"You are here after all."

Shao Yuan Ji Yilang said in a hoarse voice, with a hint of despair in his words.

""You should have thought of this result when you started to run away."

Bai Masong said lightly.

Sure enough, he was right.

Shao Yuan Ji Yilang thought, this style of hunting down traitors to the end is the organization!

Bai Masong took out a pistol and aimed at the chain behind Shao Yuan Ji Yilang.

""Bang!" The chain broke.

Shao Yuan Ji Yi Lang regained half of his freedom.

Bai Ma Song looked at Shao Yuan Ji Yi Lang squatting on the ground and said coldly:

"Go away on your own, don't force me to do anything."

Damn it!

What's your attitude?

Shao Yuan Jiyilang gritted his teeth, veins popped out on his thin monkey face, and he shouted in a hoarse voice:

"I won't surrender!"

Before he finished speaking, Shao Yuan Ji Yi Lang, whose hands were handcuffed by Itada Yusuke, slammed towards Bai Ma Song.


Bai Masong's eyes condensed, and he waved his right hand, blocked it, and grabbed the chain in the middle of Shao Yuan Jiyilang's handcuffs.

Bai Masong poured strength into his palm, and used his five fingers to pull Shao Yuan Jiyilang to his side.

He wanted to use this pull and then turn his body to the side, so that he could relieve the force of Shao Yuan Jiyilang's fierce attack.

However, Shao Yuan Jiyilang also coped quickly. He punched Bai Masong twice, and changed the punch into a circle.

Bai Masong wanted to pull his chain to capture him, but he could also use the chain to wrap around Bai Masong's right hand.

The expression on Bai Masong's face gradually changed, not to become ugly, but to...………………Interested!

He felt that his right hand was entangled by the chain, so his left hand showed a tiger claw and went straight to Shao Yuan Ji Yi Lang's shoulder.

Eagle claws are used to capture, and tiger claws are used to pierce. If Shao Yuan Ji Yi Lang caught this claw, according to Bai Ma Song's strength, his skin and flesh would be torn and his tendons and bones would be broken.

Shao Yuan Ji Yi Lang naturally knew this. Even if he didn't know that Bai Ma Song was extremely powerful, he knew that his shoulders must not be caught by anyone.

So, he entangled Bai Ma Song's right hand with both hands and hurriedly smashed Bai Ma Song's left hand.

This smash also involved Bai Ma Song's entangled right hand.

It can be said that the reaction speed was extremely fast.

If an ordinary person's right hand was entangled and his left hand was hit by his right hand, he would definitely be at a disadvantage.

In fact, at this point, Bai Ma Song had a question, that is - how was Shao Yuan Ji Yi Lang caught by Itada Yusuke?

You know, even with the current strength of Shobuchi Kiichiro, he is definitely not comparable to Itada Yusuke.

Although Hakuba Matsu has never had sex with Itada Yusuke, he has had close contact with him and feels that his physical fitness is only above average.

But even if Shobuchi Kiichiro has been imprisoned for several days, his physical ability is far beyond that of a normal person. If he were in his prime, people of Xiaolan and Kazuha's level might not be his opponents.

I think so, but Hakuba Matsu is not a normal person.

"Forget it, I won’t play with you anymore."

Bai Masong’s cold and nonchalant voice echoed in Shao Yuan Ji Yi Lang’s ears.

Bai Masong gradually gathered strength in his right hand under Shao Yuan Ji Yi Lang’s horrified eyes. His arm did not change, but the chain wrapped around his right hand was breaking bit by bit!


The handcuffs chain broke completely, and Bai Masong pulled his right hand out easily.

"this…………How is this possible?"

Shao Yuan Ji Yilang muttered in disbelief.

This kind of power, even if he is in the organization, is rare in his life.

She knew that facing this kind of power, even if he was at his peak, he would be far from being able to resist.

For a moment, he had given up resisting!


Bai Masong stopped wasting time and punched Shao Yuan Jiyilang in the chest. When his arm smashed out, it cut through the air and made a roaring sound.


A heavy punch hit Shao Yuan Jiyilang's chest.


Shao Yuan Jiyilang fell to the ground. After being hit by this punch, he felt as if he had seen the god of death, no, he was about to return to the arms of the sun god, and fainted on the spot.

But he seemed to have reached the end, and he didn't know that the police were the ones who came to arrest him.

"Take him away." Bai Masong commanded calmly.

"Yes!" There was a reply from outside the door.


On the night when Hakuba Matsu successfully captured Shoen Kiichiro, Hattori Heizo and his team also captured Itada Yusuke.

Near dusk that afternoon, Itada Yusuke successfully deceived Hattori Heiji by using the phone and vehicle tricks.

However, when he tricked his target of crime, Okazaki Sumie, to a nearby toilet, he was caught on the spot by Inspector Otaki Goro under Toyama Ginjiro.

Since the facts of the crime were indeed sufficient, Itada Yusuke also frankly revealed the entire process of the crime.

So far, the Naniwa serial murder case, along with the Shoen Kiichiro murder case, was solved.

The next night, Hakuba Matsu and Maori Kogoro were also invited to Hattori's house. Everyone had to say that Hattori Heiji's mother, Hattori Shizuka's puffer fish cuisine, was indeed a must.

This time in Osaka, he solved the joint case, deepened his relationship with Hattori Heiji, left a good impression on Hattori Heiji, and also visited Osaka Prefecture.

In general, this trip to Osaka was a satisfactory answer for Shiramasatsu both in public and private.

So on the third night, Shiramasatsu took a few police officers who were escorting Shobuchi Kiichiro and boarded the Shinkansen to Tokyo.

Hattori Heiji and his family also tried their best to keep Shiramasatsu, hoping that he could stay for a few more days.

After all, Shobuchi Kiichiro had been arrested, and his criminal evidence was sufficient. He only needed to go back and go through the formalities.

But Shiramasatsu decided to go back early and relax, since he could come to Osaka next time anyway.

On the Shinkansen, Shiramasatsu took out the report to browse and read it as usual, but this time, there was no coffee at hand.

As for Shobuchi Kiichiro?

It was impossible for him to run away. He was placed opposite Shiramasatsu and handcuffed. If he could escape from Shiramasatsu's sight, he would be really capable.

Shiramasatsu just looked at the report and killed the boring time on the Shinkansen.

At this time, the portable phone rang.

""Beep, beep, beep"

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