Qiu Yunfei stepped on the snow to the outside of the pavilion, but Xue Pan was the first to greet him.

Seeing him a few times, suppressing the spicy taste in his mouth, he shook his brain and ridiculed: "Old man, your body is getting more and more stable, the second brother's treat, and it's so late!"


Qiu Yunfei glared at him, then sneered at each other: "I'm fatter and stronger than you!"

Although the two of them were holding each other's mouths, there was no annoyance on their faces, and it seemed that they were used to nonsense.

This is also Xue Pan's rare advantage, he is familiar with himself, and he can get along with anyone.

Of course, sometimes it is inevitable that a hot face is put on a cold buttocks.

After finishing Xue Pan, Qiu Yunfei hurriedly bowed to Sun Shaozong and said with a wry smile: "My lord, I originally wanted to find out some eyebrows, and then I will reply to you. Whoever thinks of tossing for a long time will be a void.

But it turned out that in the past two days, Qiu Yunfei first checked the list of beggars who had escaped and fled, and then sent people to the Yahang and the Department of Health and Welfare to verify the situation. The result was very little.

This afternoon, he ordered someone to look up the list of missing reports in the homes of gentry officials and officials in recent years. However, the criminal justice officer checked up and down, but it was still to no avail.

It's not that the Shuntianfu Road hasn't been picked up recently, and even a lost case has disappeared, but that at this age of about ten years old, it is really out of reach.

Generally, people traffickers abduct and sell at most five or six-year-old children who are about ten years old, and their minds have developed to a certain level. Even if they are abducted by human traffickers, they can probably remember their parents and family.

These years are not like later generations, and can still sell an organ or something.

And another group that is easy to'get lost' is the fifteen- or six-year-old maids and small servants, and they often form a couple when they are lost.

In short, Qiu Yunfei searched through various reports of loss, but he did not find a few that met the inferred age.

"There are four or five of those who have reported the loss seriously, but most of them are idiots. I am afraid that the possibility of losing is greater."

If it is really easy to kidnap children with cerebral palsy, what use can it be to get a group of stupid children back?

Even if you want to engage in cult rituals, you are not so unscrupulous, right?

After excluding children with cerebral palsy, where did the children who left various marks in Zhang Biao's house come from?

Could it be that it was abducted from another place?

If this were the case, it would be difficult to find out what happened...

"grown ups."

Sun Shaozong was thinking about the case for himself, and he heard Qiu Yunfei say again: "What can be investigated on the bright side, I have not been able to investigate much, and I have to look more closely. First, I must think of a serious name. It's good to send more manpower; second time..."

Having said that, he spread the two fat and thin together, and said helplessly: "That Zhang An now insists that it was he who killed Zhang Biao after drinking. If he is sentenced to a decisive decision, let's find out something. I'm afraid it's too late."

Zhang Biao is suspected of partnering with others, abducting and killing young children, after all, it is only Sun Shaozong and others' speculation.

Although there is a certain degree of certainty in my heart, this person will not see people or corpses. If you want to formally file a case, I am afraid that you still owe some consideration.

Especially in the Shuntian government, Qiu Yunfei's face was smashed by Qiu Yunfei not long ago because of the black post. I am afraid that he may not support him expending a lot of manpower and material resources to investigate a speculation that has not yet found evidence.

As for Zhang An’s verdict...

"Don't worry first."

Sun Shaozong said, raising his hand sideways and letting in, signalling Qiu Yunfei to sit in and speak first.

After Qiu Yunfei and everyone in the room had finished talking, he continued: "You should pay attention to this case first. Don't mobilize people to investigate it. When I get to Dali Temple, I will make my own plans."

"grown ups!"

When Qiu Yunfei heard this, he stood up and reminded: "According to the rules of avoiding suspicion, you are afraid that you can't take over this case, sir? Don't delay your great future for the sake of a single-minded one!"

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

Sun Shaozong said, and laughed: "Well, let's not talk about these annoying things. Since this is a private dinner, don't take it for an adult. If you don't dislike it, just call the second brother."

