The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 736: Should still be daily

The reason why Xing Xiuyan came here early in the morning in Sun’s carriage was naturally because Jia Yingchun heard that Xing Zhong was very dangerous last night and was afraid that he would take the responsibility, so he sent someone to the Rongguo Mansion before dawn.

Xing Xiuyan's mother heard that her husband was drinking bile, and she was immediately angry and annoyed, and she refused to come and look at him.

In desperation, Xing Xiuyan could only show his face.

Fortunately, the two families are considered relatives, and they have just been here a few days ago, so there is not much to pass.

I just never thought that when I hurried along the way, I ran into Sun Shaozong in front of the corner gate.

At the moment when the eyes were facing each other, Xing Xiuyan was actually quite embarrassed.

After all, after she was a guest at Sun's Mansion, she also had some absurd thoughts that she shouldn't have. At this time, she suddenly ran into the master, and she was unavoidably ashamed.

But after all, she was a precocious Neihui, and she didn't want to let her temperament be foolish. Instead, she forced her messy mood back and got off the car and took the initiative to thank Sun Shaozong.

"My father has nothing to do, so I prefer to take care of Mr. Sun."

Seeing her saying a blessing, neither humble nor arrogant, that Ying Ge's green skirt stood in the snow, just like a daffodil blooming in the snow.

Although not enchanting, it is better than freshness and tenderness.

Sun Shaozong gave a secret compliment in his heart, and then wondered that Jia Baoyu really deserves to be the hero of the original book. There is no time to cut the young cabbage around here.

In other words...

Is this original work a love tragedy, or is it the end of a stallion?

Thinking of these, Sun Shaozong also smiled: "Sister Xing does not need to be polite. It was mainly Baoyu and Sister-in-law who were busy yesterday, but I just moved my mouth."

Then he said, "I was anxious to go to the Yamen to handle official affairs, but I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I can't accompany my sister to the guest room of the Dongkuayuan."

Xing Xiuyan saw that he was not taking credit, so he bowed and saluted again, and then retreated to the side.

And the carriage she was riding in was from the Sun's house, so how could the coachman dare to stop the second master?

Pulling the reins early and flashing far away.

Therefore, after Sun Shaozong got into the car again, the horse with four hoofs kicked and stepped out of the corner.

Until the carriage that watched Sun Shaozong go away, Xing Xiuyan turned around and asked the coachman: "I'm afraid I will take me to the guest room where my father is."

The coachman did not dare to leave his post without authorization, and he succumbed to Xing Xiuyan. He went to the stable and greeted his companion first, and then led Xing Xiuyan to the guest room of the Dongkuayuan.

Talk less gossip.

But when it comes to the small courtyard where Xing Zhong is located, Jia Baoyu is not in the next room, and even takes his little servants to hide away.

Only the wife sent by the mandarin ducks was waiting nearby.

At this time, Xing Zhong was already awake for the most part, and his old face was sullenly slumped, competing with a cup of medicated diet that nourishes the stomach and nourishes qi.

Seeing his daughter come in from the outside, he finally showed a smile, put the medicated meal on the bedside, and waved again and again: "My dear daughter, Dad knows that the first person to come to see me, you are right!"

"Mother is also thinking about you, but it's just the weather, I'm afraid she accidentally falls again, so I rushed over."

As Xing Xiuyan said, he picked up the medicated food and took the spoon to test the temperature. While delivering it to Xing Zhong's mouth, he couldn't help but persuade: "Father, it's not your daughter who said you, you are all this age. Why don't you know how to cherish your body?"


Xing Zhong snorted coldly, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly closed his mouth and looked straight at the woman who was slanted.

Seeing this, Xing Xiuyan first took out a dozen coppers from his sleeve, thought about it, and replaced it with half a coin, and stuffed it into the woman’s hand calmly, apologizing: "Thanks to the sister-in-law yesterday. For support, although the money is less, it is still my heart. Sister-in-law Wanwang must not dislike it."

"I can't, I can't! It stands to reason that we shouldn't collect this money either."

The woman smiled and waved her hand straight, with a mouthful of surrender, but she had already put the reward into her bag.

