The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 530: Bury the hatchet

Gloomy, cramped, lonely, rancid...

The water prison of Fusi in Beizhen is undoubtedly a place where many negative attributes are combined.

However, on the morning of the second day of September, the dark atmosphere in the dungeon was greatly diminished by the sound of snoring one after another.

The dozens of Bailian cultivators who were captured alive, whether they were broken legs, missing arms, burned and peeled, frostbitten, hanging on the wall, tied on the bed, all snoring very familiarly. .

No way, the so-called "please **** pill" is actually a kind of stimulant with great side effects, and in order to suppress the overload of excitement, the antidote that the hospital rushes to come up with is naturally anesthetic.

According to the Taiyuan Hospital, the culprits of the White Lotus Sect will have to sleep for five to six hours before they gradually wake up.

Of course, even if the culprits are sleeping like dead pigs, there are still things that can be done.

Tianzi No. B room.


As soon as the thick iron door opened the gap, a tiger-headed crutches squeezed in, violently prying round the cell door.

Looking at the prisoner who was tightly bound to the bed, the owner of the crutches looked grim and excited, waved off the support of the people around him, staggered to the bed, stared at the prisoner for a long while, and suddenly laughed.

"Old thief, old thief, you also have today! Ha...haha..."

Only after a few laughs, the man coughed violently again, his coughing waist couldn't stand up straight, his tall and thin body squatted like a prawn.

"Father, are you okay?!"

The person who had been thrown off by him earlier, hurriedly stepped forward, stroking his chest and beating his back. It took him a long time to relax. His red head was full of brain, and he was panting like a cow, but he waved his hand with a smile on his face and said: , I am very, very good!"

At this time, Lu Hui, who followed up, asked, "Look at what General Zhou meant, this person is really the deputy head of the White Lotus Sect Ge Zhe?"

"Absolutely can't be wrong!"

The general said that week, he lifted his crutches and knocked on his left leg, gritted his teeth and said: "Thanks to this old thief, a poisonous tribulus, I am not a ghost or a ghost, just in a dream, old man. I also recognize his face!"

Hearing what General Zhou said surely, Lu Hui didn't know whether he was happy or worried. He ordered Yang Licai to send General Zhou and his son away, and then led Sun Shaozong around in the dungeon silently.

Seeing that he was about to return to the Tianzi cell, Lu Hui suddenly stopped, and asked unconsciously, "I heard that when you took the thief last night, it was in the name of Shuntian Mansion?"

To say that this is a cross-examination, it's not even considered a question.

But a bad answer is very likely to be eloquent.

Sun Shaozong smiled sullenly, but he asked instead: "My lord, can you still remember what you said to the next official when you first met with the next official?"

"Which sentence?"

"You told me to pay more attention to our Beizhen Fusi, and also said that the next official is a martial artist after all, and the positions of Fucheng and Fuyin are not easy to remember."

This was indeed from Lu Hui's mouth, but time has changed. When Sun Shaozong mentions this, Lu Hui's expression is a little difficult to look like, thinking that Sun Shaozong is demonstrating to himself, and even wants to take the opportunity to challenge his authority.

"You might as well discuss with the adults today."

Sun Shaozong walked around from the back to the front, looking directly at Lu Hui's eyes and said, "With my Sun Shaozong's ambition and vision, I won't be framed by these two yamen!"

Lu Hui's complexion changed again, his eyes flickering, and his mouth was still hesitant to speak.

Sun Shaozong also knew that such empty words may not be able to win him, so he immediately added: "In fact, the lower officials have heard some news recently, and the court seems to have deliberately sent me to Huguang to quell the rebellion..."

Lu Hui's expression remained cloudy for a while, and he suddenly sighed, "Sure enough, he was a hero."

As he said, he bowed and bowed to Sun Shaozong and said: "The old man was greedy for power for a while, and he gave birth to some villain thoughts, which is really ashamed."

Sun Shaozong rushed to avoid him, and then reached out to help Lu Hui up. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, not to mention what they were thinking about, at least on the surface, it was a relief.

So Lu Hui ordered Sun Shaozong to write down the details of the capture of the thief last night, and he took it to report to Commander Dai.

Sun Shaozong was supposed to report it in person, but after the prince's case, the access control inside the palace became more and more strict. Foreign officials like Sun Shaozong were not allowed to summon them to enter the palace at all.

As for Lu Hui, he originally held the title of Ouchi Guardian, so he was qualified to enter the palace to see Dai Quan.

However, such a big matter has been spread throughout the capital. In the end, Dai Quan must have asked Sun Shaozong to understand, so he was not afraid that Lu Hui would dare to covet his credit.

Not to mention how Lu Hui divided in front of Dai Quan.

But he said that Sun Shaozong stayed in the dungeon and was not idle. He ordered people to fetch pens, inks, papers and inkstones, so he occupied the guard room grandiosely.

Zhao Jiayi, Beizhen Fusiqian Thousand Households, Commander-in-Chief of Operations, Time of Suspect: Chenshi [7 am to 9 am]

Song Xiong, a hundred households in Beizhen Fusi, command of the surveillance team, time of suspicion: Mao Shi [5 am to 7 am], noon [11 am to 1 pm].

