The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 436: The beginning of chaos

Due to the delay in speaking with Miaoyu, Sun Shaozong returned to the penalty officer, and the sky was already dark.

He was about to call Sun Chengye to go back to the house, but got news that Han Anbang and Jia Yucun had been called into the palace to discuss matters an hour ago.

No wonder there was such a situation in the house arrest, but no one from the government office came to inquire about it. The Fu Yin and Fu Cheng were not at home. Who would dare to intervene in the affairs of the'Three Masters'?

Since it is going to the palace to discuss matters, there must be a purpose to convey when he comes back, so it is not easy to leave the palace at will at the moment.

I asked Sun Chengye and saw that he didn’t mean to go home first, so Sun Shaozong sent someone home to report the letter, and at the same time ordered the kitchen to prepare a standard meal of eight dishes and two soups. It was set on the outside table for the two nephews and uncles. Chat about wine.

The two of them first figured out that this solar eclipse had an image of the court's political situation, but because there was no precedent in this dynasty, Yunshan Wushi had guessed it for a long time and couldn't understand it.

So the conversation turned around and talked about personal affairs around him.

First of all, it was Sun Chengtao’s release. As there was no suitable location in Zhejiang, he had to retreat to the second place. At the border of Jiangxi and Zhejiang, Raozhou Prefecture gave him a seven-tier county magistrate. Errands.

Secondly, the houses purchased by Sun Chengye and Yu Qian are now almost renovated. According to Sun Chengye, they plan to move in early next month, so as not to always trouble the two cousins.

"I'm afraid there is something wrong early next month."

Sun Shaozong shook his head and said: "Seeing that it is Mid-Autumn Festival, what's the matter if you suddenly move out? Let's wait until the mid-autumn festival is over."

Sun Chengye thought that it was the same reason, so he followed Sun Shaozong's will and decided to postpone his move out until the end of August.


Suddenly, Sun Shaozong remembered something again. He picked up the flask and filled Sun Chengye's glass. He asked, "I have been busy with the Qiujue review for a while, but I forgot about Ting Yi's apprenticeship, but he didn't know him. What do you think now, is it to accept or not to accept?"

Sun Chengye lifted his hips and bowed, until Sun Shaozong put down the flask, and then he sat down firmly again: "The harvest is to be harvested, but since that day, the Rongguo Mansion hasn’t had a message. Ting Yi said again. I just ordered the editing of the Hanlin Academy, so it's hard to rush to accept Concubine Xian De's nephew as a disciple."


This is what Rongguo Mansion is not. Although looking for a teacher for the children, it is not necessary to go to the cottage, but if he does not take the initiative to ask for permission this time, Yu Qian will accept Jialan as a disciple. In the eyes of others, he will become a prosperous generation. ?

However, Rongguo Mansion has also been in a troubled period recently. First Baoyu provokes King Zhongshun, and then Jia Zheng has to fight with Mrs. Wang because he wants to take Aunt Zhao to release. Therefore, no one has ever bothered about orphans and widows. 'Trivia' is not surprising.

"Well, I'll find an opportunity to discuss with Cun Zhou Gong, and try to finalize this matter before he leaves Beijing for release."

In the Rongguo Mansion, the only person who really valued Li Wan's mother and son was probably Jia Zheng alone. If he waits for him to go out in Beijing, it is estimated that this matter will have to be dragged down.

The two of them were eating and chatting. They heard a rush of footsteps from far and near. Not long after they saw a small official coming in to report that it was Han Fu Yin and Jia Fucheng who came back from the palace and summoned Sun Shaozong and the three. Negotiate the past discussions.

This night, it is naturally impossible to go to any backyard pavilion for meetings, so meetings are held in the inner hall on a routine basis.

When Sun Shaozong arrived at the Fuya Neitang, he saw Han Anbang and Jia Yucun had already made their first seats. Not only Fu Shi, Zhao Liben, Chen Zhichuang and others have already arrived, but also Wang Qian from Daxing Prefecture and Xu Huaizhi from Wanping Prefecture.