Then she thanked her again, and then resigned from the guest room with interest.


As soon as the woman's front foot went out, Xing Zhong slammed a fist on the edge of the bed and said angrily: "This son of a **** has lost money in the world!"

"Father! Keep your voice down!"

Xing Xiuyan was bluffed by him, and hurriedly went to the door to spy out.

After the crack of the door, she saw that the woman had reached the bottom of the doorway, and she was happily joking with her, and she was relieved.

Turning his head back, he couldn't help but said: "Father, how much did you drink yesterday? How come this is the time, still full of nonsense!"

"Where am I talking nonsense?"

Seeing his daughter's behavior, Xing Zhong also knew that he had acted recklessly, but how could he confess his fault in front of his daughter?

So he stalked his neck and insisted: "Just talk about yesterday, and say it was your uncle's treat, but when he came to him, he even urged that there was something wrong with a stone nerd, and it would pass later. In the end, even No one is seen."

When he said this, he gritted his teeth more and more, clutching the mattress on the bed, and said bitterly: "Those naive embryos have eaten a full twelve and twenty-seven dollars, and then the soles of their feet are greasy, and I alone threw your father and me on. In the shop!"

"If it wasn't for the second room's son who happened to pass by, you should go to the restaurant to redeem me today!"

Although the price of goods in the capital is not comparable to other places, twelve and twenty-seven dollars is enough for the banker to spend half a year.

Therefore, Xing Xiuyan couldn't help but slander her uncle when she heard the words. It's just that as a junior, she is now under the fence. She is not willing to talk about the length of the person behind her back.

So I just persuaded: "Father, as the saying goes, eat a ditch and grow a wiser, you will spend less time with those people in the future and find a decent camp..."


Xing Xiuyan wanted his dad to find a proper business student, but before he could finish talking, Xing Zhong answered the wrong idea and rushed to say: "Our family should find a serious support!"

Seriously relying?

The master who doesn't depend on my aunt, but where can I look for serious support?

Therefore, Xing Xiuyan shook his head disapprovingly and said: "Father, it is better to ask for help than for yourself. If we can gain a foothold in this capital with our, wouldn't it be better to rely on others everywhere?"

It's a pity that Xing Zhong's left ear went in and the right ear came out of her remarks, but his eyes wandered around, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Seeing this, Xing Xiuyan could only sigh, and silently scooped up the medicated food and fed it to Xing Zhong.

"Good girl, what do you say is in this medicated diet? Bird's nest is not like bird's nest, it smells strange when chewing."

About Mo felt that the atmosphere was a little depressed, Xing Zhong chewed and asked absently.

I heard someone outside suddenly laughed and said: "This is a serious swiftlet bird's nest. It is more than ten times more expensive than a normal bird's nest. That is to say, our master and wife are too lavish and can't bear to wait for idlers to serve guests."

But it turned out that it was the woman who was just now, and returned with a pot of warm water.

Xing Xiuyan hurriedly got up and took it in his hand, and then politely declined the proposal of the woman to stay and wait for the washing.

The woman was finally sent away, but she turned around to see Xing Zhongzheng staring at the medicated meal with his eyes shining brightly, as if he was about to squeeze the eyeballs in, so as to get rich.

Xing Xiuyan sighed helplessly, and stepped forward to take up the medicated meal again and said: "Since it's my sister's heart, let's not waste it."

Xing Zhong opened his mouth to catch a spoonful, and he felt that it was a hundred times more delicious than before, so before he finished chewing, he hurriedly opened his mouth to signal his daughter to continue feeding.

Just like this, I ate the medicated meal clean. Xing Zhongza felt it for a long time, and suddenly said: "My dear daughter, I probably hurt my internal organs yesterday, I'm afraid I will stay here for a few days. Just get up."

"How does this make?"

Xing Xiuyan couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and said anxiously: "It was a coincidence yesterday. Now that you are sober up, how can you continue to trouble..."

"No trouble, no trouble!"

Xing Zhong waved his hand again and again: "You stay in this mansion, and wait for me for a few days."

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