Zang Liang, Beizhen Fusi tested one hundred households, deputy commander of the surveillance group, time of suspicion: Si Shi [9 am to 11 am].

Xu Kun: General Banner of Beizhen Fusi, member of the surveillance team, time of suspicion: Si Shi, noon.

Zhao Wei: The general banner of Beizhen Fusi, a member of the surveillance team, suspected beforehand: morning [7 am to 9 am], Si time.

The above five people were the unlucky ones who could not prove their innocence during the inn’s fight against the bandits and were thrown into the Fusi Water Prison in Beizhen.

Although it is a basic principle for the secret service agencies to ‘might kill and not let go’ is the basic principle, Sun Shaozong, who has been in criminal investigation for many years, is still concerned about this.

Therefore, taking advantage of his free time, he first sorted out the timeline of the five people, hoping to find out the real culprit as soon as possible, and make the others fair.

In addition, given that their timelines have many overlaps, I am afraid that they have to mark out specific action roadmaps according to time segments.

"The first is Zhao Jiayi."

Sun Shaozong muttered to himself, looking through the thick pile of copies of the investigation file, searching for Zhao Jiayi's confession, and then finding out the details of Chenshi line by line.

He picked up the pen and dipped some ink, and was waiting for the comment on the left side of the timeline. By the way, I drew another sketch, and suddenly a cowering voice came from behind him: "Big...sir."

Sun Shaozong looked back and saw shopkeeper Wu and his wife walked into the guard room tremblingly under the ‘guard’ of the four small schools.

The reason why they are called ‘guards’, not escorts, is because the shopkeeper Wu and his wife are also in Mojiao Yunyun robes, and they are also eighth-grade small flag armbands.

Sun Shaozong looked up and down the couple a few times, and then helped the shopkeeper Wu sort out the wrinkles on the front.

Seeing him shrinking back subconsciously, he took the opportunity to put his hand on his shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't the clothes fit well, what are you doing with a frown? Come on, let me show you a smile first. "

Shopkeeper Wu's stiff face was distorted for a while, and he finally squeezed out a smiling face that was uglier than crying. After all kinds of things last night, his fear of Sun Shaozong had almost been rooted in the bones of his bones.

"Tsk, let them look at this appearance, and it is assumed that our Beizhen Fusi abused you." Sun Shaozong raised his chin and ordered: "Go, get a bronze mirror, let us Master Wu practice. How to laugh happily."

Before the words were over, a small school rushed out immediately.

Sun Shaozong left the shopkeeper Wu and turned back to the table. He was about to continue to improve the timeline of the five suspects. He suddenly heard Xu's disdainful ridicule: "This is the dignity you earned for betraying the sacred religion?!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Shopkeeper Wu was shocked, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover her mouth, and then turned to Sun Shaozong, who looked back, and smiled: "My lord, calm down, Jiannei is just... just not used to it for a while."

"Laughing this time, it's kind of interesting."

Sun Shaozong commented casually, then waved his hand like a fly, and said, "Take Mrs. Xu to the number C and see what those less decent ones look like."

"grown ups!"

Shopkeeper Wu was shocked, before he even thought about it, he knelt on his knees and begged: "I would like to ask your sir to show your kindness..."

"Don't worry, it's just a matter of turning around. I still point to your husband and wife for doing meritorious services. How could it be possible to harm her?"

Seeing what Sun Shaozong said, the shopkeeper Wu had to watch Xu's family and was taken out of the guard room by two small schools.

Not long after, the first small school brought the bronze mirror, but the shopkeeper Wu laughed out of nowhere, and made a lot of expressions in a panic, almost all of them could make the child stop crying.

I don’t know how long it took before I saw Xu’s full beard and tail turned back, but his face of indifference and disdain turned pale and Zhang Anxious. As soon as he entered the door, he approached the shopkeeper Wu and hung his head. I dare not say much.

"how is it."

Sun Shaozong paused for a while, then turned around and asked, "Compared with those people, is your husband decent?"

Xu hesitated for a moment, then nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, nodded and retched, and hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand.

But it turns out that in room C of the place, UU reading is not the other one, it is the thief who was chased yesterday and panicked and did not hesitate to throw into the river to escape.

At that time, there were about seven or eight jumping into the river, most of them were either burnt to coke or completely lost. Only two of them barely survived.

It can be said to have survived, but in fact, it is better to die.

Not to mention the extensive burns on his body, his eyes, ears, nose and mouth were all covered with burnt tung oil. Now he is blind and deaf, unable to speak, so he just hangs on and waits for death.

Originally, Sun Shaozong didn't intend to bring them back to Beizhen Fusi, but the two of them were captured by the people on the other side of the river. The people blissfully sent them to ask for rewards. It's not good to just throw them away as ‘trash’, right?

Simply use the waste to use it, and act as a killer.

Judging from Xu's reaction, the effect of this'killing wand' seems to be pretty good.

So Sun Shaozong immediately made a decision: "If a culprit wakes up later, send it to Room C to refresh yourself, and then ask Mrs. Wu and his wife to tell them the benefits of abandoning the dark and throwing light." 8)

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