Rewind the time two quarters of an hour ago. {随}{梦}щ{][lā}

Sun Shaozong was wondering how to get in touch with Ping'er in the front hall, so as to know the origin of the letters, but a woman suddenly came to the door, saying that Mrs. Wang invited him to speak.

Although Sun Shaozong was a little surprised, the current relationship between the two families, coupled with Mrs. Wang's over half a hundred years of age, didn't need to be too evasive.

So he followed the woman to the courtyard of Mrs. Wang.

After two greetings, they divided the guests and the host into their seats. Naturally, Mrs. Wang sat on the bed of Luohan, holding a wooden fish-like hand stove in her arms.

As a junior and a foreigner, Sun Shaozong couldn't keep up with her on that Arhat bed, so he set up another embroidered pier in Zhangxuyuan.

When he sat firmly on the embroidered pier, he couldn't help but asked: "I don't know if my aunt called my nephew to come over, but what can I tell you?"

"No instructions."

Mrs. Wang stroked the heater in her arms and sighed kindly: "It's just for the nephew of the family, I want to say something to Erlang with a thick face."

Sun Shaozong only thought she was talking about Baoyu, so he hurriedly got up from the embroidered dun and said, "My aunt is serious. Although Bao brother has never been in high school in this subject, he can be talented and will be named on the gold list in the future."

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Wang shook her head: "What I want to say today, if it's not the wicked Erlang and sit down, sit down and talk."

Not Baoyu?

Suspiciously, Sun Shaozong sat back on the embroidered pier, and heard Mrs. Wang say again: "But I don't know my nephew, but do you still remember the marriage that my son mentioned?"

It turned out to be for this!

Sun Shaozong was startled at first, but then he became puzzled again.

At the beginning, Jia Zheng intended to match Sun Shaozong and Xue Baochai, but later he was opposed by Mrs. Wang. In the end, he only left an ambiguous statement and took Auntie Zhao south to take office.

Now that Jia Zheng is still in school and has never returned to the capital, how can Mrs. Wang provoked this again?

Could it be...

Because Jia Baoyu’s love for Lin Daiyu is deeply rooted, it is really difficult to dismantle it; in addition, Lin Daiyu’s body and bones have become much healthier than before [Ran Rong said], so Wang's husband changed his mind and wanted to promise his niece to himself. ?

To say that Xue Baochai is a good match in terms of character and appearance, plus Xue Pan’s old father-in-law, Wang Zhe, will soon be in the cabinet...

Quickly thinking about the pros and cons, Sun Shaozong sneered: "Uncle Shi did mention a few words, but in a blink of an eye, Uncle Shi left Jiangnan outside, and my nephew didn't know if it was a joke or..."

"Marriage matters, how can it be a trifle?"

Madam Wang sternly said: "At the beginning, my grandson did intend to betroth girl Lin to you, but I saw that she was weak and I was afraid that it would delay your grandson's incense, so I tried my best to dissuade her."

"But in the past two years, Girl Lin has been healthy a lot since she has no worries about this aspect. After thinking about it, I think you and her are a good match."

Lin... Lin Daiyu? !

Sun Shaozong was stunned by hearing it. Wasn't it Xue Baochai that he was talking about at the beginning? How could this suddenly become Lin Daiyu? !

Besides, isn’t the issue of offspring an obstacle to Sister Lin’s marriage to Jia’s residence? How can this be on his own head?

I want to say a few words, but I know how to open my mouth. I can't say that I have already spotted Xue Baochai and are not interested in Lin Daiyu, right?

But Mrs. Wang's words were far from finished.

Seeing her breaking her fingers, she commented: "The fourth lords of the Lin family, Lundi will never wronged the nephew."

"If you want to talk about looks and talent, you've seen girl Lin, she's really a first-class character."

"the most important is……"

Having said this, she suddenly asked Sun Shaozong: "I heard that Erlang will still serve as a civil servant in the DPRK when he returns to Beijing this time, but I don't know if it is true?"

What does this have to do with whether to marry Lin Daiyu or not?

Sun Shaozong became more and more puzzled, but he was not easy to answer, so he bowed his hand in the direction of the palace and said: "My nephew just got his will yesterday, so he will go to Dali Temple soon."

Dali Temple?

