After listening to Su Xingfang's narration, Sun Shaozong was silent for a long while, the first to ask was what the black post master had done.

"That night, because I hadn't dealt with some official duties clearly, I stayed at the county government office Bingzhuwu. He suddenly appeared in the shadow between the living room and the inner room, and then broke my true identity."

"He is dressed in night clothes and a black scarf. He really can't see his appearance clearly, but he is very tall and tall. Compared with your grandson, I am afraid it is only slightly inferior."

"He suffocated his throat and took another mouthful of Beijing accent, so he couldn't hear any clues."


Sun Shaozong was very disappointed by the old clichés before. He suddenly heard the phrase ‘but’, and he was busy and concentrated again.

"Although he is trying his best to control in front of me, he should like to gesture very much when talking to people."

"In addition, the calluses on his hands are a bit weird, similar to the uncle who often talks to the single-handed man, but they have calluses on both hands."

"Also, when he mentioned your grandson, he didn't seem to have any special mood swings, but this was obviously not in line with what he explained."


The biggest mistake of the man in black was to hit Su Xingfang with his idea!

The people who were instigated by people in black in the past were either traffickers or pawns, or poor scholars with chivalrous hearts. They had many biased eyesight and insights.

However, Su Xingfang is a middle-to-low-level official who has been accustomed to the world since he was a child and has several years of experience in handling cases!

Of course, he also saw more details than others!

Tall and burly-I knew it from the beginning.

Abundant body language-generally appearing in people who are extroverted and accustomed to expressing emotions.

When talking about Sun Shaozong, he covered up the mood swings-this is the most abnormal place. He obviously took the initiative to make a provocative move, and he obviously had a grudge against Sun Shaozong.

The behavior does not match the emotional performance, it must be to hide something, and this concealed thing is 80% related to Sun Shaozong!

As for the calluses on both hands...

and many more!

In Sun Shaozong's mind, a person suddenly appeared, a guy who had been forgotten by him for a long time. In the case of the blood word, Fusiquan in the north town of the hand blade was Qian Ning, and then with his own help, he absconded and escaped. Ding Xiu from Beijing!

This guy is just a tall person who likes to express emotions with body language.

And the Miaodao he is good at is a two-handed weapon.

If the man in black is really him, then he will subconsciously cover up his emotions, and it will become a smooth matter-because he really knows himself!


Even though Na Ding Xiu had some abilities, he was still a few blocks short of the ability that the man in black showed.

Not to mention his temperament for money, how could he run to ‘justice’ inexplicably?

Could it be that……

He is actually not the master of the black posts, but the subordinates or mercenaries of the master of the black posts?

"From Su's opinion."

When Sun Shaozong was opening his brain, he heard Su Xingfang say again: "The master of the black post, about Mo is lurking in Fusi in Beizhen!"


This guy's brain is bigger than himself!

Sun Shaozong hurriedly asked: "What do you say?"

"No one knows that Su was born in the White Lotus Sect. After thinking about it, it is only possible that the spies of Ge Zhe and others are quietly let go of that day. It is possible to hear about me from Aunt Li."

"After all, the spies who can mix into Beizhen Fusi's position in the education must be higher than me."

"As for the cases committed by the master of the black post, how can it be done without the all-pervasive Beizhen Fusi as backing?"

This reasoning is quite reasonable.

It's a pity that the mysterious person at the time has already been arrested.

Of course, Sun Shaozong didn't need to elaborate with him, nodded noncommittal at the moment, and began to question the inside story of the White Lotus Sect.

However, Su Xingfang was only in one-line contact with Aunt Li at the beginning, and some of the rare inside stories were also heard from her - and these inside stories, Aunt Li's men had already confessed.

After repeatedly asking a few questions and confirming that he had not lied, Sun Shaozong completely lost his career.

And then, it's time to consider how to deal with Su Xingfang!

Sun Shaozong walked his hands back and forth in the autopsy room with his hands down, scanning Su Xingfang from time to time.

To be honest, this Su Xingfang is a rare talent, and even a good official who works hard!

And the Daoyan master and apprentice, Cao Xiji and others who died in his hands are also considered dead. When Cao Shiji was in Shanxi and Gansu, there were hundreds of lawsuits under his hands.


Sun Shaozong stopped in front of Su Xingfang, staring into his eyes and said: "You are afraid that only one will die, and it must be a confession!"

No matter how rare the talent is, Sun Shaozong dared not put such a time bomb in his hands. After all, Zhao Jiayi had heard about it, and it was difficult to guarantee that he would not secretly investigate.

"As for your wives and children... I can only promise to try my best to keep them, and if things are not in harmony, I can only blame them for their bad luck."

It is estimated that few people will agree to such ambiguous promises.

But Su Xingfang is undoubtedly a smart man. He knew that he had no room for bargaining at all, and he would be lucky if he could get Sun Shaozong's promise to help!

Therefore, after hearing this, he kowtowed without hesitation: "Thank you for taking care of it! Su Xingfang has nothing to do in this life, the next life..."

"Don't rush to talk about the afterlife, first talk about the present!"

Sun Shaozong interrupted him and asked again and again: "What should you do with your mother?"

Sun Shaozong originally thought that he would definitely appeal again, after all, he was a well-known filial son in Beijing.

Surprisingly, Su Xingfang was silent for a moment, but he solemnly requested, "Master Sun, please allow Su to go home and say goodbye to his This answer is not what you asked, can it be said...

Sun Shaozong looked at him fixedly for a long while, and finally nodded in response.


Half an hour later, the Su family's small ancestral hall.


The sound of the wooden door opening was not loud, but it instantly moved more than a dozen pairs of eyes.

Under the gaze of everyone, Su Xingfang walked out of the ancestral hall like a walking corpse, standing in front of the crowd for a long time, only then opened his mouth and revealed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"My mother heard that I made such a big mistake, and she committed suicide in anger."

A very brief sentence, but it gave the people a sense of blood and tears.

Sun Shaozong waved his hand, and Huang Bin immediately led someone in, and soon returned with a weird expression, saying that the old lady had indeed committed suicide.

When it comes to the word ‘self-sufficiency’, he obviously hesitated a little, obviously he found something strange.

However, Sun Shaozong was willing to let Su Xingfang come back to see his mother, which was a bit weird, so he didn't dare to speak rashly-anyway, Sun Shaozong would be able to see the clue as long as he entered.

But how can Sun Shaozong go in for investigation?

As early as when I saw Su Xingfang when he came out, I knew what was going on.

Killing the uncle first, then killing the mother, this dutiful son is really complete!

But if he didn't do this, he wouldn't be able to escape any of them, and even the whole family would go to Huangquan together neatly.

And Su's mother would definitely suffer all kinds of torture before she died.

He killed his uncle, he murdered his mother, but he knew he was—well, he shouldn't have that cheeky.


Sun Shaozong sighed and raised his hand: "Come here, take prisoner Sun Xingfang back to Dali Temple for interrogation."

Two times, they all responded together, but suddenly there was a voice outside the courtyard wall:

"Master Sun, wait a minute!" ()

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