He felt a moment..............Killing intent!


There is danger!

Bai Masong's years of experience in the hail of bullets told him to get out of the way!

He stopped running towards Tequila, forced his body to change direction, and dodged.


A bullet passed through the ground in front of Bai Masong, leaving a deep bullet mark on the ground.

The powerful kinetic energy of the bullet splashed tiny pieces of gravel on the ground.

The bullet splashed not only gravel, but also Bai Masong's vigilance.

Unexpectedly, there were snipers in this operation.

Bai Masong, who came from a top police family, naturally knew how difficult it was to train a sniper.

It not only requires talent, but also requires the use of a large number of bullets to accumulate experience, and then to hone it in actual combat.

It can be said that an excellent sniper not only has the ability to snipe and kill targets, but also needs to be proficient in reconnaissance and other skills. Therefore, an excellent sniper must be able to kill targets. It is very popular no matter where you are.

Baimasong thought, it seems that the winery attaches great importance to this operation.

Of course, Baimasong didn't know that this was just the basic configuration of the winery's operation.

Generally speaking, operations with formal members are carried out by at least two people.

Even when Gin and Vodka went to extort money, Chianti and Cohen were deployed on the periphery.

The only time Tequila acted alone was when he was alone.

Well, wasn't he killed by the explosion?

This time, because of the appearance of Baimasong, Tequila and the others were more vigilant, so they let Chianti partner with Tequila.

It was because of this that Tequila avoided dying inexplicably.

Just now, Tequila and Baimasong When the fight started, it wasn't just Tequila who was very confident and wanted to test Baimasong's ability.

Even Chianti wanted to see if Baimasong was as powerful as everyone said, so he didn't make a move at the beginning.

As a result, she later found that Tequila couldn't beat him, because the two opponents were both fighting masters, entangled together, and moved very fast. She was afraid of hurting her own people by mistake, so she didn't dare to shoot.

Chianti's strength was all in the gun. Although she had no problem fighting one or two ordinary people, it was really difficult for her to keep up with Baimasong and Tequila's movements.

The result was that she watched Tequila being beaten by Baimasong before, and But he couldn't do anything.

He was helpless.

In the end, Tequila made a desperate attempt and forced some distance between himself and Baimasong so that Chianti could shoot.

Although he didn't need this shot, he would definitely kill Baimasong, after all, he was really powerful after just seeing this man.

But it could also make Baimasong afraid to chase after him with all his strength, thus covering Tequila's retreat.

In fact, Chianti did achieve his goal.

Baimasong's dodging and hesitation allowed Tequila to get up quickly, and then quickly fled to the door of Mantiantang.

Seeing Tequila escape, Baimasong naturally wanted to chase him, but the moment he just stood up,

Baimasong felt that cold murderous intent again!


Bai Masong dodged again, using his alertness and superhuman skills to dodge the bullet.


Chianti cursed inwardly.

What kind of freak is this? He fired a sniper rifle at more than 200 yards away, but he could still dodge.

You know, Chianti is known for her 100% accuracy within 600 yards, but she actually fell here.

"Tequila, come out quickly, I can only hold this guy off for a while!"

Chianti shouted in a low voice to the other side while wearing a headset.

""Hoo, hoo, I got it. Just shoot him twice. Come and get me!"

Tequila said breathlessly at the other end.

Although the fight just now did not last long, the changes in moves and the competition in strength made this"old man" in his forties feel exhausted.

"Do I need you to tell me?"

Chianti snorted and retorted.

As she spoke, she looked at Bai Masong's position and fired two more shots at random, then quickly put away her PSG-1 sniper rifle and ran downstairs.

Bai Masong felt the two consecutive sniper shots, but this time he dodged them easily.

However, although he dodged easily, Bai Masong was not at ease.

He knew the reason why these two shots were easy to dodge was because the other party was probably going to stop and leave.

The reason for the other party to stop was that he felt that he could not catch up for the time being.

This was not good news.

His proud heart did not want to let his target escape from his hands.

Bai Masong turned around and said quickly to Sato Miwako,

"Sato, call the Metropolitan Police Department immediately and ask Officer Megure to contact the Public Security Department and tell them what happened here. Tell them that the explosion here may be related to that organization."

After saying that, regardless of Sato Miwako's answer, Bai Masong ran straight outside.

Seeing this, Sato Miwako gritted her teeth and shouted at Maori Kogoro first,

"Mr. Maori, please call Inspector Megure, please!"

Then, she endured the discomfort of her high heels and quickly followed Hakuba Song's steps.

In the heaven, only the people who were panicked because of the various changes just now were left.

The explosion and killing, the deadly battle between the two, and the sniper at the end, made the bigwigs in the video game industry present sigh that survival is not easy.

Seeing the two people leave, they could only watch.

Of course, Maori, Kogoro and the other two, who have experienced many big scenes, still have some resistance.

Conan even thought about following Hakuba Song and the others and chasing after them.

After all, enemies understand each other very well. At this time, if Conan hadn't seen that the gap in combat power between him and Tequila was too big, he would have kicked a football up long ago. It was reasonable for him to want to chase after him at this time.

However, Xiaolan would not let Conan chase out like this.

She quickly stopped him and gave Conan a severe reprimand, telling him that it was very dangerous......................

Maori Kogoro watched the two people leave, but he was very calm. Thinking of Sato Miwako's last statement, he immediately called Officer Megure.

Using his more than ten years of experience in reporting crimes, he told Officer Megure what happened in the video game company. Finally, according to Hakuba Matsu's words, he added his instructions.

Officer Megure also said that their Metropolitan Police Department would send police immediately and report the situation to the higher authorities.................

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