"I have seen Lord Fu Yin."

Sun Shaozong stepped forward and gave a slight salute, and then Wei Ruolan was responding to the emissary sent by the Supreme Emperor. He was temporarily unable to get out of the matter. Just after Han Anbang's signal, he sat down on the right side of the case, and listened to Han Anbang Yang said: " Everyone, if there is a vision today and the people are in turmoil, in this troubled autumn, you and I must be more dedicated and loyal, and live up to your majesty's high hopes!"

Hearing him mention "His Majesty's High Hope", Sun Shaozong hurriedly raised his **** again, bowed and sang "Hey" with everyone.

When everyone was seated again, it was Jia Yucun’s turn to speak. He didn’t talk about those bluffing heads, but said straightforwardly: “In order to prevent madmen from taking the opportunity to commit disturbances, the government and county offices will be bothered from now on. Increase the number of people to patrol the streets day and night, and there must be a chief official in the yamen at all times."

"In view of the lack of patrols in our prefectures, the cabinet has approved a proposal to order the Wucheng Soldiers and Masi to transfer some officers and soldiers from the city defense camps and patrol battalions to assist us in maintaining the security of the capital in Shuntian Prefecture."

It's okay to patrol day and night, deploy officers and soldiers to assist, or something, after all, there have been precedents before, but the four words "coming into chaos" are not easy to use!

Could it be that someone wants to take the opportunity to usurp the throne? !

This is too exaggerated, right?

You must know that Emperor Guangde has been on the throne for eleven years, and the imperial power in his hands has long been stable. Even if there is still a Supreme Emperor restraining him, it cannot be shaken by a mere celestial phenomenon.


What else is there in this?

Sun Shaozong was speculating here, he saw Jia Yucun turned his head, arched his hands across the gong'an, and said: "Five cities soldier Ma Si, I am afraid that I will have to trouble Master Sun to communicate and coordinate. Be sure to adjust something steady and capable. Come here, so as not to make any mistakes that shouldn't be made."

Now the son of the deputy commander of the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si is fighting under the hands of Sun Shaozong, and this task is naturally none other than him.

Immediately afterwards, other people also led different tribes. In addition to maintaining public order in the capital, controlling public opinion was also the most important thing.

However, it is not yet the turn of Shuntian Mansion to take the lead in this regard. If nothing happens, Emperor Guangde will issue an edict for sins in the past two days, and then announce an amnesty for the world.

In the whole meeting, except for the non-nutritive nonsense at the beginning, almost all Jia Yucun was in charge of Ruo Ding, and Han Anbang sat behind the gong'an, like a muddy wood plastic, without any intention to fight with it.

Apparently, he knew 80% of the time that his position as Fu Yin could not last long, so he simply gave up on'resistance'.

And when Jia Yucun had nothing to do with, the prevention and control tasks were laid out, and then Sun Shaozong said: "Master Fu Yin, since your Majesty wants to amnesty the world, what should we do with the list reviewed by Qiu Jue? ?"

Han Anbang twitched his mouth, and threw out the sentence stiffly: "You only ask Jia Fucheng."

This city...

It is estimated that when it comes to the place, it may not be able to ask for anything!

"Autumn Judgment List?"

Jia Yucun frowned and said in surprise: "In the morning, didn't Mrs. Sun already send the list of Autumn Jues to the Criminal Ministry?"

Sun Shaozong spread his hands together and smiled bitterly: "I have returned it again, saying that our Shuntian Mansion has now been placed under Zhili Province. This autumn decision list should be submitted to the censorship and chastisement yamen."

After hearing these words, Jia Yucun hesitated for a while and said: "In this case, Master Sun might as well press the list first. You won't be able to leave Beijing in the past few days. When the solar eclipse is over, if it's the imperial court. There is no express decree requesting that the prison case be re-cleared, and it will not be too late for you to send the list to Jinmen Prefecture."

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