until now. Please try it." Ye Qingcheng returned to the front and put down a plate of carefully cut watermelon.

Pick up a piece with a bamboo stick, drag it with one hand, and bring it to Chen Mu's mouth.

Chen Mu opened his mouth and ate.

The sweet juice, slightly salty, suddenly bursts into your mouth.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

"As long as you are satisfied!"

While praising Ye Qingcheng, Chen Mu has confirmed to conduct the beast-controlling draw!

【Extracting in progress...】

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