On the third day of July, the hall of the Sun Palace.

"That water turtle is best to be rich for a lifetime. Don't have a short stirrup, otherwise, if you are looking for a chance for Lao Tzu..."

Listening to the cheap eldest brother's curse, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart. Who would have thought that the turmoil caused by Tao Zhu Jinbei would eventually affect his eldest brother?

This matter has to be talked about from a few days ago when Shui Rong vomited blood into a coma.

It was said that after Shui Rong fell, there was a great chaos in the palace, but soon under the pressure of Princess Wei, it returned to calm again.

After suppressing the chaos in the palace, Wei did two more things:

First, the Changshi Zhoumo of the Zhongshun Palace and his entourage were all taken down, and then he was personally tortured. They were all bruised and wounded one by one, and they were smeared with salt water, and they were sent to the Shuntian Mansion!

Second, she rushed into the Zhongshun Palace with a ticket of Women's Army armed with knives, guns and clubs. Before leaving, she shot down the plaque of the Palace with another arrow!

After this incident, both sides were completely torn apart.

On one side is the grandson of the Supreme Emperor and the Queen Mother, and on the other side is the most beloved brother of His Majesty today; one consciously suffers a dark loss, the other annoyed is swept away by a woman, so no one is willing to back down.

From the Clan Mansion to the Golden Luang Temple, and finally to the Supreme Emperor, but it was still worthy of a tie.

After several fights, the two sides knew that it was difficult to completely remove each other, so they angered others in unison.

The king of Beijing had just asked people to report that the members of King Zhongshun were corrupt and harmed the people; King Zhongshun immediately replied with the color, exposing that the uncle of King Beijing had bullied the royal family in the clan mansion.

A few days ago, even Sun Shaozu was implicated. The newly promoted commander stupefied that he added the word ‘power’, which means ‘right and serve as a commander’.

And this also means that Sun Shaozu, who originally ranked second among the four major commanders, was suddenly half a head lower than his three colleagues. Although his real power has not been weakened much, it has greatly lost face. How can he not let Sun Shaozu Very angry?

So now when he mentions Shuirong again, he uses the word for water turtle.

Of course, there are many people who have benefited from this battle. For example, Jia Zheng, who originally had some difficulty in seeking expatriation, is now catching up with a group of officials who have been implicated, so he easily got a job in academic affairs. , I'm going to take office in a few days.

Let’s not mention Jia Zheng.

But he said that Sun Shaozong was swearing and drinking with his elder brother, and he heard Zhao Zhongji report from the outside: "Master, the Rongguo Mansion sent someone to send a roster. I wonder if the master and the second master have to go through it first. ?"

This so-called roster is naturally the list of domestic servants that the Rongguo Mansion is preparing to exchange with here, so that the Sun family can screen them first to eliminate inappropriate candidates.

As for the roster of the Sun family, it has been sent to the Rongguo Mansion a long time ago, and now it is waiting for the two parties to confirm it, and they will exchange the deeds.

Sun Shaozu was full of anger. He was not interested in looking at the roster, and he cursed casually: "Fuck you! Send it to your wife quickly, and let your wife make her own decision."

Sun Shaozong is also lacking in the roster, because apart from the Yuanyang who actively applied for a transfer, the brilliant maids in Rongguo Mansion, it is estimated that none of them will appear on the roster.

Outside, Zhao Zhongji heard what the two masters said, and seemed to have no interest in this roster. He hurried to the backyard and the lady who had taken care of the door sent the things to the inner house.

However, when the roster was sent to the inner house, Jia Yingchun was discussing with Ruan Rong whether to hand out cloths according to the usual practice and let the servants at home tailor their clothes; or to make uniform clothes for the low-end servants according to the custom in the big house nowadays. Distinguish between high and low.

Seeing a roster sent in from outside, Jia Yingchun received it, but first smiled to Ruan Rong: "Although they are all subordinates to my natal family, I usually don't care about these trivial matters. I am afraid that there may not be a few. Recognizable."

Saying like this, she placed the roster between the two of them, and opened the cover at random. When she saw the name on the other end, she couldn't help but uttered a ‘huh’.


Not only her, Ruan Rong saw her from the side, and couldn't help but widened her eyes in surprise, and said in shock: "That's all about the mandarin duck, why is she also on the roster?"

This caused the two of them to be astonished, but it was the bright red "Qing Wen" on the booklet!

Even an outsider like Ruan Rong knows that Qingwen, like Xiren, is the most favored maid in Jia Baoyu’s house. In the future, 80% of them are going to praise the hostess who is an aunt. Isn't his name strangely tight?

The two of them had been suspicion for a long time, but still had no idea, so they had to press this Qingwen without mentioning it, and then continued to look down.

Unexpectedly, turning to the second page, Jia Yingchun was taken aback again. On the white and red letters of the white paper, the name "Caixia" was written impressively.

Caixia is the first-class maid beside Madam Wang, but why is she also on the roster here?

In this way, from Yuanyang to Caixia to Qingwen, aren't all the maidservants around three generations of grandparents included? !

Is this too unreasonable?

Jia Yingchun's heart suddenly became a little uneasy, and he whispered: "This...this list, isn't it a mistake?"

"This is not something that Ms. Lian can decide by herself. I think there should be no mistakes." Ruan Rong shook her head, but then said: "But the big lady might as well send someone to ask about it first, so as not to be unclear. It's not in vain, what else is involved."

Jia Yingchun thought that it was the same reason, so she called Embroidery Orange to come in, and asked her to go back to Rongguo Mansion and ask her clearly what happened to the two "Qingwen and Caixia" on this list.

Talk less gossip.

However, Xiuju hurried to the Rongguo Mansion, and didn't need others to lead the way. He found Wang Xifeng's courtyard on his own. As soon as he stepped across the threshold, he felt a scent of fragrant breeze.

Xiuju originally thought it was which maid in this courtyard, but she was self-defeating that the taste was too strong and coquettish, like a woman in a brothel, but suddenly saw the man walking across from him, who was actually the male host of this courtyard, Jia Lian.

"Second Lord Lian."

Xiuju hurriedly dodged aside and saw Jia Lian leaving the courtyard gate without squinting, leaving only two sleeves of the rich fragrance, which was difficult to disperse for a long time.

This second master Lian...

When do you like to apply fat and powder?

Also make the smell of flushing your nose like this?

Embroidery was stunned for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only then did she remember what was going on, so she went to the hall and gave her name, led by Ping'er, to Wang Xifeng.

When Wang Xifeng heard Embroidery Orange’s intentions, she couldn’t help but smile and said, “Don’t say the second sister is puzzled, even when I first saw it, she was shocked. You can tell that Baoyu came here to make a big fuss. But this Qingwen's name was decided by the second wife herself, so how can I not follow it?"

Then, I briefly mentioned the reason why Qingwen was disgusted by Mrs. Wang because of her arrogance in front of her master.

But when it came to Caixia, Wang Xifeng had a three-point chill on her face and sneered: "As for Caixia, she is really bodhisattva's heart. She even dared to hide things from the second wife and give things to Aunt Zhao for the third wife in private. !"

"Now that things have been revealed, the second wife looked at her past affection and didn't drive her out of the house directly. She is already the most benevolent!"

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