Qiu Yunfei longed for this, and changed his name with joy now.

Since then, everyone has stopped mentioning any official duties, and drank the cup for a drink.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, every one of them will lose their mouths.

The maternal and child of the county magistrate was not married, and gave birth to a son to be a grandson, but the eldest son broke the secret, and was dismissed from office and assigned to Yunnan.

What Xicheng’s external official pavilion was rebuilt, and a half-person tall Tai Sui was dug out, and the Ministry of Engineering had built a water and land dojo in Yamen for more than a month. It was foggy all day, and even the plaque of the Ministry of Engineering had black core .

What is the Western Mongolian Wacha tribe, as its power has grown in the past two years, it has become more and more arrogant. The court was furious.

In short, it is the sky and the ground, the wine is strong, and it doesn't matter whether the introduction is matched or not.

Speaking of rise, Liu Xianglian drew his sword and danced in the snow, Qiu Yunfei and Xue Pan rapped with cups and plates, and Jia Baoyu screamed assault while holding a pillar...

In addition, Sun Shaozong and Feng Ziying were quite stable, and they only applauded to cheer.

According to this interest, I was afraid that a drink would have to be caused until the middle of the night.

Unexpectedly, Xue Pan used too much force and smashed the plate containing the chili noodles, and the blood was flowing in the palm of his straight hand.

Regardless of him, he still clamored to have a taste of the chili noodles dipped in human blood.

Sun Shaozong didn't dare to make him foolish, and hurriedly asked Feng Ziying to come forward and send the servant to the hospital for bandaging.

In this way, the banquet naturally broke up.

However, it was said that Sun Shaozong sent away Qiu Yunfei and Jia Baoyu again, and waited so a year ago, but Liu Xianglian was not seen coming out, for fear that he would also have some fun, and he was busy and found the pavilion.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived in the backyard, I saw Liu Xianglian sitting alone at the table, swallowing tea, although there was a bit of tiredness between her eyebrows, she was not too drunk.

When Sun Shaozong saw this, he sat on the opposite side and put the tea cup in front of him. After Liu Xianglian raised the teapot to help fill it up, he said, "Tell me, how did you figure it out this time? When I want you to be the master, you will shirk in every possible way."

"I can't say that I figured it out."

Liu Xianglian wiped her face vigorously, and sighed rather sullenly: "It's just that she has recognized her own weight."

After finishing speaking, seeing Sun Shaozong fixedly looking at himself, apparently waiting for the following, he smiled bitterly: "Last summer, the old Xue had a birthday, and the third sister also followed. Whoever thinks it would be good for the old woman to be the mother-in-law. Practice..."

Before he could finish speaking, Sun Shaozong had already lowered his face and asked, "How did Xue Pan deal with it?"

"I didn't talk about it with Old Xue."

Liu Xianglian said: "It's the daughter of the Wang family who looks down on people, and I have nothing to do with Old Xue. You know my second brother. You've always been heartless and don't know what shame is, but I went home and listened to my third sister that day. Speaking of this, my heart, my heart...tsk!"

He smacked his mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ grabbed the tea and poured it in, then lifted the pot to refill it, only to pour the bottom of the cup, and there was no water in the pot.

"Unlucky! Here comes..."


Seeing him raising his voice to call someone, Sun Shaozong pushed his cup over and said with a serious face: "If you really want to be motivated, I will talk to the big brother, and I will let you make up in Shenjiying..."

"Second brother."

Liu Xianglian shook her head and smiled bitterly: "When my mother died, I was ordered not to go to the army to serve my life, so I only took the official career examination at the beginning. Unfortunately, I am unbelievable, but now I am afraid I can only rely on my second brother."

When the grandson and the fathers of Liu's second family were killed from the **** sea of ​​the dead mountain, they were killed by a sacred letter. It is no wonder that Liu's mother felt resentful about this.

"Then follow me in the yamen first!" Since it was his mother's death, Sun Shaozong changed his words: "When there is a suitable opportunity in the future, I will help you place a regular business student!"

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