If it were other yamen, Mrs. Wang really might not have guessed what position Sun Shaozong was going to hold, but isn't Liu Fang, who is from the Dali Temple's State House, just leaving the job of Shaoqing at Dali Temple?

For a while, Mrs. Wang couldn't help but feel jealous.

In the final analysis, Jia Zheng is only a fifth-grade official, and it is not far behind the top four-grade official positions such as Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

However, she immediately stopped thinking of this untimely thought, mainly because she didn't know that Sun Shaozong was still promoted to the first-class baron, otherwise she might not be able to stop and laughed: "Since this is the case, the Lin girl and the nephew complement each other even more. "

"Although I don't care about foreign affairs, I have heard that after Erlang was transferred from military attache to civilian position, he was repeatedly criticized by scholars. This is because of this amazing feat. Someone also said that you should be rewarded with martial arts. Re-enter the Wenchen sequence."

"Similar to these kinds of things, although I haven't done anything to Jiro at the moment, it will hinder your future after all."

"And Lin Jiazu has served as the chief examiner for the rural and social examinations, and his protégés do not know where he is, and his prestige in the literary world is even more extraordinary. The career of a virtuous nephew is so beneficial."

Not to mention, this reason really hit Sun Shaozong's weakness!

Although his journey was smooth after he was transferred to civil officials, the literati of the brand of literati squeezed them out intentionally or unintentionally, but they were everywhere.

And now that he has entered the high-grade sequence, and if he wants to move up again, in addition to his credits and qualifications, the so-called ‘clearness’ theory is like an invisible wall that actually stops in front of him.

If the Lin family’s legacy can be used to knock down this wall, even if it is just a gap, this marriage can be said to be worth the money!

Thinking about this, Sun Shaozong really has something...

Wrong, wrong!

Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu had no guesswork, and they had already privately decided for a lifetime. What did they mean by suddenly smashing in and forcibly robbing the younger brother's woman?

If this were spread out, wouldn't it ruin the name of "Benevolent and Unparalleled Sun Erlang"?


After weighing the pros and cons, Sun Shaozong immediately stood up and said solemnly: "A gentleman does not take the love of a gentleman. Brother Bao has always..."

"Jiro, don't misunderstand!"

Mrs. Wang hurriedly put in: "The two brothers and sisters, although they have been together since childhood, have nothing to do with politeness! Besides, you also know Baoyu’s dispositions. Today I am better with this one, and tomorrow I prefer to hang around with that one, but It's the child's temperament. How can there be any relationship between men and women?"

What this said...

Don't say that Sun Shaozong is now. I'm afraid that she didn't even believe that when Jia Baoyu was poisoned, several maids who lost their bodies were found out.

However, as an elder, Mrs. Wang was so open-eyed to talk nonsense, but Sun Shaozong was not easy to expose it face to face.

I had to change the subject and questioned: "Auntie, I remember what Uncle Shi said at the time, it doesn't seem to be..."


Without waiting to say everything, Mrs. Wang suddenly grumbled: "Do you dislike Lin Girl and lost her parents Yiping, so you just perfunct me?"


With this tone of voice, how much do you want to take Lin Daiyu out?

However, she is usually used to being condescending, but she forgot that Sun Shaozong was not at the mercy of anyone!


Sun Shaozong got up and said, "You just said that this important marriage event is not a trifling matter. Even if Ms. Lin is a good match, you must first ask my brother and sister... what they mean."

Speaking of the word "brother and sister" Sun Shaozong suddenly wanted to understand, what is the confidence of Mrs. Wang's Lalang match today.

Youdao is the elder sister-in-law like a mother, and since the Sun family has no serious elders, the marriage of Sun Shaozong, Jia Yingchun, the elder sister-in-law, naturally has a decisive right to speak.

Sure enough, when he heard that Sun Shaozong mentioned his brother and sister-in-law, Mrs. Wang nodded again and again: "It should be so, it should be so. Erlang just discuss with brother Ling, girl Lin has me and your uncle in charge, even Baoyu knows , And will definitely approve of this marriage."


Jia Baoyu will agree to have ghosts...


Looking at Mrs. Wang's determined posture, I am afraid that she has already figured out the means to deal with her son.

In other words...

If Jia Baoyu really complies, how should he deal with it?

Is it to continue to reject this marriage, or to just follow the flow of the boat...

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