"Inspector Hakuba, Inspector Hakuba, how are you?"

Yuya Kazami shouted anxiously towards the back of the factory. He was late this time for some reason. If something happened to Hakuba Matsu, he would be guilty of a capital crime!

"I'm fine."

A voice that was still cold but a little weak came from the back of the factory.

Feng Jianyu looked towards the factory and saw Bai Masong holding the door of the factory, covering his arm, and limping out.

"Hakuba Inspector!"

Kazumi Yuya saw it and walked up quickly, his face full of worry and concern.

"You are.................."

Bai Masong waved his hand nonchalantly.

"It's just a few minor gunshot wounds, it's nothing serious."

Bai Masong narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice,

"Why are you so slow?"

Feng Jianyuya lowered his head in shame and said,

"We, several teams of our public security, almost all encountered car accidents on the way here, so.............."

Bai Masong narrowed his eyes. The coldness in his eyes became even more intense.

If one or two teams were intercepted, it might be because of snipers' advance reconnaissance, but this was almost the entire team. There was only one possibility - there was a traitor!

Bai Masong was furious. He did not expect that even the Ministry of Public Security had been infiltrated by the organization.

You know, Bai Masong's plan this time was to hold back Gin and the others, and then the public security forces would quickly encircle them, giving Gin no chance to react.

And Gin was indeed conceited. It could be said that Bai Masong had already achieved this link.

As a result, Bai Masong and Gin had already finished fighting, and Tequila had come to take Gin away before they arrived.

This was really..............!

"Police Captain Baima, we have set up a blockade within a kilometer. They will not be able to escape..............."

Feng Jianyuya knew that he was not doing a good job, so he hurriedly said it, wanting to make up for his mistakes.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bai Ma Song.

"Forget about it. If they can intercept you, they can avoid your interception!"

After Bai Masong finished speaking, he opened the car door and got in.

Then, he turned around and said to Feng Jianyuya,

"Drive, go back!"

"Ah, yes!"

Feng Jianyuya nodded in reply.

Hakuba Song sat in the car, feeling the wounds on his body.

In fact, he was not injured so seriously, but the violent state broke out, which aggravated the wounds from the previous bullet.

However, it is not a big deal to say that he lost this time.

Hakuba Song's wounds will heal in three to five days.

However, Gin's beloved car is gone forever!

It's just............Bai Masong looked at his right hand, which had a burnt hole on the palm.

Vodka, I will return this bullet to you sooner or later!


The research institute of the organization.

Tequila brought Gin and Vodka, and the three of them came here in a very embarrassed state.

This research institute is not just a research institute, but actually a small base of the organization, which is equipped with enough medical equipment to help the official members of the action team recover from their injuries.

Although the three did not suffer any injuries, they still came here.

Gin, like Baimasong, exuded a cold air of wanting to kill people.

This time, their layout around the factory building could be said to be perfect.

However, they were almost wiped out by Baimasong's disguise (Gin thought)!

Yes, in Gin's opinion, they were almost wiped out.

If it weren't for the undercover in the public security of the organization, who risked his life to send out the layout map of the public security, they would have made targeted interceptions.

They might have been surrounded by the public security!

Moreover, the most important thing is that he still greatly underestimated the strength of Baimasong.

This kind of strength is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Gin couldn't help but sigh, how great it would be if such a person could join the organization!

"Beep Beep.................."

At this time, a phone call came in.

Gin took out his phone and saw the caller ID, and the breath emanating from his body became even colder.

"Hi, Gin, long time no see."

After the call was connected, a very charming voice came from the other end of the line, which made you want to xx just by listening to it.


Gin gritted his teeth and said that. The vodka and tequila around him even felt cold and wanted to leave.

""Dear, why are you so angry? Who made you angry?"

Belmode asked jokingly.

"Humph! Just tell me what you want to say!"

Gin was too lazy to play these little games with him and went straight to the point.

"Oh, you are such a boring person."

Vermouth pretended to laugh, but she knew that Gin would hang up if she didn't say anything, so she asked,

"Have you executed the traitor? I have been looking forward to this for a long time.

Vermouth has conflicts with the Miyano family, so she has been looking forward to this for a long time.


Gin became even more unhappy when he mentioned this. He said in a cold voice,

"I was tricked by that white horse pine"

"So, it failed?"

Vermouth asked.

Gin didn't say anything, but Vermouth said in a gentle and concerned tone,

"Oh, it's okay, it's just a failure, you didn't lose anything anyway"

"My car is left there!"

Gin couldn't help but say this. When he mentioned this, his heart was bleeding!

Vermouth was stunned, and then there was a gloating laugh.

Gin didn't want to talk to this woman anymore, so he hung up!

At this time, in the laboratory, Shirley, who happened to pass by here, Miyano Shiho, saw Gin and asked,

"Gin, where is my sister? I should have a chance to meet her this week, where is she?"

Gin was already in a bad mood at this time, and someone kept mentioning Miyano Akemi. He was really................Angry!


Gin said coldly. Anyway, that woman has betrayed him. This is no different from being dead!

Dead, dead.............................. elder sister..........Could it be that Gin and the others are going............

Miyano Shiho's pretty face turned pale in an instant, and she felt as if all the strength in her body had been drained.

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